block that metaphor boner rage entitled babies evil old ladies evil sexy ladies female beep boop irony alert kitties laidnyc men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill

Pickup Artist: Marrying a woman over 25 is like paying double for nearly expired milk

I like my women like I like my milk: in close proximity to cats.
I like my women like I like my milk: In close proximity to cats.

Red Pill ideology isn’t just hateful and misogynistic; it’s also a remarkably bleak way to look at the world, even for the men who supposedly benefit the most from taking “the red pill” — that is, the allegedly smooth players who boast about bedding so many women on “game” blogs.

Take, for example, what you might call the “spoiled milk” theory of marriage that’s sometimes trotted out on these blogs.

Since women reach their prime young, the theory goes, then rapidly lose their looks and their value after “hitting the wall” at the age or 25 or 30, it only makes sense to marry a woman when she’s young — so you get to have sex with her before she gets all old and hideous.

If you marry her later, this means that someone else has had her at her best — and you haven’t!

As the blogger at LaidNYC argues in a post titled “Don’t Marry Any Woman Older Than 25,”

If you meet your wife when she’s older than around 23 or 24:

You are eating someone else’s cold leftovers, then doing their dishes.

You are showing up to a party after everyone has left and cleaning up after them.

You are getting into a taxi and paying the fare of the person who got out before you.

You are taking the nearly expired milk to the grocery store counter and offering to pay double for it.

He goes on in this fashion for some time.

You are paying for someone’s credit card bill full of reckless spending and partying that you never got to enjoy. …

You are trying to unclog somebody else’s clogged toilet.

Ok, now that last one didn’t even make sense.

Anyway, after running out of metaphors, LaidNYC gets to his point:

A girl who refuses to get married young is offering a raw deal.  She is vastly overvaluing her product, and undervaluing your time and money.

Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support.  

LaidNYC goes on to suggest that women who are too picky when they’re young will end up regretting it later:

Is it any wonder, then, that as females are delaying marriage longer, they are finding less willing men?

Youthful arrogance is the yellow brick road to spinsterhood.

But I want to go back to that previous bit:

Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support.  

Can you imagine a more depressing way to look at marriage? If you’re so twisted by your misogyny that you can’t see value in your wife after she hits the age of 30 or so, and stick with her only out of a sense of obligation because she fucked you when she was 25, well, dude, you deserve to be miserable. And I can only hope your wife leaves you for someone who can appreciate her in the here and now.

Misogynistic assholes are at least as good at making themselves miserable as they are at making things shitty for other people.

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11 years ago

I can’t believe how many contradicting circles he’s making.

Energomash, literally no one here has been for objectification except you!

11 years ago

He’s gone? Let’s DANCE!

11 years ago

Flounce! It’s not very original, but I’m easily amused today, so I’ll give it a 4/10 (is that too generous? I don’t think I’ve rated flounces before.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“With some ray gun that shoots value lasers?”

*shoots said gun* You now all think fish make adorable pets and want to give my puffs REASONABLE quantities of treats (seriously, they beg and will overstuff themselves, don’t give in to the cute!)

11 years ago

This David Futrelle guy is also forcing his values on me. As an atheist i don’t like this.

Nope. He is declaring his values. No one is showing up at your door and demanding you testify to agreement lest you be punished.

You are free to disagree (and no one is stopping you). We are free to disagree with you (good luck at stopping us).

So why must i value intelligence in a woman? Why must i value her personality? Isn’t it enough to value her looks?

If you ask me? No. Because looks aren’t essential to her essence as a person. They are an artifact of genes, environment and culture (this too is, to some degree, also true of wit, wisdom, etc., but bear with me). The other traits are those which a person may cultivate.

Moreover, those are traits with which you must engage with her as a person, rather than as an object.

I know this question won’t make me liked by you people, but i think it is interesting so i post it here anyway.

What? You came here to be liked? Pull the other one, it has bells on it.

That you think it interesting (i.e. one should be allowed social permission to treat people as things) is why you are a cretin, and a creep. A shallow-minded, intellectually vapid bundle of protoplasm; posing as a moral creaturel, but stunted, and devoid of empathy, sympathy and the sense of humanity I see in dogs and pre-verbal children.

Toddlers, in the, “ME! ME! ME!” stage show more compassion for others than the worldview you’re espousing permits.

I was wrong, you aren’t an asshole; assholes serve a purpose; you are pustulent tumor, far from benign, foul-smelling and, if left unchecked, a pestilence on the society you inhabit.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie — 3/10 is my standard, so 4/10 seems perfectly acceptable to me. Just remember the standard -2 when he returns!

11 years ago

Isn’t it enough that a woman values the wealth of a man? Why does she have to like everything about this mans personality?


Can anyone imagine any possible context here other than him having been rejected by a woman who hated his personality even though he has money?

11 years ago

I find Erogontroll quite dull… as an atheist.

I find him dull, for an atheist.

Mind you, I’d find him dull for a theist too.

Basically, he’s dull, like a knife one has used to cut concrete.

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

I shall not forget it!

Also, your value laser is clearly working, cuz you’ve got me to think that fish are cuter since I got here 😉

Michael Søndberg Olsen

I’m the original gangsta of atheists. Never believed in any god, pick a god. What the fuckin’ hell this has to with treating people as subhuman,,, huh? The hell? How is this website forcing anything on you?

11 years ago

Oh, please, please, non-existent deity–let THIS ONE stick the flounce?

11 years ago

Bottom line: Objectification is a sketchy concept. Good night yall.

It’s not. You are wrong. That is all.

11 years ago

Isn’t it enough that a woman values the wealth of a man? Why does she have to like everything about this mans personality?

There are some people, not just women, who earn their living by providing sexual services in exchange for money without much concern for the client’s personality. Just as waitstaff serve food to earn a living without considering whether they’d want to invite the clients to their own homes to share a meal and conversation.

Most of the time for most people, not just women, sex is a special part of a special friendship. Doesn’t mean you can’t have one night stands. Just as you can feel a sort of “bond” of friendship with the stranger who was sitting beside you when you both had a fantastic time at a concert or sports event or comedy show, so you can have a one and only, never do it again, sexual encounter. Transient relationships are still relationships. Most importantly, they are not transactions where the personalities or the personhood of the parties are irrelevant or inconsequential.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“and devoid of empathy, sympathy and the sense of humanity I see in dogs and pre-verbal children.”

And my territorial, carnivorous puffers. Even cramped in the 10g they stay out of each other’s territory, seems like fishie sympathy to me — “I don’t want you in my space so I’ll stay out of yours”.

You see that skittish is getting bolder? I had both of them investigating my hand while aquascaping. (This is me attempting to ignore the idiocy cuz I got more than enough of that as a side dish to my cheesecake.)

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Will he stick the flounce?
So far I give him a 5.0.
Not mind numbingly boring but lacking a certain something special to make him stand out from the crowd.

11 years ago

How does a puffer fish over stuff itself?

One bite at a time. Sort of like me and King Crab.

11 years ago

As an atheist, I find Energoteen utterly ridiculous and boring. Glad he flounced.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Basically, he’s dull, like a knife one has used to cut concrete.”

Thankfully I’d just exhaled, snirking on smoke hurts.

Marie — w00t! I love my little ones 🙂

Auggziliary — pecunium’s more or less got it, but if you meant puffers in particular, just because their skin can stretch A LOT doesn’t mean their tiny little stomachs can (seriously, these guys fill up on like 4 brine shrimp, they’re tiny)

Michael Søndberg Olsen

Can anyone imagine any possible context here other than him having been rejected by a woman who hated his personality even though he has money?

Well, I suppose I could, but my nightmares are vivid enough.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie — you see this when I posted it?

I am NOMS! (That’s the bolder of the two, the more skittish one is the one that kinda checks out my hand and then putters off)

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Is that a video? I think my ad blocker is blocking it 🙁 Or something else. I just see a black box.

11 years ago

As an atheist, my toe is itching. Good night!

11 years ago

As an atheist, I think the bottom line is that I’m the greatest ever. OKAY BUT I SAID BOTTOM LINE GUYS SO YOU CAN’T DISAGREE ANYMORE OKAY CONVERSATION OVER.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

Now MY toes itch. DAMMIT.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

auggzil… did you think you were webbed?

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