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Men’s Rights Redditors wonder why nobody else realizes that the ladies aren’t oppressed any more

For example, women never have to fight off flying squirrels, which are very bitey, mind you.
For example, women never have to fight off flying squirrels.

So the regulars in the Men’s Rights subreddit are currently discussing one of the most important — if often overlooked — issues of our time, which is: How come nobody but us sees that the ladies aren’t oppressed any more? Or, as  paranoiarodeo497, looking hopefully towards the future, has chosen to put the question: “What future event/tragedy do you think will happen that will make people realize not only are women no longer deprived but in fact equal to men?”

Alas, the Men’s Rightsers aren’t hopeful that anything will wake up the snoozing sheeple. BrambleEdge, for his part, worries that men will remain oppressed forever.

BrambleEdge 17 points 15 hours ago (18|1)  Seeing as men are deprived and far from equal to women, and people don't see it now, I doubt they ever will. I sometimes fear that gynocentrism is biological and not cultural.        [–]Demonspawn [-1] 1 point 52 minutes ago (1|0)      gynocentrism is biological  Treating women as human beings and men as human doings? Yes, it is biological. It's also why "equality" isn't, and seeking it creates a system of female supremacy.

Shrekem, meanwhile, turns to the work of eminent historian GirlWritesWhat for evidence that women were never oppressed in the first place:

Shrekem 9 points 13 hours ago (12|3)  The problem is that women were never oppressed or deprived, they just had different roles. Women are certainly not "equal" to men today, they receive special treatment and are immune to many laws that would get a man locked up for life. I recommend you watch Karen Straughan's video on "When female privilege backfires".      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]villevillakulla -4 points 11 hours ago (4|8)  I guess it depends on how you define oppressed or deprived, but it kind of sounds like you're full of shit, and "different roles" can be a blanket statement to mean anything you want it to mean.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Shrekem 5 points 8 hours ago (6|1)  I would define oppression as "the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner" just like everybody else. I challenge you to come up with one example of women being oppressed in western society in the past few centuries. The treatment of women is nothing compared to real oppression like that of blacks during slavery.

IHaveALargePenis, in addition to being highly confident about his relative penis size, is also a bit more optimistic than his peers, suggesting that the irresponsibility of evil slutty single moms will eventually end up annoying not only single men but other women as well and thus, I guess, help to spark a new wave of antifeminism:

IHaveALargePenis [+3] 5 points 12 hours ago (6|1)  Government taxing bachelors to sponsor single moms/women in general. If shit keeps going the way it's going, everything women need will be provided by a government, while working less and claiming there's still a pay gap. It won't take a genius to put two and two together and realize that the benefits women get from the government, plus the benefits they get from working are huge compared to what men pay/get out of it.  But that's not when things will change, not yet. What we're going to see is a rise of single, irresponsible moms who breed and have their lives paid for by taxpayers. And part of those taxpayers will be other women, who can't find men willing to "breed with them" or marry them, etc. These women will be working 40+ hours a week easy, will sacrifice greatly, miss their chance to have kids, and realize they're paying for all these irresponsible women to have their cake and eat it to (our society is pretty good at rewarding the irresponsible). That's when things will change.
But Scoundrel, a more pessimistic sort, can’t imagine any scenario that would get the evil femmies to admit that men are oppressed:

scoundrelTW 6 points 13 hours ago (8|2)  It will never happen. If the government should start killing random men, the feminists would claim that men are being targeted because they are more valuable, so therefore, it is still patriarchy. Feminists will NEVER let go of their assertion that men are privileged relative to women. It would break up their club and their life's purpose.
Sorry, IHaveALargePenis, but you’ve been outvoted.

Meanwhile, loose-dendrite, off on a bit of a tangent, warns those who might otherwise be susceptible to feminist-think that seeing similar numbers of men and women in positions of power would not be a sign of gender equality — but rather a symptom of FEMALE TYRANNY!

loose-dendrite 7 points 16 hours ago (12|5)  Most feminists seem to think that equal representation in all positions of power is sufficient. Seeing as feminists have moved to goal posts in the past, I find this unconvincing.  It would also almost certainly indicate a massive imbalance against men due to a few factors:      Female IQ is less extreme than male IQ. There are more male geniuses and idiots. Our leaders should be smarter than average so they can handle the mentally difficult job of managing our society. Therefore one expects more men than women in power going simply by intellectual merit. If representation is equal then some imbalance against men must exist (even if there is also an imbalance somewhere against women).     Men have higher testosterone and therefore are more likely to participate in status seeking behavior. In other words, there's more male than female interest in power because power is high-status. If there is equal representation then an imbalance against men must exist. I consider this an inferior argument to point #1 because I don't remember the associated research very well.

Huh. I was unaware that high IQ was a prerequisite to power in our society. Did anyone tell George W. Bush?

In conclusion, MRAs have once against shown that they can use any and all evidence to “prove” what they already believe. Another flawless victory over the forces of reality.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“*except mango, obviously.”

And avocado.

Seriously though, I am unable to fathom how you can be that…not upset by, not hurt by, and snark is too kind…that much contempt for something you didn’t know existed ten minutes ago. I could get it if the “something” in question had bearing on your life but fictionkin just don’t, not even remotely.

Seriously, you’re a fairy kitty from Mars? How’s the weather on Mars lately? Or, for less forgiving people — what sort of kitty? So you like [breed]? Derail to cats!

Or, you know, assuming it wasn’t rude, which could be construed as relevant to you, fucking ignore it.

11 years ago

Seriously though, I am unable to fathom how you can be that…not upset by, not hurt by, and snark is too kind…that much contempt for something you didn’t know existed ten minutes ago. I could get it if the “something” in question had bearing on your life but fictionkin just don’t, not even remotely.

Speaking from personal experience, I think reactionary hatred of the unknown is all it is, and it’s very strong.

I remember when I first found out about otherkin, I launched into a very similar screed. I wanted all beliefs to be divided into Reasonable Beliefs for Serious People and Silly Beliefs for People Who Just Want Attention, with mainstream religions (and, sure, atheists and what not) in the former category and otherkin and “weird stuff” in the latter. The former people were supposed to take seriously and the latter was the stuff that you were allowed to consider stupid and make fun of.

So the ironic thing was that I was basically agreeing with the atheists who wanted to make fun of all supernatural beliefs–I was just disagreeing on where the line should be drawn.

11 years ago

Argenti: Avacado isn’t a fruit, it’s a nut (but don’t eat the actual nut… it’s toxic).

Even the various otherkin I think to be delusional, not, by and large, a problem. I have a friend whom I am informed (it’s not come up between us) is an alien. Has an entire language, etc. which fleshes it out. It’s unfalsifiable. To me, it’s false. To them, it’s the way things are.

And it’s as nothing to me, because it’s harmless to me. Helpful as all fuck to them.

So saying they are screwy, stupid, and otherwise not right in the head, that’s a harm and whatever my opinions about the veracity of it… matter not a bit to the asshole-nature of what those who deny it to the face of those who have a belief which harms no one (and otherkin, etc. is that: one can’t even hide behind the, “x” movement hurts lots of people, and “y” parallel group gives them cover” which the anti-religious can drag out [and which Richard fucking Dawkins hides behind, when he’s not using religious extremists to justify abusing women).

11 years ago
11 years ago

Argenti, katz, pecunium – ::applauds::

katz, I’m just now (as in, this thread) getting to the place you describe. Thank you for describing it so clearly.

pecunium – “And it’s as nothing to me, because it’s harmless to me. Helpful as all fuck to them.”

Which is precisely how the only two actual mental health professionals I’ve had dealings with take my situation. Doesn’t matter what their beliefs are, it’s the practical effect of the patient’s beliefs they’re concerned about. Does a person’s belief cause them harm, does it undermine them, make them unhappy, or make them behave badly to others? Then they need help getting away from it. Does it give them strength, make them happy, and not make them behave badly (or even help them behave better) to others? Great, go for it!

In fact it’d be amusing to see their reaction to Asshole Atheists in that respect.

And “Richard fucking Dawkins” indeed. That jackass gets my hackles up all the time.

11 years ago

First, I want to apologize if I smacked anyone in this thread or other threads. Who wasn’t a well-deserving troll, that is.

I especially want to apologize to hellkell for taking it personal-like at her.

Being fat, not making millions, and an atheist are the only ways I differ from my society’s Default Person, so when my community reaches out to me with a big, fat F U I have nothing to compare it against, so it seems really big to me.

On a lighter note, I really hate bad cantaloupe. When it’s good, it’s divine, but when it’s bad, yuck.

11 years ago


And there are six state constitutions that include “religious tests” for holding public office.

Um wow O_o did not know that.

@argenti aertheri

Part of my problem with all this though is that “theist privilege” ignores all the major religions (and of course the less well known ones too) that are openly vilified — Islam for example, or the micro-aggressions Jews face (anyone here care to answer how annoying “ze totally jew’ed me” is to a Jew? Cuz I usually want to smack my father for it)

Yeah, I’m mostly staying out of this cuz I don’t know much about shit atheists face, being not an atheist, but that rubbed me the wrong way too. In US (only place I can speak about, it’s where I live) it feels like it isn’t so much as a theist privilege thing as a christianity privilege thing. :/

11 years ago

Falconer, apology accepted.

11 years ago

@Tenya re: homeschool

I mean, I’m with falconer. Its not like the only options are “no homeschool” and “completely unregulated homeschool where you dont have to teach your kids anything”.


which rights dont atheists have? I am curious (not like, saying youre lying; I just honestly havent hear about this before)

okay, after i wrote this question grumpycatisagirl said

And there are six state constitutions that include “religious tests” for holding public office.

which is fucked up regardless. 😐

I assumed earlier that when you were talking about atheists facing descrimination, it wasnt things in the law but generally opinions religious people had about atheists, like that they dont have a moral compass. (like grumpygirlisacat mentioned we might have a long time before an atheist president…)

We, as atheists, have it pretty nice, I think, for one large reason: you can’t “look like an atheist”. I can hang up my atheist hat in real life, and nobody knows about it. On the other hand, you can “look Muslim”, and you definitely can’t stop being a woman when it suits you either. For the most part, atheists can hide and blend in, and we avoid the worst oppression that way. People react to you differently if they know you are an atheist. The reactions can be downright hostile.

um, well you cant “look gay” or “look lesbian” but i don’t really thing that makes it easier on gay or lesbians… So I’m confused?

I do like, not really like getting in these atheism conversations because i admit to being out of my depth (Im a semi-christian who does not really have much experience talking about religion with other people. except on manboobz.).

THo with what Argenti said, I’m wondering if it’s atheists or just anybody generally non christian treated skeptically by fundy christians.


that is an evil looking fairy kitty!

11 years ago

“Theist privilege” as a frame describing the situation in the US feels to me like an attempt to claim the status of Seriously Oppressed and at the same time an indication that one really doesn’t understand how oppression works, as if one did get it one wouldn’t have forgotten about all the prejudice that religious-but-not-Christian-or-not-the-right-kind-of-Christian people face.

Also, for the record? Not being able to get elected President is not a sign that your rights are being taken away. A law stating that atheists can’t be President would be what your rights being taken away would look like, in that scenario. Being unable to win a popularity contest is not the same thing as having your civil rights attacked.

11 years ago

Yes, “theist privilege” is a ridiculous term. Right-sort-of-Christian privilege is the thing.

11 years ago

A Fairy Kitty on Mars? Oh, good, Curiosity has company. I was worried zie might get lonely. Sure, Opportunity’s still around, but who knows for how much longer?

Incidentally, the day before yesterday (August 5th) was Curiosity’s first birthday.

11 years ago

Just a note about those six state constitutions I mentioned that require people to believe in God to run for office – I don’t live or have ever lived in any of those states and don’t know if those articles are really enforced or have much of an impact at all on modern life. I’m sure it’s all very old language. But I still think it’s crummy that that language is in them – most of it is along the lines of “No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any office under this Constitution.”

11 years ago

“Being unable to win a popularity contest is not the same thing as having your civil rights attacked.”

If only MRAs understood this…

11 years ago

Can one weasel one’s way out of the wording? If they don’t want to know who the Supreme Being is, well, I’d be quite happy to say yes, I do. They don’t need to know I’m talking about Ceiling Cat. 😉

11 years ago

Alice – LOL! The entire movement would disappear if they grasped that.

11 years ago

Kittehserf – if you take these constitutions literally they don’t seem to care which Supreme Being you believe in, as long as you believe in at least one. So Ceiling Cat shouldn’t pose any problem for you.

11 years ago

Oh god, I don’t know what happened guys, all I did was mention fictionkin and now it’s another atheist asplosion. WHAT HAVE I DONE? *rending of garments and tearing of hair, wailing into the thundercloud sky* All I wanted to was leave a minor complaint!

RE: hellkell

I don’t understand why zie even needed to go there, as long as it’s not harming anyone else, who gives a shit how someone else identifies?

Because SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES, hellkell. If you don’t put ’em in their place now, they’ll get the idea they can talk about it in public! We’ll be drowning in LARPers and furries!

RE: katz

I wanted all beliefs to be divided into Reasonable Beliefs for Serious People and Silly Beliefs for People Who Just Want Attention, with mainstream religions (and, sure, atheists and what not) in the former category and otherkin and “weird stuff” in the latter.

I felt similarly, of course. Then, in its infinite generosity, life informed me that I actually existed, and therefore I was one of those Special Snowflakes I so hated. Then it watched me try to STOP EXISTING and it laughed and laughed.

It was one of the most educational experiences of my youth.

11 years ago

Thought so. It’s about like saying “yes” with your fingers crossed behind your back – which shows how silly the requirement is anyway. Like belief in Ceiling Cat Basement Cat a Supreme Being is any guarantee of moral rectitude.

11 years ago

Hmm, Basement Cat shows his power: he deleted my html! :O

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Argenti: Avacado isn’t a fruit, it’s a nut (but don’t eat the actual nut… it’s toxic).”

Eating the nut would require me to touch the thing, to the point that the whole “readily available toxin” thing isn’t enough (hey, sometimes such things are sorta relevant…email me if we’re going there)

Katz — I more or less got over it sometime around deciding my father was an asshole. Obviously his rants about LGB people are full of shit cuz uh? Yeah, last I checked I wasn’t intentionally infecting anyone with AIDS (hell, last I checked I didn’t have it and seeing how I’ve done exactly zero things that might expose me since, this entire line of “thought” is absolutely moot) — the bigotry kinda became obvious when it included me. Yeah, I know, selfish. But that was pretty much the cascade for everything else that no, really, they’re people too, and probably not so different from me, cuz human.

Last one to go? *hangs head in shame* I was still all weird about furries when my sorta-an-ex-we-never-dated showed off zir fursuit (lol, foamsuit really, but that’s neither here nor there) and my “fuck, ok, maybe it is just my thing about masks” kicked in. And thus was born my “is it relevant to me or harming me? Nope? Then whatever”.

I still get the creeps from people in…masks isn’t right, cuz Halloween masks don’t do it. Those cartoon things at amusement parks more (yeah I did not enjoy Disney, sea world was another matter, until I dropped my camera and ruined the thing, held out a few more years with TLC but a broken gasket is a broken gasket). But that’s more or less irrational and thus my fucking problem.

LBT — honestly? Multiples were one of those “don’t know if real” things until I met you. My psych TA for the course that came up in wavered from “extremely rare” to “psych created”. At a guess, it’s a combo of shit like multiple miggs (*sigh* and I can only enjoy Session 9 anymore if I go with the “Simon’s a demon” theory…email me if you want the plot explained), and the DSM criteria of loosing time.

And then I started hanging out here and well, HI PERSON WHO EXISTS! And hey Sneak and Mac and Gigi and Mir, though we’ve never met I don’t think, funny how you exist and all! (Gigi is berating me huh?)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Damn I am long winded sometimes!

11 years ago

“LBT — honestly? Multiples were one of those “don’t know if real” things until I met you.”

Me too, Argenti.

11 years ago

Gaah… more proof that reddit is like a living monument to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

11 years ago

(Niko! Off the laptop! Mama’s turn to type!)

My general response to finding out about the more unconventional lives of fellow Manboobzers:

With the occasional “You can do that?!”