anti-Semitism antifeminism eek tattoos evil sexy ladies evil women female beep boop homophobia imaginary oppression literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism

A douchebag’s lament: Pickup Artists have failed to tame the Wild American Bitch

Apparently these women defeated the Pickup Artists. Three cheers for them!
Evil women celebrating the defeat of the Pickup Artists

Well, it’s time for a little celebration, I guess. Because I’ve just received word — straight from the Manosphere itself — that feminism has defeated Pickup Artistry in the battle for control of America.

That, at least, is the message of a blog post from our old acquaintance Firepower. On his Eradica blog, he writes sadly that “[d]espite 15 years [of PUA] Feminism still rules America – NOT men. Certainly not puas.” The problem, to poor feminism-hating Firepower?

PUA didn’t make guys “men,” it made them better dudes.  It didn’t make them smarter – it made them dumber. Such blundering strategy is not Mastery, it is Foolery; especially in a country now based on, legislated and totally ruled by females – or call this state mentality, feminine values. …

Despite PUA being a potent strategy practiced since 2000, nothing has changed.  Those many tactics to tame The Wild American Bitch failed.

In fact, Firepower argues, these Wild Bitches are ever Wilder and Bitchier than they were before Game came along.

Females – girls especially – are far worse behaved now, after “the Game Era” than they were before.

Females today, are even louder, nastier, cuntier and more tattooed.  Game was supposed to give men the upper hand.   The last time I went to “the club,” women are still the loudest, drunkest, rudest, most profane entitled Princesses Of The Universe.  It is they who became Real Men by asserting their masculine qualities of dominance, power and intimidation – not boys.  Males just smile sweetly, simper – and wipe their girl’s puke hair.

Apparently I have had something to do with all this, although I haven’t been able to figure out enough of this paragraph to understand exactly what it is I’ve done:

The extreme is evidenced in the psycho Amanda Marcotte/Manboobs FFOL wing/falange and is why I find NF such a structural part of FFOL.  Game and pua gave the deactivated, unemployed big-mouthed fatties in storage something new to fight.  It is their resurrection:  Instead of marching in parades, they march as effective Courtroom/Legal System/Government leaders.  They have no need of combat, to write picket signs and post online when they now post statutes and write law.

From earlier in the post, and by checking Firepower’s little blog glossary, I’ve been able to determine that NF is short for “Neo Feminism” and FFOL for “Five-Fingered Fist of Liberalism.” Not that this really helps clear things up much.

Also, I’m not quite sure why Firepower has picked two bloggers to be representative of some “falange” that doesn’t need to post online because it can just write laws. Or why a white dude like myself is supposed to be involved with something (the “FFOL”) that Firepower thinks is a “United Front eradicating white males.”

In the end, Firepower declares that everyone is stupid, so fuck them.

[T]he females are indeed, completely corrupted – but so are the boys.  Both classes are stupid and unworthy because they are Murkans.  No great leaders or movements are born out of slop.

Speaking of slop, the comments to Firepower’s post are a virtual cesspool not only of misogyny but of virulent racism and homophobia as well. Oh, and some old-fashioned anti-Semitism to boot. If you venture into them, prepare for every sort of slur there is, as well as for an extended discussion of whether or not PUA has made men more “faggoty.”

This is what the “White Nationalist” wing of the Manosphere sounds like when it talks amongst itself.

EDIT: Fixed a word in the penultimate graf. Should have been “virulent racism,” obviously, and it now iw.

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11 years ago

From Angry Harry link, “Essentially, the reference to women drooling over Bad Guys rather than Nice Guys hits the mark because everybody knows this to be true.”

Everybody. Everybody knows that. There is no possible disagreement. Anyone who says otherwise knows nothing about women. Especially those naysayers who ARE women. They’re just ignorant of women.

Women who want feminist partners, particular male feminist partners, are really just in search of a poodle.The truth is that feminists only want a partner they can call Mr. Wiggles. There can be no mistaking this for the Truth-with-a-capital-T!

11 years ago


That rape culture piece just made me believe in solipsism. It’s got to be all the fruit of my imagination. *moping*

Ally S
11 years ago

I think Angry Harry is close to Matt Forney in terms of sheer awfulness. That’s how much I hate him. There isn’t a single thing I like about Angry Harry.

11 years ago

MRA: Outrageous! They says I probably don’t have a girlfriend! Injustice! Hm, on another topic, feminists are too ugly to be raped and need to be put in their place by a *real* man.

MRA: When feminists rebut my asstistics about rape, it’s because they secretly want to have sex with me (shit test, duh). On another topic, check out my 45 posts rebutting David Futrelle (the one where I display my English comprehension in all its glory by pointing out that he’s pro-child murder is particularly salient).

Stay consistent!

11 years ago

I don’t know how to do the nifty quote-y thing, so here goes…

*”especially in a country now based on, legislated and totally ruled by females – or call this state mentality, feminine values. …”*

and, then,

*”They have no need of combat, to write picket signs and post online when they now post statutes and write law.”*

Um, do these people ever read anything except Reddit? I mean, how did they miss the whole Texas fiasco followed by the fiasco in Ohio?

How did they miss the fact that some stupid male legislator wanted to restrict abortion because…”A woman’s body can shut itself down and not get pregnant if it’s REAL RAPE.”

Some days, I just don’t want to live on this planet anymore. The stupid makes my ass ache and my teeth itch.

11 years ago

Just a thought, fellas: Maybe the reason women seem so cunty and bitchy when you’re a PUA is because the only way to get you to leave us alone is to be a cunty bitch?

Ally S
11 years ago

Also, in that article about David, I find it hilarious how they bring up ONE secular perspective of abortion and use that to demonize him. Because obviously people are only pro-choice because of what Peter Singer said about it.

Their bias is impressive.

11 years ago

Just a thought, fellas: Maybe the reason women seem so cunty and bitchy when you’re a PUA is because the only way to get you to leave us alone is to be a cunty bitch?

Yep. Normally I prefer to reject people in as kind a way as possible, because why hurt someone’s feelings? But if you get up in my face like the creepiest creep in the history of creepers, then I’m going to be as nasty as I need to be to get you to leave me the hell alone.

11 years ago

PUA didn’t make guys “men,” it made them better dudes. It didn’t make them smarter – it made them dumber. … Despite PUA being a potent strategy practiced since 2000, nothing has changed. Those many tactics to tame The Wild American Bitch failed.

So if PUA made men dumber and failed, how was it a potent strategy?

And “deviated”? Is this guy Bat Guano, rabbitting on about deviated preverts?

11 years ago

“Just a thought, fellas: Maybe the reason women seem so cunty and bitchy when you’re a PUA is because the only way to get you to leave us alone is to be a cunty bitch?”

This. Times infinity.

11 years ago

My tattoo story – aunt was saying something once about not liking tattoos, and Mum and I looked at each other and rolled up our sleeves. Mine is a picture of Louis (not that good, alas) and hers is Michael Schumacher’s logo. Aunt, who has led a somewhat sheltered life (well, she is a nun) thought we’d drawn them on with biro. ::rolls eyes::

Even better: Mum was in her seventies when we got ’em done.

11 years ago

Re: tattoos, FWIW, I don’t have a needle phobia but I’ve never really seen the needle as a needle when getting a tattoo (if that makes any sense at all). Like, I know it is a needle, but all you really see when the tattoo is being given is the gun unless you’re watching very closely. And it definitely doesn’t feel like a needle. I’m not going to pretend tattoos aren’t painful, but the pain is nothing like what you experience when giving blood, getting a vaccination or getting pierced.

And as a heavily tattooed lady, I thought PUAs liked tattooed women; I’ve certainly had to fend some off. I can never keep these guys straight.

Also, I have to ask, why does Amanda Marcotte get so much hatred? I read her pieces over on Slate and from there I know she has this “fan”base that follows her around the various sites she writes for just to hate on her. I’m pretty sure she could post about how cute kittens are and they’d find some reason to hate on her. I also notice she gets mentioned by name a lot by MRAs. Why is she singled out among all the other feminist writers? I’m mentally comparing her to Jessica Valenti or Jill Filipovic or any number of other pretty prolific feminist bloggers and wondering why Amanda seems to inspire quite so much hate.

11 years ago

Also, to be clear, I mean the pain of getting tattooed is a different sensation than those other comparisons. I’ve sat for up to 7 hours at a time for tattoos, and yeah, I’d say that hurt more than getting cartilage pierced or something. It just doesn’t feel like getting stuck with a needle.

11 years ago

Hey a kittehsurf, I’ve always been a bit squeemy about tattoos on my pallid freckly Celtic skin, now my treatment team is talking about nipple tattoos but I’m thinking if I have to go tattoo I’d prefer a joy division breastplate. ;-).

Anyway, I can’t stop weeping at the lack of impact that women haters have on women. Who’d have thunk it?

11 years ago

Reblogged this on dariancase.

11 years ago

I think there’s something wrong with the pain receptors in my skin, because I rarely notice if I, say, happen to cut my finger with a knife when slicing veggies… or if I wear new stiff shoes I won’t feel uncomfortable or anything until I’m actually bleeding from somewhere on my feet.

I didn’t think getting tattoos hurt at all. Over the years, loads of people, on noticing my tattooed arms, have come up to me and said they’re thinking of getting one but they’re worried that it’s gonna hurt, and I’ve always told them “no worries, it doesn’t hurt at all, that’s just a myth!”. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized I shouldn’t be telling people this, because it’s probably just me.

11 years ago

@CassandraSays yea, exactly. I try to be as nice as possible too, I know it sucks getting rejected (I’ve been there, ouch), but when someone just REFUSES to accept that I’m not interested it’s so exhausting trying to not be rude…. And yea, if someone is just an asshole from the very beginning I’m not even going to give any shits about their feelings.

Also, all this tattoo talk makes me want to get one… There’s one I’ve always had in mind. Don’t want to covered or anything but having one small one that I really like sounds like a good idea. I have my septum pierced, and used to have the side of my nose, my eyebrow, and my marilyn done so the pain doesn’t bother me. My septum in particular felt like a punch in the face.

11 years ago

AK: I think Amanda gets the hate because she was pretty outspoken about the Duke Lacrosse case, one of the MRM’s fave hobbyhorses.

11 years ago

I’ve been able to determine that NF is short for “Neo Feminism” and FFOL for “Five-Fingered Fist of Liberalism.”

Bwaahahahaha! This reminded me of Galaxy Quest, wherein the actor who played Dr. Lazarus would wearily proclaim “by Grabthar’s hammer, you shall be avenged!”

11 years ago

As far as tattoos go, I’m not sure where I’ll want to put mine if/when I ever get it done. I’m kind of torn between my upper back or my right hip at the moment… it would be more generally visible on my back, but I’d rarely get to see it. I do know what I want, though, which is this celtic knot quezalcoatl, probably in blue ink… though I need to redraw it, because I screwed up the first time and put the wings on backwards, lol. Still not quite sure how I didn’t catch that until I finished it…

Also, I’m a bit worried about the whole process because I have vagal syncope, and one of my triggers is (as best as I can describe) disruption of my bodily integrity. I don’t have much of an issue with shots, since they’re so quick (though I’m always careful not to look at the needle, not because I’m afraid of it, but because I’m afraid that eventually my brain will decide that it should be a trigger, too), but I sometimes pass out if it’s something longer-lasting, like drawing blood, or larger, like putting a key most of the way through my hand, so I’m not sure what the effect of many consecutive little punctures would be.

11 years ago



My tattoo is adorable.

11 years ago

Is the blogger who wrote The Worst of David Futrelle Angry Harry or is it some other guy that Angry Harry just linked to?

11 years ago

“If you spend a lot of time at bars and the like and talk to lots of women you’re probably gonna get laid a lot, even if you’re a bit rude.”

Indeed. And one of the strangest things about PUA’s is their inability to conceive of the possibility that some women have sex with them IN SPITE of how they present themselves and not BECAUSE of it.

No man I think is unfamiliar with the sentiment “well, she’s annoying, and seems kind of dumb and maybe even a little racist but she’s pretty hot and it’s been a while, so, you know, whatever.” But PUA’s simply cannot fathom that perhaps women could have a thought like this as well.

11 years ago

I went to the g0yishe rape-culture site. Now there’s a sentence I never expected to type. The impression I’m getting is that they had a brief florescence in 2008, and a mere smattering since then. That, and that this Weintraub fellow has some issues around anal sex.

The idea that all anal sex is rape by definition is really disturbing, for example.

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