
The Man Boobz Survey Results are in!


So the Man Boobz survey results are in, and Argenti Aertheri, who ran the survey, has taken the time and effort to make an impressive set of interactive charts to display the data in all of its gory details. You can find that chart below — thanks again, Argenti! — but I thought I’d highlight a few of the results first.

Let’s start with the white elephant in the room. I know I’ve made some somewhat rude remarks in the past about the high percentage of white people in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Well, it turns out that the Man Boobz readership is even whiter than that. Yep. Using the same somewhat limited set of choices used by the dude who did the Men’s Rights subreddit survey, the MB survey found that the readership of this blog is nearly 92% white, and less than 2% each Asian, Hispanic and Black, with the remainder answering β€œOther.”

There is also a more complicated breakdown of ethnicities, based on a more nuanced set of questions, that I’m not even going to try to summarize; you can look through the charts yourself.

But, basically, yeah, this blog’s readership, like me, is pretty darn white. IΒ  take these results as an indication that I need to do a better job dealing with issues of race and racism. While this blog is primarily about misogyny, there is plenty of racism in the manosphere — from the white-supremacism-lite of Heartiste to the fetishization of Asian women as submissive — and it’s worth pointing this out on a more regular basis, as well as addressing some of the more subtle ways misogyny intersects with other forms of oppression. As well as the ways in which the standard (non) issues of the Men’s Rights movement can actually serve to obscure the very real issues faced by men of color. (See yesterday’s post for a perfect example of that.)

So what are some of the other notable results?

You’re all younger than me. Well, not literally ALL of you. In fact, there are a whole 4% of you older than me.

But the fact is that if you’re reading this, the chances are really, really, really good that you’re in your twenties or early thirties. Still, I feel fairly confident in saying that eventually you will be as old as I am now.

Also, it’s pretty likely that you’re a lady. Most of the readers of the blog — 59% — are cis women, with 30% cis men. The remaining 11 percent are made up of trans* women (2.2%), trans* men (0.9%), intersex (o.2%), β€œnon-binary” (5.2%) and β€œother” (2.5%).

See the interactive charts below for a much more detailed breakdown of the data on gender and sexuality.

We’re a bunch of pinkos. More Man Boobzers identified themselves with Democratic Socialism than with any other political label. The second and third place winners in this category? β€œOther US Liberalism” and β€œSocial Democratism.”

The sun never sets on the Man Boobz empire. Predictably, most Man Boobz readers — roughly 58% —Β  live in the United States. And there are lots of Man Boobzers in other English-speaking countries around the world, particularly the UK, Canada, and Australia.

But Man Boobz attracts readers in a lot of places where English speakers are in a minority. I was a little surprised to find that there are twice as many Boobzers in Germany, for example, than in New Zealand, and that there are nearly as many in Iceland as in Ireland. There are readers in countries ranging from Argentina to El Salvador, from Jordan to Japan.

There are all sorts of other intriguing factoids to be found in the survey results, from a rather complicated slicing-and-dicing of religious beliefs to answers to the critical question: how many of you are actually me?

If you don’t have Flash, go here to see the charts in all their glory.Β  See here for the footnotes and survey questions and raw data.

If you’re not a regular commenter here, this will help you to make sense of some of the silly in-jokes at the end of the survey.

One last note: The survey doesn’t tell us what percentage of Man Boobz readers consider themselves feminists or, ick, Men’s Rightsers. I’m going to do a quick followup survey on that in an upcoming post.

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11 years ago

Shadow, I’ve heard that when it’s hot in Australia, they have specially trained kangaroos that make sure people find ways to cool off. Evidence.

11 years ago

Ally: Shakers as in the religion.

11 years ago
Reply to  dustydeste

dusty: He is kinda creepy… But watching him shrivel might be fin.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago
Ally S
11 years ago

Oh. I see. I feel silly.

11 years ago

That is one swanky survey, so swanky I got a word press to congratulate it on it’s swankiness.

11 years ago

Ally: Eh, it was never a huge movement, so it’s not exactly surprising you didn’t think of it. Shakers mainly are still remembered because their ethos included such a strong notion of both work and craftsmanship that their furniture, for instance, is still considered valuable, because that shit LASTS.

11 years ago

Well, hey, we could have one of the last Shakers. Who knows. What next – uncontacted groups are only resisting contact because they’ve been using found mobiles and judge all of the outside world based on links to AVfM here? Would certainly persuade me.

I’d like to point out that we’re even more disproportionately white when you consider how many of us are ferrets or cats – not sure how penguins would be counted.

I also have a very happy kitty story for everyone, and a celebratory thread would be a better place for it than a β€œRoissy said something awful again” thread, but I’ll wait to see if Kittehs shows up soon before typing the thing out.

11 years ago

Wait, wait, wait. Last remaining Shakers – surplus of high-quality hard chairs to the point we give them away. . . is anyone else connecting the dots?!?!?

11 years ago

There are nearly 18 times as many Germans as there are New Zealanders and over half of Germans speak English, so that particular statistic isn’t really that surprising.


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


And we had a couple CoS people check other religions, so I’m not sure how devout some of us are (I can check versus the “how religious are you?” question if you want?)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I, for one, found it surprising because I didn’t know of any German posters, whereas your comment posted right under one of our New Zealand posters.

Numbers wise, not surprising (not nearly as surprising as having no replies from China, but maybe thir internet censorship’s a factor)

11 years ago

If you’re referring to Tatjna’s comment just above, it’s right under an Australian’s comment.

11 years ago

I’m also one of our New Zealand posters. πŸ˜‰

11 years ago

Xanthe – I can’t get it to load on my sister’s computer, either. Damn Telstra not having internet coverage here! The Skymesh satellite system gives cover but it is soooooo slooooow.(Gods, we’re only an hour from the Sunshine Coast, they sure treat most of this country as hinterland not worth bothering about.) I’ll have to wait till I get home on Saturday to look at the results. Rage!

A huge difference between Manboobz and any MRA site regarding race? David observes the results and says he needs to lift his game on issues of racism and intersectionality, instead of denying it outright or somehow making out that racism is all teh ebil wimmenz fault, or just indulging in more racism. Not that that’s surprising, because David’s a decent collection of cats person, unlike anyone who ran an MRA site ever.

Adding to the congrats and thanks to Argenti!

11 years ago

Argenti: my bad, I misread earlier threads. It’s even more impressive now!

11 years ago

Full disclosure: I may have accidentally filled out the survey twice (because I wasn’t sure if it went through properly the first time). So it’s entirely possible there aren’t really that many Germans. Or Social Democrats, for that matter.

11 years ago

deniseeliza Isn’t Zen a school of Buddhism?

Yes. As with Amida, and any number of other subtypes. I don’t know how many dozens of Buddhisms there are.

11 years ago

informash12358 – I don’t think you could have done the survey twice, cos when it was finished it wouldn’t let you do it again, so prolly only one result went through. Also welcome to you and all the delurkers! Don’t forget to pick up your welcome packages!

lowquacks, you still about? Happy kitty story, tell! πŸ™‚

Celeste Deuel
11 years ago

I’m one of the trans women from the survey. I definitely appreciate this site’s stance against transphobia. πŸ˜€

11 years ago

Should also be worth noticing that “other US liberalism” and “social democracy” would both be along the lines of “mitigated capitalism achieved preferably thru electoral means” and would, combined, outnumber the democratic socialists here.

11 years ago

Shadow: The thing is, we don’t make fun of the MRM for being White. We make fun of them for being overwhelmingly white, while appropriating things that happen to MOC as a reason why Men qua Men are oppressed.

See Jason, re Zimmerman.

11 years ago

Re Shakers (i.e. Shaking Quakers): To the best of my knowledge there are like three left (and they are all in their latter years). At their peak they were pretty big, but they were an assexual movement, so barring the whole world adopting the ethos, they were doomed.

They are most known for the simplicity of their style (Shaker chairs, etc.). Among the things they invented was the modern, flat, style of broom (before that brooms were round bundles).

I find it unlikely there are any of the remaining Shakers among us, as they eschew most technology.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Sorry lowquacks, I thought you where in New Zealand, my bad!

informash12358 — cookies where in place, so I highly doubt it, but give me a bit and I’ll pull out the German surveys and see if any match. I really doubt it though.

guffaw-ferrets — thanks πŸ™‚

Honestly though, it was probably easier doing it solo, I didn’t have to try making my methods make sense to anyone else! (I short coded pretty much everything, and a lot of it got number codes so I could use excels mathematical sorting functions)

Re: Buddhism, and Islam for that matter — I tried sorting what where, um, top level sects? Because yeah, there were so many, but they were all in subsections, unlike the indigenous and African religions/beliefs. Only reason Catholic got split is because pecunium asked me to split it.