Some of you may have noticed that I often tag my posts here with the phrase “Men Who Should Not Ever Be With Women Ever.” From time to time I worry that I’m being a tad harsh. After all, not all of these fellas are totally irredeemable, right? Right?
And then I run across some guys for whom my tag is if anything a gross understatement. So today, some Men Who Should Not Ever Be With Women Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever. And our dear old friend Roosh, the woman-hating woman-chaser, heads up the list.
The other day on Roosh’s forum, some twisted asshole posted a link to a news story about two hikers who had been rescued after getting lost in the fog in a state park in Maine — only to drown after accidentally driving off a boat launch on their way out of the park and getting trapped in their minivan.
Oh yeah, they were women.
The commenter on Roosh’s forum thought this was hilarious “proof of the equality of the genders, except when it comes to navigation, opening doors, etc.”
While a few of the commenters reacted like decent human beings and pointed out that this story wasn’t actually funny — raising the question of why they were hanging out on Roosh’s forum in the first place — others joined in with their own “jokes.”
Roosh himself set the tone, seizing on the detail that one of the women had called for help on her cell phone as as the minivan sank.
This is what happens when you create a culture of helpless women dependent on the state for everything.
The LAST thing I would think of in their case is to make a phone call with a car filling with water. Too bad they were idiots, but god gave them a chance at life on the mountain. He just said “fuck it” and let them die.
Regular forum contributor Scorpion added:
I really don’t understand how the fuck it’s possible to drive your car at full speed off a boat ramp and then have your first response be to pull out your fucking cell phone.
It’s a good case study for what happens to women when left to their own devices in a world without men. Completely and utterly helpless in a crisis. Any time something goes wrong, just pick up the phone and call a man to fix it.
Lady, that might work when it’s your basement is filling up with water, but not when it’s the sinking car you’re sitting in.
The death of the unborn baby was like a mercy-kill from God. If they had lived, no doubt the dimwitted mother would have found some other way to kill them both, like leaving the gas on or dropping a radio in the tub while bathing the baby. Amazing she made it to her late 30s. I wonder how many times the men in her life have bailed her out before.
And someone called Divorco offered his two cents as well:
This is not funny, it is a terrible tragedy
… because an innocent dog died too.
There’s more of this, much more.
And these are men who honestly think they’re inherently superior to women.
One of my friends knew one of the women. Said friend has been getting upset messages from the family members specifically regarding “oh god and then there was this comment on the news article…” We commiserated over how horrible the internet can be. Didn’t really expect it to make its manboobz, but yes, women that do anything that could be construed with some impressive gymnastics to “poor judgment” will find its way to manosphere and be utilized to prove that all women are inferior and deserve to die. Which, if one actually reviews the article and particulars, wasn’t really poor judgment – they got lost hiking and were found, tried driving home, took a wrong turn in the dark and fog which was right into the water and they were not one of the very few people that could successfully get themselves out of a car rapidly filling with water. Why shouldn’t one, if they can’t get the windows or doors open, call 911? It was tragic.
I hope their families never stumble upon Roosh V.
The perfect Roosh tattoo would be “asshole” written in 50 different languages on his chest.
Even if he did say that for the sake of “shocking” people, he’s still an asshole for making such a “joke.” I’m afraid that he doesn’t seem to be joking, though.
Our new friend Kenny is as shallow as a paddling pool, isn’t he?
Hey, paddling pools have a use. Kenny I’m not sure about.
It’s funny how deep he obviously thinks he is. Bless his heart.
And he always just poops in the thread and swims away.
Ah, Kenny. Finally we have common ground.
All it took was a typo…
I think the Manosphere’s outlook on divorce is simple to understand if you keep two things in mind. In their view, women:
1. don’t really love men. They are not really capable of loving men the way men love women. See Briffault’s law.
2. will leave a man for superficial reasons like being “unhaaaapy.” And we all know men NEVER make women happy, at least not without exercising consistent game on her. Therefore, a woman should not be able to determine what makes her happy because a man always knows better.
Therefore a woman should not have any agency or independence in a marriage because she will only use that agency to destroy the marriage, the man, and the lives of their children in the long run. Until the institution is restored to it’s original incarnation where men control the wealth and women are powerless to leave without facing great hardship or ruin, MRAs advocate men boycotting marriage. Because entering a contract with a person of equal stature to yourself in the eyes of the law just carries too much risk.
I’d be sorely tempted to tattoo RAPIST across his forehead. Just for shits and giggles, of course, the sort he and his loser mates go in for.
On the subject of why they’re all so anti-divorce – auggz, you answered the question yourself. It’s not about love, or individuals: it’s about women not being under men’s financial and physical power. That’s what enrages these creatures. They are’t legally able to own a woman any more (and in the days before no-fault divorces at least, and anything resembling availability of work for women, they did.) It’s bad enough now, when women, especially if they have children, are likely to end up in poverty post-divorce, but these guys hanker for the days when a woman could not escape.
On this topic: I know a woman who’s a theologist. She told me that once when she was on a theology conference in the USA, she came to chat with this older male theologist. They talked about their families, and she mentioned that she was married with a little daughter. Male theologist asks her who takes care of her daughter while she’s in the USA –
“Your mother? A sister? A friend?”. She’s like “um, no, my HUSBAND takes care of her while I’m gone, actually.” Male theologist: “Did he receive any training for that before you went?”.
Which is worse — that men need training to care for kids or that women don’t? Cuz “able to care for a small child” isn’t a magic power bestowed upon those with a uterus!
My friend was hospitalized while pregnant with pre-eclampsia, and so many people were shocked — SHOCKED — that her husband was caring for their daughter alone. BTW, she had a healthy baby boy and they’re both doing well. I’m not going to tell you the baby’s real name, but his sister has decided to name him Brains after her favorite character in her favorite show.
@Marie: Thank you for the internet hugs. I don’t really need ’em for this, as it was a long time ago and to be honest I was back in the pool just a few days after. I still swim like a fish.
If it’s okay with you I’m going to save the hugs in a tupperware I keep for jut that purpose (Freshness counts!) so they can be redistributed to anyone else in need. 😉
Ugh, anyone see this? : http://www.avoiceformen.com/updates/action-updates/manboobz-earns-his-name/
Xen, David might have even done a post about it, although maybe he decided yet another false accusation in a whole string of false accusations wasn’t really post-worthy.
Indeed, here it is: http://manboobz.com/2012/05/13/happy-mothers-day-the-a-voice-for-men-way-note-much-worse-than-youd-think/
Ugh. That was awful. At least I don’t have to reply to Kenny; everyone else here already took care of it! (Though seriously, how am I supposed to be more okay with “say horrible cruel things to shock people,” than I am with, “say horrible cruel things”? It still involves being totally okay with upsetting people for your enjoyment.)
And yeah, it’s a lot easier to claim yourself superior when YOU’RE not in a crisis. I remember an awful death that happened in my area a year or two ago. A college student blundered into the reservoir I work near and drowned. (We also probably ran across his body, but that’s another story.) A lot of people were shocked how he could’ve drowned in such shallow water, since it was a couple of feet, and the ground sloped to it. But having walked there every lunch break for work, I could see how easy it’d be to get disoriented in the dark and fall–ESPECIALLY since the kid had come from a bar, so probably wasn’t sober. Humans are frail, fallible little creatures.
RE: Falconer
Hell, I’ve had nightmares about drowning, period.
I feel immensely fortunate. I’ve had some truly gruesome nightmares, but drowning dreams have no affect on me whatsoever. They would just convert into ABSOLUTELY AWESOME superpower dreams where we could breathe under water. And having nearly drowned myself, not gonna lie, I’d take that over burning any day. Our dissociation would work better on it.
Well, it looks like the RooshVGang has linked to us, in return. So let’s keep linking back and forth until a wormhole is created.
And yeah, I’m bummed that they didn’t mention any of MY comments, either. LOL.
They actually think we’re going to bother to read it? LOL.
I’d say “with the emphasis on worm, in their case” except worms are inoffensive and important to the world.
From a forum user:
“I’m futilely trying to imagine the rage of these white knights when they realize the Roosh board slays far more pussy than they could even fathom. Life really does a vicious sense of humor.”
Hmm, that’s very interesting, because I am currently trying to imagine the rage of these misogynist turds when they realize the Manboobz cohort does give a shit if one “slays far more pussy” than we could even fathom. Life really does have a vicious sense of humor.
Cassandra – ditto, I’m not giving Mr Down and Out in Eastern Europe any blog clicks.
I mean “doesn’t give shit…”
Now everything is ruined. 🙁
@ Kittehserf,
Yeah, don’t. I probably give him enough for this entire blog. What can I say? I’m sick.