antifeminism citation needed fidelbogen grandiosity MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy straw feminists twitter woman's suffrage

Fidelbogening while the world burns

Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.
Fidelbogen: Even creepier after being run through Photoshop.

We’re having Fidelbogen for lunch again. In my defense, the Twitter feed of this self-proclaimed philosopher of the non-feminist sector is hands down the most consistently entertaining thing in the manosphere today. In today’s post, Fidey opines on Women’s Suffrage (neither good nor bad), feminist “exit strategies,” and why it’s not necessary for MRAs to offer any evidence when they argue with feminists.

Without further ado, let’s go Fidelbogening!

So what do we learn from his Twitter feed this month? Well, for one thing, that whole “oppression” thing women have been complaining about is all a big fairy tale.

And that “women having the right to vote” thing? Just some sort of dumb fad.

Apparently feminism has really big boobs:

And after collapsing under the weight of its own boobage, feminism had better skeedaddle, if Fidey has any say in the matter:

Here he explains the behavior of a lot of the MRAs who visit the comments here (and pretty much everywhere):

And here he explains his own methodology, I guess:

Here he tests the boundaries of incoherence:

But what do I know? Maybe the only reason he doesn’t make any sense at all to me is that I’m a dirty feminist.

But then again, I guess anyone can be a feminist, because apparently feminism means anything anyone wants it to mean.

Huh. So if I want, feminism can be a kitty? This kitty?


Oh, wait, I guess not, because apparently feminists are no good at defining feminism.

Fidelbogen certainly has a lot of novel definitions for feminism.

It’s gangrene!

It’s cancer!

It’s an attempt to exonerate women from all wrongdoing!

It’s a paradigm that apparently skipped lunch!

It’s … a car, I guess, that runs on male tears, and is lubricated by lies!

(Ok, I made up the male tears bit.)

Anway, Fidey is having none of it. Just say deedly-doodly-no!

Excelsior, Fidelbogen! And, please, please keep Tweeting.

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11 years ago

Wow, that is a seductive cat. And it didn’t even neg me.

11 years ago

Just…”diddly-boo”? K.

11 years ago

Perhaps you should put together a little red book and call it Quotes from Chairman…. No, wait, it’s been done. 😉

11 years ago

Never have I encountered anyone with such an incorrect assessment of their own intelligence. Yikes.

11 years ago

Feminism can never “know itself”. Only an outside observer can tell feminism what feminism IS.

This is the most succinct example of mansplaining I’ve ever seen.

11 years ago

DIDDLY-BOO? *blinks*

11 years ago

I think you hit the nail on the head. Feminism is a kitty cat.

But not just any cat. That cat. The one in the picture.

11 years ago

Ah wtwitter. 140 characters of bite-sized bullshit.

11 years ago

Feminism gobbles up everything in its path? Feminism is Kirby?

11 years ago

He’s correct in his last post though, in that we can’t force anyone to become a feminist. It’s just as true that if you declare that you are a feminist and stand your ground, there’s nothing MRA:s can do about it.

11 years ago

Somebody’s probably said this before, but I keep imagining Fidelbogen is actually Jack Handy.

11 years ago

This is the one I meant to post:

11 years ago

That… makes even less sense than a lot of his quotes.

Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

I have a confused. Are we feminist “women” killing all the non-feminists (since we cannot allow them the right to exist,) or are we powerless to stop them?

Help me, feminism kitteh!

11 years ago

It’s only within the past couple of years that I learned Jack Handey was a real person. Also, he’s pretty funny. But I knew that already.

11 years ago

I love his use of hashtags, too. It’s like he has a list and he randomly picks three for each tweet, regardless of whether they make any sense.

Ally S
11 years ago

Airplane: a certain kind of banana that grows in Spain.

Google: a yummy Pakistani dish that is completely vegetarian

Apple: a software that converts text into sound.

Look at me! I’m being just as incoherent as Fidelbogen!

11 years ago

I think Fidelbogen needs a glass of water and a nice, hard chair to sit on. He sounds about as coherent as someone with heat stroke.

11 years ago

Feminism gobbles up everything in its path? Feminism is Kirby?

Well, Kirbywarp is a feminist. CHECKMATE FEMINSITS!!

11 years ago

I’ve been reading some of the boob roll blogs and I noticed something contradictory about MRA’s. First, they claim feminists (and women in general) are the reason that men are no longer manly, and are encouraged to act like women, and that’s all so horrible. Then they complain that they’re expected to act “masculine” and that that expectation is oppression on the same level as the oppression that women have experienced through the years, oh and it’s also the fault of feminism, somehow. How awesome is feminism that is manages to cause two contradictory and oppressive states for men?

11 years ago

It’s because the Patriarchy creates the same double bind for women and the MRA is indistinguishable from the death throes of the Patriarchy.

11 years ago

Ally, I’ll have a Google, please!

11 years ago

@Mongoose: Well, er…. Because, um…. FEMINISM! Boom! Checkmate!

11 years ago

@serrana @grumpycatisagirl

The New York Times did an article about Jack Handey just the other day. It’s all about how everyone in comedy thinks he’s amazing.

11 years ago

I love how conveniently blame anything they don’t like about women or society on feminism even if it has fuck-all to do with it, and then they claim that there is no coherent definition of feminism and blame that on us, too.

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