antifeminism citation needed fidelbogen grandiosity MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy straw feminists twitter woman's suffrage

Fidelbogening while the world burns

Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.
Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.

We’re having Fidelbogen for lunch again. In my defense, the Twitter feed of this self-proclaimed philosopher of the non-feminist sector is hands down the most consistently entertaining thing in the manosphere today. In today’s post, Fidey opines on Women’s Suffrage (neither good nor bad), feminist “exit strategies,” and why it’s not necessary for MRAs to offer any evidence when they argue with feminists.

Without further ado, let’s go Fidelbogening!

So what do we learn from his Twitter feed this month? Well, for one thing, that whole “oppression” thing women have been complaining about is all a big fairy tale.

And that “women having the right to vote” thing? Just some sort of dumb fad.

Apparently feminism has really big boobs:

And after collapsing under the weight of its own boobage, feminism had better skeedaddle, if Fidey has any say in the matter:

Here he explains the behavior of a lot of the MRAs who visit the comments here (and pretty much everywhere):

And here he explains his own methodology, I guess:

Here he tests the boundaries of incoherence:

But what do I know? Maybe the only reason he doesn’t make any sense at all to me is that I’m a dirty feminist.

But then again, I guess anyone can be a feminist, because apparently feminism means anything anyone wants it to mean.

Huh. So if I want, feminism can be a kitty? This kitty?


Oh, wait, I guess not, because apparently feminists are no good at defining feminism.

Fidelbogen certainly has a lot of novel definitions for feminism.

It’s gangrene!

It’s cancer!

It’s an attempt to exonerate women from all wrongdoing!

It’s a paradigm that apparently skipped lunch!

It’s … a car, I guess, that runs on male tears, and is lubricated by lies!

(Ok, I made up the male tears bit.)

Anway, Fidey is having none of it. Just say deedly-doodly-no!

Excelsior, Fidelbogen! And, please, please keep Tweeting.

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11 years ago

I’ve been reading a lot about the fall of the Romanov dynasty lately. Is that why Fidelboegen looks a little like Rasputin to me?

La Strega, I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. I even went as far as looking up Rasputin quotes a couple of times, but I couldn’t get anything funny out of it that wasn’t also a bit too mean.

11 years ago

As if Fidelbogen could aspire to be even one percent as awesome as Rasputin.

Especially black disco Rasputin.

Tim Duncan
Tim Duncan
11 years ago

FIdelbogen is a joke.

11 years ago

I forget if I was originally linked to this on Manboobz (I think not, but I forgot) but I think that this is relevant to our interests:

Its a cute fairytale mixup with lesbians, one of which has a mohawk.

11 years ago

@becausescience, did you notice that Amazon review you quoted was by Matthew Forney? He’s come up here before, hasn’t he?

11 years ago

Random Boney M factoid – I met them in an airport once when I was a little kid. They were wearing the most awesome clothes I’d ever seen, and one of the ladies patted me on the head and gave me candy.

11 years ago

Disease metaphors! Imagining your enemies as ‘cancer’ or ‘gangrene’, a threat to the body politic that must be purged by ‘an outside force’ is pretty common on the far right. It’s how Islamophobes conceptualise Islam and fascists think of democracy and socialism. Don’t these guys often pretend to be somehow above the right-left dichotomy?

11 years ago

How could anyone live up to black disco Rasputin?

11 years ago

Random Boney M factoid – I met them in an airport once when I was a little kid. They were wearing the most awesome clothes I’d ever seen, and one of the ladies patted me on the head and gave me candy.

(Reposting under my normal usename. David – feel free to ignore the comment that’s in moderation, forgot to log in.)

11 years ago

I’m fourthing (fifthing?) the horror of poser PNR covers–though, they are usually paranormal erotica in my experience. The small-press erotica publishers don’t seem to want to hire actual models.

The best thing about e-ink kindles is you can read erotica without anyone knowing and no covers! (Unless your friend grabs it out of your hand when he sees you while you were reading BDSM erotica… I’m just glad he didn’t seem to notice what it was. No sense of personal space, that one.)

11 years ago

I realize that Red Pill and Blue Pill were derived from The Matrix movie, but every time I read manosphere or self-proclaimed-Christian-but-really-just-a-hater threads where they constantly make reference to it, I can’t help but think that there’s a Dr. Seuss book just waiting to happen there.

11 years ago

Hey, Christopher Lee and Tom Baker Rasputin were pretty awesome too.


Feminsits, ebil women forcing men to sit on hard chairs. 🙂

11 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks photoshopped Fidelbogan is less creepy than the original? At least that image doesn’t have me wondering when was the last time that hair had a wash.

11 years ago

I LOVE THAT CAT. Oh my gosh. I want to hug it. I want to hug it so badly. Need…to…hug…cat.

11 years ago

…There’s an original image? No thanks, my supply of brain bleach is limited so it must be conserved for ick that can’t be avoided.

11 years ago

The MRM can never “know itself”. Only an outsider can explain to the MRM what it really is. It’s a haven for virulent misogynists, deranged racists, and other dudes angry that they’re not allowed to rule the world.


11 years ago

Cassandra – I meant original as in any photo of Fidelbogan (I am so sticking to that spelling). I was looking at the Twitter ones.



Does jackass think anything through? Available evidence suggests not.

11 years ago

Wait, when were Christopher Lee and Tom Baker Rasputin?

11 years ago

The MRM is gangrene in the social body, spreading to the individual limbs (members) and rendering them too ethically decayed to ever have any chance of finding happiness again.


11 years ago

The MRM = privileged dudes obsessed with what they consider bad behavior by women. They call this “hypergamy”.


11 years ago
Elisa C
Elisa C
11 years ago

MY ROOMMATES AND I DISCOVERED SOMETHING AMAZING. (Hi, new reader, first-time commenter!)

We replaced every iteration of the word “feminist” with the word “Cthulhu,” and we got some very intriguing results:

“A member of the Cthulhu cult cannot correctly process signals from the non-Cthulhu world.”

“Cthulhu itself could not exist, if it allowed the right to exist of people who are not Cthulhu. Cthulhu is a cancer devouring the world.”

“Cthulhu is an unsustainable paradigm which gobbles up everything in its path. Only an outside force can stop it.”

“Cthulhu is a gangrene in the social body, always growing at the edges and putrifying as it goes.”

Interestingly, this also recontextualizes some other posts that do not mention feminism:

“Advance steadily, and let faux-insanity be your shield.”

This formula doesn’t work perfectly, but we think there’s a surprising amount of interchangeability. We are also contemplating whether this could be the start of a new means of identifying hate speech: IF you can substitute “Cthulhu” for your ideological opponent and have your argument make equal or greater rhetorical sense, THEN it is hate speech. (We are experiencing positive early results with some of Hitler’s speeches.)

Ally S
11 years ago

Another definition of masculinism might be, “the project to exonerate men from all wrongdoing.” #masculinism #antimasculinism #actuallyrelevanthashtags