So the regulars in the Men’s Rights subreddit are currently discussing one of the most important — if often overlooked — issues of our time, which is: How come nobody but us sees that the ladies aren’t oppressed any more? Or, as paranoiarodeo497, looking hopefully towards the future, has chosen to put the question: “What future event/tragedy do you think will happen that will make people realize not only are women no longer deprived but in fact equal to men?”
Alas, the Men’s Rightsers aren’t hopeful that anything will wake up the snoozing sheeple. BrambleEdge, for his part, worries that men will remain oppressed forever.
Shrekem, meanwhile, turns to the work of eminent historian GirlWritesWhat for evidence that women were never oppressed in the first place:
IHaveALargePenis, in addition to being highly confident about his relative penis size, is also a bit more optimistic than his peers, suggesting that the irresponsibility of evil slutty single moms will eventually end up annoying not only single men but other women as well and thus, I guess, help to spark a new wave of antifeminism:
But Scoundrel, a more pessimistic sort, can’t imagine any scenario that would get the evil femmies to admit that men are oppressed:
Sorry, IHaveALargePenis, but you’ve been outvoted.
Meanwhile, loose-dendrite, off on a bit of a tangent, warns those who might otherwise be susceptible to feminist-think that seeing similar numbers of men and women in positions of power would not be a sign of gender equality — but rather a symptom of FEMALE TYRANNY!
Huh. I was unaware that high IQ was a prerequisite to power in our society. Did anyone tell George W. Bush?
In conclusion, MRAs have once against shown that they can use any and all evidence to “prove” what they already believe. Another flawless victory over the forces of reality.
A lot of the
governementgub’mint “subsidies to women” that these guys complain about (e.g. WIC) are subsidies to children through women.However you feel about transfers of wealth between adults, being opposed to transfer of wealth from adults to children is really stupid.
Get a job kids! Stop sucking on both your mother’s actual teat and the
governementgub’mint’s metaphorical teat!Uuh, I’d really like to know how many actual ‘geniuses’ we have running the show here (we aren’t short on idiots though, I’ll give him that).
I sometimes wonder if there’s any hope at all of breaking these people out of the cage of unreality they’ve locked themselves in. Probably not.
what’s that e doing there
… so hung up on the fact that those flying squirrels have fangs. Today in Falconer gets distracted by things of no consequence!
I swear that flying squirrel picture has been on here before. It looks really familiar.
Marie, I don’t think I’ve used that one before, but I’ve definitely posted very similar covers from other old men’s magazines, with men attacked by turtles and weasels, etc.
Huh. I never knew men being attacked by small cute animals was such a common theme in pics XD
Since when does a high IQ alone indicate a capacity for leadership? Really Reddit? Really?
That’s rather sloppy thinking.
I can only assume that loose-dendrite gained all of his/her knowledge from an obsolete medical text. In the field of health we don’t use the terms “genius” or “idiot” we use numbers on a scale which loosely describes a particular type of intelligence.
Hey, these government subsidies that evil feminazis like myself can access – can anyone tell me where to get them? thx
Sounds like the last one read Steven Goldberg’s The Inevitability of Patriarchy or something. What an awful text.
“and are immune to many laws that would get a man locked up” – is that why Marissa Alexander is doing 20 years for firing at a ceiling when her abuser was coming at her, under the same law that Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering a teenager under? GirlwritesWHAT indeed. Nothing based on actual research, likely.
“The treatment of women is nothing compared to the oppression of blacks during slavery”
Er…some of those slaves were women. Just sayin’
Oh, but the female slaves had it easy. (This is actually an MRA argument I’ve heard made.)
Now that I think of it, a lot of MRA arguments for how women are more privileged than men also apply to children being more privileged than adults.* I mean, sure, children have no control over their own lives, but adults are supposed to supply them with everything they need and we are constantly bombarded with media messages about how adults should sacrifice themselves for children.
Adults’ Human Rights Movement! End the Filiocracy! (Latin-Greek etymological confusion is essential for any human rights movement)
*It’s almost like the instances of female privilege MRAs like to cite are examples of women being treated like children.
“The treatment of women is nothing compared to the oppression of blacks during slavery”
Red herring.
That’s all that needs to be said about that argument.
“I consider this an inferior argument to point #1 because I don’t remember the associated research very well.”
Hahahaha. Thank God once in a blue moon these dudes take a break from horrid awfulness to be hilarious.
David Futrelle
“Men’s Rights Redditors wonder why nobody else realizes that the ladies aren’t oppressed any more”
Much like Ted Nugent apparently expects us to believe racism doesn’t exist anymore.
I wonder what Ted thinks of the “Men’s Rights Movement”
This is the same image, is it not? Not that I’m saying that’s a bad thing. It’s a pretty useful image. http://manboobz.com/2013/03/24/women-are-deadly-to-hire-the-spearheads-many-misogynists-weigh-in-on-adria-richards/
I have no idea why everyone doesn’t just completely ignore Ted Nugent.
You wrote
I have no idea why everyone doesn’t just completely ignore Ted Nugent.
I think a lot of people like his music, even if they don’t agree with his political views, plus he says a lot of things that many Americans on the right happen to agree with.
I’d like to dip Ted Nugent in honey and throw him to Tavis Smiley.
Reblogged this on Battered Mothers – A Human Rights Issue.
You wrote,
I’d like to dip Ted Nugent in honey and throw him to Tavis Smiley.
Sorry, I don’t get it. What is it with Tavis Smiley?
That sound you heard was my head exploding. I’ll make sure there’s no brain stains on the rug.
Red herring or not, that someone could even think this is ridiculous.