So the uber-manly woman-hating woman-chasing alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit are discussing the declining marriage rate. Which is a GOOD thing. Because marriage is for BETAs and FRUMPY WOMEN! It’s worse than RAPE!
Huh. If any of these Red Pill dudes were to get married I’m pretty sure it would be be a completely, you know, consensual act on their part. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t rape a, you know, nonconsensual thing? (Reading the Red Pill subreddit, it’s sometimes hard to remember.)
At this point a fellow calling himself TheZimmerMan throws in his two cents on the subject. Like his fellow Red Pill alpha dudes, he’s no fan of marriage. But then he remembers that feminists are supposedly plotting to take down western civilization by destroying marriage. And feminists are bad, right? And so his brain sort of explodes, producing this wondrous bit of red pill word salad, sprinkled liberally with racism as well as misogyny:
Wow. Just wow.
I’ve never seen “Disney” used as a verb before.
Also, I’m not exactly sure what “they want everyone to be on welfare barley subsiding” means. Unless the government has started up some sort of barley redistribution system I can only assume he meant “barely subsisting.”
I also like the complaint about how the “actual working man” pays for all these evil welfare moms while “being denied traditional provider respect and benefits.”
In misogynist-speak, that’s code for “how come we have to pay money for welfare when we don’t even get to fuck the welfare moms and boss them around?”
Red Pill dudes: please continue your marriage strike. Also consider: A vow of silence? Moving to a desert island? Living the rest of your life in a hole in the ground?
(Thanks to Gemma_Lou in the Blue Pill subreddit for pointing me to this wondrous Red Pill discussion.)
I never knew feminists *wanted* me to be on welfare! Mind, the only other option for me right now would be “literal starvation and homelessness” in the Howard Bann1ster sense of ‘literal’, so I do actually *want* to be on welfare and anyone who disagrees can kiss both my hairy dimpled buttcheeks (jk, my butt cheeks aren’t actually hairy, at least moreso than anyone else’s).
Here I’d thought a lot of feminists across the many and multiple grains of feminism (grains! barley! I digress again) were kind of clueless and class-privileged^? Must be that my connection to the Hive Mind is shorting out.
^ Unlike when antifeminists point this out, I point it out not to discredit feminism, but simply because it’s true. Just like “many feminists still have race issues” is true. Because, you know, we don’t live in a post-race, post-class world any more than we live in a post-feminist world and, as human beings (yes! yes we are!) feminists absorb wider cultural messages that aren’t magically expunged as soon as we take up the mantle of feminism. Here’s a big fat Ha Ha Fuck You to all the morons who say “feminists think all women, including other feminists, are perfect and blameless in every way!”
Also wouldn’t it be hilarious if one of the ZimmerMen was actually the real George Zimmerman, hiding behind the assumption that it couldn’t possibly be him, and he was caught in the act of being a disgusting racist? It would seem only fair, given that he wasn’t caught in his biggest act of disgusting racism, ie the act of profiling, stalking, and killing Trayvon Martin.
It would make awesome evidence if his case ever does go before a federal grand jury.
Civilization has Gorean roots? Oh dear.
And oh dear to everything else too. What is it these dudes have about chairs?
Okay, as abysmal and pathetic as that screed was, can I take a moment to say I actually kind of like “to Disney” as a verb? Maybe it’s just because my wife used to work at Disneyland, and her best friend/man of honor still does, but it appeals to me.
And yes, Vox Day getting the boot is a lovely, lovely thing.
Someone needs to tell these guys that the thing with cavemen hitting cavewomen over the head with clubs and dragging them off only happens in cartoons.
@Argenti Aertheri–
Barbara — if this comes off as angry, it’s that I’m particularly touchy in the matter currently, sop lease take this as a reasoned argument, not an attack.
But they aren’t mentally ill. Or rather, if they are, which, statistically, some of them are, it isn’t relevant to them being hateful bigots. Plenty of mentally I’ll people, such as myself and more than a few other people here, see the MRM as the assholes they are. And plenty of mentally healthy people don’t.
I really am sorry–I should have put it some other way–like emotionally healthy.
@guffaw-ferrets |
Here’s a big fat Ha Ha Fuck You to all the morons who say “feminists think all women, including other feminists, are perfect and blameless in every way!”
They can’t help projecting their own inability to see any men as blame-worthy.
Does anyone know what the current idea is in the MRA community on men raping other men in the military? Do they think the men who say they’ve been raped by other men are just making it up?
I’m a bit confused… I’m a woman married to a man. Does that mean I rape him? Or does he rape me too? Do we rape each other? How does it work in gay marriages? Help me out here!
Also: We only have plain wedding rings. We had to give up on our engagement rings because they were of too poor quality and were breaking into pieces. We got engaged at a rock festival and bought the rings there, fake silver rings that looked like spiders encircling the finger, but yeah, not the best quality.
@Barbara – I would steer clear of using the word “healthy” like this no matter what descriptor you’re going to associate with it. Health isn’t a virtue, illness isn’t a moral failing. Plenty of people have illnesses (physical, mental or both) without losing all basic decency. Generalizing “people who believe this must be unhealthy” implies being unhealthy makes a person less than fully human. Hence the objection.
I thought “Gorean roots” was a reference to some faction of half-assed environmentalism, but upon reading it in context– MY BAD!
Morally fucked up is my usual descriptor here, it’s accurate and to the point.
“Does anyone know what the current idea is in the MRA community on men raping other men in the military? Do they think the men who say they’ve been raped by other men are just making it up?”
The “I’m not an MRA” troll I was rereading last night thought that was the only way male on male rape could occur…no wait, even he said prison rape.
NWO blamed Teh Gay since a man “having sex with” another man was inherently gay, thus all men who rape men are gay. But Owly, Spanish and Russian share an alphabet, super dogs…he’s a strange strange man.
Oh and thank you. Your second try has similar issues, but you are trying, and that’s more important to me, personally — mistakes, careless comments, they happen, refusing to learn from them is my big pet peev (besides my psych, which is why I prefixed it as I did)
My engagement ring cost $10 and my wedding ring $12. Where’s the other $29978 worth of rocks I should have had???
One, with a year’s supply of Tiger Kibble.
I totally want to use millet as a verb now.
MRAs believe that man/man rape in the military doesn’t get enough attention because all the lady militaries crying rape, and this is why women don’t belong in the military. Women keep trying to hog all the rape attention.
North Gorean or South Gorean?
I loooove when men flounce around talking about how they won’t ever get married as if a) there is a long line of women who are eager to marry them and b) those women are missing out on some kind of great prize because Flouncy McFlounce flounced out of the marriage mart. I think the concept of MGTOW or whatever they call themselves is the universe’s way of ensuring that nasty trolls won’t procreate. Bless their misogynistic little hearts.
@Argenti Aertheri & @drst |
I see what you’re saying–I actually figured this out for myself while away from the computer before reading your posts.
MRAs believe that man/man rape in the military doesn’t get enough attention because all the lady militaries crying rape, and this is why women don’t belong in the military. Women keep trying to hog all the rape attention.
I should have realized that women are always to blame for absolutely everything–but you notice they won’t focus on the fact that men WILL rape other men–I guess the male-on male rapists haven’t sufficiently understood that men should all now be on each other’s side–against women. They’ll have to get that important message out there.
Yes, they like to trade stories of how they turned this woman down and that woman down–uh, right!
They’ve also told me that men are going to Asia because we Western Women are worth marrying anymore, and therefore it sucks to be us. Serves us right, losing the men.
No, it sucks for the Asian women who are also individual human beings and not some kind of anti-feminist dream.
Um, *aren’t* worth marrying anymore.
@grumpycatisagirl: Yeah, I sometimes wish I could be there when the dudebros get that revelation that Asian women are individuals too with their own wills, personalities, and viewpoints. I wonder how long it would take him to figure out that the ladies they’re dating aren’t demure stereotypes?
I find it interesting and very telling that Max Power’s first thing he uses to denigrate marriage is that it’s a contract where the other party can leave at any time.
Like, uh. Yeah. Why would you want to be married to someone who DIDN’T want to be married to you?
It’s weird, that a lot of assholes believe this. My rapist also felt that we couldn’t break up unless he personally agreed to it, because otherwise, it wasn’t fair. Obviously, that didn’t work out so well for him–it’s very hard to claim you’re in a relationship with someone who refuses to be anywhere near you.
I started compiling a list of things of which these dudes have no understanding:
Lawyers and how they behave
Engagement rings and their typical cost
Diamonds and the 4 Cs
Fashion and style
Non binary gender
Divorce law
Grammar & spelling
Race equality
The welfare state ….
Nope, lost the will to continue.