antifeminism dozens of upvotes evil women gullibility imaginary oppression misogyny oppressed men paranoia parody precious bodily fluids reddit straw feminists TROOOLLLL!!

Men’s Rights Redditors fooled again by screenshot-bearing troll, paternity fraud edition

Feminists celebrating another successful case of paternity fraud.
Feminists celebrating paternity fraud.

The fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit are getting worked up over imaginary feminists again!

Yesterday, in a discussion of paternity fraud, a brand-new Redditor who had never posted a comment before posted a completely unsourced screenshot of what quite a few of the regulars took to be some sort of official feminist statement on paternity fraud.


A few of the more discerning commenters suggested that the screenshot might just be satire, but others were convinced not only that it was real, but that it was the completely serious opinion of a representative feminist. As one put it, referring to the Reddit watchdogs in Shit Reddit Says,

BallsOfSorrow 28 points 7 hours ago (40|12)  This is the foundation of the hate group known as SRS. It's insane, but they're deadly serious.

Another chimed in with this:

ILoveHate 19 points 9 hours ago (21|2)  Feminism, we're all about the free shit "owed" to us now.
I took a few moments to Google some of the text in the screenshot to find out where it originated and discovered that it came from a now-defunct Tumblr blog called feminismrising.

While the blog is gone, it has left little traces of itself all over the internet, and from these traces it’s easy enough to figure out that it was a satirical/troll blog meant to parody feminism. My guess, for what it’s worth, is that that it was written by a feminist out to parody the absurd visions of evil feminism that are prevalent amongst Men’s Rightsers and other antifeminists. But who knows. The only thing that’s really clear is that it was a joke.

Proof? Well, here’s one “Q-and-A” that evidently once ran on the site:

Q: My boyfriend recently asked me if we could have sex. I tried to explain to him that asking me to have sex with him counts as sexual assault, but he couldn’t understand it that piv sex is ONLY okay if I am the one who asks for it. Can you help me try to explain why what he’s doing when he asks for sex is misogynistic?

A: It seems he doesn’t understand sexual harassment to such a degree for all intents and purposes is basically sexual assault.

This is normal; men in general don’t understand even the most basic tactful ways to approach women.

A rule of thumb is that if you can see him, hear him and feel him it’s most definitely sexual assault. Now does that mean that just because you can’t feel him it isn’t sexual assault? No. That’s just something rape culture says. Going by that line of reasoning it wouldn’t be sexual assault if you simply couldn’t feel him as you’d been administered some sort of anesthesia.

So through absurdity reduction we rule out that it’s necessary to feel him. If you can hear him, see him and you feel sexually assaulted then you have been sexually assaulted.

He’s being misogynistic for saying he doesn’t understand.

I think only a complete Men’s Rights dunderhead could fail to detect the satire here.

You can see more examples from the blog here.

Elsewhere in the same Men’s Rights subreddit discussion, helping MRAs live up to another unfortunate stereotype, this fella gets a few upvotes for his I’m-just-sayin’ semi-advocacy of vigilante justice — specifically, murdering judges:

pocketknifeMT 2 points 16 hours ago (4|3)  Well, in theory all that is needed to make it a better system is accountability. Since the legal system refuses to seriously tackle legal accountability, the shortfall can be made up by vigilante justice.  Its not ideal, but one was to kill a judge because they demonstrably fucked your life up, other judges would think twice about doing the same thing. Also, sadly, it would have to become a trend before you actually see any real movement of the needle.

Oh, Men’s Rights Redditors. You’re just awful, aren’t you?


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11 years ago


Hi 😀 Yeah I’ve been away from lots of internet things (besides tumblr, thank the reblog button) b/c my depressions been all blaaaaa. And that makes me lazy and unmotivated. But things may be getting better? so I’ll stop whining to you guys.

I lied I didn’t check comments.

If you were to marry an MRA you’d have a manboobz intervention on your hands.

I missed something Katz is marrying an MRA! 😮 NOoooooo katz down that way lies the darkside!

11 years ago

Hi Marie, I was just thinking about you and Fade this morning! I hope your depression and stuff is getting better. How’s Fade doing, too? Missed you two onsite.

11 years ago

Hey, it’s Marie! Hi Marie!

I do have one male co-worker who’s pretty fucking cavalier about using the word rape to describe something unpleasant, which is working my last nerve. I want to tell him that no, having to do X is not equivalent to rape, shut up. It makes me too mad to say anything. Anyone have any pointers?

LBT’s suggestion was good. I also have had good luck with taking a totally deadpan approach, where I show no emotion while asking the person to explain to me how something is equivalent to rape, or slavery, or whatever. They usually end up kind of appalled at themselves, but that may be because I work with people who are basically decent human beings. YMMV.

11 years ago


😀 Hello. It may be getting better? It’d hard to tell with me :/ but it’s good to see you all again, even though I don’t know when I’ll be back more consistently. Hopefully now though 🙂

Fade says atm she is super hyper and antifeminist trolls are super hilarious. She’s been barfing them all over my tumblr dash. But over all I think fine? She’s signing up for all that college stuff. And she got a cane 🙂

11 years ago


HI!!!! 😀 😀

11 years ago

If you were to marry an MRA you’d have a manboobz intervention on your hands.

One thing everyone agrees on: If you’re marrying Mark Minter, it’s time for an intervention.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


Hi Marie!

(I have nothing productive to say, I’m too absorbed in fish related things)

11 years ago

Fade got a cane? Hope it’s a fancy one! 🙂

11 years ago

@argenti aertheri

Hi 😀 Good luck with your fish related things :3

11 years ago

Also: Hi, Marie!

11 years ago


Idk how fancy it is but it has little blue flowers all up and down the side.

11 years ago

Hi Katz 😀

11 years ago

I like the “really?” approach. Oh, so you think that your football team were totally raped last weekend? Really? Oh, you didn’t mean anything bad, it’s just a metaphor? Really? If you can deliver the impression that you think someone is a complete idiot while keeping a smile on your face and raised eyebrows that approach works great, people will make complete asses of themselves trying to “explain”, and they’ll usually keep going long after someone with any sense would have just given up. The goal is to make them feel too embarrassed to do it again.

11 years ago

We’ve all been going “Hey, where’s Marie been? We haven’t seen her in a while.”

11 years ago

I know, I miss Marie and Fade. Glad Fade’s cane is nicely decorated.

11 years ago

Blue flowers up and down the side sounds fancy to me! 🙂

11 years ago

We had another Marie for a bit and she was terrible and you are way better.

11 years ago

Wasn’t that other one a Pell sock?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yep. A particularly short lived one. Outed before Peltdown commenced.

11 years ago

I think she was. Where was that, anyway? I need to update the Book of Pell.

11 years ago

The blog is probably a satire, albeit a spot on one if you consider it was probably aimed at the Rad’fems. PIV is one of their obsessions (and code words), along with excluding and harassing trans persons.

The blurb about paternity fraud may or may not be genuine. I don’t know. What I know is that a British feminist (Melanie McDonagh) made a similar claim three years ago ( I know it is not typical but it exists.

As for biology being secondary to love… sure, if i so choose and if I know beforehand the child is not mine. Otherwise it’s fraud, pure and simple, and there is no excuse for fraud

11 years ago

here is mac Donagh’s full text, one of them at least :

11 years ago

Hey fuck off, Erwan. 😀

11 years ago

Oh Erwan, the wheels have come off the bus too soon. Paternity fraud as a thing, really?

As a goal? Are you that fantastically gullible?

Do you think we are.
