antifeminism citation needed fidelbogen grandiosity MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy straw feminists twitter woman's suffrage

Fidelbogening while the world burns

Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.
Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.

We’re having Fidelbogen for lunch again. In my defense, the Twitter feed of this self-proclaimed philosopher of the non-feminist sector is hands down the most consistently entertaining thing in the manosphere today. In today’s post, Fidey opines on Women’s Suffrage (neither good nor bad), feminist “exit strategies,” and why it’s not necessary for MRAs to offer any evidence when they argue with feminists.

Without further ado, let’s go Fidelbogening!

So what do we learn from his Twitter feed this month? Well, for one thing, that whole “oppression” thing women have been complaining about is all a big fairy tale.

And that “women having the right to vote” thing? Just some sort of dumb fad.

Apparently feminism has really big boobs:

And after collapsing under the weight of its own boobage, feminism had better skeedaddle, if Fidey has any say in the matter:

Here he explains the behavior of a lot of the MRAs who visit the comments here (and pretty much everywhere):

And here he explains his own methodology, I guess:

Here he tests the boundaries of incoherence:

But what do I know? Maybe the only reason he doesn’t make any sense at all to me is that I’m a dirty feminist.

But then again, I guess anyone can be a feminist, because apparently feminism means anything anyone wants it to mean.

Huh. So if I want, feminism can be a kitty? This kitty?


Oh, wait, I guess not, because apparently feminists are no good at defining feminism.

Fidelbogen certainly has a lot of novel definitions for feminism.

It’s gangrene!

It’s cancer!

It’s an attempt to exonerate women from all wrongdoing!

It’s a paradigm that apparently skipped lunch!

It’s … a car, I guess, that runs on male tears, and is lubricated by lies!

(Ok, I made up the male tears bit.)

Anway, Fidey is having none of it. Just say deedly-doodly-no!

Excelsior, Fidelbogen! And, please, please keep Tweeting.

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11 years ago

Christopher Lee played him in the Hammer film Rasputin, the Mad Monk in 1966 – it was made back to back with Dracula, Prince of Darkness. Same sets and much the same cast, I think.

Tom Baker played him in Nicholas and Alexandra in 1971 – a rather more sympathetic version than one usually sees.

11 years ago

Guys, GUYS. I found Fidelbogen – on Urban Dictionary!

11 years ago

I thought this cat was feminism.

Maybe she’s radical feminism.

11 years ago

@Redcap – gah, Fidelbogan rabbiting on on Urban Dictionary? Oh well, more downvotes for him.

@Integral – Grumpycat is radical everything.

I’ve never seen a video of her before. She looks like she has some boxer in her ancestry with that jaw!

11 years ago

Fidelbogen thinks Feminazi is a “clever” portmanteau?
His standards are so low.

11 years ago

Elisa, that’s brilliant. Please have a welcome package, courtesy of cloudiah.

11 years ago

Today we learned that Sublime’s Date Rape is “feminist agi-prop”. In other news, Living on a Prayer is an attempt to bring lite-rock fans to Jesus.

This video is proof that Muse are in the pockets of Big Makeup.

(OK, let’s be honest, I just wanted to post it because come on, black metal dudes surfing? That’s hilarious.)

11 years ago

Elisa C, welcome!

11 years ago

The best part about the urban dictionary thing is imagining the responses from kids reading his crap. He wants so badly to be cool and relevant, but in fact he’s anti-cool. He’s kryptonite to coolness. Teenagers edge away from him on the bus out of fear that if people think they know him nobody will ever invite them to a party again.

11 years ago

Those metal surfers look like what happens when you forget to pull the strip off the new photocopier toner cartridge.

11 years ago

You know when you’re painting walls and you put down tape to protect the skirting? Badly done black metal makeup kind of looks like that gene-spliced with a panda.

11 years ago



Okay, I better go do things like get dressed and see what The Sister wants to do today. Laters! (Or not much later if she’s not doing much.)

11 years ago

@Recap, amazing find! Shows up his ideology (libertarianism, date rape, elitism) and analytical shallowness (really, ‘It is pretty hard to deny that nazi-like feminists DO EXIST’? I’ve yet to meet any feminists who believe the nation is capable of phoenix-like rebirth, ridding itself of the corrupting influence of modernity, democracy and Marxism).

11 years ago

Black metal never stops being funny. In what other context outside of a RenFaire does someone say “why dost thou loiter?” and expect to be taken seriously?

(Those are actual lyrics, I’m not even kidding.)

11 years ago

Tom Baker Rasputin


11 years ago

“Only I can start the fire that will light up every man’s soul, so that we may rid ourselves of this vile feminism. To Urban Dictionary!”

11 years ago

Nicolas & Alexandra (1971)

Pre Doctor Who Tom Baker. Wow.

11 years ago

I wonder if Muse has ever performed with the Beach Boys.

11 years ago

The conspiracy to assassinate Rasputin was organized by Felix Yussopov, a cross-dressing, homosexual Russian prince. This is true history. He also survived the October Revolution and fled Russia, to live out his life in exile.

11 years ago

True history guys!!1! Not being straight and wearing clothes robert doesn’t like makes you kill people!

But actually Robert fuck off kthanks.

11 years ago

In what other context outside of a RenFaire does someone say “why dost thou loiter?” and expect to be taken seriously?

Maybe if Sandra Hill ever branches out from time-traveling Viking Navy SEALs to time-traveling Viking suburban cops.

11 years ago

@CassandraSays, that utter ridiculousness and theatricality is part of what I love about black metal. Unfortunately, some people are serious about the genre. (I’m serious about it musically, not the whole face paint-and-pessimism business.)

I recently had a discussion with a friend about black metal masculinities. Like most metal genres it’s almost totally male-dominated and tends towards misogyny, but the way masculinity is performed is much less bog-standard than e.g. in thrash metal – guys wearing make-up, high-pitched vocals, a disinterest in cock rock lyrics. A little androgyny seems to be built in.

11 years ago

I love black metal fans who realize how silly the whole performance aspect is. The ones who take it seriously though…you have to feel kind of sorry for them.

I’m not sure that the whole sacrificing-a-hot-chick-on-a-primative-altar thing is any better than the standard cock rock way of framing gender relations, though. It’s not worse, it’s just equally dumb and sexist.

11 years ago

In what other context outside of a RenFaire does someone say “why dost thou loiter?” and expect to be taken seriously?

Maybe if Sandra Hill ever branches out from time-traveling Viking Navy SEALs to time-traveling Viking suburban cops.

It’s only a matter of time, really. (I haven’t read her in years, but her books are always laugh-out-loud for me 🙂 )

11 years ago

Boo-yah! Nailed the double block-quote!