The fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit are getting worked up over imaginary feminists again!
Yesterday, in a discussion of paternity fraud, a brand-new Redditor who had never posted a comment before posted a completely unsourced screenshot of what quite a few of the regulars took to be some sort of official feminist statement on paternity fraud.
A few of the more discerning commenters suggested that the screenshot might just be satire, but others were convinced not only that it was real, but that it was the completely serious opinion of a representative feminist. As one put it, referring to the Reddit watchdogs in Shit Reddit Says,
Another chimed in with this:
I took a few moments to Google some of the text in the screenshot to find out where it originated and discovered that it came from a now-defunct Tumblr blog called feminismrising.
While the blog is gone, it has left little traces of itself all over the internet, and from these traces it’s easy enough to figure out that it was a satirical/troll blog meant to parody feminism. My guess, for what it’s worth, is that that it was written by a feminist out to parody the absurd visions of evil feminism that are prevalent amongst Men’s Rightsers and other antifeminists. But who knows. The only thing that’s really clear is that it was a joke.
Proof? Well, here’s one “Q-and-A” that evidently once ran on the site:
Q: My boyfriend recently asked me if we could have sex. I tried to explain to him that asking me to have sex with him counts as sexual assault, but he couldn’t understand it that piv sex is ONLY okay if I am the one who asks for it. Can you help me try to explain why what he’s doing when he asks for sex is misogynistic?
A: It seems he doesn’t understand sexual harassment to such a degree for all intents and purposes is basically sexual assault.
This is normal; men in general don’t understand even the most basic tactful ways to approach women.
A rule of thumb is that if you can see him, hear him and feel him it’s most definitely sexual assault. Now does that mean that just because you can’t feel him it isn’t sexual assault? No. That’s just something rape culture says. Going by that line of reasoning it wouldn’t be sexual assault if you simply couldn’t feel him as you’d been administered some sort of anesthesia.
So through absurdity reduction we rule out that it’s necessary to feel him. If you can hear him, see him and you feel sexually assaulted then you have been sexually assaulted.
He’s being misogynistic for saying he doesn’t understand.
I think only a complete Men’s Rights dunderhead could fail to detect the satire here.
You can see more examples from the blog here.
Elsewhere in the same Men’s Rights subreddit discussion, helping MRAs live up to another unfortunate stereotype, this fella gets a few upvotes for his I’m-just-sayin’ semi-advocacy of vigilante justice — specifically, murdering judges:
Oh, Men’s Rights Redditors. You’re just awful, aren’t you?
@Marie – Fade’s cane sounds like mine. It’s black with pinkish-red flowers all over and it wasn’t expensive either.
LOL I thought that unicorn goat looked like a “real” unicorn with all that long white hair!
@guffaw-ferrets – avocadojacking! Avocado fraud!
I feel about avocados how pecunium feels about mangos. So that bird did you a favor in my opinion.
How could anyone not love avocados?
While I think Brz is being deliberately obtuse, I did have a problem with that Feministe post he linked to. The basic idea behind it (the author’s anecdote notwithstanding) is that rape by deception should be a crime. Not only would this be potentially harmful for pretty much everyone in a sexual relationship, but it would especially be a problem for minorities like trans* people, non-straight people, etc. Thankfully, most of the Feministe commentariat disagreed with that post, but it was still very problematic.
Every time I see Brz, I think “cold bee”.
Which is, of course, trying to pollinate a freeze peach.
I shall think cold bee searching for freeze peach in the future. I usually think, criminy that tiresome troll is back again.
Alice — how could anyone not like mangos?
Anyone want to know just how nice pecunium is? He offered to get mango juice for me despite it being his kyptonite.
And Brz just comes off as an annoying buzzing insect to me.
@Brz “I am indeed a complete and unrepentant asshole”
We know. If you weren’t you would leave us alone or be a decent human being that we might want to talk with.
@guffaw-ferrets “bird or squirrel, but probably a feminist, had STOLEN MY SEED IN THE NIGHT!!”
Also, avocados, not a fan. Don’t like mangoes either. Chocolate on the other hand, is God.
Mangoes, meh, not a fan, though I like mango and orange juice. Mum likes ’em but they’re too flaming expensive to eat often.
Avocados I like. Favourite sandwich: chicken, cheese, spinach and avocado in multigrain bread. Yum!
Breaking News:
Maddie lay on my lap for about five minutes today, AND in front of witnesses! First time ever. She’s perched there once before, but only for about half a minute.
Needless to say, she’s now pretending it didn’t happen. Mum says she’s trying to make me believe I imagined the whole thing. (Catlighting?)
I’m starting to feel the way about Brz that pecunium feels about mangoes. It’s the smell, you see.
As far as the whole idea that slut shaming is a way to protect women from rape, if you look at the situations in which rape most often happens, the best situational anti-rape advice would be to never be alone with your male friends, boyfriend, husband, male relatives, or male coworkers. So I guess in order to be really safe a woman needs to lock herself in solitary confinement, or join a convent. Bars otoh are relatively safe, statistically speaking.
As an evil feminists I say that shaming rapists for being rapists might be a rather more effective strategy.
Except then of course she’d be a cold, evil b*tch for assuming all men are rapists. It’s the good old double-bind.
Well, I love avocados, mangoes, and chocolate, so I guess I am just blessed.
Howzabout avocado chocolate pudding with mangoes? Mmmm.
Worst. Combination. Ever.
@guffaw-ferrets – If it lessens your disappointment at all, The fruit from seed-grown avocado plants usually isn’t very good. Commercial avocados, and the plants that you’d get from a nursery if you wanted to grow your own, are all grafts.
They can still make nice decorative plants if you get another pit to grow. But if you’re dreaming of your very own source of delicious avocados, you’re going to end up disappointed.
Sweet 😀 sounds cute.
@Argenti Aertheri
:'( nooo but avocados are awesome!
Not much to say on your rant but I really liked it? So, good rant.
But if we are paranoid about men, then clearly we just hate them! bla. I hate patriarchy.
Bleh. Been reading ‘Vagabonding’ and gearing up for travel. I want to keep traveling overseas, like I have before, but now I realize that with a more androgynous presentation, I might run into some major trouble, so it could be in my best interest to just ‘pick’ a gender and run with it.
Unfortunately, traveling female in a lot of the world is apparently not so great, and the book is a little obnoxious in the way it encourages women to avoid trouble. (It’s the same old shit.)
dustydeste — LOL! A+ parody.
marie/kittehserf — omg I had better get a paper abortion so the sneaky fauna can’t claim all my income to support this ill-gotten flora while they sit around buying motherfucking hard scented towels or something!!
Re, thread, re, avocados: more lol! For the record, though, I wasn’t trying to get avocados off of my avocado tree — it takes 20 years for a tree to sprout fruits anyway, so I just get my (TW) avocados (/TW) from the store. One of my fave recipes is grilled cheese-avocado, and I also use mashed-up avocado paste as a ten-minute skin mask for face and body. It’s really moisturizing, heals broken skin/irritation, fixes heat rash/breakouts, all kinds of good things.
The plants I cultivate because I like the challenge and process of nurturing things but don’t like human infants and am not in a position to care for fur friends of my own right now. The immature trees are very decorative and clean the air very nicely, so I like having a mini forest of them around to keep me company.
LBT: I’ve got some things to tell regarding traveling while androgynous/female, but it would probably take up more space than we have here. Best summary of advice: go armed if you have to go alone and always act like you know what you’re doing/where you’re going. Not sure if that helps at all.
Lol, avocados don’t need a trigger warning, I just find the texture repulsive.
Haha, I know, I was just kidding. My sense of humor is weird.
I actually don’t mind the texture (unless it’s one of those avocadoes that has gone weird and stringy inside … ew) — but I sometimes don’t like the taste. Which probably makes it really weird that I eat them anyway. It’s definitely not the weirdest thing I do, though, so … pretty much par for the course here.
(Maybe I just like the color of the … meat? If I ever have my own washer and dryer machines, I would like to have them in the shade of avocado-colored enamel that was so popular in the 1970s. Fortunately for everyone who would ever come into my home, I don’t think that shade of appliance is manufactured anymore even by retro-throwback companies, and I will also probably never be able to afford anything but hand-me-down washer and dryer machines. /tangent)
Hey guffaw ferrets, try growing a pineapple from its crown. I got a tiny wheeny new pineapple and even the possums wouldn’t eat it. However too cold where I live to grow properly.
Re brz, WTF? Is the argument that since
he /she was cheated on =no more male privilege?
So I have some sad kitty news 🙁
Oh, no, Katz! I hope you’re doing OK.
NO, Katz. 🙁
Oh no