narcissism open thread playing the victim rape culture trigger warning victim blaming

Open Thread for discussion of Ariel Castro statement, sentencing. TRIGGER WARNING for whole thread.

Some commenters here have started discussing the Ariel Castro sentencing — and the remarkable, delusional, self-pitying, victim-blaming statement he made before being sentenced — in the Minter Meltdown thread. Because so much of what he said — and so many of the issues raised — are potentially triggering, I thought it would be good to open up a separate thread for this.

Here’s a piece at the Daily Beast with some of the most astounding quotes from Castro’s statement today.

Consider this whole thread to have a TRIGGER WARNING on it for discussions of Castro’s rape apologias and victim blaming.

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11 years ago

To paraphrase the Fabulous Furry Freek Brothers, six hundred pounds of weed will get you through times of no tigers better than a six hundred pound tiger will get you through times of no weed. That said, the ability of otherwise human beings to do monstrous things and still believe themselves to not be monsters has been well documented. But the willingness of at least one human being to defend Mr. Castro has dismayed me.

11 years ago

I use Hermesetas in my drinks. It has a distinct flavour, not like sugar, but I like it. I don’t know if it can be used in cooking. One point in its favour is that it doesn’t have the slightly chemical taste of some of the artificial sweeteners.

11 years ago

To paraphrase the Fabulous Furry Freek Brothers, six hundred pounds of weed will get you through times of no tigers better than a six hundred pound tiger will get you through times of no weed.

Ah, but I’m sure a 600-pound tiger could get you some weed.

11 years ago

six hundred pounds of weed will get you through times of no tigers better than a six hundred pound tiger will get you through times of no weed

But I don’t do weed, so that’s no help! I want tigers, dammit!

11 years ago

Stevia: I’ve tried using it. I’ve found that the flavor varies depending on the brand. Also, it’s really, REALLY sweet, so you want to use only a tiny bit. Otherwise there’s this funky medicinal aftertaste.

I decided I didn’t like it. I’d rather stick with regular sugar and just eat less of it.

11 years ago

A 600 11 pound tiger doing weed shoes.

11 years ago

Has anyone here ever had stevia? I tried it a while ago, and it tasted really bitter. Iā€™m trying to cut down on my sugar intake(under 25 grams a day), and a 0 calorie sweetener would be awesome.

I’ve found it’s ultimately easier to just re-train my taste-buds. I’ve learned to like plain water, and desserts that consist mostly of fruit. I wouldn’t eat a mass-market chocolate bar unless you paid me, like, a LOT, because I now find them to be sickeningly sweet and otherwise flavourless.

I read somewhere, once, that any sweetener, even stevia, that has that bitter aftertaste is still going to have some kind of insulin reaction.

I was cooking with Splenda for awhile, but it had a funny aftertaste, too. And one time, I mixed it with vanilla (part of the recipe) and it foamed up and tasted salty.

So yeah. No sugar, no zero-cal fake sugars. Just learn to like new flavours.

11 years ago

Stevia – my older son loves loves LOVES the sweet, especially in his breakfast cereal. We get him 365 brand* Stevia extract. So he’s learning to take the bitter (aftertaste) with the sweet.

*Yes, Whole Foods house brand. We are what we are.

11 years ago

You can get somewhat less bitterness by growing the stevia yourself and either drying it and using the powdered leaves or by making simple syrup (well sweet water, it won’t get syrupy) from one cup of water to about a quarter cup of chopped leaves. It’s potent stuff, though.

11 years ago

…and I’m on the ‘retrain the taste buds’ bandwagon as well. It’s been easier to ramp down the sweet than to find an acceptable sugar substitute, and now I just have the sugar itself when I want sweet (like for baking) because I’m down to so very little of it.

11 years ago

This thread has become like a really bizarre game of Settlers of Catan.

I have tigers! Anyone wanna trade tigers for weed?

11 years ago

I can turn enough weed into a police force.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

I was at work today and didn’t get to see it. Does anyone have a full transcript of his statement?

11 years ago

USian food is pretty highly sweetened generally, isn’t it?

11 years ago

Meh, the idea that almost all foods need sugar/salt to enhance the flavor is, IMO, not generally true. Some recipes need them; many don’t and you can get a more interesting flavor by just making better use of other ingredients. I always try to cut out or reduce salt and sugar if I’m not making a specifically salty or sugary dish.

11 years ago

katz, I agree. I rarely put salt or sugar on my food these days. My sweeteners are just for tea, coffee and cocoa.

Speaking of which, I just had a chicken and avocado sandwich with pepper in it. WHY? What does adding a burn to a sandwich do to improve the flavour? /grumble

Ally S
11 years ago

OT, but has anyone here tried reading terrible fanfic out loud and then recording it through Vocaroo? After finally getting Vocaroo to work on my browser, I’ve been doing it non-stop. In particular, I’ve been reading the infamous Peter Chimaera’s old work (found here: Anyone else want to have a go at them?

11 years ago

Most processed foods have some sugar even if they’re not meant to be sweet, but in terms of stuff you make yourself, no, most non-dessert foods do not need sugar in them. In my entire collection of frequently used recipes there’s only one that calls for sugar (nikujaga), and even in that case I ended up taking the sugar out and liking the stew better that way.

Ally S
11 years ago

Oh, and here’s Vocaroo.

While I’m at it, here’s one I did: (text is here:

11 years ago

I put about a tablespoon in when I am making a pot of French onion soup (for about four cups of sliced onions, to help them caramelize as they brown), but other than for cookies and the like, I don’t use sugar at all. I never liked sweet hot coffee (unless I am in the mood for Turkish coffee, which for me has to be sweet) and I’ve weaned myself off sweetened iced coffee as well.

11 years ago

@ Ally

That dude is a Poe, right? I mean…

An ship of space travel tached down on the remotely desert of the planet that se4cretly was Earth but the ship didn’t know because it is plot twist. The crashing happened and then the ship crashed but bad. Out of ship cam Captain Harvey John and he said “My crew are dead so I have to forage in the wilderness” but then he found a city of apes.

“Oh no, this must be Earth” he questioned.

“Take him to the leader apes,” said a gorillas who were military him into town so hard it made him hurt his life.

“Who is this human” cried Dr. Zaius with yelling cry.

“My name is Captain John”

Dr. Zaius gapped, “This is outrage! Demand to kill him immeedley”

“You say that now,” explaining John “but I have evidence you will betray the apes”

“What have the evidence” asked Cornelius but then the gorillas got mad because he was siding with the humans after so much they had be through.

But he did not have to give the evidence because Dr. Zaius reached up with his angry growl and his fists were powerful ape claws that screamed with his mouth.

“He is mutating into evil” Zira said and she hid on the floor where the apes were hiding

Ally S
11 years ago

He probably is a Poe, but he’s probably one of the best Poes out there.

11 years ago

Hats off to him, it must take a lot of effort to consistently write like that.

Michelle C Young
11 years ago

The comment of his that I hate the most, I think, is when he claims that he didn’t rape them, because THEY WEREN’T VIRGINS. So what if they did have sexual partners before him? That doesn’t make his actions any less rapey. He forced them, whether by violence, threats, simply chaining them up and taking them while they were helpless, or by brainwashing. It’s ALL rape. And, yes, it absolutely is possible to rape a non-virgin. In fact, it’s possible to rape a prostitute! Get it through your heads, people! If a person does not say yes, then it is not consensual, and that is RAPE!


11 years ago

That’s … not a whole lot worse than stuff I used to see on FanStory.