alpha males antifeminism beta males boner rage dozens of upvotes evil single moms evil women evo psych fairy tales female beep boop grandiosity irony alert it's science! marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim PUA racism rape culture red pill reddit straw feminists things that aren't rape thug-lovers

Red Pill Dudes: Marriage is worse than rape, but the feminist attack on marriage is even worser

Barley: The ultimate feminist weapon?
Barley: The ultimate feminist weapon?

So the uber-manly woman-hating woman-chasing alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit are discussing the declining marriage rate. Which is a GOOD thing. Because marriage is for BETAs and FRUMPY WOMEN! It’s worse than RAPE!

Marriage is RAPE - so if marriage goes down, then it's a good thing.      permalink     source     give gold     save     hide child comments  [–]Max___Power 49 points 1 day ago (64|15)  No, it's worse. Marriage is institutionally promoted to men as a positive. If I ever took a contract to my lawyer where the other party could opt out at any time AND take 50% of MY shit with them, he'd chase me out of his office and yell at me to find a hobby. Yet men willingly purchase $30,000 flawed rocks for the privilege of asking a frumpy woman to sign such a contract. LO freaking L, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Huh. If any of these Red Pill dudes were to get married I’m pretty sure it would be be a completely, you know, consensual act on their part. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t rape a, you know, nonconsensual thing? (Reading the Red Pill subreddit, it’s sometimes hard to remember.)

At this point a fellow calling himself TheZimmerMan throws in his two cents on the subject. Like his fellow Red Pill alpha dudes, he’s no fan of marriage. But then he  remembers that feminists are supposedly plotting to take down western civilization by destroying marriage.  And feminists are bad, right? And so his brain sort of explodes, producing this wondrous bit of red pill word salad, sprinkled liberally with racism as well as misogyny:

TheZimmerMan 11 points 22 hours ago (21|10)  Society pressures men and women are fed that they need it since they are old enough to Disney. It is good that men are not allowing themselves to be victimized in this fashion, but remember that the dissolvation of the nuclear family was a feminist goal from day one. They want every one to be forced into a martiarchical structure by removing the father figure just like socially engineered anti-intellectualism and thug culture has influenced black families nationwide. They want everyone to be on welfare barley subsiding as the actual working men shoulder the burden by paying lifetime alimony, crippling child support, excessive taxes for entitlements, and other state enforced wealth transfers while being denied traditional provider respect and benefits. This is a mere segment of their war against everything it means to be a man as they seek social enslavement, state enforced burdens, and general malice towards our kind.  Thank God for red pill wisdom of female biological imperatives and alphaism allowing men to still retain personal control over our lives, it is the only thing confronting this madness of the ultimate shit test against the human race.

Wow.  Just wow.

I’ve never seen “Disney” used as a verb before.

Also, I’m not exactly sure what “they want everyone to be on welfare barley subsiding” means. Unless the government has started up some sort of barley redistribution system I can only assume he meant “barely subsisting.”

I also like the complaint about how the “actual working man” pays for all these evil welfare moms while “being denied traditional provider respect and benefits.”

In misogynist-speak, that’s code for “how come we have to pay money for welfare when we don’t even get to fuck the welfare moms and boss them around?”

Red Pill dudes: please continue your marriage strike. Also consider: A vow of silence? Moving to a desert island? Living the rest of your life in a hole in the ground?

(Thanks to Gemma_Lou in the Blue Pill subreddit for pointing me to this wondrous Red Pill discussion.)

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11 years ago

Just curious – what is the age at which people are allowed to Disney? Can we also Nickelodeon at that age?

Also, I’m celiac so cannot subside on welfare barley. Can I apply for welfare buckwheat? Teff, perhaps? So many questions.

LBT I dated a guy who thought that way (and stalked me), which is why I dated him for 5 (long, awful) years. Not physically abusive, but emotionally manipulative and abusive, gaslighting, etc. If I brke up with him he’d break into my house when everyone was asleep and sneak into my bed, so I’d find him there when I got home; or, he’d hide in the living room and come at me; or millions of other things. I was so young, not emotionally strong, and easy to wear down. I finally got rid of him when he left the country.

11 years ago

Right, shorter list. Things these dudes do understand. Erm, bear with me a minute. Ok, they understand:

Talking. Loudly. While ignoring what anyone else is saying.

11 years ago

LBT, Tracy, sorry you had that done to you.

11 years ago

Titianblue: Your first list, while a good start, would really need to include ‘men’, too, at a bare minimum. I mean, I damn well know they wouldn’t understand me, or most of my male friends.

Tracy: I’m glad to hear you’re out of that situation, and sorry it happened in the first place.

11 years ago

titianblue: I don’t think they understand it, just know how to do it.

11 years ago

Freemage: I’m embarrassed to have not included “men”. For once “what about the menz” is justified.

11 years ago

Tracy, that’s terrible! Glad he’s long gone.

11 years ago

Here’s a boost to Marriage Equality: Servicemembers in Marriage Inequality States will get 10-days leave to get married

What that means is if they are stationed at Dugway (in Utah) and wish to marry, they get 10 days leave (implication is non-chargeable; i.e. free) to go to Calif/Mass/Vermont/New York, etc. to get married.

This is one of the things the military is good at: Command Authority allows for some solid driving of policy (think Truman and Segregation: though that was obstructed by the Navy until 1972).

11 years ago

I read this and I think: here is yet another MRA who thinks able, adult white men are the only people who can truly own money or property. Anytime a MOC or a woman or a disabled person or a child has money, it is theft from a white dude somewhere, because everything belongs to them in the first place.

11 years ago

Right, shorter list. Things these dudes do understand.

There’s a good chance that some of them understand that the earth goes around the sun & not the other way around. But otherwise I got nothing

11 years ago

Like, uh. Yeah. Why would you want to be married to someone who DIDN’T want to be married to you?

Control. They are the abusers’ lobby after all.

11 years ago

RE: Tracy

Bummer. Sorry your abuser was more competent than ours was. He couldn’t even keep a grip on a dissociative multi teenager for more than a year. I wish yours had been similarly pathetic.

Ally S
11 years ago


You forgot consent and sexual harassment.

11 years ago
Michael Søndberg Olsen

I’ve never understood the need to be a controlling jackass in a relationship. Why the fuck would you want to be with someone who doesn’t want you…. unless you’re a scary creep.or unhealthily obsessed.

11 years ago

When I was a kid there was a teevee show on called Divorce Court where people had to prove their spouse was abusive or cheating in order for the court to allow them to divorce.
More than anything else I credit that teevee show for convincing people that divorce law had to be changed. It was horrific.

11 years ago

I watched Fantasia with my kids today, so all of us are old enough to Disney. A few years back, my kid cried at the theater because The Princess and the Frog scared him, so he was not old enough to Disney at that time. Nobody is old enough for Bambi, though, because it’s too sad.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

thebionicmommy — I didn’t see all of Bambi for years, my mother quite rightly decided not to ruin the cute animals with the actual plot. Cuz yeah, that is not a happy sort of Disney’ing (hey MRAs, verging noun is not new, but to Disney?! That makes no sense!)

Tracy — your ex is a bad person who should feel bad.

“I started compiling a list of things of which these dudes have no understanding:”

Research methods and interpretation
Conditional clauses
Anything related to women’s beauty standards (closely related to fashion and style, but less personal choice-y)
Rape culture
Schrodinger’s Rapist (or cat for that matter)
Cats and other animals, but mostly cats

I was going to give up there, but I need to note one more…empathy

11 years ago

The Night on Bare Mountain sequence in Fantasia scared the bejezus out of me the first time I saw it, but in later years it was my favourite part. One Disneys differently with age.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Which was near the top of your list, it bears repeating though, being Very Important to basic human decency 101

11 years ago

Things MRAs don’t understand?

Everything except how to ragefroth on a computer.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

*bows to Argenti* How is basic fuckin’ empathy so hard for so many? It breaks my fuckin’ brain.

11 years ago

Enh, there’s a lot of reasons people turn off their empathy, or never have it turned on in the first place. Narcissism. Simplifies the world if you just see other people as obstacles to overcome, or plot elements in the great Legend of You. And also, some societies reward it. It’s reassuring to think that they aren’t REALLY deserving of such things, not like you, because then you can go about your life and never have to question your behavior.

11 years ago

I read Bambi long before I saw the film (which I saw in a theater, ca. 1980). The book is great. The film is pretty damned accurate. Uncle Walt knew what he was doing.