Mark Minter, a bitter, angry, divorced man in his late fifties, made a name for himself over the last year or so in the tiny world of the misogynist manosphere as that subculture’s most vociferous opponent of marriage.
In a series of little manifestos, deposited as comments on various manosphere blogs, Minter excoriated the institution he thought made a “slave” of men. “Get it through your head,” he wrote in one,
Men are from mars; women are FUCKING IDIOTS.
Never marry. … Duh. Game. Duh. Pump them, dump them, next them. Duh. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN. Duh!!!!!
That was the old Mark Minter. Then, last week, word got out that Minty was getting married. To a single mother (oh no!) over the age of thirty (eek!) that he’s apparently never even met in person (well, actually that does sound a bit worrisome).
If this isn’t all some elaborate work of performance art, it may well be turn out to be the most entertaining drama I’ve seen since I started following the manosphere three years ago.
It was Minty’s future wife, a mysterious manosphere-friendly woman known only as Kate, who first broke the news, in a comment on Heartiste’s “game” blog, where she is something of a regular fixture. Heartiste posted about the strange engagement shortly afterwards, wondering if it had been his blog that had “brought these two lovebirds together into a promise of holy matrimony.”
Needless to say, some of Minty’s fans — now ex-fans — reacted as if he had just pooped in the punch bowl.
“Oh crap, the one man wh ostands agianst marraige……destroyed by the unmerciful claws of marraige,” wrote one commenter, evidently too overwhelmed by emotion to type properly. “Farewell Mark, you will be missed. The medusa kate has you now.”
“Speechless,” wrote another. “This is like having Jesus spit in your face while saying ‘FUCK YOU BROTHER!’”
Feeling a tad defensive, Minty rushed to defend himself, and his future wife. In a comment on Chateau Heartiste, he explained
I suppose I have to eat crow. So why the change of heart?
First, I would say I saw some photos that the rest of you have not.
He’s seen some photos? Am I right to think that the only possible interpretation of this is that the two haven’t actually met in person yet?
Second, she is Red Pill and has actually been in this community longer than I have. You cannot imagine what it is like to have conversations with a woman and say “Remember the CH essay on ….” and have a girl say “Yeah, He was right on with that one.”
And I think the odds of men finding someone that fits the first statement AND the second are pretty remote. I believe I nailed down one of the 2 or 3 that might exist in the world that have photos that can make a fellow sit up and pay attention, and then having the intellect and the preparation to keep that attention.
After some proud blabbing about Kate’s apparently quite traditional values, Minty brags about what an alpha dog he is for scoring her:
To me, this engagement is a validation of Game.
I practiced what I learned here. I am 58 year old man. None of you know what that truly entails until you get to that point in your life. Kate is an attractive 34 year old woman, with options galore if she chose to take them.
And in following what I learned here, following the suggestions, the psychology, the mandates, I have an attractive woman 24 years younger than me that is ready to commit to me.
Top that motherfuckers.
As for the medusa Kate, he defended her honor in another comment,
When this Facebook announcement thing happened and members of Kate’s family learned of it, my name got Googled and the writing I have done came to the attention of her family. And some of it was quite provocative and written by me to be intentionally provocative.
And her family came straight at her.
They set up something like an interdiction where she was confronted by not only her family, but also by a PhD in Psychology …
The family compelled her to attend this session with them and this counselor.
They could not believe that a rational woman would wish to marry a known sexist and misogynist.
So she went into that meeting alone, and she stood her ground, she defended our ideas of the Manosphere, she stood up for me, my right to write what I have written, and she won the day. …
She deserves your respect and she has earned it.
Not everyone in the manosphere is convinced that she — or Minty — deserve this respect any more.
In a post yesterday, PUA skeezball Roosh V denounced Minty as a “phony” and warned him that he would no longer be tolerated in Roosh’s corner of the manosphere:
He is like the conservative politician who espouses family values while diddling young boys on the side.
What? What kind of a world do you live in where a man who announces his plans to get married is in some ways equivalent to a child rapist?
He is the PUA who sells products on how to get laid but can’t even approach a single woman, someone who creates a false character to gain either money or—in this case—praise, at the expense of everyone’s trust.
For that reason, he has lost all respect from me. If he were to knock on my door, starving, begging for food and drink, I would only place the sustenance on my front step. He would not be permitted to enter my home so that the foul odor of hypocrisy that now trails him does not infect my place of sleep.
I hope his name will forever be synonymous with a man who doesn’t live by his own code. He deserves to be permanently exiled from the manosphere community. No more praise or compliments should be directed his way.
Contributing to Roosh’s disillusionment with Minty: his discovery of comments left here on Man Boobz by Minty’s ex-wife Suzanne Minter, which depict Minty as something less than the swashbuckling figure so many in the manosphere took him to be. With somethig less than fondness, she described him as
an absolutly insane person. … we have been divorced for ten years, dont you think it is time to get over it? …
[He] has 2 children, including a 19 yr old daugther. He has never paid a dollar of child support in his life, so all of the crap he spews is crap. He has not worked in 5 years because no one will hire him. Amazingly, he has been fired from EVERY job he ever had. He lives with his sister because without her support he would be homeless.
This is the man that people are calling “great” – he is a bitter ass.
In a comment on a site called FOKMCAST, which had posted something supportive of Minty, Suzanne elaborated further:
Mark Minter is a fraud. … Mark is the biggest victim I have ever known. You say his children didn’t appreciate him? What the hell did he do for them? They were 7 and 3 when we finally divorced. He never saw them because he moved out of state and then emptied out is 401k after getting fired for the 6th time , to go to South America to have relationships with women he met on the Internet. (As a result of that brilliant financial decision he owes the IRS about 35k in back taxes and penalties and fees)
You people act like Mark is the greatest thing ever. He is a fraud and a liar. 99% of what he has written on the web is fabricated. Don’t you people have real lives that involve human interaction or do you only have the social abilities to exist in cyber space? I really would have thought that one or 2 of you might have been smart enough to do some fact checking before you took Mark as your messiah.
His engagement is a sham. Don’t you find it odd that he is marrying someone he has only seen pictures of? Well, I take that back, he did marry a columbian woman he met on the Internet which she shortly after had annulled. …
Moral of the story: mark is a liar and a fraud and they way you people idolize him his a sad testament to the modern Internet. I am a 5’7 135 lb blonde who earned 200k last year. I raised my children on my own and was single for almost 10 years before marrying someone 8 yrs younger than me. I am clearly the slob, pig, bitch, moron, bloodsucker here.
Have a great Sunday.
After quoting Suzanne Minter’s comments here, Roosh sadly added “I don’t know what to believe right now, but our manosphere “innocence” has been violated.” In a followup comment, as he evidently began to take in the implications of all this, he wrote:
Our enemies will use this against us for a long time. Minter has done serious damage. I accept blame since I helped spread his writing. My troll radar seemed to have failed me this time.
Dude, speaking as one of your enemies, we figured out that Mark Minter was full of shit the minute we first ran across him. Why do you think I was writing about him with such obvious relish months ago, back when he was still your hero? When Suzanne Minter came by to tell us that he was (to borrow your own description of him) “literally … a basement dweller troll,” we didn’t even blink, and I didn’t even bother to write a post about it. We already take for granted that the gurus and would be gurus of the manosphere are a bunch of liars and frauds. The fact that the manosphere is full of gullible idiots is not news to us.
In the comments to Roosh’s post, some commenters wondered if he was some sort of “feminist psyop,” sent to disrupt the manosphere. “Until I see the photo of them in wedded matrimony,” wrote taterearl.
I’ll just take this as a pleasant fairy tale for us to bark about. For all we know they could be actually be double agents from Jezebel posing as people with the elaborate plot of trying to take down the place.
Well, it’s pretty clearly not that, but whatever it is, I suspect it will be providing us all with some lovely drama for some time to come. Will the now happy-couple make it to the altar before the old marriage-hating Minty rears his ugly head once more? Will Roosh and Heartiste start a feud? Who the hell knows, but it should be entertaining nonetheless.
Suzanne Minter summed up her reaction in an email to me,
This can not be real. Seriously, Mark is penniless and I don’t see his sister forking over the dollars to buy him a car (he has not owned a working vehicle in 3 yrs) so he can go meet his fiancée in person. I can’t see a woman with an IQ higher than 40 signing up for this, no matter how “red pill” or what ever the hell it is that she is. …
It does blow my mind though that a man who lives like a troll in his sister’s spare bedroom for 4 years, hasn’t had any real human interaction in years, can’t get a job dispute the fact that he is truly gifted in a math/computer science sense, has managed to create a name and following for himself in the cyber world.
I should add that while I have confirmed Suzanne’s identity (and that she’s really the one who’s made all these postings of hers I’ve quoted), I don’t know how much of what she says about Mark is true. I also don’t know if the engagement is real, or even if Kate is a real person. Of course, I don’t know if Roosh has slept with a single HB8. In the manosphere, it’s fair to say, roughly 80% of everything is bullshit. I’m guessing the truth value of Suzanne’s comments is higher than that.
To keep up with the ongoing drama, I suggest starting here:
The original, ever-growing thread on the Roosh forums
The comments to Roosh’s “Mark Minter is a Phony” post.
The comments to Heartiste’s announcement post
For more on Minter see:
Roosh’s two earlier posts quoting him at length.
My posts on him, especially Mark Minter takes on Marriage, Mangina Manservants and America’s Matriarchal Infrastructure.
For Suzanne Minter’s take on the alleged engagement, see her comments to that post, starting here, as well as her comments on the FOKMCAST post, some very pointedly directed at the mysterious Kate.
For more on his future wife Kate, see this post of hers on the racist manosphere blog Eradica, where she urged white men to “alpha up” lest white women desert them for men of other races, thus destroying civilization. Yep, she’s a real prize.
This is such a perfect illustration of everything ridiculous about the MRM, especially the MGTOW portion. It’s so obvious that they care about us far more than we care about them, and they want so badly for us to care about what goes in in their internet treehouses that I almost feel sorry for them.
The good thing about paranoid garbage is that it reminds me to listen to “I Think I’m Paranoid” by Garbage.
If such a thing as an “alpha” human existed I don’t think you would find one in the insecure, frantic posturing of the manosphere.
I know it’s childish, but reading MGTOW rants always makes me want to make the L sign on my forehead with my fingers. Pathetic losers, every last one of them, and the fact that they think they can convince people otherwise is hilarious.
Some MRAs can be a bit alarming, but MGTOW are just funny in the same way that a toddler throwing a tantrum is.
Hi Manbooberz
I’ve been following this Minter story all day, and I have to say it all makes me very sad.
I first discovered the “MRM” a couple of years ago, and at first I was really encouraged by it. I have seen first-hand that there is genuine oppression of men and boys in our society, specifically in family court where there is an overwhelming bias towards women – one family court judge said he always awarded custody to women because, and I quote, “I ain’t never seen no calf follow no bull”. A lot of children are separated from good, loving fathers desperate to stay in their lives and this a travesty.
Plus the education system is now skewed to girls’ way of learning and lets down a lot of boys (and drugs them too – most “ADHD” sufferers are boys).
So I thought the idea of a Men’s Rights Movement was great and necessary. I didn’t see that it should conflict with women’s rights at all. After all, both men and women should have rights, and it’s perfectly possible to live in a society where both sexes don’t have all the rights they deserve and need to fight for them.
But the further I got into the MRM, the more I learned it was not about men’s rights AT ALL.
Each and every site was about – and only about – trashing women. Every posting was finding a new and (not so) innovative way to explain how women are all evil, scheming, cold, manipulative, slutty, gold-digging, sperm-stealing whores. Oh, and fat too, or course.
That’s it. That’s all the MRM is, and I say this having read A LOT of MRM sites. Instead of providing solidarity and support for each other, the lifestyles MRAs endorse are an exercise in sadness and desperation. They seem to want all men living alone, isolated and bitter, only interacting with drunk women they hate to have some cold, impersonal sex with.
They trash women for “shaming” men, but they shame each other ALL THE TIME if they dare try to, you know, form a meaningful relationship with another human.
They shame each other for liking women who, are variously, over 30, have children, aren’t stick-thin, have an opinion, have a career, are “Western” etc etc.Any man who expresses appreciation of a woman who isn’t a Brazilian teenage supermodel brain-dead virgin is, of course, “a pussy-begging mangina”.
Hell, they shame each other for liking women at all. Expressing an opinion of a woman other than “she is a convenient receptacle for my penis” is invariably met with derision and scorn
I know there are some radfems out there who aren’t too keen on men, but they are the exception. This virulent, unbelievable hatred of women is the absolute rule and norm in the “manopshere”.
So this Mark guy – sure, he said some crazy things about marriage in the past. But now he has met the right woman and has changed his mind. He now faces a much better future than sitting alone spewing bile on the internet in his sister’s spare room.
But the manosphere’s reaction is insane – acting like they just found out their fiance slept with their best friend. This is because contrary to their protestations, MRAs do not want men to be happy at all. That is anathema to their whole cause. All they want is each and every man to stew in bitterness, loneliness, hatred and resentment – because that makes them all feel better about their own desperately sad situations. Misery loves company and all that.
This whole situation with Mark Minter is a death-knell of an indictment to the so-called Men’s Rights Movement, aka the Men’s Misery Movement, and I hope the whole thing does collapse – only to be replaced by a movement actually concerned with, you know, MEN’S RIGHTS!
/rant off
@ Sarahliz – exactly! This is so true. Any so-called “alphas” have never even heard of the “Men’s Rights Movement”, let alone have the time or the inclination to whine on the internet about women all day.
I lost it at “double agents from Jezebel”.
“I’m telling you man, it’s all part of the feminist/CIA femspiracy! Think about it. The NSA. Surveillance. Prism. Prism ends in ‘ism’. Feminism ends in ‘ism’!! Wake up people! You don’t wanna know how deep the rabbit hole goes!!”
The MRM is the ultimate manifestation of the “it’s not me, it’s you” style of paranoid thinking. Every MRA thinks they are their own little island of reason in a sea of chaos.
Don’t you mean, “Wake up, sheeple!”
Minter has seen real pictures of Kate that are real so I believe him that this relationship and future wedding are real….and that’s real. Also berries in cake = misandry and white frosting = white feather etc. etc. etc…….and that’s real.
That’s even scarier when you’ve seen how cranky the sheeple are before they’ve had their morning coffee.
Assuming Kate is real and the marriage is really happening, is it all right if I feel a bit alarmed on her account? She claims to know what she’s getting into, but…there’s a reason so many of David’s posts are tagged men who should not ever be with women ever…including this one!
She’s old enough to know what she’s getting into, but it does worry me that she has a teenage daughter.
Everything else about this is hilarious and awesome.
princessbonbon, thanks for the pic! Doorstop is just a little darling. ::melts in puddle of squee::
No animal shall sleep in a bed… with sheets.
From Chateau Heartiste:
Blockquote fail. 🙁
Speaking of buddhism, I was recently reading a book on women who were zen masters and it seems that they did have to struggle against the general misogyny of the chinese and japanese cultures to achieve their enlightenment goals – not accepted as equals to male candidates, etc.
Sorry I can’t remember the title of the book.
“Excuse me, good haters, but I don’t see your blogs resulting in any nuptial engagements.”
PostSecret has broth at least a couple of marriages together, and I’m inclined to think those are much healthier relationships.
“Excuse me, good haters, but I don’t see your blogs resulting in any nuptial engagements.”
We all know the mark of a good blog, no matter the content, is its match-making abilities. Will Manboobz become the OkCupid of humor blogs and match gynocratic tyrants with masochistic manservants or will it fall by the wayside?
Don’t be silly. Relationships where the woman isn’t being shown her place and trained in the fine art of kissing a man’s ass don’t count.
“Excuse me, good haters, but I don’t see your blogs resulting in any nuptial engagements.”
Well, considering that EVERYONE on this site is either Dave, or cats in a Dave suit, or ferrets in a cat suit in a Dave suit, that probably isn’t likely to happen 😉
This is a bit off topic, but can anyone explain why all the medieval imagery in the writings of the manosphere? I mean, “Return of Kings”, “barbarian peasants”, “noble brotherhood” (courtesy of James Huff), “White Knights” and the various calls “to arms”?
It’s like D and D, but none of the characters are funny or interesting.
Regarding the very important matter at issue in this thread: The solution to cake getting soggy from fruit is to simply seal the cake layers against moisture. The traditional way is to glaze with apricot jam – you brush a very thin layer of melted apricot jam on the cake layer, and put the fruit on it after it has cooled. The amount is so small that the taste is not noticeable, and it is also practically invisible. Alternatively, you can use other glazes, such as slightly thickened simple syrup (cooled, so it won’t seep into the layer itself).
@Buttercup – Gad, the blockquote monster’s in an evil mood! For a moment there I thought Fartiste was asking people to marry him. ::hurk::
Sorry, must turn down your offer. You can’t fool me. I know it’s just an underhand method to try to get into a poly marriage with Mr K.
I wonder if it occurs to Fartiste that most people don’t need hate sites to get married (even assuming they want to marry)?
I missed the photo of Doorstop. Doorstop is cute.