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MRA Paul Elam: “This world deserves a jerk on the collar and a slap across the face and the flying spittle of rage.”

A Voice for Men's Flying Spittle Production Department
A Voice for Men’s Flying Spittle Production Department

“Compassion for Boys and Men.” This, the slogan of Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, has always struck me as a teensy bit ironic, given that site founder and head angry dude Paul Elam spends much of his time berating other men, and really only seems interested in showing “compassion,” if it can be called that, for those who not only agree with everything he says but also donate money to him.

Recently Mr. Elam ran across a four-year-old video that’s been posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit numerous times in recent days. It shows a young woman assaulting a campus preacher, and knocking him off a platform, after falsely accusing him of groping her. (The woman, a student at Middle Tennessee State University, was arrested and later pled guilty to assault charges, getting a year’s probation, some community service and a fine; the preacher suffered only minor injuries.)

But the fact that a few people in the crowd cheered for the attacker apparently convinced Elam that everyone in the world except him and a few of his pals are worthless pieces of crap.

Look at the crowd cheer this violent lunatic on. It isn’t just her that is the problem. We live in a psychotic world where women can do whatever they want to men, as long as they vomit up a lie, like “get your hand off my breast.” It is a world which praises sickness, as long as the person to suffer for it is male.

Well, actually, it looked like most of the people in the crowd were a bit shocked by her assault and the preacher’s fall, and several people came forward to help him. And I’m not quite sure how Elam managed to miss the fact that the woman in question was led off by police at the end of the video.

In this culture, most every woman is Sharon Osbourne. Most every man is Hugo Schwyzer.

By describing women as a bunch of “Sharon Osbournes,” Elam is not (I don’t think) suggesting that they are savvy, articulate women who’ve been able to not only survive but flourish in male-dominated industries; no, he’s making a reference to the one time that Osbourne made a horrible castration joke on national television, and suggesting that women are a bunch of evil harpies that love to fantasize about cutting men’s dicks off.

By referring to men as “Hugo Schwyzers” — Elam’s post was written before Schwyzer’s recent Twitter meltdown — he’s not (I don’t think) suggesting that men are all a bunch of manipulative predators who glom onto feminism as a way to exploit and manipulate women, but rather suggesting that they’re a bunch of obsequious manginas who let women walk all over them.

I feel confident in attributing these interpretations to Elam’s words because he’s made these arguments many times before. It’s pretty obvious that Elam hates women. It’s only a little less obvious that he hates most men as well.

But I don’t think it’s really this video that’s got Elam angry. It looks to me like he’s still stewing over a recent op-ed by libertarian anti-feminist Cathy Young — a writer in many ways deeply sympathetic to the Men’s Rights ideology — which took a passing shot at A Voice for Men and similar sites whose “steady diet of vulgar woman-bashing … discredits any valid points they may make.”

So far Elam’s site has run at least four other posts — possibly five? I’ve lost count —  responding to the single sentence mentioning AVFM in her column, including one by him and another by a “brigade” of self-described “Honey Badgers” (female MRAs), but Elam can’t resist the opportunity to point out yet again that he’s going to remain as angry as he wants to be:

I do not give a rat’s fucking ass about offending or upsetting any of them.

This world does not deserve MHRAs that are decent or measured or considerate of the mainstreams sensibilities. This world deserves a jerk on the collar and a slap across the face and the flying spittle of rage that it earns with each man and boy that it denigrates and abuses.

“The Flying Spittle of Rage” makes a much better — and more accurate — slogan for AVFM than that boring old “Compassion for Boys and Men.”

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11 years ago

The Honeybadger Brigade? Are they fucking serious?

11 years ago

This world does not deserve MHRAs that are decent or measured or considerate of the mainstreams sensibilities.


11 years ago

This world does not deserve MHRAs that are decent or measured or considerate of the mainstreams [sic] sensibilities.

What, you mean there are such creatures? I thought the only thing the Men’s Hateful Rageboner Assfaxers were considerate of were said rageboners.

11 years ago

What, you mean there are such creatures?

Well, I’ve never seen them online or away from my keyboard. Yup, I’m pretty sure they don’t actually exist, or if they do they are careful to distance themselves from those who call themselves MHRAs (or MRAs).

11 years ago

Probably because “decent” and “MHRA” are oxymoronic.

11 years ago

Yeah, I saw that video the other day.

This guy doesn’t realize that feminism (gender equality) means that some women are also terrible people (he should know, there are enough of them on his site). Pretty much anybody who sees this video find her action reprehensible. What the fuck does it have to do with anything?

What’s pathetic is his efforts to foam people’s frustrations with bullshit. He’s like the Alex Jones of MRAs, just less charismatic, more inclined to conspiracy theories and much less known. Same effective marches in front of the White House, too.

11 years ago

“The Flying Spittle of Rage”

Finally he’s edging towards self-awareness!

11 years ago

speaking of flying spittle….the commentaries on the spearhead are directing rape threats towards Hugo Fucking Schwyzer.

I don’t like Schwyzer, but no, he doesn’t deserve rape threats.

11 years ago

Oh ffs. Yes, Hugo is an asshole. No, that doesn’t mean it’s OK to send him threats.

11 years ago

Over 2 years and an apology later, Sharon Osborne is still synonymous with Satan to them.

I’d accuse them of nursing a grudge, but given how often they whine about being called to account for years of unrepentant jokes of rape and violence, nursing grudges is the least of their problems.

joyintorah18 (@joyintorah18)

“The Honeybadger Brigade? Are they fucking serious?”
Yes. The article read like it was written by Karen Straughan who is now on a campaign on Youtube (Girlwriteswhat) to discredit an atheist woman who was sexually assaulted by a man at a conference.

Paul posted a radio show where an anarchist interviewed him and the host said (paraphrasing) “It’s really terrible when special interest groups want ‘rights.’) Hahahaha. I don’t think Paul caught that. He was too busy trashing women and feminists with his flying spittle of rage.

11 years ago

@ David
(I could be wrong) but I think joyintorah18 is refering to healthyaddict, who first posted a video of her assault a week or 2 ago, then posted samples of the MRA youtube comments discrediting her yesterday. GWW is all over her videos.

11 years ago

Uh, I mean, GWW is all over the comments. She sent her brigade too, it’s really pathetic.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oi, I was hoping Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. would actually quit the internet, but threats aren’t okay. And are probably counterproductive in his case, any attention is attention after all.

On topic — next up at 11, some women are shitty people! We’re now on the scene live where a woman has just done something morally reprehensible, feminists, what are your reactions?

Um, women can be shitty people too? I mean, the idea that women are inherently polite and non-violent is actually pretty sexist.

But doesn’t feminism say that women are superior to men?

No, feminism means women are equal to men. And thus just as capable of being violent and nasty and generally bad people.

Back to you in the studio!

*cut just in time to see the reporter Owl start muttering “man bad, woman good”*


I should go to bed, huh?

11 years ago

Sharon Osbourne is one of those subcultural dogwhistles: No one who isn’t already an MRA (or versed in MRAs) would have a clue what they were referring to.

Ally S
11 years ago

Just read some of Karen’s comments on the whole situation. According to her, victim-blaming and accusing the victim of lying because of not reporting aren’t indicative of rape apologist attitudes at all. The fact that sexual assault is often frown-upon disproves the existence of a major aspect of rape culture. And most male rapists genuinely believe they aren’t doing anything wrong because they’re narcissists, whereas most female rapists aren’t motivated by “pathological” influences at all but rather “normative” influences.

Can anti-feminists people just, like, try to see through her bullshit? The fact that she’s lauded as a “moderate MRA” is just pathetic.

Ally S
11 years ago

Seriously, what contributes to rape culture more than the notion that male rapists are just people who make honest mistakes and/or are mentally ill and therefore not culpable?

11 years ago

I see people talking about the whole HealthyAddict fiasco, and here I am watching a video by HannibaltheVictor13 on why all the people being “skeptical” are outright jackasses who don’t know what they’e talking about.

This one is long, but ya’ll should watch it sometime. Hannibal does a lot of MRA videos and they’re all awesome. Seriously, everyone go sub and like his videos, he gets a wave a MRA types giving him downvotes every time he makes a video burning them.

This has been posted from my fancy new computer! Yay!

11 years ago

Oh, and on GWW and all the fanboys with the whole “accusing the victim of lying because of not reporting aren’t indicative of rape apologist attitudes” stuff… I don’t see ANY of her fans doubting her own sexual assault story. If I was a huge scumbag I would demand she provide evidence for that.

But I’m not a huge scumbag, so I won’t.

11 years ago

If a woman clocked a guy who she said was groping her, I’d probably be cheering too. Cause, you know, gropers deserved to punched – if the woman is totally lying about it then that sucks, doesn’t mean women shouldn’t punch aggressive peverts creeping on them. I’m sorry some angry losers empathize with the Falsely Accused Male than the duped audience.

But this is all really about one thing: these people need to nut up and/or stop faking it. MRAs are either some of the weakest, wimpiest goddam morons ever or they’re all theatrical idiots pretending to get angry at shit that doesn’t matter. Any Flying Spittle Of Rage™ that comes from a fucking pensioner like Elam is probably the result of his dentures flying out his goddam mouth like a frisbee – this oppression is so damn fake. I wouldn’t be surprised if half these people had to hold back snickers with the hysterical shit they write.

“Dear reddit: I know I’m going to get downvoted for this but a female totally just yelled at me because I opened the door and so I shut it in her face and everyone in the GameStop erupted in applause and paid for all the cool indie games I was buying and then the manager came out and asked me if the bacon narwhals in the evening and then we had hot gay sex right then and there I am SO oppressed”

11 years ago

So Elam is blaming all women for the actions of that student at Middle Tennessee State University. And he has the register her site which is about bashing all women just for the actions of some female criminals as well as some victims of his anti feminist witch hunt. Yet the MRA’s actually say they are against the idea of collective guilt?

I don’t see how they deal with the kind of cognitive dissonance you’d get from believing both of these statements at the same time.

What, someone said a disproportionate number of rapists and abusers are men? How dare they hate all men!

Hey, a woman did something bad. Why are women so terrible?

Ally S
11 years ago

“In this culture, most every woman is Sharon Osbourne. Most every man is Hugo Schwyzer.”

Sexism? Where, exactly? Help me out, folks!

Stoic Sophist
Stoic Sophist
11 years ago

Such stirring civil rights rhetoric. It reminds me of Dr. King’s “Tirade of Vituperative Abuse From a Birmingham Jail”.

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