We’re having Fidelbogen for lunch again. In my defense, the Twitter feed of this self-proclaimed philosopher of the non-feminist sector is hands down the most consistently entertaining thing in the manosphere today. In today’s post, Fidey opines on Women’s Suffrage (neither good nor bad), feminist “exit strategies,” and why it’s not necessary for MRAs to offer any evidence when they argue with feminists.
Without further ado, let’s go Fidelbogening!
So what do we learn from his Twitter feed this month? Well, for one thing, that whole “oppression” thing women have been complaining about is all a big fairy tale.
The idea that "women" are (or were) "oppressed" is an hypothesis derived by interpretation — a political fable, a just-so story. #feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 26, 2013
And that “women having the right to vote” thing? Just some sort of dumb fad.
Women's Suffrage was neither good nor bad. It was just historically fashionable. #Feminism #FeministArmy #women #rapeculture #fem2 #MRA
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 17, 2013
Apparently feminism has really big boobs:
#Feminism is disastrously top-heavy in its hubris, which towers to the sky. The crash will be appalling. #rapeculture #FeministArmy #MRA
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 17, 2013
And after collapsing under the weight of its own boobage, feminism had better skeedaddle, if Fidey has any say in the matter:
#Feminism needs to get busy with one hell of a PR campaign. That should include a clear description of its "exit plan". #FeministArmy #women
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 17, 2013
Here he explains the behavior of a lot of the MRAs who visit the comments here (and pretty much everywhere):
Assert first, debate later. Much later. #avfm #mensrights #feminism #antifeminism #MRA #MGTOW
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 17, 2013
And here he explains his own methodology, I guess:
Advance steadily, and let faux-insanity be your shield.
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 17, 2013
Here he tests the boundaries of incoherence:
#Feminism = Upper-middleclass women obsessed with bad behavior by lower class males.They call this "patriarchy". #rapeculture #FeministArmy
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 16, 2013
But what do I know? Maybe the only reason he doesn’t make any sense at all to me is that I’m a dirty feminist.
A member of the feminist cult cannot correctly process signals from the non-feminist world. #feminism #rapeculture #FeministArmy #politics
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 15, 2013
But then again, I guess anyone can be a feminist, because apparently feminism means anything anyone wants it to mean.
The meaning of the word '#feminism' is up for grabs. It is an open-source project.#rapeculture #feministarmy #mensrights #humanrights
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 15, 2013
Huh. So if I want, feminism can be a kitty? This kitty?
Oh, wait, I guess not, because apparently feminists are no good at defining feminism.
#Feminism can never "know itself". Only an outside observer can tell feminism what feminism IS. #rapeculture #mensrights #humanrights
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 15, 2013
Fidelbogen certainly has a lot of novel definitions for feminism.
It’s gangrene!
#Feminism is a gangrene in the social body, always growing at the edges and putrifying as it goes.#rapeculture #antifeminism #humanrights
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 15, 2013
It’s cancer!
#Feminism itself could not exist, if it allowed the right to exist of people who are not feminist. Feminism is a cancer devouring the world.
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 27, 2013
It’s an attempt to exonerate women from all wrongdoing!
Another definition of feminism might be, "the project to exonerate women from all wrongdoing." #feminism #antifeminism #mensrights
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 26, 2013
It’s a paradigm that apparently skipped lunch!
#Feminism is an unsustainable paradigm which gobbles up everything in its path. Only an outside force can stop it. #politics #paradigm #MRA
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) July 2, 2013
It’s … a car, I guess, that runs on male tears, and is lubricated by lies!
Lying is to feminism what motor oil is to a car. If God forced every feminist to be honest, feminism would seize up in 2 weeks. #humanrights
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 29, 2013
(Ok, I made up the male tears bit.)
Anway, Fidey is having none of it. Just say deedly-doodly-no!
By the end of the day, if you declare "I am not a #feminist", and stand your ground, there ain't diddly-boo they can do about it. #politics
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 27, 2013
Excelsior, Fidelbogen! And, please, please keep Tweeting.
*___* I can imagine!!! Love it ^_^
If I had met Boney M, I would pretty much consider my life complete and would never feel the need to do anything again.
Re: comment upthread about MRAs seeming to be in a double bind related to “masculinity” — duh. Strict gender roles put everyone in a double bind, which is what feminists have been trying to point out for years.
I think I’ll just leave this here:
You will see why!
Scented FUCKING candles! Awesome.
God, I need some brain-bleach with that video. Seriously – these guys need to get the fuck over themselves. Always with the false equivalence and dismissing the mistreatment of others on some utterly obtuse logic. “Why don’t they mention all the good moments in their day?” It’s called Everyday Sexism – that’s the point!
It’s also telling he thinks the story about the bar is made up ’cause, hey, no drunk guy has ever inappropriately groped or harassed women in such a place! But, of course, “maybe” she wanted to get groped. Stay classy, you assholes!
Okay, I’m going to watch videos of kittens playing with a Guinea Pig now:
Ah, there we go…
saintnick – it’s okay, “Dan Cardamon” is a parody character, he’s sending up MRAs and their shit (note the mention of Scented Fucking Candles – he reads this blog). He’s the guy who does Some Grey Bloke.
Sorry, the writer is the Some Grey Bloke creator; it’s an actor doing the video.
Ninja’d by Xanthe. But it’s awesome anyway.
Hint for players who have less than ideal vision/ didn’t go fullscreen. Check the note on the whiteboard in the background.
@Kittehserf: Ah, got ya. He’s got the whole mentality down rather well…
THIS IS SO FUNNY! I went and read the entire review Forney gave to “the red pill”, and here it is:
Because THAT’S what life is like when you haven’t taken the red pill yet! You’re entire life completely revolves around an EVIL woman! And of course everyone thinks of love in terms of the loved one being all kinds of celestial entities.
Because ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL she couldn’t just cheat with one guy! And without the red pill, it’s impossible not to think of moustache-twirling (well, if they had a moustache) villain bitches as celestial bodies and go kill oneself over them.
It must be FEMINISM which has taught fathers to be overprotective of their evil scheming moustache-twirling villain daughters and STEAL THEIR EXES’ STUFF!
Yeah, that IS good advice.
Because what could possibly be more KEWL than being a LEAD SINGER IN A DOORS TRIBUTE BAND!? Nothing, is the answer to that rethorical question, nothing.
Like, seriously, I almost want to read this.
Obviously the family took pride in an adult still living with mum and dad and being unemployed because she was a FEMINIST, and that’s the ONLY thing anyone cares about in this feminazi world. Also, she was fat, because obviously.
Yes, punch those WOC!
“Omega rage”? That’s an established term?
So… if you’re low enough on this status ladder of theirs, it causes murder sprees?
Okay, so Fornay doubt being omega causes murder sprees, it seems. But they still have the term “omega rage”.
You can! It’s not too late! There’s an entire subreddit for Bluepillers!
Two thoughts. First, Forney wrote that review without it occurring to him that maybe there was something a bit off about the company he keeps? Second, an MRA is surprised by bad writing?
An MRA knowing bad writing is a thing is pretty damn surprising itself.
Wait, isn’t killing people alpha? Plot hole!
That Dan Cardamon video @ 1:49: jesus
On the other hand, when the guinea pig Ariel is lifted out of her box, the splay-footed pose she strikes while in the air is pure cane sugar.
It is pretty hard to tell that the Dan Cardamon video is parody if you don’t know so beforehand. And that’s real . . . frightening.
RE: Hyena Girl
*shivers* Poser paranormal romance covers. A couple of my partner’s erotic paranormal romance novellas ended up with those. #thehorrorthehorror
It’s things like this which make me glad that I’m currently able to design my own covers. I know they aren’t going to win me design awards or anything, but at least they don’t send people screaming into the hills, never to be seen again.
RE: wordsp1nner
The small-press erotica publishers don’t seem to want to hire actual models.
Actually, a lot of the small-time publishers can’t afford professional artists, PERIOD. This leads to people getting covers any way they can–they hire someone who’ll work for cheap, make it themselves, or slap together something from stock. It’s painful to me, as an artist and a writer, because it leads to artists having trouble finding work, publishers putting out stuff that looks awful, which doesn’t help their sales any, and just ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
I am baffled by what this guy seems to think love is like… it reads completely pathetic and infatuated, like a junior high student’s conception of love when all they’ve had is a crush… so… weird…
Also yeah, I wish there was an easier way to pay artists for doing good stuff and adding to the beauty in the world.
Way late here but LBT idk what the cover award standards are but Bodily Reconstructions has an amazing cover. Like, to the point I finally get why people love the retine display (I didn’t fork out the dough for one, and that cover is so much…muchier)
So. About The Red Pill.
I can’t help noticing that it’s free to borrow for Amazon Prime members.
I happen to be an Amazon Prime member.
Anyone else thinking what I’m thinking?
@katz, DO IT!
Well, I’ve got it, but Kindle books are a pain in the ass. Even copying short excerpts for review purposes is basically impossible. Should I spring for the $2.99 copy? I’ve got Amazon credit.
Katz: DO IT. Do it for the children.