If you ever need proof that Men’s Rights Activists live in a world of their own, check out this, er, argument, found in a posting on A Voice for Men UK, the official British franchise of the American hate site we know so well :
All women are homophobic.
Whether the men being prejudiced against are gay or not is kind of beside the point – after all, ‘homo’ = man, ‘phobia’ = fear, therefore: ‘homophobia’ = Fear of Man – but, if you want to quibble over Greek & Latin etymology, perhaps we can at least agree on this: all women, to a greater or lesser extent, display the ‘symptoms’ we attribute to said condition: overt caution, fear &/or disdain of men.
Yep, that’s right. In order to find an excuse to call women “homophobic,” they’ve invented an entirely new definition for the word not based in any way on the actual etymology of the word “homophobia” (which is of course derived from “homosexual”) but on something they’ve just made up.
By this logic, the word “homosexual” would not mean “of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex” but rather “man sexual.” If we take this to mean “attracted to men,” this would suggest that all straight women with sex drives would therefore be homosexual as well. Brilliant, A Voice for Men UK.
The author of the post then uses this weird logic to make excuses for actual homophobia among straight men:
Female ‘homophobia’ is so normalized in our society that treating every man you meet like ‘Schrödinger’s Rapist’ is considered an ordinary, common sense fact of life – just so long as you are a woman. But if a man feels at all uncomfortable around another man sexually, he is presently branded an evil bigot for behaving the way all women do at all times.
A Voice for Men: they reject your reality, and substitute nonsensical unreality that allows them to say bad things about women.
I apologize for talking about it. It didn’t occur to me that survivors might not be comfortable with such a discussion.
On the subject of sweat – good ol’ perimenopause kicks in and mine has developed a stronger smell, I think. It’d probably be terrible if I ate strongly flavoured or spiced foods (note to self: eat more fruit) but the funny thing is, I’ve reached the “bad luck” stage of thinking. I bathe, I use deodorant – this is starting to sound like a Palmolive Gold ad – and I’ve pretty much decided that if anyone happens to get a whiff of FEMALE SWEAT!!!!eleventy!! then so what? I think I’d rather have the occasional whiff of BO than the rancid food smells that more often pervade train carriages here. I don’t know what had been eaten on the train on Friday afternoon but I swear it smelled like old cat poo …
I like the way my partner smells, which is a good thing because he thinks deodorant is bad for him and doesn’t like to wear it. At least now I’ve gotten him to wear it if we are leaving the house together, you know, for the sake of other people. LOL.
I finally found a deodorant (I think it has powder in it) that works well – Dry Idea.
In terms of why GWW is framing her experience the way she is, my money is on magical thinking. If I just do x, y, and z then I’m safe and nothing like that will ever happen to me again. It’s one of the most common ways in which women unwittingly support rape culture.
A course of hepatitis shots? My reaction to the cooking with bodily fluids thing is 1 part “ew” and about 50 parts “beware, biohazard”.
Plus “pseudo cannibalism, no thanks”.
… Though “inadvertently cooking with cat hair” is a thing in our house on occasion.
“Though “inadvertently cooking with cat hair” is a thing in our house on occasion.”
Becoming one with the Furrinati?
We are being assimilated!
Strewth. I’ve just spent the last four hours reading the Schrodinger’s Rapist thread.
::attempts to unkink back:: OW
it would be so much easier to be a cat:
To quote my brother “she is kitty, she no have bones” (I swear he reverts to 5 when it comes to the cat)
I have long subscribed to the belief that humans actually have a functional vomeronasal organ. That is, that we experience pheromones, but are not consciously aware of doing so, because the VNO is linked directly to the limbic system, and not the frontal lobe. So we respond emotionally to the biochemistry of other people, without knowing why. This suggests that we sometimes react to people for completely irrational reasons.
But who could believe THAT?
Have a glass of kitty!
Argenti – nah, he’s just reacting to Cat Proximity. (Yes we’ve seen this many times but still, kitty!
The best part of that? Going “you’re a kitty!” at her makes her give you that “yeah and I’ll eat your face” look.
Wasn’t it Germaine Greer who said that if you weren’t into the idea of eating your own menses you’d a “long way to go” or something similar?
Sorry if this has come up, catching up to several MBZ threadz at once.
It hadn’t come up, but I haven’t heard it before and can’t help you with who said it.
Sounds like something she might have said in the 70s. I’m glad I don’t remember most of that time period very well.
(I listened to about 3 minutes of this, because I just got back from a wedding and I am tipsy and not really in the mood to listen to P-A:N(c).)
I really hope Peter-Andrew:Nolan(c) doesn’t actually spell his name like that. I mean, seriously, you can’t get a spelling any more cringeworthy than that.
::rolls eyes:: Nothing Germaine Greer says/said would surprise me. She seems to have no states beside “smart” and “painful, bigoted attention-seeker with a side order of Oz expat lecturing us on how inferior we all are.”
Argenti – so, your cat’s a Basement Cat devotee, eh?
Ally, have you been properly introduced to P-A:N(c) and his epic fights against packs of wild dogs, which he subdues only with his mind? You might start here and click on the link in the Author’s Notes.
Random: I’m reading the Shapely Prose archives. DAMN I wish I’d known about that blog when it was active, though if I had, I’d have cried buckets when it closed.
Kitteh — yep
Re: P-A:N(C) — the court is a pirate ship and he’s better than GWW because he proved that on film. Well, he says he’s “denied the court” but yeah, he’s clearly talking about THE COURT IS A PIRATE SHIP!
He’s also so boring that I’m going to bed.