Apparently, to a lot of the regulars in the Men’s Rights subreddit — like the hundreds who upvoted a post of this picture — the notion that men should raise their sons to respect women as equals is nothing more than foul propaganda and MISANDRY of the highest order.
And seriously, those guys in the poster look like total White Knight Beta Manginas.
Some of the Men’s Rightsers were especially offended by the white ribbon at the bottom of the poster, which they saw as a vaguely sinister reminder of a World War I campaign to shame British men into enlisting in the army. Because suggesting to your sons that boys and girls should be treated equally is the same as being guilt-tripped into becoming cannon fodder:
Others used the poster as an opportunity to rail against … marriage. The top comment in the thread, as I write this post, is this one.
Elezeid expanded on this theme:
Caspian_Drifter responded to the eeeevil poster with a rhetorical question that unintentionally helped to underscore the whole point of the campaign in the first place:
Seriously, ladies, why do gals like to go on and on about “equality” so much when your ladybrains weren’t even smart enough to come up with the idea in the first place? I mean, really, you ungrateful gals, you have a man/men to thank for that.
If I remember correctly, it was T. Reginald Equality who came up with the idea, with some help from his brother Ned (who suggested that he name it after himself).
That makes me feel better, actually. It wasn’t until I wanted to start this series that I realized the logistical problems.
That was hilarious. Thank you.
Re: redditors, I mean, I spend a lot of time with the reddit meetup group where I live, and for the most part they’re pretty awesome people, and there are a good number of feminists among them. Of course, this is in Canada, so maybe all the misogynists just shriveled up and died from the rampant misandry. Also, there are a lot of people who come to the meetups who aren’t actually redditors any more, or even who never were in the first place, since people bring friends and there’s a Facebook group now that some people stumble into independently. Anyways I guess I am a little defensive because basically all my friends in this city have some connection to reddit through that group… I guess I see it like MRAs and fedoras; you can wear a fedora without being a shitty person, and you can use reddit without being a shitty person, but shitty people really seem to gravitate towards those things.
In this winner’s mind, there’s *no way* any men reads this blog. Impossible! (it’s too bad we don’t have a poll, cough cough)
Oooh, grumpycatisagirl, white cat hair – perfect! Mads and Fribs have white belly fur they share with everyone. Hell, their white furs have travelled as far as Illinois. I’m sure that’s misandric.
And to think I put on a white tee I hardly ever wear this morning. The hive mind shows its power!
RE: katz
That makes me feel better, actually. It wasn’t until I wanted to start this series that I realized the logistical problems.
Yeah, it’s tricky trying to have a back-and-forth conversational flow with people you aren’t ACTUALLY in the room with. Best you could probably do is a chatroom, with a designated time and one person picked to post lines of the story in. I know MBZ has a chatroom, though god knows I’ve never seen it used. Might be worth a go.
Even before the abuse thing, he had this insufferable air of Self-Appointed Leader of Feminism that reminded me way too much of this Onion article.
The soldier thing is standard MRA mythology btw, I’ve seen lots of MRAs bring it up in discussions and that must be why this seemingly random link is upvoted so highly. I guess this site was on to that already, so nevermind me.
link as in ‘connection between white ribbon and white feather’ — too tired, sorry
Unfortunately the MBZ chatbox is part of the MBZ forum, so it has the same problem: Most people don’t have forum accounts and I don’t want to exclude them just because of that 🙁
LBT, thank you for the MSTing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. By the way, am I the only one who thinks of “Leather Goddesses of Phobos” every time I see. “Cockrub Warriors of Mars”?
Yes, I’m old.
Admittedly, when I saw white ribbon, I immediately thought white feather. But that’s because I hang around here a lot and I know all the MRA berzerk buttons.
Marie – I identify as a she and refer to myself with feminine descriptors. So you can too. Thanks for asking though. 🙂
On Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. Apply all the trigger warnings you can think of, and then a few more.
As for “the bug”, I half want her to come here. We’d wipe the floor with her and the vast majority of us have our nyms fairly firewalled from our names.
I’m mortifitrigued.
As long as you’re eaten by a Grue and not fighting a Gorn, you’re not old in my book.
Yup. Lay down and think of kittens. The nausea will pass. Until you think of Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. again. then you’ll have to lay down and think of kittens some more.
Just googled that. The world of porn is a very strange one indeed.
Manboobz! I’ve been gone camping this past week. It was fun but I missed this site.
Almost on topic – while driving we saw a “Don’t Be That Guy” billboard. I wasn’t aware that campaign had been taken up outside of Edmonton. We were in the US, several states away from Canada.
If I google toothbrush porn I’m going to regret it, aren’t I?
OK now I feel sad. When I was a kid (when mastadons roamed the earth) we had big former football players singing songs to teach little boys that it was okay to have emotions:
Wait… THAT’S what LBT meant? Sometimes a vivid imagination is an inventive blessing, (or curse, if you’re dull)
@Michael Søndberg Olsen
I am likely to be eaten by a grue! 😮 (I don’t even know exactly where the reference came from, just that my parents always mention it to me and always are surprised when I remember them having mentioned it earlier XD)
No, not really. Seriously. But orthodontist porn is a werid subgenre.
It’s a reference from way back when computer games were all text, no graphics. Fuck, I’m 33 and feel 3000. I loathe you all… nah, you’re all to nice. I just have to reconcile myself to my imminent crumbling to dust as I’m an ancient relic.
Please don’t crumble to dust! My boyfriend and I are in our early twenties and he still plays MUDs. I’m planning on playing one for the first time myself next week.