Well, it’s time for a little celebration, I guess. Because I’ve just received word — straight from the Manosphere itself — that feminism has defeated Pickup Artistry in the battle for control of America.
That, at least, is the message of a blog post from our old acquaintance Firepower. On his Eradica blog, he writes sadly that “[d]espite 15 years [of PUA] Feminism still rules America – NOT men. Certainly not puas.” The problem, to poor feminism-hating Firepower?
PUA didn’t make guys “men,” it made them better dudes. It didn’t make them smarter – it made them dumber. Such blundering strategy is not Mastery, it is Foolery; especially in a country now based on, legislated and totally ruled by females – or call this state mentality, feminine values. …
Despite PUA being a potent strategy practiced since 2000, nothing has changed. Those many tactics to tame The Wild American Bitch failed.
In fact, Firepower argues, these Wild Bitches are ever Wilder and Bitchier than they were before Game came along.
Females – girls especially – are far worse behaved now, after “the Game Era” than they were before.
Females today, are even louder, nastier, cuntier and more tattooed. Game was supposed to give men the upper hand. The last time I went to “the club,” women are still the loudest, drunkest, rudest, most profane entitled Princesses Of The Universe. It is they who became Real Men by asserting their masculine qualities of dominance, power and intimidation – not boys. Males just smile sweetly, simper – and wipe their girl’s puke hair.
Apparently I have had something to do with all this, although I haven’t been able to figure out enough of this paragraph to understand exactly what it is I’ve done:
The extreme is evidenced in the psycho Amanda Marcotte/Manboobs FFOL wing/falange and is why I find NF such a structural part of FFOL. Game and pua gave the deactivated, unemployed big-mouthed fatties in storage something new to fight. It is their resurrection: Instead of marching in parades, they march as effective Courtroom/Legal System/Government leaders. They have no need of combat, to write picket signs and post online when they now post statutes and write law.
From earlier in the post, and by checking Firepower’s little blog glossary, I’ve been able to determine that NF is short for “Neo Feminism” and FFOL for “Five-Fingered Fist of Liberalism.” Not that this really helps clear things up much.
Also, I’m not quite sure why Firepower has picked two bloggers to be representative of some “falange” that doesn’t need to post online because it can just write laws. Or why a white dude like myself is supposed to be involved with something (the “FFOL”) that Firepower thinks is a “United Front eradicating white males.”
In the end, Firepower declares that everyone is stupid, so fuck them.
[T]he females are indeed, completely corrupted – but so are the boys. Both classes are stupid and unworthy because they are Murkans. No great leaders or movements are born out of slop.
Speaking of slop, the comments to Firepower’s post are a virtual cesspool not only of misogyny but of virulent racism and homophobia as well. Oh, and some old-fashioned anti-Semitism to boot. If you venture into them, prepare for every sort of slur there is, as well as for an extended discussion of whether or not PUA has made men more “faggoty.”
This is what the “White Nationalist” wing of the Manosphere sounds like when it talks amongst itself.
EDIT: Fixed a word in the penultimate graf. Should have been “virulent racism,” obviously, and it now iw.
Manboobz is run from David’s secret room in the Great Pyramid of Giza and guarded by cats.
“David Futrelle” is a palindrome in every writing system.
David Futrelle is covered in leaf-like appendages, making him invisible in woodland environments.
David Futrelle is the smallest member of the bear family, with short, sleek fur.
People are often surprised at how quick and agile David Futrelle is.
David is an omnivore; his diet consists mainly of insects, small lizards and carrion, with occasional helpings of buds, tender shoots, and leaves.
Some of these facts may have come from me googling “weirdest animals” and then adapting the results. But some of them are TRUE!!!
The idea that David Futrelle is (or was) “oppressed” is an hypothesis derived by interpretation — a political fable, a just-so story.
David Futrelle was neither good nor bad. He was just historically fashionable.
David Futrelle is disastrously top-heavy in his hubris, which towers to the sky. The crash will be appalling.
David Futrelle needs to get busy with one hell of a PR campaign. That should include a clear description of his “exit plan”.
A member of the David Futrelle cult cannot correctly process signals from the non-Manboobz world.
David Futrelle can never “know himself”. Only an outside observer can tell David Futrelle what David Futrelle IS.
Another definition of David Futrelle might be, “the project to exonerate women from all wrongdoing.”
David Futrelle is an unsustainable paradigm which gobbles up everything in his path. Only an outside force can stop him.
cloudiah – there needs to be a True Facts About David Futrelle video.
David Futrelle wrote all the Beatles’ AND the Beach Boys’ songs while working for the KGB as a Marxist Cultural Assassin.
David Futrelle has shown to be as effective as Sutent in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, with fewer side effects.
Are those repurposed Fidelbogenisms?
It is reasonably well-known that Isaac Aasimov is the only writer to have at least one book in every 100-level category of the Dewey Decimal system, but rarely mentioned that David Futrelle is the only author to be represented in every letter of the common alphabetically-ordered fiction section.
I don’t know how to make videos. But I will add all these to my blog. 😀
lowquacks, Dewey Decimal system … niiiiiiiiiice.
@lowquacks, Yes they are, I thought some of them were a bit funny and worked fairly well with the DF name switched XD
David faithfully recreates the experience of tactical land warfare in Western France during World War Two.
Help David & Boots find the ballet slippers for the big dance show.
Get ready for a puzzling good time with David.
The most destructive racer ever built, David is an action packed racer.
David is a high-altitude game of math, vocabulary, and geography.
David returns to his epic creation, to tell a story of imprisonment, rebellion, and the struggle for freedom against overwhelming odds.
The next generation of David is here! Check out the free demo today.
To enable reverse David, remove the plastic retaining clip that holds the David on and reverse the David so the magnets inside the David are on the bottom.
David Futrelle’s glance can freeze mercury, and he can melt solid tungsten in his hands.
Also, David destroyed the career of a prominent politician with just six words.
David is so alphatestosteroni, when he smiles babies appear in fields of kittens.
Oh gods he’s a time lord! Run! No, really, run!
Thanks kitteh, cloudiah and others do you not know that Davis has the ability to travel with the doctor just to go back in time and fuck up the PUAs?
Argenti are you reading my mind?
David Futrelle is the only person who ever comments on this site besides you. That’s right, every single commenter, even the trolls, besides you, the one reading this, is David Futrelle, talking to himself with numerous personalities.
Brokeback Mountain was named after what David calls the pile of dead ninjas in his backyard.
Deadwood was David’s ancestors creating an MRA free environment. 🙂
The protagonist of Doom is based entirely on David Futrelle.
Jack Churchill’s true identity is David Futrelle.