Well, it took them a little while, but the folks at Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men have finally figured out an angle on the Trayvon Martin case. According to regular AVFM contributor August Løvenskiolds, the whole thing can be blamed on a woman — specifically, Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin who was on the phone with him just before he was killed.
According to Løvenskiolds, who seems to know more about what happened that night than it is in fact possible for him to know,
During a post-trial interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, Rachel Jeantel, the reluctant phone witness who was talking to Martin just before Martin assaulted Zimmerman, finally revealed that she had warned Martin that Zimmerman might be gay, or even, a gay rapist preparing to approach Martin.
This isn’t news; Jeantel said in her testimony that she told Martin she was afraid the man following him might be a rapist. But Løvenskiolds moves quickly from “sworn testim0ny” to “making shit up.”
Martin freaked out over the idea that Zimmerman might have sexual designs on him or his family, and this seems to have precipitated the attack on Zimmerman – which, of course, would make the attack a violation of Zimmerman’s human rights as a (purportedly) gay man, and make Jeantel the proxy instigator of the attack.
Yes, that’s right, the whole thing was “violence by proxy” instigated by an evil homophobic woman.
Would you like some armchair psychoanalysis to go with your unfounded speculation?
So, Trayvon Martin was killed in the act of gay-bashing (in Jeantel’s and his own minds, anyway). The fury of Martin’s sudden turnabout attack is now explicable (he had been avoiding being followed up to the point of the introduction of the gay rapist idea) and it indicates the degree of Martin’s revulsion that he went from flight to fight mode in so short a time.
And this of course makes it all All About The Menz Rights.
The men’s human rights issues related to a woman (Jeantel) being held blameless for using gay/rape threats to precipitate man-on-man violence ought to be obvious.
It’s always a woman’s fault, isn’t it?
Elsewhere in the post, Løvenskiolds seriously suggests that when a police dispatcher told Zimmerman that “we don’t need you” to follow Martin, that was Super Seekret Man Code for “we actually DO need you to follow him.” No, really.
Such negative suggestions are as clear to savvy men as this: “Honey, you don’t need to buy me roses for Valentine’s Day” – meaning, of course, “if you know what is good for you, I’d better get flowers AND chocolate AND jewelry AND a nice dinner AND…”
The fact that the dispatcher further expected Zimmerman to meet with officers – drafting Zimmerman into the militia, as it were – made it clear to Zimmerman that his continued pursuit of Martin was expected by the police as well.
The societal expectation of militia service by all able-bodied adult males is certainly a men’s human rights issue and an indication of inequality between the genders that needs to be redressed.
MRAs may not be good at much, but they’ve got mental gymnastics down to a science.
EDIT: I added a graf after the first quote from Løvenskiolds clarifying that Jeantel says she did in fact tell Martin that she thought Zimmerman might be a rapist.
AVfM lurkers, aka people who already got banned.
Oh, I’ve known couples like that. Where neither really communicates anything signifcant and everything is a series of ritualized gestures. It’s a sad horror to behold. The even sadder part is these MRM/MRAs thinking that’s how it SHOULD be, and if they can juuust get the cheatcode right, they’ll be happy.
Near the bottom!
I figured as much, just thought it was funny!
That’s delicious! They compared AVfM to The Watchmen.
Watch out, folks! The big, bad keyboard warriors of AVfM are on to you! Hahaha!
I don’t even know where to begin with most of this. Seriously, wtf?
It’s pretty standard for the police to want to meet with and interview a witness and it’s not the equivalent of being drafted into some super special civilian militia. The last time I had to call 911 (some bigger kids were beating up some smaller kids) they basically told me the same thing: get inside where it’s safe and wait for the police. I did, the police came, did their jobs and we all went home. Which is what would have happened if Zimmerman had done the same.
Using some twisted “no means yes” crap doesn’t absolve Zimmerman of anything. He was out either looking for a fight or out of some paranoid racist fear. Not because he learned that when a woman tells you not to do something, she really secretly wants you to. I’m having a really hard time even trying to figure out how somebody actually came up with something so twisted and ridiculous.
As for the effect that Jeantel’s words had, nobody knows what Martin was thinking that night so it’s impossible to saddle her with all of the blame here, as the MRM would. I find it sad that homosexual = predator to her, as 100% of the people I’ve known who were homosexuals were definitely not and shows that there still a long way to go in this arena.
The bottom line, and something that seems to fall by the wayside, is that Trayvon Martin lost his life needlessly and any needless loss of life is a tragedy. I hope that, once this is all over, he can rest in peace and his family can find comfort.
Wow, I wish this blog had an upvote function or something similar.
Michael, in case you’re wondering, we’ve actually decided to keep this site without upvote functions because we don’t want the comments to turn into a popularity contest. (Of course you are still free to wish you could upvote something and to say so, though!)
Yea, me too Michael, that was great Nova…
They really did try to make it seem like both these men were manipulated by women; Martin by his friend and Zimmerman by the dispatcher (which I’m assuming was female if this “no means yes when women say it” theory is supposed to make sense [which is doesn’t anyway since she wasn’t his fucking girlfriend]). Talking about Martin’s friend is one thing, but saying the DISPATCHER made Zimmerman think he was being “drafted in the milita” is all sorts of crazy.
Ah, okay, katz. I get the idea, but doesn’t it cause another, similar, problem? That when someone makes a great comment, a lot of followup comments are just praises of it? I don’t know, never having run a website. Now i’m actually genuinely curious about comment sections and their sociology, so to speak. And it’s way too late… well, early, here, for that. Keeping my nerdself in check, I have to admit that there’s probably never exactly a good time for something that bizarre to delve into. I guess, whatever works, works. And this blog seems to work just fine.
That obviously means they never actually read Watchmen, or that they are so single-minded they don’t get the point. Either/or.
Silly Bizarro people…
From AVfM:
“I never thought of this article as blaming something on a woman. What a strange perspective manboobz and gang have. I suppose that quality is what makes them feminist victims.”
Oh, the projection. It burns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So weird! They could have actually gone for THE ALL FEMALE JURY. And if they “saw race” they could ostensibly have went with America’s contempt for black men (hey a valid issue) but nah let’s go for the bat-shit-crazy homophobia racial gay bash because fuck Occam’s razor!
Did someone say drunk posting? I’m two shots into the night, we’ll see where we go from here!
On topic — …no, I’ve got nothing. I can’t even…no. I need another shot.
Since that means getting up, first I have to ask whether there’s a citation on the initial claim. Does anyone know if she actually said that this is what she told Martin?
Seriously, this is more fucked up than 50 Shades of
Fucked UpGrey as MST’ed by Infinity Smashed characters. Maybe M.D. just makes everything better, or maybe I’m drunker than I feel, but somehow, I think this is just that fucked up.(And the word of the day is…fucked up!)
Can we refrain from calling them bat-shit-crazy or any variation thereupon? As one of your resident crazies, I’d prefer not to be associated with the likes of them. Thanks!
Of course, ’cause when someone says “[t]he men’s human rights issues related to a woman (Jeantel) being held blameless for using gay/rape threats to precipitate man-on-man violence ought to be obvious” in an article – they aren’t blaming any women at all! They just kind of are!
Dry July is being sent to test me this year (I’m alcohol free to raise money for cancer sufferers). Shit like this makes my resolve wobble…
No, see it wasn’t blaming it on a woman, it was showing how “women” make this sort of thing happen ALL THE TIME.
Not a women, all women. Very important difference.
I looked up the Piers Morgan interview and she did say it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_XxDXO1BDg
The number of women who say “I don’t want flowers” and then gets angry because they don’t get flowers (outside of sitcoms) is amazingly small. What tends to happen is something like this:
Person A: I know Valentines’ Day is coming up but money is tight right now.
Person B: You don’t have to get me a gift.
Person A assumes that statement means that they can ignore Valentine’s Day all together. They don’t even call or send an e-card or anything.
Person B: I can’t believe you ignored me on Valentine’s Day.
Person A takes this to mean that the previous statement about not getting a gift was a lie when, in reality, they just wanted a card or a home cooked meal or SOMETHING to make them know that they are cherished.
Perhaps we should call ’em a bunch of Jack D. Rippers. They’re just as paranoid in general and obsessed with their Precious Bodily Fluids in particular.
Though Bat Guano comes to mind too, with this lot. As in, that’s what their brains are made of.
AVFM commenter:
Yeah, it’s not like the AVFM post says of Jeantel that
Oh, wait, that’s a direct quote from the AVFM post.
Danielle, yeah, she did say that she told Trayvon that she thought Zimmerman might be rapist. I’m pretty sure she said that i court. I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise in the post, just that much of the rest of the AVFM post is pure speculation.
Snip Snap!
You are also white just like chuck Ross
How come you don’t see it his way?