![Apparently these women defeated the Pickup Artists. Three cheers for them!](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/partygals2.jpg?resize=580%2C517&ssl=1)
Well, it’s time for a little celebration, I guess. Because I’ve just received word — straight from the Manosphere itself — that feminism has defeated Pickup Artistry in the battle for control of America.
That, at least, is the message of a blog post from our old acquaintance Firepower. On his Eradica blog, he writes sadly that “[d]espite 15 years [of PUA] Feminism still rules America – NOT men. Certainly not puas.” The problem, to poor feminism-hating Firepower?
PUA didn’t make guys “men,” it made them better dudes. It didn’t make them smarter – it made them dumber. Such blundering strategy is not Mastery, it is Foolery; especially in a country now based on, legislated and totally ruled by females – or call this state mentality, feminine values. …
Despite PUA being a potent strategy practiced since 2000, nothing has changed. Those many tactics to tame The Wild American Bitch failed.
In fact, Firepower argues, these Wild Bitches are ever Wilder and Bitchier than they were before Game came along.
Females – girls especially – are far worse behaved now, after “the Game Era” than they were before.
Females today, are even louder, nastier, cuntier and more tattooed. Game was supposed to give men the upper hand. The last time I went to “the club,” women are still the loudest, drunkest, rudest, most profane entitled Princesses Of The Universe. It is they who became Real Men by asserting their masculine qualities of dominance, power and intimidation – not boys. Males just smile sweetly, simper – and wipe their girl’s puke hair.
Apparently I have had something to do with all this, although I haven’t been able to figure out enough of this paragraph to understand exactly what it is I’ve done:
The extreme is evidenced in the psycho Amanda Marcotte/Manboobs FFOL wing/falange and is why I find NF such a structural part of FFOL. Game and pua gave the deactivated, unemployed big-mouthed fatties in storage something new to fight. It is their resurrection: Instead of marching in parades, they march as effective Courtroom/Legal System/Government leaders. They have no need of combat, to write picket signs and post online when they now post statutes and write law.
From earlier in the post, and by checking Firepower’s little blog glossary, I’ve been able to determine that NF is short for “Neo Feminism” and FFOL for “Five-Fingered Fist of Liberalism.” Not that this really helps clear things up much.
Also, I’m not quite sure why Firepower has picked two bloggers to be representative of some “falange” that doesn’t need to post online because it can just write laws. Or why a white dude like myself is supposed to be involved with something (the “FFOL”) that Firepower thinks is a “United Front eradicating white males.”
In the end, Firepower declares that everyone is stupid, so fuck them.
[T]he females are indeed, completely corrupted – but so are the boys. Both classes are stupid and unworthy because they are Murkans. No great leaders or movements are born out of slop.
Speaking of slop, the comments to Firepower’s post are a virtual cesspool not only of misogyny but of virulent racism and homophobia as well. Oh, and some old-fashioned anti-Semitism to boot. If you venture into them, prepare for every sort of slur there is, as well as for an extended discussion of whether or not PUA has made men more “faggoty.”
This is what the “White Nationalist” wing of the Manosphere sounds like when it talks amongst itself.
EDIT: Fixed a word in the penultimate graf. Should have been “virulent racism,” obviously, and it now iw.
RE: Falconer
Imma get you a leather jacket with BORN TO READ done in spikes on the back.
And yes, there are PLENTY of awful tattoos around. I designed mine myself (for obvious reasons), but while I was in the chair, I chatted with my artist about the stupidest tattoos his customers had insisted on doing. There were a LOT. My own pet peeve is half-assed Japanese/Chinese, because even though my own skills aren’t great, I know enough about the writing system to recognize when a symbol has been turned around or just plain fucked up.
RE: SittieKitty
Yeah. I mean, some people DO get tattoos frivolously, and sometimes that works out well for them, and sometimes it doesn’t. (My husband, for instance, got drunk!inked as a teenager and he’s STILL deeply ashamed of it, because it came out so badly.)
I didn’t get much flack from anyone outside the family, fortunately. The only relative who was tattooed that I know of was in the Navy, and I want nothing to do with him, even though he’s dead now.
RE: katzentier
Ah well, I’m still too scared of long lasting contact with needles to get tattooed.
If it helps at all, I’ve got a needle phobia too. I have to lie down and use ice packs at the doctor’s whenever I need blood taken, otherwise I faint. However, it turns out that tattoo needles, my mind takes an exception to! And apparently this isn’t uncommon; my tattoo artist (a big bearded bear of a man in a motorcycle jacket) said he fainted with medical needles too, but was just fine with tattoo needles.
@ Falconer
That was a seriously sexy Pacific Rim reference.
I’ve got tattoos all over my upper arms (various black silhouettes of animals). I’d have more if they weren’t so incredibly expensive, and there’s always other stuff we want to put money on.
Interesting that David is one of the people who doesn’t need to post online (I guess he does it because he likes to, not because he needs to) and can just write laws when he wants to.
@LBT – I was fine with getting pierced ( I was nervous every time, but piercing is quickly over) and I don’t mind medical needles much, neither getting injections myself nor torturing other people with them (I’m becoming a nurse after all).
But tattooing takes forever. Or so I think/fear.
And I’m pretty ticklish and sensitive at my foot, but that’s where I want it. ^^
>>>On the plus side, “The Five-Fingered Fist of Liberalism” is a truly awesome superhero name.
More like a supergroup name, a la Justice League.
RE: katzentier
I was fine with getting pierced ( I was nervous every time, but piercing is quickly over)
*shudder* Yeah, I never want to get pierced ever. The vessel had its ears pierced as a wee thing, but I wasn’t there at the time, and I think it happened BEFORE the needle phobia set in. Long since healed over now, of course. Tattoos are totally fine in my head but PIERCING… g-g-guhhhhh.
But tattooing takes forever. Or so I think/fear.
Depends what you’re getting. My turtledove took about half an hour; the phoenix an hour and a half. It’s not too bad really. You chat, you zone out, you listen to music. It sounds longer than it really takes.
Having never gotten anything done on my feet (I hear it’s a rougher place for ink to take) I can’t speak to how it feels on that. My shoulders weren’t too bad though; an hour and a half for the phoenix was starting to grate on me by the end, but I made it through all right.
@theladyzombie – The Black Rabbit! My first ink (when I can afford it) is either going to be El-Ahrairah from the movie intro, or one of these two quotes: “But first they must catch you” or “Be cunning, and full of tricks”. Watership Down is an iconic book for me, and I can’t wait to put part of it on my body 🙂
Oh fucking goddammit, our mother just texted us. I was supposed to rest and stockpile spoons today. Son of a motherfuck.
I’m going to just curl up in a ball and rock for a bit now.
It bothers me that he made the acronym FFOL, instead of FFFOL (or F-FFOL).
Grammar nerds: Am I wrong, or is the douchebag wrong?
p.s. If your blog needs a glossary, you are doing communication wrong.
p.p.s. If your blog needs a Welcome Package, however, you are A W E S O M E.
p.p.p.s. FFOL made me free associate to TSOL (a not very good punk band from Long Beach), which caused me to find this video with a cameo by the very young (pre-Red Hot Chili Peppers) Flea:
Oooo! Love the El-Ahrairah idea! I want to put the quote “My heart has joined the Thousand for my friend stopped running today.” under my Black Rabbit tattoo.
@LBT, Sorry about the temporary interruption of your spoon-stockpiling plans. 🙁
RE: thehappyfangirl
I haven’t read Watership Down. I keep meaning to. That “first they must catch you,” line is a great one.
RE: cloudiah
*exasperated sigh* It’s okay, it seems I’m low-energy enough today that I can’t even feel fear, which is what the words “I love you,” usually inspire in me. I just feel tired and old, and want to craw into bed and sleep this whole bad week off.
@cloudiah – Acronyms are pretty free form in my experience. So, I feel that FFOL is allowable, but not particularly good. It make me think of FTOL, an abbreviation for “Fault Tolerant”
If i were making the avronym, I would have gone with FiLTH – Five Liberal Tentacles of Hate
I designed my tattoos also 😀 I’ll get more eventually, they are expensive though. I have a few I’m waiting to save money for, one of which is some design for when we deal with loss in my profession, I’ve had to deal with 3 so far and I can’t quite figure out what’s the best thing to memorialize it with. Has to be small and easy to add to/easy to see. I don’t really want stars or flowers, most people I know who memorialize their losses in ink have stars or flowers and I wanted something different/personal.
I’m not scared of needles, although I have a fairly low pain tolerance so my tattoos were something for me to deal with. I have some on my wrists, and they were intense, and one that’s partially on the back of my calf which was also painful. I think the more I get the more I’ll get used to it. And obviously, being in the medical profession as well, I’ve no problem with poking other people. I have (apparently, lots of people have commented on it to me) an uncanny ability to detach myself from watching people in pain, which is quite helpful when you’re helping women in labour but it freaks out some of my colleagues.
I want this: http://i.imgur.com/WmRFlJ8.jpg
LBT – I’m sorry you feel that way, I hope your energy comes back soon and you’ll feel better.
I’ve long considered getting a tattoo, just so I can say I did it…but I have no idea what to get, or where to put it. There’s nothing I love so much that I would want to specially mark it permanently on my skin.
I hope to get some kind of Golem of Prague-related tattoo some day. You know, when I have money again for things besides bare necessities of existence. I’m considering getting some rivets across my top surgery scars, as befits the pop culture depiction of the golem, but I haven’t figured out a way that looks aesthetically appealing, plus I need to find an artist with experience tattooing over scar tissue.
Watership Down love! I don’t have WD ink, but I did make a hand silkscreened couch cover printed with variants of Frith. (long time lurker)
Woohoo, tattoos! I don’t have any yet, but when I’ve paid off my student loans and have finished my second degree, I want to get this done, though I haven’t decided where yet. To be fair, I’ve got a lot of time to decide…
I concur that it should be FFFOL.
So…how did David’s law-passing make girls sluttier, anyway? Did he write a law that women have to go clubbing, or what?
You say it like that, and it sounds like a Stan Lee ism.
Oh no, I wonder how many Firefly fen there are whose tats say Ducks Play Guitars or something like that.
On bad tats: Captain Bee Fart! (warning for low-impact toon boobies)
I don’t got it that bad, I just can’t look. Also it’s never a “little” pinch.
Why thank you!
Non-contact Internet hugs! Or $PASTRY! Or babies!
Bonus high chair “guess I’ll chew” baby.
He could get away with it if he hadn’t capitalized Fingered and treated “Five-fingered” as one word.
TL;DR is, douchebag is wrong.
Um … we have a glossary.
Fingers crossed for all those blockquotes!
Nothin’ but net.
I don’t have any tattoos and I have no desire to get any (just my personal preference). Also, I’m not very loud and I don’t like to go clubbing so I guess I’m really a feminist. Or I’m not American and I’m not female. Or something.
Wow, tattoos remain even after one has died and left ones body for a new one? And I thought the prospect of losing and/or gaining a lot of weight while having a tattoo was bad. Decomposing must be 20 times worse.
I would like to get a tattoo of whatever organism I end up doing my thesis on and hope that my weight has stabilized by then.
My landlord is a Scot who wants to get a tattoo of his family crest someday. However, he is also afraid of needles, so he says if he ever gets surgery that he needs anesthesia for, he wants them to do it then.
Ditto the whole ‘enemy pokemon trainer’ PUAs (Pun totally intended). Once you’re in range and in their line of sight, there’s no getting away. If you look closely enough, you can see the exclamation marks over their heads and everything.