Well, it took them a little while, but the folks at Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men have finally figured out an angle on the Trayvon Martin case. According to regular AVFM contributor August Løvenskiolds, the whole thing can be blamed on a woman — specifically, Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin who was on the phone with him just before he was killed.
According to Løvenskiolds, who seems to know more about what happened that night than it is in fact possible for him to know,
During a post-trial interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, Rachel Jeantel, the reluctant phone witness who was talking to Martin just before Martin assaulted Zimmerman, finally revealed that she had warned Martin that Zimmerman might be gay, or even, a gay rapist preparing to approach Martin.
This isn’t news; Jeantel said in her testimony that she told Martin she was afraid the man following him might be a rapist. But Løvenskiolds moves quickly from “sworn testim0ny” to “making shit up.”
Martin freaked out over the idea that Zimmerman might have sexual designs on him or his family, and this seems to have precipitated the attack on Zimmerman – which, of course, would make the attack a violation of Zimmerman’s human rights as a (purportedly) gay man, and make Jeantel the proxy instigator of the attack.
Yes, that’s right, the whole thing was “violence by proxy” instigated by an evil homophobic woman.
Would you like some armchair psychoanalysis to go with your unfounded speculation?
So, Trayvon Martin was killed in the act of gay-bashing (in Jeantel’s and his own minds, anyway). The fury of Martin’s sudden turnabout attack is now explicable (he had been avoiding being followed up to the point of the introduction of the gay rapist idea) and it indicates the degree of Martin’s revulsion that he went from flight to fight mode in so short a time.
And this of course makes it all All About The Menz Rights.
The men’s human rights issues related to a woman (Jeantel) being held blameless for using gay/rape threats to precipitate man-on-man violence ought to be obvious.
It’s always a woman’s fault, isn’t it?
Elsewhere in the post, Løvenskiolds seriously suggests that when a police dispatcher told Zimmerman that “we don’t need you” to follow Martin, that was Super Seekret Man Code for “we actually DO need you to follow him.” No, really.
Such negative suggestions are as clear to savvy men as this: “Honey, you don’t need to buy me roses for Valentine’s Day” – meaning, of course, “if you know what is good for you, I’d better get flowers AND chocolate AND jewelry AND a nice dinner AND…”
The fact that the dispatcher further expected Zimmerman to meet with officers – drafting Zimmerman into the militia, as it were – made it clear to Zimmerman that his continued pursuit of Martin was expected by the police as well.
The societal expectation of militia service by all able-bodied adult males is certainly a men’s human rights issue and an indication of inequality between the genders that needs to be redressed.
MRAs may not be good at much, but they’ve got mental gymnastics down to a science.
EDIT: I added a graf after the first quote from Løvenskiolds clarifying that Jeantel says she did in fact tell Martin that she thought Zimmerman might be a rapist.
Mansplaining Ridiculous Manipulators.
I think shiraz just won.
We’re all winners! *hands out participation ribbons to everyone*
“…and denying their privilledge?”
I should have written, “while denying their (MRA’s) own priviledge.”
Michael, I won something? Heh.
I think this is the worst thing I’ve ever read on Man Boobz.
Hmm, methinks that troll “Jason” and this “August Løvenskiolds” are one in the same. They certainly sound alike – but then again, that applies to most MRAs…
“Michael, I won something? Heh.” Yep, this thread and most of the adjacent internet, as far as I’m concerned. Which, granted, ain’t that far,
I’m pretty sure when a cop tells you to stop doing something – they want you to stop. If they tell you not to get out of the car, it means they do not want you to get out of the car. That’s kind of how it’s worked, like, forever.
This further proves my theory that MRAs come from Bizarro World. Up is down! Left is right! Black is white! Forwards is backwards! “No” means “Yes”!
I can barely understand what is even being said here… I thought this was going to be about the jury or something, but this is just so stupid it’s impressive.
Honestly though, I’m not really surprised. The MRM taught me a long time ago that anything can be blamed on a woman if you try hard enough.
Even if we go along with the ridiculous premises here, and assume that it’s somehow a men’s rights issue they’ve managed to cook up rather than a than a gay issue (because the MRM is all about being accepting of people who aren’t straight white dudebros, right?), “not wanting to be raped” is quite different to “a gay person hit on me so I attacked them”.
What’s this new villain figure’s motivation for causing “men-on-men” violence supposed to be, anyway? “Oh, the friend I’m talking to on the phone is being tailed by someone, better suggest violence that I won’t be able to witness and think would harm my friend just because that’s what us women love to do”?
lowquacks – or maybe it’s the “wimmenz always think good honest upstanding manly menz are out to rape someone, even other menz!”
Not that anything’s going to make sense with this one. It’s just hatred of women outweighing all their other hates in MRA land.
Michael, I know you’ve commented here before, but did you get your welcome package?
“Oh, the friend I’m talking to on the phone is being tailed by someone, better suggest violence that I won’t be able to witness and think would harm my friend just because that’s what us women love to do”?
Whenever a guy is slightly inconvenienced, like, he can’t figure out his new phone… that means a woman has instituted a pogrom, if not a gendercide. MRM/MRAs have taken “cherchez la femme”, not to it’s logical conclusion, because remember who we’re talking about here, but to some paranoid fever dream ultra strenght idiocy.
I’m trying to think of something funny and sarcastic to say, but thinking about this at all is hurting my head.
I really hope these guys are trolling. In fact, they must be.
They just… must be…
Quite apart from the usual level of idiocy, I think we’ve reached infinity level of reverse-of-reality crap.
When anyone thinks of stranger man seeking out and attacking random man on street, and homosexuality and “threat” are mentioned, I would have thought the common assumption to be that stranger man pursues / attacks random man because he hates gays and thought poor, oblivious, random guy was “one of them”. Normally, I’d expect these clowns to recognise this in one way or another. Certainly to dismiss Rachel’s expressed fear as yet another instance of the feminist evil fantasy of Schrodinger’s rapist warping her pink fluffy ladybrainz’ to see sexual threats anywhere and everywhere . But these people are so convinced by the idea of Zimmerman as a misunderstood (misguided, deluded) hero, they can’t even get inside the head of someone, anyone — not just Trayvon or Rachel, who would (and should) see him as a threat for any reason.
As Nick says
This manages to do a whole bunch of terrible things at once
1) It removes any responsibility from the actual murderer
2) By refusing to place the blame on the perpetrator, it ignores the racism that motivated his actions
3) It appropriates anti-queer violence as a “men’s rights” issue
4) It shamelessly exploits the murder of a child in order to attack women
5) It makes me want to vomit up everything I’ve ever eaten
kittehserf, thankee.
Yeah, but I made a bad first impression, as I recall. I think it was because of some yeast-infection joke that was in very bad taste, but wasn’t actually antiwomen in any way. It was just me being drunk at half past 6 in the morning, like now. I think I also blasted some idiot wannbe-be MRA about how women are portrayed in computer games or something. Can’t really remember. But I have this sneaking suspicion this package is most about the blockquotethingie so I don’t look like a total incompetent. To which I say again… Thanks.
“…or maybe it’s the “wimmenz always think good honest upstanding manly menz are out to rape someone, even other menz!”
Yeah, that’s it. Seriously, that’s it. What he’s suggesting is this, “Guys, women are irrationale…so be careful! They’ll confuse you enough to make you believe you have to kill someone to protect yourself from rape! They’re (women) paranoid, believe women at your own risk!”
Disgusting. Fear-mongering. A lazy way of absolving any man who commits an irrationale act of violence by blaming it on any women who happens to be in be in the vincinity.
““if you know what is good for you, I’d better get flowers AND chocolate AND jewelry AND a nice dinner AND…””
Hey August! Get back to us when you get your pronouns straightened out.
Oh, and… uh… less mind-reading next time. I mean, AVfM is a serious website. The way you write a person might think this site is nothing more than a smattering of poorly-constructed opinion pieces linked together by an unshakeable belief in an alternate reality and run by a bitter, old man.
Along with all the other fuckmuppetry-
The dispatcher expected Zimmerman to meet the officers because that’s how the officers take what is called ‘a report’. Lacking Xray vision and time machines that can also read minds calling the police will mean the citizen at some point may need to actually talk. to. the. police.
The dispatcher doesn’t make arrests, investigate crimes, book people into jail or wax the patrol cars. The dispatcher fucking dispatches officers based on calls from civilians.
The dispatcher was not fucking deputizing him nor signalling him remotely to spring into action. The dispatcher was trying to find out where the actual law enforcement officers could meet him to take his complaint. To suggest that simply calling the police gives a man the right to shoot people because of reasons is so stupid it wouldn’t make the b-plot of a second-rate crime drama- unless the b-plot moral was ‘so, kids, remember, don’t be vigilante dumbasses’.
Michael, well, you wouldn’t be the first or last to fall in a heap while drunk-posting here!
I don’t know if the welcome package has initiation into the Mystery of the Blockquote in it, but if it doesn’t, it’d be a great idea to include it.
“Paranoid fever dream ultra strength idiocy” – the MRM in a nutshell.
@Kittehs, others
Argenti has WordPress HTML help a-plenty in the welcome package comments.
I just had the horrible question cross my mind – would Trayvon Martin have been murdered anyway, by the police, if they’d got there? Useless question, I know, but given how often breathing while black seems to be a capital offence, no trials, no waiting …
“if you know what is good for you, I’d better get flowers AND chocolate AND jewelry AND a nice dinner AND…”
That bit struck me as so (trivially, by comparison) weird. If I say I don’t want flowers, it’s ’cause I don’t want flowers, not ’cause I want them and a heap of other things. I don’t like cut flowers and I don’t have a vase to keep them in: ergo, don’t give me flowers. Is this so hard to understand?
lowquacks – yay!
Yep, saw it. Hell, I know that shit already, because it’s the same on just about every website. I am just extra slow on the up… learn… take.. figuring,,, stuff.
Hey, we have AVfM lurkers! They linked to this comment section in their comment section!