antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism reddit the c-word

Men’s Rights Redditor: Maybe feminism is “a time bomb planted by them camel jockeys on the ‘western’ world.”

Today, a brief foray into racist conspiracy theory, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. This is from a discussion of British Prime Minister David Cameron’s internet porn ban, which the Men’s Rightsers seem to think was orchestrated by the evil feminist overlords.

k66sh 5 points 1 day ago* (5|0)  Sometimes think feminism is just a time bomb planted by them camel jockeys on the 'western' world. Soon they'll don those burquas and cite it as a victory for women - no more Male Gaze (TM) jabberwockysuperfly 1 point 1 day ago (1|0)  Replace 'camel jockeys' with 'Marxist culture assassins' and you're spot-on.

Lovely! You may wish to peruse k66ish’s comment history for many other nuggets of wisdom that may involve use of the word “cunt.”

Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing this one out in the comments here.

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11 years ago



As a gay man, I can’t be turned on by porn that doesn’t include the guy’s face. I don’t think, in my case, it’s a people over bodies thing, rather it’s that I have a…face-based sexuality if you will. A hot bod on an ugly face does far less for me than an ugly bod on a hot face. It shouldn’t be too surprising, I suppose. I worked out I was gay by looking at SFW pictures of guys kissing. Even today I’m more interested in making out than I am in sex.

11 years ago

Deoridhe, Leum – I was talking about this sort of thing in the comments on a BroadBlogs post about women being attracted to “sexy” men, or not. It’s all the face, for me. Well, more specific than that, if it’s not THE face it doesn’t count; the body only gets sexy when it’s been photoshopped to be the right person’s body.

Ditto also about an ugly bod with the hot face. Or just an ordinary bod, for that matter. If a guy has an appealing face – aesthetically, I mean, since I don’t respond sexually in brain or bits to other people – it doesn’t matter that much about the body.

I also got a great phrase from that blog – “him-directed”. That describes my sexybrain and associated bits perfectly!

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

So wait a minute, do feminists want to all women to be whores or to they want them to all wear burqas? Do they hate the burqa or do they love it. Make up your fucking minds.

Also, here’s a rare photo of an evil Marxist culture assassin killing a brave MRA.

11 years ago

I don’t know the pic reference (outside Manboobz, I mean) but I like the assassin’s hat. 🙂

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Oh, I guess it is a bit obscure.
It’s from the video game Hitman: Absolution. In that particular level, the main character, Agent 47, was being attacked by some female assassins dressed up as latex-clad nuns (it doesn’t make much sense in context, either). I was trying to say that since those women were dressed up in a rather skimpy latex, he was trying to stop that from happening, the loyal straw feminist assassin he is.
I definitely could’ve picked a better screenshot.

11 years ago

LOL latex-clad nuns!

Don’t worry, though – it wouldn’t matter much what video game was involved, I still wouldn’t recognise anything much except Mario and Tomb Raider.

Or Tetris blocks, though working them into feminist assassin themes would be tricky. 😉

11 years ago


Possibly easier working in Marxism (or Marxism-Leninism, really) though!

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

All of the blocks are the people of the world. The I-shaped block is a feminist. When the world lets her in, like this:
she has as much influence as possible, destroying everyone that let her in.
Meanwhile, the S- and Z-shaped blocks are MRAs, preventing anyone from being destroyed by making it hard for the player to manage them.

Michael Søndberg Olsen

I’m really intrigued by this face/body thing. Because I just realized that that’s the actual sexy part you focus on, mostly, whatever your gender or preference. Your partner’s facial expression. The eyes,the mouth. I’ve always instinctively done so, I just’ve never thought of it in concrete terms. That’s kinda surprising, but seems like it somehow shoudln’t be. I’ve actually become somewhat smarter today. I love this blog.

11 years ago

The Islamist leader who visited the US was Sayyid Qutb, and his interpretation of America was astounding:

11 years ago

I can’t recall that porn played any part in that.

There’s a reason Henry the VIII got fat & orange

11 years ago

@Cthulhu’s Intern

So wait a minute, do feminists want to all women to be whores or to they want them to all wear burqas?

I think it depends on which wardrobe choice will most offend the men near you. Married to a beta? You definitely need to be all sexy and sleep with a bunch of alphas, because that will upset the beta. However, if you’re in porn, you need to be completely covered up and not do anything that could be construed as erotic, because that will upset your viewers. The important thing to remember is that feminism, like everything women do, is all about men on some level.


11 years ago

So much insight! Feminists love burquas because feminists hate the ‘male gaze’ (which isn’t really a thing) and feminists believe all men are rapists and…umm, Then there was a muslim…

Hmm, not as much insight as I first thought.

11 years ago

It is interesting how they feel that forcing women to wear burquas is oppression of men, and only of men. Do these guys feel oppressed by seeing a woman wearing a burqua? Do they feel it is taking away some right of theirs? I always feel creeped out by guys who get angry at women for wearing too many clothes. I can understand the burqua is a complex issue, and I am not sure I like the reasoning behind it, however I don’t feel personally offended just seeing a woman who is covered up.

M Dubz
11 years ago

Some Muslims actually think feminism comes out of Christianity.

Actually, it was the Jews. Rothchilds strike again!!!!!!11!!eleventy

11 years ago

Meanwhile, the S- and Z-shaped blocks are MRAs, preventing anyone from being destroyed by making it hard for the player to manage them.

I knew it! Those ones are the biggest damn nuisances!

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Some Muslims actually think feminism comes out of Christianity.

Interesting. I’d say it came out of 18th century liberalism and the Enlightenment.

M Dubz
11 years ago

@Pear_Tree: they are only offended if the women they’d like to eyefuck are covered up (Lord knows they’ll never be able to actually fuck any of them). The others, well, they should be as not-visible as possible.

11 years ago


There’s a reason Henry the VIII got fat & orange

I don’t want to think of even the handsome young Henry VIII and porn in the same sentence!


I always feel creeped out by guys who get angry at women for wearing too many clothes.

I’ve had a couple of oldish dipshits more or less complain that I’m wearing too much clothes. One asked straight up “are you from around here” because I was “wearing more clothes than most locals”. This was in Melbourne, and I happened to be carrying a coat, because duh, cold morning commutes, and also duh, none of his fucking business. The whole thing was completely offensive in so many ways, not just to me but to any women around.

@Michael Søndberg Olsen

I’m really intrigued by this face/body thing. Because I just realized that that’s the actual sexy part you focus on, mostly, whatever your gender or preference. Your partner’s facial expression. The eyes,the mouth. I’ve always instinctively done so, I just’ve never thought of it in concrete terms. That’s kinda surprising, but seems like it somehow shoudln’t be. I’ve actually become somewhat smarter today. I love this blog.

::high five:: I love it too, and that’s one of the reasons!

11 years ago

PS just occurred to me too – that one reason for the face-focus for me is that for decades, that’s all I could see of my beloved. Even civilian clothing in his portraits is rare, when he’s an adult; mostly it’s armour.

11 years ago

It’s from the video game Hitman: Absolution. In that particular level, the main character, Agent 47, was being attacked by some female assassins dressed up as latex-clad nuns (it doesn’t make much sense in context, either).

So … why is the Scarecrow garrotting Albert Wesker?

All of the blocks are the people of the world. The I-shaped block is a feminist. When the world lets her in, like this:
she has as much influence as possible, destroying everyone that let her in.
Meanwhile, the S- and Z-shaped blocks are MRAs, preventing anyone from being destroyed by making it hard for the player to manage them.

It’s true! The Tetris theme is a secret subliminal signal!

11 years ago

For a feminist symbol, the 4-long block in Tetris is awfully phallic.

11 years ago

Reads, “Qutb became a leader of the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood on his return to Egypt. After the overthrow of the monarchy in 1953, he was once considered for a Cabinet post. But he was later accused of plotting against the government and executed in 1966.”

There’s some extremism in this one. Is that a trend with people who fear and hate the sexuality of others?

11 years ago

But some men really are offended by veiled muslim women, sometimes even to the point of trying to tear their veils off. Just the other day I read this blogpost by a muslim woman who’d been harassed at the tube for wearing a hijab, and the man harassing her had eventually tried to tear it off her head. She had to defend herself as best she could and run off, since nobody helped her out.

This is one of several reasons I think it’s a terribly bad idea to outlaw veils. Some people argue that we ought to do that, because no woman really want to veil up, everyone who does so is merely forced by the patriarchal culture she comes from/the men in her family, and in the name of female liberation we ought to make at least niqabs and burquas illegal, possibly hijabs as well. (That’s one of the two arguments usually trotted out by people who want to have veil laws; the other one is that in a democracy it’s really important with openness and everyone being able to see each others faces. That argument is just incomprehensible to me. I get that there are certain situations where officials have to check ID:s, and people have to show their faces then, but I can’t possibly see what kind of difference it makes to democracy if I can see the face or not of some random stranger that just passes me by on the street.)

Anyway, going back to the female liberation argument against veils, which is at least comprehensible in that I get what they’re trying to say, there’s just so much wrong with it.
1. If someone really is forced to veil up by some evil oppressive men in her family, I doubt her situation will improve because veils are outlawed. Possibly the situation will be even worse; maybe she won’t even be allowed to leave home anymore if she can’t do so veiled up?
2. Besides, if someone, for instance, threatens to beat his wife unless she veils up, there are already laws against that.
3. Some women are adamant that they choose themselves to veil up and they haven’t been oppressed into doing so. Feminists shouldn’t pat them on the head and go “oh dear, you don’t know your own good!”.
4. AND it’s quite often MEN who once again want to control what women wear or not! And that’s NOT particularly feminist!

I remember once when I worked as a practical nurse and had a colleague who wore a hijab. Then there was this guy who worked as a temp with us for a while, and he would over and over again try to initiate discussions about feminism with her. Like, for instance, he’d ask her if she’d consider being a housewife in the future if she’d marry a man who made enough money for both of them. She was like “well, perhaps” and he immediately went “well HERE IN SWEDEN we think women are independent and can make their own money!” and she was like “whatever, moron, now STFU and let’s get to work”. Over and over again he showed that he’d really gotten into his head that she was this poor oppressed muslim woman in a veil, despite the fact that she was a pretty tough and outspoken person in general.
And then, when he was (thankfully) soon about to quit, some other colleagues told me that he’d been talking to them about his old girlfriends, and to make a long story short, really revealed himself to be a TOTAL FUCKING MISOGYNIST.

I mentioned this to another friend once, and he said that according to his experiences, it wasn’t just this guy, it’s a real pattern. Men who go on and on about how terrible it is that muslim women wear veils because veils are OPPRESSIVE AGAINST WOMEN are always the worst misogynists themselves.

11 years ago


Good grief, no the UK is not banning porn you would believe the amount of mantears I seen shed over this “EBIL FEMINIST GUMMIT CUMMING FOR MY PORNZ”.

I don’t know whether I actually agree with it myself as a piece of legislation but I can promise everyone here and all MRA’s that porn is not being banned. Seriously.