a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men rape culture that's completely wrong

A Voice for Men UK: All Women Are Homophobic (If We Can Just Make Up Our Own Definitions for Words)

You keep using that word. I'm not even going to bother with the rest of this quote.
You keep using that word. I’m not even going to bother with the rest of this quote.

If you ever need proof that Men’s Rights Activists live in a world of their own, check out this, er, argument, found in a posting on A Voice for Men UK, the official British franchise of the American hate site we know so well :

All women are homophobic.

Whether the men being prejudiced against are gay or not is kind of beside the point – after all, ‘homo’ = man, ‘phobia’ = fear, therefore: ‘homophobia’ = Fear of Man – but, if you want to quibble over Greek & Latin etymology, perhaps we can at least agree on this: all women, to a greater or lesser extent, display the ‘symptoms’ we attribute to said condition: overt caution, fear &/or disdain of men.

Yep, that’s right. In order to find an excuse to call women “homophobic,” they’ve invented an entirely new definition for the word not based in any way on the actual etymology of the word “homophobia” (which is of course derived from “homosexual”) but on something they’ve just made up.

By this logic, the word “homosexual” would not mean “of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex” but rather “man sexual.” If we take this to mean “attracted to men,” this would suggest that all straight women with sex drives would therefore be homosexual as well. Brilliant, A Voice for Men UK.

The author of the post then uses this weird logic to make excuses for actual homophobia among straight men:

Female ‘homophobia’ is so normalized in our society that treating every man you meet like ‘Schrödinger’s Rapist’ is considered an ordinary, common sense fact of life – just so long as you are a woman. But if a man feels at all uncomfortable around another man sexually, he is presently branded an evil bigot for behaving the way all women do at all times.

A Voice for Men: they reject your reality, and substitute nonsensical unreality that allows them to say bad things about women.

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11 years ago

Say, if Romulus and Remus were raised by a wolf … does that make them the original Alpha Dudes?

11 years ago

Raised by a female wolf…total beta manginas.

11 years ago

Raised by a feminist single mother wolf. Sucking the teat of big daddy government. So yeah, they were beta.

11 years ago

Well, Romulus killed Remus, so that’s pretty alpha.

11 years ago

LOL I should have realised!

Does that mean all the horrible things they did later were beta overcompensation?

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago


The whole “Women are homophobic” part is meant to be ironic: in that it is critiquing a quotation about a feminist’s reasoning for being against homophobia, is in itself being “homophobic” towards men because she is letting her feminist ideology taint her reasons

Mm, no. In the first place, the idiotic false etymology of “homophobia” does not serve the point. In the second place, the point is bullshit. “Schrodinger’s Rapist” is not about misandry, or shunning men.

Shrodinger’s Rapist is about the fact that women may feel cautious and uncomfortable around strange men because of the possibility of rape. That discomfort and caution is neither unreasonable nor insulting to men.

I don’t leave my wallet unattended on a restaurant table when I go to the restroom. My caution is not unfair to my ethical and law-abiding fellow diners, and only a fool would take offense.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And I’m twitching, again. No one warned me that my eye twitch was going to get more use this week than last month.

Lady Mondegreen said it better than I could. But seriously, why is the concept hard — “you can never be absolutely certain someone is or isn’t a rapist until they prove it and since you can’t prove a negative…”

Like, if I say…”you can never know is she is or isn’t a sperm jacket until she proves it and since you can’t prove a negative…” — MRAs would clamor over it. Except rape is about a billion times more common.

Ally S
11 years ago

they explicitly state that they do not condone any kind of hating towards people based on one trivial aspect

Sounds like you don’t read AVfM. Or perhaps you’re a bigot as well. Or both.

The whole “Women are homophobic” part is meant to be ironic: in that it is critiquing a quotation about a feminist’s reasoning for being against homophobia, is in itself being “homophobic” towards men because she is letting her feminist ideology taint her reasons.

I didn’t know feminists only oppose anti-gay bigotry for feminist reasons. Huh.

11 years ago

you can never know is she is or isn’t a sperm jacket

Fashion gets reallly weird sometimes.

Ally S
11 years ago

I’ve never seen Shroedinger’s Rapist being about not being sure if other people are rapists. From what I’ve read, it’s just the notion that one reason a woman might be more strict about her boundaries when dealing with a strange man is that she’s worried about rape (since women are taught to not do this, not do that, etc. in order to prevent being raped).

11 years ago

I think it’s very much about not knowing if any given stranger is a rapist. From Starling’s post on Shapely Prose:

One in every six American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. I bet you don’t think you know any rapists, but consider the sheer number of rapes that must occur. These rapes are not all committed by Phillip Garrido, Brian David Mitchell, or other members of the Brotherhood of Scary Hair and Homemade Religion. While you may assume that none of the men you know are rapists, I can assure you that at least one is. Consider: if every rapist commits an average of ten rapes (a horrifying number, isn’t it?) then the concentration of rapists in the population is still a little over one in sixty. That means four in my graduating class in high school. One among my coworkers. One in the subway car at rush hour. Eleven who work out at my gym. How do I know that you, the nice guy who wants nothing more than companionship and True Love, are not this rapist?

I don’t.

When you approach me in public, you are Schrödinger’s Rapist. You may or may not be a man who would commit rape. I won’t know for sure unless you start sexually assaulting me. I can’t see inside your head, and I don’t know your intentions. If you expect me to trust you—to accept you at face value as a nice sort of guy—you are not only failing to respect my reasonable caution, you are being cavalier about my personal safety.

Ally S
11 years ago

This is where I got the interpretation I mentioned:

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Jacket…jacker…autocorrect is weird.

11 years ago

It certainly is!

Hey, I thought you were going to bed?

Ally S
11 years ago

LOL sperm jacket XD

11 years ago

Fullsperm Jacket is one of Kubrick’s most underappreciated films.

11 years ago

Fullsperm Jacket is one of Kubrick’s most underappreciated films.

I had to “delurk” just to say how much that made me laugh right now when I was feeling depressed about GWW and people who invent etymologies at will by mixing different languages and roots.

Back to lurking. (you all are too fast for me! every time I come here, I’m too late! =P)

Ally S
11 years ago

[Content note: the most bizarre, weirdest use of semen ever]

Speaking of weird things that have sperm in/on them:

Yes, that’s a real thing. I’m still in disbelief.

11 years ago

ahahahahahahahaha! Yes, Ally! I know a person who actually bought this. We were not very thrilled with the dinner invitation, to be honest. I think ze will have to try them alone.

(I’m not a very good lurker-only also, right?)

11 years ago

“Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients – you will love this cook book!”

I feel sorry for some guys being used as…. human cows? (for the lack of a good analogy).

Ally S
11 years ago

Also, they just had to put a custard dish on the front cover. o_O It’s like they’re trying to troll people.

11 years ago

I also liked A Cockwork Orange.

11 years ago

Fullsperm Jacket

A Cockwork Orange


Ally S
11 years ago

Movies and sperm came to mind, so I immediately thought of “Sperminator 2.”

Dunno if that would be an MRA film or a porno.

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