antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism reddit the c-word

Men’s Rights Redditor: Maybe feminism is “a time bomb planted by them camel jockeys on the ‘western’ world.”

Today, a brief foray into racist conspiracy theory, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. This is from a discussion of British Prime Minister David Cameron’s internet porn ban, which the Men’s Rightsers seem to think was orchestrated by the evil feminist overlords.

k66sh 5 points 1 day ago* (5|0)  Sometimes think feminism is just a time bomb planted by them camel jockeys on the 'western' world. Soon they'll don those burquas and cite it as a victory for women - no more Male Gaze (TM) jabberwockysuperfly 1 point 1 day ago (1|0)  Replace 'camel jockeys' with 'Marxist culture assassins' and you're spot-on.

Lovely! You may wish to peruse k66ish’s comment history for many other nuggets of wisdom that may involve use of the word “cunt.”

Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing this one out in the comments here.

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11 years ago

I keep getting a “Sorry, this comment could not be posted” message on another thread; just trying to figure out what’s up. Please disregard this comment.

11 years ago

RE: Leum

I’ve seen people claim that a sub’s sexual orientation is just “sub” and will therefore have sex in any manner and with any person their* dom tells them too.

*eyeroll* Yup. I ain’t even TOUCHING that site I found on BDSM dynamics with subs with mental illness. It was called ‘Broken Toys’ and sent me into frothing rage worthy of NWO.

11 years ago

Part of me wants to check that site out. Another part of me doesn’t want to spend the next three hours ranting at the internet.

11 years ago

It was called ‘Broken Toys’ and sent me into frothing rage worthy of NWO.

‘Broken Toys’

Jesus FUCK am I done.

11 years ago

RE: Leum and Falconer

Better you than me. I never really joined the kink scene, because I kept seeing shit like that and figured, if I wanted to be treated like an object for another class of people’s amusement, I would’ve just never graduated middle school. In children, it’s at least somewhat understandable, but in adults? No thanks.

11 years ago

Nope, sorry to be misleading, but NO FUCKING WAY am I going to that website.

pi male
pi male
11 years ago

@ David Futrelle: This is completely off topic but I came across this story on my Facebook page and it sounded like something you might write about:

11 years ago

I keep getting a “Sorry, this comment could not be posted” message on another thread; just trying to figure out what’s up. Please disregard this comment.

I’ve been getting that too. I’ve found that closing the window and re-opening it works, but I have no idea why WP is being so janky lately.

11 years ago

@hellkell: Thanks for the tip! I couldn’t even post to ask if anyone knew how to fix it, lol, since it wasn’t letting me post on this thread either after that!

11 years ago

Dustydeste: you’re welcome.

LBT: I vote Buttphuck Tyranny, it’s more fun to say.

11 years ago

Yeah, I have a problem with people saying practicing BDSM makes them “englightened.” If that’s what you do for fun than fine but that doesn’t make you any more or less “enlightened . . .” I have heard about “sacred BDSM” and I have to admit I have problems handling that whole concept as well . . .

Of course, this is all coming from the person who was so unenlightened she didn’t know what Gor porn was until yesterday so feel free to take my opinions with a grain of salt . . .

11 years ago

enlightened, I mean, Englightened is kind of a fun word to say out loud though.

Also then not than. Sheesh, myself.

11 years ago

I’ve been getting that too. I’ve found that closing the window and re-opening it works, but I have no idea why WP is being so janky lately.

Yeah, it got to the point where I was completely blocked out yesterday on multiple browsers. Not sure what’s going on, but it certainly looks like it’s WordPress server-side.

11 years ago

RE: grumpycatisagirl

I have heard about “sacred BDSM” and I have to admit I have problems handling that whole concept as well . . .

I have no beef with that. I mean, I think sacred sexuality is a valid thing, and everyone worships in a different way. I want to be clear, I don’t think BDSM is a bad thing on its own, but the scenes I hear about suffer from a lot of the same ailments all little subcultures do, and kinky people are no less likely to be douchey, so it can become a pressure cooker ripe for people abusing it. It’s not BDSM itself, it’s the way those little groups tend to work.

11 years ago

LOL Falconer, that Hark, a Vagrant always makes me laugh!

11 years ago

Yeah, I have a problem with people saying practicing BDSM makes them “englightened.”

It’s like that shit about vanilla = boring/lesser taken to the Nth degree.

Though I agree, englightened is a good word. 🙂

11 years ago

Reblogged this on dariancase.

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

Oh my god. I finally got around to seeing ‘Cockrub Warriors on Mars,’ and it was so amazing that I had to read parts aloud to my friend on the phone, in my best WWII newscaster voice. It’s so short, I think I might have to MST it.

11 years ago

Watch Stephen Fry, on QI, I find myself englightened.

11 years ago

I often find myself frustrated (same with jeopardy), because they are often wrong. Allan makes up for much.

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

David Futrelle,

You if I thought K66Sh was a reasonable person I would also point out to him that there’s an entire group of Feminists who call themselves “sex positive feminists” and they would never support a porn ban. Also I doubt that even Gal Dines would support women being forced to ware Burqas. Not to mention the fact that any far right Muslim who actually supported forcing women to ware Burqas probably wouldn’t be too fond of feminism either. Also lets not ignore the fact that there are plenty of Muslim women who don’t cover themselves very much.

I think another commenter here, Lady Mondegreen, said it best, “Seriously, that’s stupid even by MRA standards. Which makes it weapons-grade stupid.”

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

David Futrelle,

Probably would have been better if I had been a bit more specific and said “choose not ware the burga or the hijab instead” in my last comment.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I don’t follow where that change should be made, in part because burqas and hijabs are very, very different.

M Dubz
11 years ago

@LBT- Wait, Broken Toys WHAT?!?!?!?!? (rages) see, it’s bullshit like this that makes me wary of turning BDSM from a fun activity to do with dates to a hobby. Do not want assholes like that ruining my sexytimes for me.

11 years ago

@ M Dubz

Lots of feminist friends. Lots of my brilliant feminist classmates were women who veiled.

Muslim feminists? That’s unpossible!


they could be problematic in helping criminals hide so they won’t be identified/found, which is why face-concealing masks are banned in a lot of places (in the States, at least, to my knowledge). But that doesn’t stop people from wearing masks to commit crimes, and besides, what are we going to do next, ban face bandages for people who’ve hurt their faces?

More importantly, at least in the US: if you’re going to ban everyone from doing something because some people might do it to commit a crime, you will eventually have to explain why you still allow people to own guns even though they make armed robberies easier.