narcissism open thread playing the victim rape culture trigger warning victim blaming

Open Thread for discussion of Ariel Castro statement, sentencing. TRIGGER WARNING for whole thread.

Some commenters here have started discussing the Ariel Castro sentencing — and the remarkable, delusional, self-pitying, victim-blaming statement he made before being sentenced — in the Minter Meltdown thread. Because so much of what he said — and so many of the issues raised — are potentially triggering, I thought it would be good to open up a separate thread for this.

Here’s a piece at the Daily Beast with some of the most astounding quotes from Castro’s statement today.

Consider this whole thread to have a TRIGGER WARNING on it for discussions of Castro’s rape apologias and victim blaming.

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11 years ago

Is the Masculist Man who wrote that horrible blog the same Masculist Man who sometimes troll-bombs here with the stupidest comments of ever?

11 years ago

I’m finding myself unable to put 600 pounds of weed into perspective. That’s the weight of a tiger.

Which made me do a little back-of-the-envelope calculation and actually you could buy about 50 tigers for the price of that much weed (upkeep not included).

Ally S
11 years ago


Given that he always links to that blog, I’m sure he is.

11 years ago

MorkaisChosen, you are horrifyingly naive. rehabilitation is a myth, and it doesn’t matter if he never rapes again in his life.

he needs to pay.

11 years ago

Manboobz: Come for the mockery, stay to find out how many tigers you could trade 600 pounds of weed for.

Also, has anyone posted this Maclean’s story about MRAs yet? I’m behind on reading.

11 years ago

Katz: This was in ’77, so there’s probably been inflation. And holy shit, for some reason I thought that all happened a couple of years before I was born, but mom was actually pregnant with me when this happened. That’s… creepy.

11 years ago

Well, if the price of tigers and the price of weed rose at the same rate, then the exchange rate would still be the same.

11 years ago

I’d take one tiger and use the rest of the money for the upkeep. Because, tiger! I’d never miss a seat on the train again. Or pay for a ticket, either. No ticket inspector’s gonna argue with that kitty.

11 years ago

@drst, That story from California has been really upsetting. Here’s a link.

People can be so terrible. It’s scary.

11 years ago

All the damn side-eye to kaitlyn.

11 years ago

Unfortunately I suspect that the relative price of weed has dropped and the price of tigers has increased. (Which just means that, back then, you could have gotten even more tigers.)

11 years ago

@ hellkell

Here a troll, there a troll, everywhere a…

11 years ago

I wouldn’t say rehabilitation is a myth; obviously it works in lots of cases. But I would say there are crimes that just outweigh it when it implies eventual release, and Castro’s crimes are among them. He needs to be in prison and away from women for the rest of his life.

11 years ago

Did kaitlyn even read what Morkaischosen wrote?

11 years ago

Why read when you can try to create drama? Clearly you have not received your copy of the troll manifesto yet.

11 years ago

Rehabilitation works pretty well for a lot of crimes. I mean, here in the US, we’ve been trying the lock all the black men up in prison route for a while, and that isn’t going so well. I’d much rather see diversion and/or rehabilitation programs tried for that.

I read an interesting article on this issue recently — I don’t agree with all of the arguments, but the data certainly is worth engaging with.

(And I apologize for posting the Maclean’s story link here in the Castro thread, since it doesn’t really belong here.)

11 years ago

Cloudiah: the comments in the macleans article rsidly devolved into the standard mra shitshow, complete with rantings from dean esmay.

11 years ago

My trolling is of exceedingly poor quality.

11 years ago

Rapidly devolved. Ah, phone typing.

11 years ago

One glance at the Maclean’s article was enough. Talk about soft soap.

11 years ago

Sometimes off topic can be a huge relief. I kind of wish I’d not read this thread. I’m remote from the whole Castro case, in that it doesn’t trigger me, but by Basement Cat it’s depressing.

Time for brain bleach:

11 years ago

Open threads are usually supposed to be more accommodating of random off-topic comments, no? Although we’re always so off-topic that it’s hard to tell.

11 years ago

Even as a total non-cook I’d like to see a cooking question!

11 years ago

OMG a question I can answer!

Yes, I tried stevia and found the same thing. Someone told me later (was it on here?) that you can only have very small amounts of it, or that bitterness kicks in. Which makes it kinda useless for a sugar replacement!