Leave it to the guys at Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog to find a bright side, of sorts, to a study reporting that one in five Americans suffered from some sort of mental illness in 2010, with more women (23%) amongst those affected than men (16.8%).
Since “at least a quarter of the women you run into at any given time are not going to be alright upstairs,” RoK contributor Athlone McGinn argues, and the percentage is likely to be much higher amongst younger women, you might as well use this fact to your advantage.
But first you need to accept the disadvantages. For one thing, you need to realize your powerful man-logic won’t work on these gals:
If you’re 18-25, you will in many cases be dealing with someone who is fundamentally incapable of being reliably rational.
Never mind that most mental illnesses don’t affect the ability to think rationally about most things. Someone with an intense phobia of Donald Trump’s hair, for example, is able to think rationally about everything except Donald Trump’s hair.
Maybe that’s a bad example. I’m not sure it’s entirely irrational to be afraid of Donald Trump’s hair.
And, like their sane counterparts, the crazy ladies may sometimes turn you down. But at least this time you don’t have to feel so bad about yourself.
You may think you’re a loser because you get shot down by these girls more than you’d like, but this isn’t always the case: you’re often dealing with not-entirely-alright girls with illogical criteria.
Oh, but McGinn assures us that “[t]his isn’t an excuse, mind you.” You still need to make sure your “game” is tight. Just don’t be too hard on yourself, because women (like the prices at Crazy Eddie’s electronics emporiums) are literally insane.
So what’s the great advantage of dating a woman who’s mentally ill? McGinn is a bit vague, probably deliberately, but essentially he suggests that men can keep “dysfunctional” women in line by treating them like shit:
Dysfunctional treatment is often welcomed by dysfunctional people, and many of those with mental issues fit that bill. Since we’ve already established that a very large number of young women fit into that category, you should not be surprised to see so many of them respond positively to dysfunctional behavior.
It is not uncommon for young men to adopt some of these dysfunctional behaviors, find increased sexual/romantic success with their female peers as a result, and then feel guilty about it all. Such guilt is understandable (they don’t like the fact that morally degraded versions of themselves are more appealing to girls in general than the men they actually prefer to be), but ultimately unnecessary—there is nothing a man can do about the female proclivity to welcome such behavior except adapt to it. It is the result of factors much bigger than him.
Poor pickup artists! They don’t want to be abusive, manipulative, exploitative assholes and terrible people generally. They’re driven to this awful behavior by forces beyond their control — like the fact that women are statistically somewhat more likely to suffer from mental illness than men.
This dude is boring, so I’m up for the makeup recommendations if anyone else is. There’s only so much “let me tell you about yourselves, ladies” I can take before the urge to nap sets in.
Cassandra: NYX soft matte lip cream, go get you some. It’s very light, not drying (doesn’t feel like a matte lippy, even though it is), easy to apply, and lasts. AND it’s only six bucks. Too bad my Ulta store was kind of picked over, or I would have bought more than two.
“Well, then I suppose this is an issue of semantics, then. When I talked about “dysfunctional behavior”, those were the issues I was referring to. I do consider them “dysfunctional”, but perhaps they do not fit whatever textbook definition of that word that you are using. Maybe next time I’ll just choose a different word.”
Let us know when you write your erratum for poor word usage.
“Basically you said men should abuse mentally ill women because they’re easier to manipulate that way. Now you’re saying “I actually meant that men can “adapt” by choosing to leave them alone OR go ahead and manipulate”.”
I don’t know why we are bothering with a gas-lighting equivocator. He either doesn’t want to own, or cannot understand, that taken in context and based on word usage his words are absolving very well-founded guilt in those who would mistreat the mentally ill.
Ulta? I like them, since I went into a new one a few weeks ago and they gave me free lipstick (in a shade of red that I can actually wear). Was my first experience with them so they made a good impression.
I’m in need of a new mascara. I want something that just makes the lashes a bit more obvious rather than looking like false lashes (I hate when it looks really fake), and that can stand up to my tendency to rub my eyes when I get allergies. Would be great if it comes in a really dark brown rather than just black too. Medium brown is too light for me, though, has to be a really dark brown.
Also, the experiments in BB cream continue, if anyone’s interested. I’ve been working my way through the original Korean ones trying to find a good match for my skin tone and type, and the fringe benefit is that I haven’t had any sunburn at all so far this year, since they all have so much sunscreen.
@ Cassandra
What is the SPF?
It’s always at least 30, but the one I’m using right now is SPF42, and I’ve seen it go as high as 70 in some BB creams.
This Jumbo Lip Gloss Balm from Covergirl was such a good purchase! It feels like lip balm but it looks like vibrant lip gloss. I haven’t worn lip colour regularly in years because of the drying and the stickiness and the getting all over somebody else’s face when you kiss them. This stuff does none of that.
Are they broad spectrum? I’ve seen some creams that only have UVB protection which leaves one vulnerable to UVA rays.
With the Korean BB creams it’s usually a physical rather than a chemical block, if that helps. I think that’s why it’s working better than regular sunscreen for me – doesn’t seem to wear off as easily as regular sunscreen, doesn’t react at all with my skin. The downside is that obviously I can only put it on my face so there have been a couple of times where I’ve gotten a bit of sunburn on my shoulders or arms and not noticed till later because my face was fine (I was wearing SPF50 sunscreen on my shoulders/arms/etc. but like I said, it doesn’t seem to work as well).
Glycerine soap tends to dry out my skin, fwiw. Maybe it’s to do with either skin type or water quality? Also I’m in California, it’s pretty dry here.
“So when do we stop pretending that phrases like “The options they allow to women” and the need for “Dysfunctional behaviour” is a natural part of this “hook up culture” that has so radically changed many things?”
…when those phrases stop being a natural part of this hook up culture that has changed many things.
“The Times have posted an article about how young men and women are not getting married, not dating but are hooking up about once every 2 or 3 years for the last 80-90 years.”
The hookup culture is only approximately half that old, if even that.
“A lot always changed in 1 or 2 decades. It’s a lot of time, and the world moves quickly.”
Not in every respect.
“And let’s neither pretend that “Discussing it” merits something as strange as anyone having to accept you directling stating that a group of behaviours is manipulative and dishonest also somehow means you get to treat dysfunctional people in a dysfunctional way.”
WTF? Seriously, bro, do you just make things up as you go along?
My statements regarding examples of females being manipulative were not part of a tit-for tat strategy. They were a direct response to a post by your peer auggziliary, who wrote this earlier today:
“Men being turned on by a woman is not a disability.
Most people are irrational already.
Women cannot help being attractive, so how is this manipulation? That’s not at all comparable to someone suffering from depression.
How do you know women are aware of their “manipulation”?”
I had made the claim that men are easily manipulated by women. She was not clear on what I meant by that (I was not claiming that being attractive = manipulation), so I attempted to offer clarification by illustrating a hypothetical in which said manipulation can occur. That was not done for the purpose of providing justification for adopting dysfunctional behavior (“see, this is why it is ok for men not to feel guilty about dysfunctional behavior!!!!11!”), that was done for the purpose of answering the questions that your peer had and explaining to her (him?) what I had in mind.
I at no point “directly stated” that this manipulation on the part of women “also somehow means” that I “get to treat dysfunctional people in a dysfunctional way”. That “tit-for-tat” idea was not the point of that hypothetical, and is pure conjecture on your part. Quit putting words in my mouth.
“You even bloody say that specifically women who string someone along and abuse them are being manipulative and dishonest, and yet, yet, YET; your persist in this curious delusion that that somehow allows you to do the same, engage in behaviours likewise, give a tit for a tat as if “Hah, we all know some bitches do it first, so now I’ll do it harder, better, more, because my negs are better than hers””
I am under no delusion. I did not bring up examples of female manipulation/dishonesty in order to play a tit for tat game, I brought them up to clarify a point I had made that one of your peers did not understand. That idea is ENTIRELY your own, and I’m not interested in continuing to fight your strawmen.
“Your concept of getting a good play going between partners is that you throw a ball (A sex-ball, if you will) and someone else has to grab it and pick it up?”
That hypothetical was intended as a response to kiki, who said this earlier today:
“Tell me, given that the ‘moves’ presumably failed – ie, were ‘wrong’ – in what respect were they the ‘right’ moves?
Awesome logic, dude.”
This person essentially implied that I lack a basic understanding of logic because, according to her, it is not possible to make the right moves and fail to get the right result. The hypothetical was intended to prove the logical possibility of one making “right” moves and indeed failing to get the “right” result. It was not meant to fit as a sexual analogy to back up my original post (the ball is not sex, the QB is not a PUA, the receiver is not a girl). It was meant to show to Ms. Kiki here very basically that the scenario I am illustrating (right moves = wrong result/failure) is, in fact, possible, and that it is not logically accurate to simply assume that a move is wrong because it failed to achieve the intended result.
So no, there is no “sex-ball” and the rest of your long reply was a waste of time because I, frankly, do not disagree with it. That analogy would have many holes if it were applied to sex, which is why I did not intend to do so.
“I actually can’t say much about your internal motivations!”
Well, your friends think they can. Perhaps you should consider lecturing them the way you attempted to lecture me about how much I do not (or should not claim to) know?
I would like to know what the concept of brevity has done to so grievously offend our new PUA friend.
I’m trying to use The Googles to see how a BB cream differs from a tinted moisturizer (which is what I use now.) Is it just more heavy-duty?
God, shut up, McGinnis. Seriously, did brevity scare you as a child?
Cassandra: Any of the Korean BB creams good for slightly oily skin? I looked at some of them, the Doll Veil I think it was, for teenage skin that breaks out, but it seemed too heavy. I actually like the Smashbox. The Dior sample I got made me breakout like whoa.
Viscaria: it was invented in Korea for after plastic surgery. It’s more heavy duty, and has sunscreen and other ingredients to improve skin’s look and texture.
Sorry If I did.
You want to go out for a cup of scorpions some day?
Why can’t our PUA trolls ever quote properly? It makes their TL;DRs hard to read if I wanted to.
Fibi, you were “bro-ed”. Watch out. Frat boy means business.
American BB creams are basically tinted moisturizers. The Korean ones are different, they’re based on creams that used to be used for recovery after cosmetic surgery so they’re often good for your skin rather than just kind of neutral (the good ones anyway). Coverage varies from very light to pretty heavy depending on brand/line. Some people use the lighter ones as moisturizer/primer and put base or powder on top, to use them in place of base you have to have pretty clear skin to start with. The best way I can describe it is the good ones make your skin tone look more even and sort of glowy/healthy without it looking like you’re wearing makeup (or feeling like it either, in some cases – most of the Skin79 creams pretty much just feel like a light moisturizer). The Lioele ones feel more makeup-like, though.
“You never said “hey you should leave those women alone in these situations”. You went ahead and advocated for manipulation.”
I said “there is nothing a man can do about the female proclivity to welcome such behavior except ADAPT to it”.
One can choose to “adapt” by disengaging. I explained this in detail yesterday in this thread.
The word adapt was not intended to have one meaning. That has not changed.
“First, how do you know what women are thinking? you’re psychic?”
I need to be psychic to know that there exist women who think this way? Are you actually going to sit there and deny that manipulative and/or dishonest women exist?
This is not rocket science. Aside from instances of women admitting as much to me and other men, instances of women quite clearly stringing men along even when they are clearly aware of how they feel are not rare to observe, especially among young adults.
“Other than her getting asked out”
That’s what I’m talking about when I mention “signals”. I’m not referring to obscure, difficult “shy/nerd” signals here or simple things any friend would do (ex: helping her move, listening to her problems, etc). I’m talking about direct propositioning (like asking her out), cases in which his interest is made quite obvious to anyone with a degree of social intelligence north of retardation.
“This basically shows how you think women as less than people.”
If you had correctly understood what I said you’d have a point here.
“Frat boy types are respected?”
Among young adults? Yes, they quite often are.
“The idea of a dishonest women for you is basically any woman who doesn’t respond to a dude’s “clear” signs(read: him acting friendly and awkward and confusing to show his love).”
I addressed this bit above. No, those are not the “clear” signals I’m talking about.
“You want to go out for a cup of scorpions some day?”
Hehe. To be fair though, I know quite a lot of very nice fraternity members. And being… bro’d… isn’t too uncommon in my social sphere. I am, however, eternally thankful they haven’t started replacing various words with “Bro” neologisms.
Thanks, Hellkell and Cassandra. Hmm. I think I will try a Korean one when I run out of the comically overpriced stuff I’m using now.
Benefit broke my heart by discontinuing their Get Even powder–which gave amazing coverage without looking like you wearing anything–but surprisingly enough, Wet N Wild’s coverall is almost the exact same thing. I hate paying money for shit that doesn’t work, and I’m so picky about powders.
@ hellkell
I’d suggest avoiding anything from Lioele if you don’t like the heavy look (they make Dollish Veil, which I think you mean). They seem to be going for the dolly look in general, and I found their cream too heavy, though it would be great for someone who wants more coverage.
Can’t give any personal recommendations for oily skin unfortunately, but I’d suggest looking at the reviews at prettyandcute.com since they might have some from users with oilier skin. I think the Skin79 in the hot pink or gold might be worth a try – the pink is too dry for me, and too pale, but I liked the gold.