"proxy violence" a voice for men a woman is always to blame crackpottery evil women homophobia imaginary backwards land misogyny MRA oppressed men racism that's completely wrong victim blaming whaaaaa?

Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men finds a woman to blame for Trayvon Martin’s death

Rachel Jeantel, Men's Rights scapegoat
Rachel Jeantel, Men’s Rights scapegoat

Well, it took them a little while, but the folks at Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men have finally figured out an angle on the Trayvon Martin case. According to regular AVFM contributor August Løvenskiolds, the whole thing can be blamed on a woman — specifically, Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin who was on the phone with him just before he was killed.

According to Løvenskiolds, who seems to know more about what happened that night than it is in fact possible for him to know,

During a post-trial interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, Rachel Jeantel, the reluctant phone witness who was talking to Martin just before Martin assaulted Zimmerman, finally revealed that she had warned Martin that Zimmerman might be gay, or even, a gay rapist preparing to approach Martin.

This isn’t news; Jeantel said in her testimony that she told Martin she was afraid the man following him might be a rapist. But Løvenskiolds moves quickly from “sworn testim0ny” to “making shit up.”

Martin freaked out over the idea that Zimmerman might have sexual designs on him or his family, and this seems to have precipitated the attack on Zimmerman – which, of course, would make the attack a violation of Zimmerman’s human rights as a (purportedly) gay man, and make Jeantel the proxy instigator of the attack.

Yes, that’s right, the whole thing was “violence by proxy” instigated by an evil homophobic woman.

Would you like some armchair psychoanalysis to go with your unfounded speculation?

So, Trayvon Martin was killed in the act of gay-bashing (in Jeantel’s and his own minds, anyway). The fury of Martin’s sudden turnabout attack is now explicable (he had been avoiding being followed up to the point of the introduction of the gay rapist idea) and it indicates the degree of Martin’s revulsion that he went from flight to fight mode in so short a time.

And this of course makes it all All About The Menz Rights.

The men’s human rights issues related to a woman (Jeantel) being held blameless for using gay/rape threats to precipitate man-on-man violence ought to be obvious.

It’s always a woman’s fault, isn’t it?

Elsewhere in the post, Løvenskiolds seriously suggests that when a police dispatcher told Zimmerman that “we don’t need you” to follow Martin, that was Super Seekret Man Code for “we actually DO need you to follow him.” No, really.

Such negative suggestions are as clear to savvy men as this: “Honey, you don’t need to buy me roses for Valentine’s Day” – meaning, of course, “if you know what is good for you, I’d better get flowers AND chocolate AND jewelry AND a nice dinner AND…”

The fact that the dispatcher further expected Zimmerman to meet with officers – drafting Zimmerman into the militia, as it were – made it clear to Zimmerman that his continued pursuit of Martin was expected by the police as well.

The societal expectation of militia service by all able-bodied adult males is certainly a men’s human rights issue and an indication of inequality between the genders that needs to be redressed.

MRAs may not be good at much, but they’ve got mental gymnastics down to a science.

EDIT: I added a graf after the first quote from Løvenskiolds clarifying that Jeantel says she did in fact tell Martin that she thought Zimmerman might be a rapist.

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11 years ago


It feels like these people are saying, “I will follow someone if I want to, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t fight back, you can’t run away and you can’t go the law”.

They are, of course. The racism’s a side-order with their main: being able to stalk, harrass and rape women and have no questions asked.

11 years ago

“Men are shirking there God-given responsibility to marry and bear children” is an argument I hear feminists make all the time. Except not once, ever.

Hell, I’d make that argument if cis men could get pregnant. Especially anti-choicers and MRAs (not that I’d wish any child to cop them as parents). 😉

11 years ago

Oh gods, yeah, right, a shop clerk is SO likely to rant to another customer like that.

Yeah, cool story, bro.

I didn’t bother reading it all, it was so crass, but I like the bit about how Shirtless Hairy Guy was such a nice human being – read “writer was drooling over him in his little fantasy”.

11 years ago

Oops, sorry. For future warning, that entire site is NSFW due to either giant illustrated cock warriors or porn randomly interrspersed with the rants.

11 years ago

They really are obsessed with male stereotypes, aren’t they? Fighting and sex as pretty much interchangeable, and rampant misogyny. Is that where the screaming heebiejeebies about anal sex come from? Being penetrated = being female? (NB I’m not suggesting anyone should want to have anal sex; I’m just wondering if it’s only personal preferences and the “sick of being told gay= love anal sex” or more loaded than that.)

11 years ago

There’s a Chicago former cop who just got 40 years on the charge of We Shot You 28 Times And You Didn’t Die, We Erased Evidence And The First Jury Mostly Acquitted You But Got Hung Up On attempted murder. The cops aren’t always right.

Oh man, that case. Isn’t that the one where the first jury found that he *didn’t* fire his weapon, yet that wasn’t allowed into the second trial and he was found guilty of attempted murder? So basically, the first jury found that he was not guilty on the weapons charges, and then the second jury found him guilty of attempted murder.

11 years ago

Health laws are misandry? Srsly?

11 years ago

From what I’ve heard in the news, he is half Hispanic and half white. So, close enough, I guess.

It could just be my perspective on things, but if someone isn’t bothering me, I leave them to their business. If someone is directly bothering me or threatening me, I deal with it if I can, run or call someone to help me. People who go looking for trouble…I don’t get it.

Picking a fight and then pulling a gun when you’re losing… I don’t get that either.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well, health and safety is a made up department to give some make-work.

Kitteh — one sec, LBT snarled the anal sex thing.

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

OMG I REMEMBER THE COCKRUB WARRIORS. I am pleased to have shared the eye-searing AGONY of those people. (Though the g0ys still won for sheer purpleness of prose for me. I had to MST them again, for my brain.)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*snarked, and here it is —

In short, no, they don’t just not like it. That’d be fine, they have long rants on, among other things, how it’s dirty and disease spreading.

On that note, they do know that herpes is spread by skin to skin contact so their “hot to frot” doesn’t mean absolutely no STDs ever?

11 years ago

Also, still don’t have much brain for the sheer awfulness of what happened to Trayvon Martin, so I will say, as a guy and a rape survivor, that if I was a teenager and getting followed by some creeper in a car… YEAH NO SHIT I’D BE ALARMED. (That actually DID happen to us one time, when we were driving in a golf cart with a girl related to our grandmother’s friend. It was funny at the time, but only because we could quickly and easily bolt back to her grandfather’s house and we could hide behind the couch giggling nervously.)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, hi LBT, ninja’ed while linking to that MST 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Come join me in snarking that Red Pill “book” —

11 years ago

RE: Argenti and Kittehs

Oh man, the g0ys seem to seriously believe that buttsex destroyed the Roman Empire, while pederasty was a-OK. (See, this is why I can’t stay away from MSTing their shit.) The guy who does the g0ys site also seems to have weird things about cleanliness, since he recommends adding peroxide to your baths sometimes.

And no, frot is not a get-out-of-STDs free card. The guys also don’t seem to understand the concept of condoms. I don’t know what happened, they got bitten by a rabid asshole one day and never got over it.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Okay, I don’t know what the deal is, but my email suddenly has stopped working. So regarding 50 Shades: I would highly recommend NOT reading the rest, because it gets even worse. That said, if you are truly set and determined, I still got the PDF if you’re that big a masochist.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well, considering I keep screaming at it that I’m a masochist and he’s an asshole…yes, yes I am. Maybe. Enough to try it if I don’t have to even buy the damned book (was going to hit up the local used book store, no way would I buy that new!)

Let me know when your email starts working? Or put it on google docs and send me that link? (PM is fine if you want to do that)

11 years ago

It’s been the case since the beginning of time. I’m no religion guy (I’m anti-religion), but those who subscribe to the Bible, this was what happened with Adam and Eve: the woman bringing the man down or causing conflict/misunderstand with other men :Adam and the so-called God.

Cleopatra, Mark Anthony and Caesar.

Now this with the Jeantel chic!? When will it stop!? As a black man, I have no sympathy for this shit as far as woman getting men killed over BS. But I wonder if she knew of Zimmer personal for her to make those declarations.

[unrelated PUA video delated by DF]

Socialkenny the Pickup Artist

P.S. But it makes things clearer now as to why the kid would’ve attacked Zimmer, even though I believe Zim relinquish that by pursuing the kid.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Please ditch the unrelated videos, particularly PUA ones. Thank you.

That aside, yep, blame the woman seems to be about as old as written records. (Lol, sort of, go Isis!)

LBT — I’m recalling M.D.’s thoughts on 50 Shades of Fucked Up and things that don’t go “down there” nor near “my sex” (seriously? “My sex” they’re called penis and vagina, please learn and use these words XD )

Peroxide does NOT go there! Mouth wash sure, but not the sensitive bits! *squirms*

11 years ago

RE: SocialKenny

Actually, there are two versions of the Garden of Eden story, and one has no snake whatsoever. The first version, God makes man and woman together and then just puts them on the world and that’s that. No snake, no garden.

And OMG, seriously? You’re pulling in Cleopatra, Mark Antony, and Caesar? Do you actually KNOW that history? A lot of it is myth and legend built up over pop culture for decades. Cleopatra ACTUALLY was desperately trying to keep her empire out of the hands of the Romans, and that she managed as long as she did speaks to her political astuteness. I mean, she was an exile IN HER OWN KINGDOM and managed to sneak into her brother’s guarded property and PERSUADE Caesar to back her, instead of her brother, when Caesar had already DECIDED on backing her brother. She was a great politician, and had a lot more to her than evil woman. Jesus, man, really?

Also, fuck you. George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. Not the phone call. ZIMMERMAN held the gun, ZIMMERMAN disobeyed the cops, ZIMMERMAN pulled the trigger. He is fully responsible, because HE DID IT.

11 years ago

Do we need a Kenny Challenge, in which he has to post a comment with no unnecessary PUA links?

@ Kittehs

Yeah, they’ve wrapped it up in a lot of panic about STDs but basically their issue is that being penetrated is “unmanly”.

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

Yup, you got it. And it’s absurd. Brief TMI, but it took me years, literally YEARS of hard emotional and psychological work to be able to have sex that way. I have damn well EARNED the pride in being able to do naughty things with butts, and ain’t nobody and I mean NOBODY going to make me feel bad about it.

11 years ago


Of course the snake part is a myth. Snakes don’t talk, nor do they have a larynx/voice box. What the Bible meant was that this “man” (the devil) was like a snake: slick, sly, sneaky, etc. But the devil was a man just like you and I; walking and talking. But ppl take it so literal, they think it’s a literal snake.

Whether the Cleopatra and M. Anthony thing was a myth or not; it still illustrates how woman have been behind the downfall of important men throughout history: mythical or not. And to be clearer, Caesar (I believe) was so drunk on Cleopatra that he allowed his empire to fall just because of this 1 hot ass: hot-black ass might I add 🙂

And I’m not defending Zimmer.

11 years ago

@Cassandra- Sarcasm huh ;)?

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