block that metaphor boner rage entitled babies evil old ladies evil sexy ladies female beep boop irony alert kitties laidnyc men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill

Pickup Artist: Marrying a woman over 25 is like paying double for nearly expired milk

I like my women like I like my milk: in close proximity to cats.
I like my women like I like my milk: In close proximity to cats.

Red Pill ideology isn’t just hateful and misogynistic; it’s also a remarkably bleak way to look at the world, even for the men who supposedly benefit the most from taking “the red pill” — that is, the allegedly smooth players who boast about bedding so many women on “game” blogs.

Take, for example, what you might call the “spoiled milk” theory of marriage that’s sometimes trotted out on these blogs.

Since women reach their prime young, the theory goes, then rapidly lose their looks and their value after “hitting the wall” at the age or 25 or 30, it only makes sense to marry a woman when she’s young — so you get to have sex with her before she gets all old and hideous.

If you marry her later, this means that someone else has had her at her best — and you haven’t!

As the blogger at LaidNYC argues in a post titled “Don’t Marry Any Woman Older Than 25,”

If you meet your wife when she’s older than around 23 or 24:

You are eating someone else’s cold leftovers, then doing their dishes.

You are showing up to a party after everyone has left and cleaning up after them.

You are getting into a taxi and paying the fare of the person who got out before you.

You are taking the nearly expired milk to the grocery store counter and offering to pay double for it.

He goes on in this fashion for some time.

You are paying for someone’s credit card bill full of reckless spending and partying that you never got to enjoy. …

You are trying to unclog somebody else’s clogged toilet.

Ok, now that last one didn’t even make sense.

Anyway, after running out of metaphors, LaidNYC gets to his point:

A girl who refuses to get married young is offering a raw deal.  She is vastly overvaluing her product, and undervaluing your time and money.

Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support.  

LaidNYC goes on to suggest that women who are too picky when they’re young will end up regretting it later:

Is it any wonder, then, that as females are delaying marriage longer, they are finding less willing men?

Youthful arrogance is the yellow brick road to spinsterhood.

But I want to go back to that previous bit:

Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support.  

Can you imagine a more depressing way to look at marriage? If you’re so twisted by your misogyny that you can’t see value in your wife after she hits the age of 30 or so, and stick with her only out of a sense of obligation because she fucked you when she was 25, well, dude, you deserve to be miserable. And I can only hope your wife leaves you for someone who can appreciate her in the here and now.

Misogynistic assholes are at least as good at making themselves miserable as they are at making things shitty for other people.

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11 years ago

Ask Rush Limbaugh about how, “pointless” such activism is.

11 years ago

Speaking of toys or things like toys, I had an odd dream last night. It was about a red corduroy draught-stopper – one of those long sausage shaped things – that we used to have. I gave it a push out of the way and it started humping itself along like a caterpillar, around the bed and then back. Not only had it come to life, it had a face like a cat’s face outlined on the red cloth. It sounds creepy written out but was the Cutest. Thing. Ever. and was more like a sausage-shaped cat than a thing that had come to life. It was cuddly and all. Strange but fun dream!

11 years ago

maybe he means that the barbie dream house and barbie car are actually made of white-barbie skin?

All pink things are made of faux white-kid skin. That’s nightmare fuel for you.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

At least it’s faux skin.

Yeah, sorry. Pretty sure the only one here who could handle mine is pecunium and we’ve had that discussion, neither would wish ours on the other.

If I never again end up discussing the difference being a venomous snake and a toxic snake it will be too soon. Actually, no, discuss! It’s way more interesting than having That Conversation again.

No, wait…you where talking about toys…sorry. Ignore me and be glad that I’m sounding creepy, you do not want that to sound normal.

11 years ago

Argenti – not creepy, more a case of “I hope I wasn’t meant to understand what on earth you were talking about, because I have no idea.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, good. I should really only give out my nightmare fuel with permission, since some of it could make a legit horror story if I could write worth a damn.

11 years ago

I hope my cute cat draught stopper dream wasn’t reminding you of nightmare stuff.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, no. It was me boggling at faux skin being nightmare fuel. You people are so very normal if that bothers you.

Yours sounds almost cute. We’ve got one that’s got a moose in the middle and the stopper bits are its legs. I can totally see a kitty one being cute.

11 years ago

A moose one would be cute!

Reminds me of a literal sausage dog one cousins of mine had when I was little. God I wanted to take it home. 🙂

I just remembered what probably went into that dream, too – I had (still have, somewhere) a corduroy cat (leopard print corduroy!) Mum made me, called Big Tom. He’s just the outline of a sitting cat with his face embroidered in chain stitch, a cushion/toy sort of thing. I hope the moths haven’t got to him …

11 years ago

It was about a red corduroy draught-stopper – one of those long sausage shaped things – that we used to have.

I remember having some. The house I grew up in had wood-framed windows and they weren’t the best at keeping out the chill.

Now I’m living in a house with vinyl windows and sometimes it feels too stopped up, like I’m going to breathe up all the air and suffocate, but other times the absolute change from uncomfortable outside to blissful inside is wonderful.

The cat-faced inchy-squinchy thing is new.

And one of the big differences in spelling that I just cannot seem to get over is draught-draft. I keep wanting to pronounce draught like drought.

If I never again end up discussing the difference being a venomous snake and a toxic snake it will be too soon. Actually, no, discuss! It’s way more interesting than having That Conversation again.

I can’t usually tell except by recognizing species. If it’s all black, it’s a black snake and nonvenomous; if it’s kind of gray-green with darker stripes all down its length, it’s a garter snake and nonvenomous.

Here in the South, the mnemonic tends to be, “red next to yellow, kill a fellow; red next to black, friend of Jack,” but of course we have cottonmouths and copperheads and diamondbacks and they aren’t at all brightly colored.

I promise you there’s a copperhead in this photo.

Out West, I understand that the yellow/black mnemonic doesn’t help.

Also, sometimes you can tell by the pupil of the snake’s eye. Here in the South a round pupil usually indicates a nonvenomous species, whereas a slit pupil belongs to a venomous species, but again, I understand that out West there are venomous, round-pupil-possessed snakes.

… I tend not to handle snakes unless I have to. One time I rescued my MIL’s idiot brave blue heeler mix from a really tiny, brown snake that I could not identify. I picked it up carefully and put it outside the fence.

11 years ago


I give up on trying to find the copperhead. Any hints? 😀

11 years ago

@Fade: I keep losing it myself, and I’m not sure where it ends.

It’s in the lower half of the picture. Find the lowest green plant and the one above it; the snake is between them and to the left of them.

It’s not coiled up, it’s stretched out.

Look for a repeated pattern of dark triangles.

If you want spoilers, here it is outlined in MS Pain(t). I hope you can see it.

11 years ago


okay, I had to look at the MS paint outline. THat is one hard to see snake.

11 years ago

Oh, no. It was me boggling at faux skin being nightmare fuel. You people are so very normal if that bothers you.

Well, i was kinda imaging there being a round up of feral Barbies, then they ship all the collected dolls to a slaughter yard simply to collect the skin (well, in reality the barbie flesh would probably be used as animal feed). And that the barbie dream house is literally covered in the stitched together hides of other barbies.

Thinking about it more, feral barbies probably wouldn’t provide enough skin for all the pink they need; you’d need to actually raise them. I wonder if that’s what John Deere Barbie raises on her farm?

11 years ago

Well, i was kinda imaging there being a round up of feral Barbies, then they ship all the collected dolls to a slaughter yard

Imma just stop you there.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Chibigodzilla — well, at least that doesn’t strike me as entirely mundane!

Falconer — could the snake! But we have diamondbacks so the pattern recognition skill has a point to it. As for venomous…no that I get. My brain decided toxic snakes are a (different) thing, per pecunium, they are.

11 years ago

re snakes: Also, sometimes you can tell by the pupil of the snake’s eye. Here in the South a round pupil usually indicates a nonvenomous species, whereas a slit pupil belongs to a venomous species, but again, I understand that out West there are venomous, round-pupil-possessed snakes.

We also have slit-eyed snakes which aren’t venemous.

Happily we tend to not have “silent” snakes.

That said, most pople get bitten for being stupid/sticking hands into blind spots.

Re the copperhead in that phote, the head is to the left, the tail ends a a bit more than 1/3rd of the way in from the right edge, the head is about 1/5th from the elft. It’s in the bottom 1/2 of the frame.

Ah… I see you gave a cheat. I will say the tail extends a bit further right, and moves up a bit.

Toxic is different to venomous.

OK. Simple example. Nightshade is toxic, you have to ingest it.

But that’s not “snakes”. Look at bugs. Blister Beetles are toxic. They have a surface reaction (crush one and your skin blisters) and an ingested reaction (much the same, but it’s your throat which swells: this can kill a horse). Wasps are venemous. They actively introduce a, tailored, toxin.

Snakes are, mostly, in that category. They have tailored toxins; manufactured in specialised organs (which are different in the Elapidae,the Viperidae and the Atractaspididae [the dangerous families of venemous snakes. We can ignore the Hydrophiinae; because they are almost completely unwilling to bite non prey animals; and live in the oceans).

The Colubridae (to which the King Snakes belong) aren’t, as a rule venemous (if you are in E. Africa you may encounter boomslangs, They are dangerous; avoid them). Some of them have a sepcialised gland (Duvernoy’s) which some (see boomslangs) have adapted to produce venom.

In some others, esp. the Heterodonae this gland is used to excrete toxins from their diet ((the heterodons; all native to the US, eat lizards, and amphibians; toads, in particular, are toxic). Since they are “macerators (neither constrictors, nor envenemators; they bite, hold and swallow) they aren’t suited to eating mammals (though they will take infant rodents of small size; just born mice, or ([or adults of large size, esp. the species in the Southwest, H. nasicus: which is the best species to keep as a pet, because of their wider diet], a just born rat), some saliva can enter the wound. It’s thought this is a useful means of ennervating the prey.

In time they may become venemous.

Wow…. I went on a bit. I like snakes. I happen to like the Western Hognose and have both kept and bred them.

Which is when I learned a lot of this stuff.

11 years ago

All pink things are made of faux white-kid skin.

This is a bit OT (although this thread seems to be pointing in all kinds of directions at once, so maybe nothing is really OT here?), but I went to art school for a couple of years when I was younger. And painted a shitload of portraits. Mostly of white people.
What I noticed then, is that most white people actually have a skin colour which is a bit yellowish. As in, you have to use mostly yellow ochre or a similar paint to really get their skin tone right. Some white people have more pinkish skin tones, but they’re in minority (at least if the people in my class – we painted each other over and over again – were representative, and I can’t see any reason why they wouldn’t be).

I think that’s interesting, because everyone thinks that it’s only Asians who have yellow skin tones, and white people are all pinkish, but when you actually look at people’s skin tones (which you only really do when you paint portraits) you see that this is in fact not the case.

11 years ago

Well, i was kinda imaging there being a round up of feral Barbies, then they ship all the collected dolls to a slaughter yard simply to collect the skin (well, in reality the barbie flesh would probably be used as animal feed). And that the barbie dream house is literally covered in the stitched together hides of other barbies.

I was thinking of something like that, too.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Dvärghundspossen — with just the faintest hint of blue (mm phlato, you make this impossible.

Pecunium — shorter than when I start about fish! 🙂

11 years ago

Aw crap, it’s been so long since my oil painting classes I can’t remember how I made Cauc skin tones.

… Hell, all the life models were Cauc. Not a POC among ’em. Dammit, now I has a cringe.

11 years ago

Argenti: I kept it to one aspect of one sort of snake. 🙂

11 years ago

Dvarg, that’s very true, not to mention that skin tone varies just over a person’s body. My hands have the ochre tone to them from constant exposure, but my face is much pinker in tone, partly from rosacea and partly ‘cos I have sunscreen on it whenever I’m out.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Argenti: I kept it to one aspect of one sort of snake.”

Fair enough.

11 years ago

“A girl who refuses to get married young is offering a raw deal. She is vastly overvaluing her product, and undervaluing your time and money.

Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support. ”

I just threw up a little in my throat. Must have shower now.

I still don’t know how you all can mock this stuff. It’s so …vile and so stupid.

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