antifeminism dozens of upvotes evil women gullibility imaginary oppression misogyny oppressed men paranoia parody precious bodily fluids reddit straw feminists TROOOLLLL!!

Men’s Rights Redditors fooled again by screenshot-bearing troll, paternity fraud edition

Feminists celebrating another successful case of paternity fraud.
Feminists celebrating paternity fraud.

The fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit are getting worked up over imaginary feminists again!

Yesterday, in a discussion of paternity fraud, a brand-new Redditor who had never posted a comment before posted a completely unsourced screenshot of what quite a few of the regulars took to be some sort of official feminist statement on paternity fraud.


A few of the more discerning commenters suggested that the screenshot might just be satire, but others were convinced not only that it was real, but that it was the completely serious opinion of a representative feminist. As one put it, referring to the Reddit watchdogs in Shit Reddit Says,

BallsOfSorrow 28 points 7 hours ago (40|12)  This is the foundation of the hate group known as SRS. It's insane, but they're deadly serious.

Another chimed in with this:

ILoveHate 19 points 9 hours ago (21|2)  Feminism, we're all about the free shit "owed" to us now.
I took a few moments to Google some of the text in the screenshot to find out where it originated and discovered that it came from a now-defunct Tumblr blog called feminismrising.

While the blog is gone, it has left little traces of itself all over the internet, and from these traces it’s easy enough to figure out that it was a satirical/troll blog meant to parody feminism. My guess, for what it’s worth, is that that it was written by a feminist out to parody the absurd visions of evil feminism that are prevalent amongst Men’s Rightsers and other antifeminists. But who knows. The only thing that’s really clear is that it was a joke.

Proof? Well, here’s one “Q-and-A” that evidently once ran on the site:

Q: My boyfriend recently asked me if we could have sex. I tried to explain to him that asking me to have sex with him counts as sexual assault, but he couldn’t understand it that piv sex is ONLY okay if I am the one who asks for it. Can you help me try to explain why what he’s doing when he asks for sex is misogynistic?

A: It seems he doesn’t understand sexual harassment to such a degree for all intents and purposes is basically sexual assault.

This is normal; men in general don’t understand even the most basic tactful ways to approach women.

A rule of thumb is that if you can see him, hear him and feel him it’s most definitely sexual assault. Now does that mean that just because you can’t feel him it isn’t sexual assault? No. That’s just something rape culture says. Going by that line of reasoning it wouldn’t be sexual assault if you simply couldn’t feel him as you’d been administered some sort of anesthesia.

So through absurdity reduction we rule out that it’s necessary to feel him. If you can hear him, see him and you feel sexually assaulted then you have been sexually assaulted.

He’s being misogynistic for saying he doesn’t understand.

I think only a complete Men’s Rights dunderhead could fail to detect the satire here.

You can see more examples from the blog here.

Elsewhere in the same Men’s Rights subreddit discussion, helping MRAs live up to another unfortunate stereotype, this fella gets a few upvotes for his I’m-just-sayin’ semi-advocacy of vigilante justice — specifically, murdering judges:

pocketknifeMT 2 points 16 hours ago (4|3)  Well, in theory all that is needed to make it a better system is accountability. Since the legal system refuses to seriously tackle legal accountability, the shortfall can be made up by vigilante justice.  Its not ideal, but one was to kill a judge because they demonstrably fucked your life up, other judges would think twice about doing the same thing. Also, sadly, it would have to become a trend before you actually see any real movement of the needle.

Oh, Men’s Rights Redditors. You’re just awful, aren’t you?


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11 years ago

It’s nice to see that Falconer is now able to write a short sentence in French correctly.

11 years ago

Brz: fuck off. Like you would know correct French.

11 years ago

Of course I know correct French.
For exemple, “ces mots doux que vous avez adressés à mon égard m’invitent à vous proposer très solennellement d’aller vous faire empapaouter chez les grecs Madame, avec l’expression de mes sentiments les moins distingués, etc…”, is a correct French sentence.

11 years ago


Blue flowers up and down the side sounds fancy to me! 🙂

Then I guess it is fancy 😀 I just didn’t know what to say b/c it wasn’t very expensive XD (for some reason I always assume fancy stuff is expensive.)


We had another Marie for a bit and she was terrible and you are way better.

Oh no was a troll slandering my awesome name! 😮

What’s Erwan’s shtick, I can’t think in the morning. Is it praternity fraud? (going by context).


Awww, unicorn hamster is the cutest thing every! 😀


Unicorn goat!

That looks evil 😮

11 years ago

In many countries it’s the norm to refer to it as ‘seed’, I guess it’s archaic but it seems harmless to me. You’d have to speak to an audience of toddlers unaware of basic biology to exploit this usage.

And you’d think that MRA’s would have been burned by fake stories before and would be more careful this time around. Guess not. (now which is the irrational gender again??)

11 years ago

It’s not harmless. Seed is a complete thing. One puts it in the ground and it grows. It can be grown (for a bit) with nothing but water. It pus the woman in the passive role of receptacle of his fertility: an incubator.

11 years ago

« Ta tête est faite de fromage » est également une phrase française correcte.

Anyway, it’s not your French that gives you away — it’s your inconsistently poor English.

And « ne … jamais » is proper French, Mr. Ne … Pas Jamais.

11 years ago

It depends, “je n’ai jamais pu supporter les cons” is correct but il est [sic] jamais français” doesn’t mean anything.

11 years ago

This is a screenshot which could only be legit in a world in which George Zimmerman pulls people out of burning cars.


11 years ago

I dropped the “ne” because I was being informal.

Do you think the entirety of l’Hexagone took Mrs. Fritts’ 10th grade French class?

11 years ago

What am I doing? This is an internet pissing contest over French grammar. With wikipedia and translator websites one click away, the outcome doesn’t mean anything.

So go insérez ta tête dans un porc, Brz. You’re still not French.

11 years ago

The problem isn’t the missing “ne”, it’s the tense of the verb : I suppose you wanted to say il n’a jamais été français.
You can’t say il n’est jamais français just like you can’t say you’re never French, that doesn’t mean anything.

11 years ago

Well, I’m a native French speaker who never heard ’empapaouter’ until today. Of course, in my culture swearing tends to use forms borrowed from the Roman Catholic cult and insults tend to require the word ‘marde’.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*hangs ikea bed canopy* there, hopefully that’ll keep the mosquitoes out (of course my beetles seem to have stopped the day after I bought it >.< )

11 years ago

“marde”? like in “tabernacle de criss de maaarde? You’re from Québec?

Empapaouter is old but nice, va te faire gamahucher le cul is also nice.

11 years ago

Oh lord, Brz is nattering on about French now. I’ma just go back to MSTing Cockrub Warriors of Mars now; it’s way less mindnumbing.

Also, reading the tumblr stupid just breaks my brain. I do believe it’s too dumb to be true, but goddamn, the way tumblr can be sometimes, it wouldn’t surprise me.

11 years ago


Although, as we can find some feminists argue seriously that cheating is rape (because sexual autonomy, bodily integrity, lack of enthusiastic consent and all that crap)

You continue to be wrong in every way. From that link:

When we swapped information about our sexual histories, it was clear that he’d had far more partners than I, but he assured me that all of his promiscuous behavior had ended immediately after college. He also declared that while he might have been promiscuous in the past, he was always “safe” because he valued his own health and the health of others.

We didn’t officially consummate the relationship until about a month had passed, but, as I came to find out about fifteen months later, he had begun drinking, doing drugs, and having frequent and unprotected sex with other people behind my back almost immediately afterward. He put a great deal of effort into keeping me unaware of all of this behavior. […]

In the midst of all of his secretive drinking, drugging, and cheating, he would repeatedly coax me into have unprotected sex with him. He used his clean bill of health and our monogamous status to persuade me to do this, and occasionally his arguments would work, and I would concede. He pushed for unprotected sex even while knowing that he was putting me at risk for the contraction of countless diseases. He was exposing me not only to all of the people with whom he was having unprotected sex—some of them fellow addicts and alcoholics—but also that he was exposing me to all of the people with whom they were having sex.

[…] when I got my test results back, I felt it my moral obligation to alert both of these women about their potential exposure to the high-risk HPV William had given me. The fact that he didn’t give me something even worse was only luck; […]

Tl;Dr: So, the guy lied to her about being monogamous and routinely had unprotected sex with other people, and then coerced her into having unprotected sex by lying, and as a result she got an STI. If you can’t see how that is bad then you are a complete asshole.

11 years ago

You can’t say il n’est jamais français just like you can’t say you’re never French, that doesn’t mean anything.

Au contraire, mon ami. You are never French is a complete thought. It might benefit from further explication, but contextually it’s not needed.

It’s also, from the available evidence, true of you.

11 years ago

OMG! You guise! In line with the “seed” discussion … seed stealing iz real! I LITERALLY had my seed stolen just the other day!!

You see, I put my (avocado) seed (which had begun to sprout into a tiny tree!) into a pot (full of soil) and placed it on my fire escape (thinking it would get some sun and maybe a little light rain). The next morning, when I went to check on it, my seed was GONE! A bird or squirrel, but probably a feminist, had STOLEN MY SEED IN THE NIGHT!! Exactly the way baby-hungry women steal condoms from innocent men’s trash!

Except for how I, unlike an MRA, was looking forward to the seed growing so I could take responsibility for it. And a lot of other details, like basically all of them. Details, okay, who needs ’em?

Really I just hope my seed made a tasty snack for whatever bird or beastie took it.

And this is, to me, the only context in which talking about “seed” is not antiquated at best, horrifying at worst, and (when MRAS use it) often both at once.

11 years ago

I feel your pain, guffaw-ferrets! Seed theft is the worst! Last year I had some awful seed-pigeons flock onto my balcony and the stole my ghost pepper seeds which I had just planted! And they put them in their bodies!

Luckily, being ghost pepper seeds, they were like hot sauce so the feminist pigeons aren’t getting any seedling support from me! Dodged a bullet there…

You doused your avocado seed in hot sauce before leaving it out on the fire escape where any baby-plant-hungry feminist critters could get to it, right?! Because otherwise you could find yourself being fined 2000% of your income to buy bonbons and scented fucking candles for whatever feminist raccoon pitjacked your seed!

11 years ago

… I accidentally a word; seed-pigeons should be seed-hungry pigeons…

11 years ago


Those dang feminists! Stealing your hard earned potential avocados!!!!!!!eleven!!!11

11 years ago


I am indeed a complete and unrepentant asshole but I recognize, though, that women have the Right, because they’re terribly oppressed by The Patriarchy, to call “rape” every wrong a man can do to them and as I try to challenge my original sin of having The Male Privilege, I’ll try to convince myself that if I can feel bad sometimes because I’ve been cheated on, it’s because I’m entitled and whiny, as all men who haven’t fully acknowledged their male privilege are.
Do I get it right now?

Ally S
11 years ago


11 years ago

“I am indeed a complete and unrepentant asshole but I recognize, though, that women have the Right, because they’re terribly oppressed by The Patriarchy, to call “rape” every wrong a man can do to them.”

No. Everything is not rape. Rape is rape.

“…and as I try to challenge my original sin of having The Male Privilege,”


“I’ll try to convince myself that if I can feel bad sometimes because I’ve been cheated on,”

It is acceptable to feel bad when you have been cheated on. Not sure why don’t know that.

“…it’s because I’m entitled and whiny, as all men who haven’t fully acknowledged their male privilege are.”

I don’t think you know what male privilege means. Maybe look up entitled and whiny while you’re at it.

“Do I get it right now?”

Apparently not. But nice try. 2/10