antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism reddit the c-word

Men’s Rights Redditor: Maybe feminism is “a time bomb planted by them camel jockeys on the ‘western’ world.”

Today, a brief foray into racist conspiracy theory, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. This is from a discussion of British Prime Minister David Cameron’s internet porn ban, which the Men’s Rightsers seem to think was orchestrated by the evil feminist overlords.

k66sh 5 points 1 day ago* (5|0)  Sometimes think feminism is just a time bomb planted by them camel jockeys on the 'western' world. Soon they'll don those burquas and cite it as a victory for women - no more Male Gaze (TM) jabberwockysuperfly 1 point 1 day ago (1|0)  Replace 'camel jockeys' with 'Marxist culture assassins' and you're spot-on.

Lovely! You may wish to peruse k66ish’s comment history for many other nuggets of wisdom that may involve use of the word “cunt.”

Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing this one out in the comments here.

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Often Partisan
Often Partisan
11 years ago

Now I want to use the tagline “Marxist culture assassin” somewhere, I lolled at it.

11 years ago

Man, why are MRAs so obsessed with muslims? It seems they always come in at the most random moments, and always as racist caricatures. It’s ridiculous.

Also, I really am in love with the idea of some Algerian bedouins plotting with the International Communist Conspiracy (Marxist)ā„¢ to destroy friendless white males who replace human interaction with Reddit. They’ve moved so far beyond (badly) cutting down strawmen that they’re intellectually checkmating shit that isn’t even there.

‘Scuse me gotta report back to ZOG, I need to kidnap some aryan babies so I can quench George Soros’ infanticidal rage

11 years ago

Oh and to inject my stupid opinion on this whole veiling debate, I think its kind of funny that everyone’s talking about everyone else needing to check their non-BDSMer privilege while, on the same damn page of the comments section, everyone’s getting all contentious over whether muslim women chosing to wear burqas is a good thing or a bad thing.

Personally, I think I’m more offended at people who get sexual gratification from BDSM than at the Indonesian woman down the street who wears the niqab. I really don’t think it’s a problem – not /everything/ has to be this massive complex issue.

11 years ago

I think Iā€™m more offended at people who get sexual gratification from BDSM


11 years ago

Did… did I miss something? I was under the impression that the general consensuses were:

!. BDSM is perfectly fine but participating in it doesn’t make someone “more enlightened” or whatever than people who prefer vanilla sex, and
2. Hijabs, niqabs, and burqas are totally fine unless people are forced to wear them against their will, and we’re kind of upset about laws banning them.

Iunno, maybe my Hivemindā„¢ uplink is malfunctioning and I’ve misunderstood the party line here.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Man, why are MRAs so obsessed with muslims? It seems they always come in at the most random moments, and always as racist caricatures. Itā€™s ridiculous.

Because the “phobia” in Islamophobia isn’t just there to look good; it’s actually a description.

I think Iā€™m more offended at people who get sexual gratification from BDSM

I know I’m always totally offended by what consenting adults like to do to each other in the bedroom. It’s part of what helps me feel superior to everybody else.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, let me be offensive! I usually only consider sexytimes to be any good if I have (happily consented to) marks to show for it.

Bask in my offensive love of pain!

(I’m not offended by people wearing religious attire of any sort, but am somewhere between bemused and angry that asking to be bitten instead of kissed is OMGS OFFENSIVE!!)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, I know the problem. 50 Shades of Grey is not what most BDSM looks like, by miles. My partners do not get off on giving pain, but on hearing me make those noises made during good sexytimes and, you know, the same “you are pleasing your partner” cues that most people enjoy.

The things that make me make those noises are just far more likely to leave (temporary) marks.

So yes, people who get off on controlling others and causing pain the way Grey does? Offensive assholes. The vast VAST majority of people engaging in some form of BDSM? Getting off on things that make them feel good, and/or giving their partner said feelings.

Which, I’m fairly sure, is how non-BDSM sexytimes work.

11 years ago

I’ll just be over here side-eyeing the fuck out of J’s comment, if anyone wants to join. At least they said their opinion was stupid.

11 years ago


Sounds like your systems are working correctly to me.

11 years ago

Except my systems aren’t working. At least my quoting-ability systems. And I wasn’t even trying to block quote.

I meant to say, that, yeah, Dustydeste, I think most of us are on the same page as you are. I know I am.

11 years ago

As a non-Muslim guy I’m not sure I’m qualified to speak about this, but I see the appeal of wearing a burqa. While I wouldn’t like to be forced to wear one every time I go outside, I can see the appeal of having the option. Having such a tangible barrier between me and the outside world has a certain appeal to it.

11 years ago

Personally, I think Iā€™m more offended at people who get sexual gratification from BDSM

Why? If they’re insisting that you join in when you’d rather not then sure, you have every right to be pissed off, but if you’re talking about random people I’m not seeing why it’s any of your business as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.

Some people are so weird. J’s comment is like me getting really super offended that there are people who love deep-dish pizza when I personally prefer a thin crust.

11 years ago

I am deeply offended by the existence of people who prefer deep-dish pizza. That’s just wrong! Harumph!

11 years ago

I am deeply offended by people liking fried Mars bars. How dare they!

11 years ago

I just really like harumphing.

11 years ago

Don’t forget to thump your cane on the floor while you do it. šŸ™‚


11 years ago

I’m deeply offended that you all are talking about deep fried Mars bars and nobody is bringing me one. That is definitely on the list of things to try when I head to Scotland in September.

11 years ago

I’m deeply offended by the existence of grape popsicles.

11 years ago

To be fair, my husband is actually kind of offended by deep dish pizza… but he’s Italian, and takes it as a slight on his pizza heritage, haha. He’s such a jerk about Italian food, and how North Americans have RUINED IT, RUINED IT AAALLLLL

He is kind of given to overdramatizing his foodfeels.

11 years ago

Is anyone here old enough to remember how excruciatingly fabulous Mars bars were before they “improved” them and made them pretty much like other candy bars? Cuz they were excruciatingly delicious and now they are not.

11 years ago

How old would I have to be? Because I don’t remember Mars Bars ever being good.

11 years ago

More than just side-eye. What people do between themselves, is just that, between themselves. If they are giving informed consent I don’t have many reservations (not none, I have mixed feelings about, e.g. breath play).

11 years ago

Kim: It might be that they’ve made them more “american” in other markets. They were quite different overseas. I’ve not had a non-USian one in a couple of years.

11 years ago

I could eat Mars bars every day! Every day every day.

Damn, now I really want candy. Can I justify eating candy and making myself sick if I have to walk all the way to the convenience store?