Well, it’s time for a little celebration, I guess. Because I’ve just received word — straight from the Manosphere itself — that feminism has defeated Pickup Artistry in the battle for control of America.
That, at least, is the message of a blog post from our old acquaintance Firepower. On his Eradica blog, he writes sadly that “[d]espite 15 years [of PUA] Feminism still rules America – NOT men. Certainly not puas.” The problem, to poor feminism-hating Firepower?
PUA didn’t make guys “men,” it made them better dudes. It didn’t make them smarter – it made them dumber. Such blundering strategy is not Mastery, it is Foolery; especially in a country now based on, legislated and totally ruled by females – or call this state mentality, feminine values. …
Despite PUA being a potent strategy practiced since 2000, nothing has changed. Those many tactics to tame The Wild American Bitch failed.
In fact, Firepower argues, these Wild Bitches are ever Wilder and Bitchier than they were before Game came along.
Females – girls especially – are far worse behaved now, after “the Game Era” than they were before.
Females today, are even louder, nastier, cuntier and more tattooed. Game was supposed to give men the upper hand. The last time I went to “the club,” women are still the loudest, drunkest, rudest, most profane entitled Princesses Of The Universe. It is they who became Real Men by asserting their masculine qualities of dominance, power and intimidation – not boys. Males just smile sweetly, simper – and wipe their girl’s puke hair.
Apparently I have had something to do with all this, although I haven’t been able to figure out enough of this paragraph to understand exactly what it is I’ve done:
The extreme is evidenced in the psycho Amanda Marcotte/Manboobs FFOL wing/falange and is why I find NF such a structural part of FFOL. Game and pua gave the deactivated, unemployed big-mouthed fatties in storage something new to fight. It is their resurrection: Instead of marching in parades, they march as effective Courtroom/Legal System/Government leaders. They have no need of combat, to write picket signs and post online when they now post statutes and write law.
From earlier in the post, and by checking Firepower’s little blog glossary, I’ve been able to determine that NF is short for “Neo Feminism” and FFOL for “Five-Fingered Fist of Liberalism.” Not that this really helps clear things up much.
Also, I’m not quite sure why Firepower has picked two bloggers to be representative of some “falange” that doesn’t need to post online because it can just write laws. Or why a white dude like myself is supposed to be involved with something (the “FFOL”) that Firepower thinks is a “United Front eradicating white males.”
In the end, Firepower declares that everyone is stupid, so fuck them.
[T]he females are indeed, completely corrupted – but so are the boys. Both classes are stupid and unworthy because they are Murkans. No great leaders or movements are born out of slop.
Speaking of slop, the comments to Firepower’s post are a virtual cesspool not only of misogyny but of virulent racism and homophobia as well. Oh, and some old-fashioned anti-Semitism to boot. If you venture into them, prepare for every sort of slur there is, as well as for an extended discussion of whether or not PUA has made men more “faggoty.”
This is what the “White Nationalist” wing of the Manosphere sounds like when it talks amongst itself.
EDIT: Fixed a word in the penultimate graf. Should have been “virulent racism,” obviously, and it now iw.
@M Dubz: Actually, I currently am not. I just go there for college. My home is about 100 miles away from Philly, so no.
But yeah, that’s good news.
Cthulhu — which direction? You up here with us New Englanders?
Ah well. Philly’s my hometown, so I always follow the news from out of there very closely.
@Argenti: West. Yes, I live in Pennsyltucky.
Ashley – I just made myself read it (bullet taken – you can thank me later…)
It’s as bad as you’d expect. I feel like throwing up, then screaming in rage, then punching someone. The comments (yeah, I went there) are particularly odious, because they’re smirking about how teh dumz people will read the start of the article, then froth with outrage, instead of reading the rest and discovering that Elam’s got an intelligent and sensitive point to ma…
Nah. I can’t even finish that lie. It’s all appalling and awful and utterly vile, all of the all, and it’d ruin my whole day if I let it. I won’t give him that though. I’m going to finish work then go out for steamed dumplings with my totally gorgeous smart lovely mangina-honey-bunny, then go home and hug my rats ’til they squeak in protest. Take THAT, AVFM!
*Sees title of Elam piece*
No. Nope nope nope. No. No. Way.
David, write an article on that so I don’t have to read it. Please.
He’s basically written a lengthy screed along the lines of: women can’t be victims of rape because only WOMEN can rape (yeah, I don’t get it either). Then there’s the big cheesy reveal about SATIRE! and they all fap away about how clever he is and how clever they are because they totally get him, dudebro. It’s pretty goddamned horrible, for a bunch of different reasons. And now I’m eating white chocolate to remind myself there are nice things in this world as well.
To cheer myself up, and anyone else who finds hairless rats having a bath adorable, here’s a hairless rat adorably having a rat:
Should have read: …having a bath.
Actually, I get what he’s saying there: He’s trying to do the whole reverse the gender to show how offensive what you’re saying is really badly, doing a reversal of the whole “men can’t be raped” thing. You know, even though it’s not feminists (well, maybe a tiny amount, but still, it’s not a very feminist view) who say that.
He’s done that whole reverse the genders thing in the past, except he’s extremely shitty at it and only reverses the words “woman” and “man.” His style of satire is similar to articles about “fuckmuffins,” in that only people like Paul Elam could think that they’re any good.
I’ll see your rat and raise you a short lesson in why you can’t see that octopus
I think it’s time for the trump card: My favorite cat video ever.
I can’t beat lion cuddles, I’m out *camouflages into the wall*
@Yoyo –
Nipple tattoos, OW OW OW! Okay I know it’s reconstructive, but pairing those words has me wrapping my arms around myself, which makes typing difficult.
Ha, I’m pallid Celtic too. AK has it right about tattoos: they don’t feel at all like getting an injection. I don’t have a needle phobia but I do get squeamish at the thought of getting blood drawn (though even that doesn’t hurt anything like I expect it to). I’ve two tatts: the upper arm one of Louis, which took an hour or so. It’s not big but has a lot of shading. The other’s his signature, on my upper breast, which took half an hour, tops. They didn’t hurt; it was more like a persistent scratchy feeling that got a bit hot. Not pleasant, but not what I’d call really painful. It’s the duration that makes it harder to put up with; I sure wouldn’t want a big tattoo.
Indeed. And one of the strangest things about PUA’s is their inability to conceive of the possibility that some women have sex with them IN SPITE of how they present themselves and not BECAUSE of it.
No man I think is unfamiliar with the sentiment “well, she’s annoying, and seems kind of dumb and maybe even a little racist but she’s pretty hot and it’s been a while, so, you know, whatever.” But PUA’s simply cannot fathom that perhaps women could have a thought like this as well.
Speaking to the first point: they believe this because they don’t believe women actually want to have sex or even enjoy it much, but that they only use sex to get other things. This means that men have to cajole and trick women into having sex by making them think they’ll get those “other things” after sex or because of sex…
Second, which is actually foundational to the first point: they don’t believe women are actually people with thoughts and feelings that are anything like the ones they have. Women are some kind of alien Other with whom they can have nothing in common or they aren’t Men, because to be a man is to be completely alienated from everything womanly. Airtight circular reasoning, ftw.
I LOVE Alan Rickman in that movie! 🙂
Yeah, before I read that Elam piece I would have said, “Anything that brings attention to male rape victims is a good thing.” Then I remembered that some people are total shitheels and can ruin even a good issue with their asshattery.
For the record, I think women can and do rape men, and that it is under-counted because of shitty definitions and other reasons. Are there some feminists who think women can’t rape men? Sure, a tiny minority. Are there others with a more nuanced view that I still disagree with (e.g. rape by penetration is worse than rape by envelopment and should be counted as sexual assault instead of rape)? Yup; they still think it is a very bad thing, just not the bad thing (rape) that I think it is. Do they represent a mainstream view among feminists? Nope.
Oh gods, the Make Up Shit about David thread! I love, love, love reading that. Especially the one that went along the lines of “Ordinary guys wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. But Chuck Norris wears David Futrelle pajamas.”
@Robert – “The impression I’m getting is that they had a brief florescence in 2008, and a mere smattering since then. ”
/mind in gutter
Is it time to Make Up Shit about David?
David once uppercut a horse and invented the giraffe.
David created the Atlantic Ocean when he got drunk and had to take a piss.
David was the author of the SCUM Manifesto.
8 of the world’s 20 dangerous animals are all David Futrelle.
David is feminism.
David Futrelle is made entirely from sequins and sugar frosting.
Leonardo da Vinci was really David Futrelle.