Some of you may have noticed that I often tag my posts here with the phrase “Men Who Should Not Ever Be With Women Ever.” From time to time I worry that I’m being a tad harsh. After all, not all of these fellas are totally irredeemable, right? Right?
And then I run across some guys for whom my tag is if anything a gross understatement. So today, some Men Who Should Not Ever Be With Women Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever. And our dear old friend Roosh, the woman-hating woman-chaser, heads up the list.
The other day on Roosh’s forum, some twisted asshole posted a link to a news story about two hikers who had been rescued after getting lost in the fog in a state park in Maine — only to drown after accidentally driving off a boat launch on their way out of the park and getting trapped in their minivan.
Oh yeah, they were women.
The commenter on Roosh’s forum thought this was hilarious “proof of the equality of the genders, except when it comes to navigation, opening doors, etc.”
While a few of the commenters reacted like decent human beings and pointed out that this story wasn’t actually funny — raising the question of why they were hanging out on Roosh’s forum in the first place — others joined in with their own “jokes.”
Roosh himself set the tone, seizing on the detail that one of the women had called for help on her cell phone as as the minivan sank.
This is what happens when you create a culture of helpless women dependent on the state for everything.
The LAST thing I would think of in their case is to make a phone call with a car filling with water. Too bad they were idiots, but god gave them a chance at life on the mountain. He just said “fuck it” and let them die.
Regular forum contributor Scorpion added:
I really don’t understand how the fuck it’s possible to drive your car at full speed off a boat ramp and then have your first response be to pull out your fucking cell phone.
It’s a good case study for what happens to women when left to their own devices in a world without men. Completely and utterly helpless in a crisis. Any time something goes wrong, just pick up the phone and call a man to fix it.
Lady, that might work when it’s your basement is filling up with water, but not when it’s the sinking car you’re sitting in.
The death of the unborn baby was like a mercy-kill from God. If they had lived, no doubt the dimwitted mother would have found some other way to kill them both, like leaving the gas on or dropping a radio in the tub while bathing the baby. Amazing she made it to her late 30s. I wonder how many times the men in her life have bailed her out before.
And someone called Divorco offered his two cents as well:
This is not funny, it is a terrible tragedy
… because an innocent dog died too.
There’s more of this, much more.
And these are men who honestly think they’re inherently superior to women.
AK, I can’t even imagine. Sorry it’s been a bad year, and I hope it gets better. Hugs if you want ’em!
I’m not such a physical hugger, but I’ll always accept virtual hugs. 😉 Thank you.
[CN: violence]
OT, but here’s another horrible GS thread about the MRM:
Some gems: someone expressing his wish to punch a feminist in the face, one person admitting to “tapping” a feminist on the face when she said something he didn’t like, people talking about how reasonable GWW is, and one of my best friends being told that she shouldn’t be allowed to breed just because she is a feminist.
Ugh. That is all.
what an awful story. i don’t even see how even the worst kind of troll could find the heart to mock anybody from going off that boat ramp, when just a quick glance at the picture makes it pretty obvious that the boat ramp was basically a death trap. the guy gloating that one of the women was pregnant and how good it is the baby won’t be born though… i don’t think there is a word strong enough to capture the vile essence of that person.
Shaenon, congrats!
Also, the comments there are hilariously terrible. The MRAs have completely derailed everything, are going on about how only men take dangerous jobs, etc, and our old pal Uncle Elmer makes an appearance.
Opening car windows underwater shouldn’t be any harder because the car window slides down so it’s always perpendicular to the water pressure. The electric motor is the problem. My mother used to tell us our beater’s hand crank windows were a safety feature for that reason.
Good old Uncle Elmer manages to make himself look pathetic all over the Internet. Poor gut. I’d almost feel sorry for him it he wasn’t such a tool.
@AK – virtual hugs on offer from here too. I’m so sorry for what you must have gone through reading this. To say those guys are a bunch of jerks would be an understatement by several orders of magnitude.
PS. *shudderAtmosshudder*
Found this on RooshVForum. I have to share, as it completely encapsulates the total lack of self awareness in the PUA world.
“The problem with American women is that the hot ones are being chased by 90% of guys and the women pick guys based on superficial reasons.”
I know. It’s almost beyond mockery.
Alice: They’re joking…right?
Alice do you have a link for that coz i feel the need to screenie it and post it on my tumblr.
Ask, and ye shall receive:
Permalink. So damn funny.
“PS. *shudderAtmosshudder*”
AK — *hugs* if you’re accepting virtual ones
Katz — water pressure goes down and sideways, so idk. I do know that tank bottoms are almost always thicker than the sides, since it’s supporting all the weight and the pressure, but idk if that’s relevant here.
Thanks, Katz. I is dumb.
Argenti, since the window slides downwards into the door frame, so you’re never pushing the window against the force of the water: The water is pressing inwards (against the surface of the window) but you are sliding it perpendicular to that force. (Even if the window seals leaked and the inside of the door was filled with water, you’d only be pushing the window against an amount of force proportional to the cross-section of the window–much much less than the force it would take to push the window outwards, if car windows opened that way.)
thanks Alice 🙂
You’re not dumb, Alice; the site is unclear.
Physics, Katz is better at them than I am. So yeah, assuming the window functioned at all, it should move.
Also, that quote is awesomely horrible.
@ Alice
That is the best PUA quote ever, and it should now come standard every time anyone writes a post about PUAs.
Well, I can never follow your statistics explanation, so there’s a sort of conservation of knowledge going on.
Alice: And the sad part is that they will never understand why that’s so fucking funny.
“They need to spend the rest of their lives talking to crickets or something.”
Hey, hey, hey now! What did those crickets ever do to you?