antifeminism citation needed fidelbogen grandiosity MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy straw feminists twitter woman's suffrage

Fidelbogening while the world burns

Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.
Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.

We’re having Fidelbogen for lunch again. In my defense, the Twitter feed of this self-proclaimed philosopher of the non-feminist sector is hands down the most consistently entertaining thing in the manosphere today. In today’s post, Fidey opines on Women’s Suffrage (neither good nor bad), feminist “exit strategies,” and why it’s not necessary for MRAs to offer any evidence when they argue with feminists.

Without further ado, let’s go Fidelbogening!

So what do we learn from his Twitter feed this month? Well, for one thing, that whole “oppression” thing women have been complaining about is all a big fairy tale.

And that “women having the right to vote” thing? Just some sort of dumb fad.

Apparently feminism has really big boobs:

And after collapsing under the weight of its own boobage, feminism had better skeedaddle, if Fidey has any say in the matter:

Here he explains the behavior of a lot of the MRAs who visit the comments here (and pretty much everywhere):

And here he explains his own methodology, I guess:

Here he tests the boundaries of incoherence:

But what do I know? Maybe the only reason he doesn’t make any sense at all to me is that I’m a dirty feminist.

But then again, I guess anyone can be a feminist, because apparently feminism means anything anyone wants it to mean.

Huh. So if I want, feminism can be a kitty? This kitty?


Oh, wait, I guess not, because apparently feminists are no good at defining feminism.

Fidelbogen certainly has a lot of novel definitions for feminism.

It’s gangrene!

It’s cancer!

It’s an attempt to exonerate women from all wrongdoing!

It’s a paradigm that apparently skipped lunch!

It’s … a car, I guess, that runs on male tears, and is lubricated by lies!

(Ok, I made up the male tears bit.)

Anway, Fidey is having none of it. Just say deedly-doodly-no!

Excelsior, Fidelbogen! And, please, please keep Tweeting.

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11 years ago

Beware, Unimaginative, the blockquote monster strikes you when you are least wary.

11 years ago

Beware, Unimaginative, the blockquote monster strikes you when you are least wary.

So far, I’ve been taunting the blockquote monster but have yet to catch its attention…

11 years ago

The conspiracy to assassinate Rasputin was organized by Felix Yussopov, a cross-dressing, homosexual Russian prince. This is true history. He also survived the October Revolution and fled Russia, to live out his life in exile.

Everything about Rasputin’s story is just so over-the-top. It’s amazing. If you were writing it as fiction, your editor would be telling you, “Hey, cowboy, pull it back a little. We want people to SUSPEND their disbelief.”

And then you read about Rasputin, and think, Huh. And then you learn a little more, and think, “Well, that can’t be true,” but you check it and it is. And then it just gets weirder and weirder.

So, okay. A cross-dressing, homosexual prince was more acceptable to the Russian court — during the same era as Queen Victoria (ish) — than Rasputin. That’s fucking amazing. And so appropriate, somehow.

11 years ago

@Elisa, that’s funny, but makes an odd sort of sense, since Lovecraft was a fascist sympathizer. So were D.H. Lawrence and Knut Hamsun, fwiw.

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

David Futrelle

Women have never been oppressed? Wow this guy’s a sexist pig. Fidelbogen might want to read a history book or two, not written by an MRA, and maybe he should read about the abuse women suffer, not just in the US, but in other countries.

Elisa C
Elisa C
11 years ago

@serrana, Thank you! It’s so cute! I feel cool because I’ve actually read far back enough to get the penguin whore joke. XD

@Kittehserf, Hello!

@anadiomene122 I didn’t know that about Lovecraft! Intense racism and fear of mixing, check. Hitler went hilariously/awfully well, while feminists writing about rape culture (in essays we agreed with) didn’t score very high on Cthulhu-replaceability, but it may be that the common denominator is really fascism. Next we’ll try Marx?

11 years ago

Apropos of kitties, someone on my FB just linked to this and I thought it would be appreciated here:

11 years ago

Robert: Lies! I have it on good authority that Rasputin was a Malkavian Vampire, a Marauder and a Nephandus, AND he was probably a Redcap in Bedlam. I even gots books that say it, so stick that in your pipe and cross the road to pull your pants up!

(This comment was as germane to the conversation as anything Robert has posted.)

11 years ago

Buffy thinks he was a vampire, too.

11 years ago

testing.. testing…

11 years ago

Please substitute the phrase cat lady with the phrase Furrinati Minion.

11 years ago

I had a site to show you guys but its not posting. 🙁

11 years ago

Neuroticbeagle, just dump in the URL by itself.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

I’m just wondering, would it be possible to program a Fidelbogen tweet generator?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Rasputin was a Malkavian Vampire”

LIES!! How dare you slander the Malkavain name?! (Though redcap I could buy)

11 years ago

Face paint-and-pessimism business? Why do you lump the two things together? Corpse paint is so passe, but pessimism isn’t something I’d want to see black metal doing away with any time soon. That kinda goes hand in hand with the music.

Plenty of bands go their whole careers without playing that virgin sacrifice trope. I don’t see anything sexist about a band that sings about forests and snow.
And I don’t see what’s laughable about the performance aspect; plenty of bands dispense with the corpse paint and other over-the-top theatrics.

11 years ago

I did. It’s not showing up.

11 years ago

The thing about Rasputin (as opposed to dva Putin… weak Russian pun), is that he wasn’t an abnormal figure. There was a history of mystic, self-proclaimed religious figures (I’d say iconoclastic, but in that context Iconclasm is a real thing, and he wasn’t).

The huge sexual appetite, sort of in keeping. The indulgence in food/drink, sort of in keeping. The idea of miracle cures, very much in keeping. That he managed to get the access he did, that was the strange part.

The stories of his demise, a bit exaggerated, but he was robust.

11 years ago

If the comment that had the link doesn’t show up then maybe it has some slur that’s getting picked up by the filter. Maybe try using to get a short link that hopefully doesn’t trigger the filter.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — his access was thanks to keeping the um, whatever you call the heir to a czar, from bleeding to death due to hemophilia, no? I’m just thinking that maybe there was some actually useful herbal thing or something.

11 years ago

Oh, CassandraSays!! *___* felt a little envy right now, but not the evil kind, I swear! xD I just love Boney M. ^_^ this is a very nice story

And now I’m just listening to the Rasputin song over and over again and watching Jack Handey and checking what he has been up lately! So, in a way, Fideldiddly-boo (or whatever his name is) made something good today in a complete indirect way!

11 years ago

The Tsesarevich.

11 years ago

My favorite has to be the rape culture hashtag (closely followed by “Advance steadily, and let faux insanity be your shield” for sheer HUH?!!). I don’t know if he’s so caught up in his delusions of feminist overlords that he thinks that’s the hashtag that’s really trending right now, or if these tweets are aimed at feminists in an attempt to ….. ????? Profit!!!

11 years ago

I was very confused by the rapeculture hashtag used by him. It seems so incredibly random.

11 years ago


They were all very kind to a bored kid stuck waiting for a delayed flight, I just remember the one lady better than everyone else because hey, free candy, and I always did like being petted and fussed over. Also my mum was doing a more toned down version of the 70s thing and my dad was a rocker dude, so my tiny brain was going SO SHINY.