
The Man Boobz Survey Results are in!


So the Man Boobz survey results are in, and Argenti Aertheri, who ran the survey, has taken the time and effort to make an impressive set of interactive charts to display the data in all of its gory details. You can find that chart below — thanks again, Argenti! — but I thought I’d highlight a few of the results first.

Let’s start with the white elephant in the room. I know I’ve made some somewhat rude remarks in the past about the high percentage of white people in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Well, it turns out that the Man Boobz readership is even whiter than that. Yep. Using the same somewhat limited set of choices used by the dude who did the Men’s Rights subreddit survey, the MB survey found that the readership of this blog is nearly 92% white, and less than 2% each Asian, Hispanic and Black, with the remainder answering “Other.”

There is also a more complicated breakdown of ethnicities, based on a more nuanced set of questions, that I’m not even going to try to summarize; you can look through the charts yourself.

But, basically, yeah, this blog’s readership, like me, is pretty darn white. I  take these results as an indication that I need to do a better job dealing with issues of race and racism. While this blog is primarily about misogyny, there is plenty of racism in the manosphere — from the white-supremacism-lite of Heartiste to the fetishization of Asian women as submissive — and it’s worth pointing this out on a more regular basis, as well as addressing some of the more subtle ways misogyny intersects with other forms of oppression. As well as the ways in which the standard (non) issues of the Men’s Rights movement can actually serve to obscure the very real issues faced by men of color. (See yesterday’s post for a perfect example of that.)

So what are some of the other notable results?

You’re all younger than me. Well, not literally ALL of you. In fact, there are a whole 4% of you older than me.

But the fact is that if you’re reading this, the chances are really, really, really good that you’re in your twenties or early thirties. Still, I feel fairly confident in saying that eventually you will be as old as I am now.

Also, it’s pretty likely that you’re a lady. Most of the readers of the blog — 59% — are cis women, with 30% cis men. The remaining 11 percent are made up of trans* women (2.2%), trans* men (0.9%), intersex (o.2%), “non-binary” (5.2%) and “other” (2.5%).

See the interactive charts below for a much more detailed breakdown of the data on gender and sexuality.

We’re a bunch of pinkos. More Man Boobzers identified themselves with Democratic Socialism than with any other political label. The second and third place winners in this category? “Other US Liberalism” and “Social Democratism.”

The sun never sets on the Man Boobz empire. Predictably, most Man Boobz readers — roughly 58% —  live in the United States. And there are lots of Man Boobzers in other English-speaking countries around the world, particularly the UK, Canada, and Australia.

But Man Boobz attracts readers in a lot of places where English speakers are in a minority. I was a little surprised to find that there are twice as many Boobzers in Germany, for example, than in New Zealand, and that there are nearly as many in Iceland as in Ireland. There are readers in countries ranging from Argentina to El Salvador, from Jordan to Japan.

There are all sorts of other intriguing factoids to be found in the survey results, from a rather complicated slicing-and-dicing of religious beliefs to answers to the critical question: how many of you are actually me?

If you don’t have Flash, go here to see the charts in all their glory.  See here for the footnotes and survey questions and raw data.

If you’re not a regular commenter here, this will help you to make sense of some of the silly in-jokes at the end of the survey.

One last note: The survey doesn’t tell us what percentage of Man Boobz readers consider themselves feminists or, ick, Men’s Rightsers. I’m going to do a quick followup survey on that in an upcoming post.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Thanks guys!

“In B4 someone says that because we’re so white, we’re just a racist as the MRM.”

If we get someone complaining about that, tell ’em to skip to the section near the end about statistics — we’ve very white, but there’s no correlation between ethnicity and feeling accepted here.

“You know. I suppose I should have suggested we add veteran status to the original survey just to confuse people and to add another factor.”

*grumble* not only did I remember active military, but pecunium was one of my guinea pigs. Sorry for missing that!

“I need the correlation between people who are David and people who are penguin whore, as is it’s not clear.”

I would say I just dragged my lazy ass out of bed, but I haven’t actually stood up yet! I’ll run that at some point today 🙂 (and then probably add it and ask David to make a note about the update…this one I can edit still)

“Only 5 trolls? Non credo.”

Well, my method I ftr ill detection wouldn’t have caught trolls who gave answers within the normal range of answers. So if, say, Mr. Al answered honestly? His data would still be there. But it’d have been impossible to figure that out without having to drop legit answers. Was teasing pecunium that he’s a troll cuz he’s an outlier — most people checked two employment options, him, some stay at home parents, and a bunch of students checked 3, and I definitely didn’t want to decide that all disabled (un)employed students are trolls!

And click on iDevices, I’ll add that note too. (Can’t help with the fact it’s fucking huge though!)


There exactly one time I actually yelled “holy shit” at my data — the relationship between mental disabilities and acceptance in general. And I expected it, cuz *waves from the crazy corner*, but we really do not feel accepted by society at large.

And on that note, if anyone wants to see anything like that data (e.g. The number of people with mental disabilities who checked strongly disagree, disagree, etc) make a very specific request and I’ll put it in the google docs spreadsheet. There’s just a mind boggling amount of data, so doing all of it would be obscene, but ask and I shall oblige!


In completely unsurprising things, cats won the coveted favorite animal.

11 years ago

Thank you Argenti. You’re awesome!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“method I ftr ill detection”

Thank you auto-correct! >.<

That should say "method for troll detection"

11 years ago

This survey is the best thing I ever seen in my life. EVER.

Thank you, Argenti, that seems like a lot of work. 0_0

11 years ago

I don’t think comparing the whiteness of manboobz to that of the men’s rights subreddit is all that fair, since the MR subreddit is an actual main site of their movement to discuss men’s issues while this, while written from a feminist perspective, is just a fun satire blog. A better comparison I think would be between the MR subreddit and, I dunno, feministing? That way its closer to like vs like rather than satire blog vs movement HQ. Nevertheless broadening the satire here to be relevant to a more diverse group of ppl is always good 🙂 I never even noticed before how white the issues joked about on manboobz are!

11 years ago

Argenti: Fantastic job!

11 years ago

La Strega: I was also happy to note that 30% of the readership were cis male. It gives me hope, knowing that male readership isn’t few in its percentage.

11 years ago

Magnificent work. Only one thing confuses me–why would a female penguin whore be giving away free hugs? Wouldn’t she be charging for them? Or is it like drugs–your first internet penguin hug is free, until you get hooked, and THEN they start charging you?

11 years ago

And I second the suggestion of non-white guest bloggers, David, esp. on those days/weeks when you’ve got a lot going on. Someone giving us a WoC perspective would be an excellent start.

Ally S
11 years ago

Nice job Argenti ^_^

11 years ago

yay! Argenti: the survey looks great!

11 years ago


Great point. Sort of ties in to one of the big moments of the original Star Trek being the kiss between Uhura and Kirk (although it’s quite problematic in that they are being “forced” to kiss by weird psychic aliens)

(long time lurker, first time commenter)

11 years ago

Holy shit Argenti, that was amazing!! I thought the amount of data you were collecting was unbelievable enough, but the amount of processing may be even more impressive.

Quick question, I couldn’t find hinduism on the charts even though I know you had it in the survey. Dunno, if I just missed it or it was filed under other or something.

Re: the whiteness of manboobz. I’d be interested to know how many POC readers are regulars vs lurkers. Also, gender breakdown of POC regulars vs lurkers

11 years ago

I actually had a good idea of the national breakdown from wordpress data. When I link a story here I get a moderately consistent spike of readers, and I can see country data.

S’funny, I sort of noticed the lack of veteran, as a category, but it was in employment, so it didn’t rise to the level of, “this ought to be in there (since retirees are outliers in the services).

11 years ago

I don’t think comparing the whiteness of manboobz to that of the men’s rights subreddit is all that fair, since the MR subreddit is an actual main site of their movement to discuss men’s issues while this, while written from a feminist perspective, is just a fun satire blog. A better comparison I think would be between the MR subreddit and, I dunno, feministing? That way its closer to like vs like rather than satire blog vs movement HQ.

Agree, it’s not really an equivalent comparison. I’d also imagine the group of people who even know about the mansophere, either because they’re involved in it or because they’re critical of it, would be disproportionately white, so it’s not surprising that a blog mocking the mansophere would be. Still, it’s interesting to see a breakdown of Manboobzers.

Thanks, Argenti!

11 years ago

It’s funny you bring up intersectionality. Over on The Spearhead they were discussing the Zimmerman trial, and some tool mentioned how everyone on Manboobz was upset about the verdict. Then another tool chimes in “why do they care about the Zimmerman trial, it has nothing to do with misogyny!” *facepalm*

The MRM is so myopic it can’t fathom that feminists care about issues other than those that directly affect cis white women. Yeah, some heavy duty projecting there. What’s new.

11 years ago

Interesting survey. Seems most people are lurkers like me. Delurking to say thanks Argenti!

I’m not surprised that cats are the most popular considering how “macho” the manboobz inhabitants are. As I was bravely informed by a recent episode of MTV2’s the Man Code, real men can’t own cats! A man can be a MMA fighter, but if he owns a cat he’s a wimp! CATZ R MISANDRY!!!

(Ok the episode didn’t say the last part. 😉 )

11 years ago

Argenti, the original survey was incredibly thorough while still being sort enough to get through in a reasonable time frame AND it was funny enough to make me chortle aloud a few times. And your presentation of the results is very clear even for non stats folks like me AND again funny enough to make me chortle aloud a few times.

I am impress. You are A W E S O M E.

11 years ago

And I’m waving at all the lurkers! This would be a good thread to say hi and introduce yourselves, even if you don’t plan to comment a lot.

Hi MEZ! Please grab your welcome package here.

11 years ago

Incredible job, Argenti.

I have to agree with the disappointment that there isn’t more presence by various people of colour here (not that my pasty white ass is helping the percentages). I hope we can improve that in the future.

11 years ago

All I can say is that I’m floored. This is beautiful.

11 years ago

Thanks for the welcome package cloudiah! I made it my desktop background for extra MISANDRY!

Unfortunately my real life kitties are at my moms thanks in part to my 3 RL spoiled brat parakeets. Question; would the keets also imbibe me with their misandry as they are birds like penguins? I’m still new to how this works.

11 years ago

Oh, and… tbh, OccupyMedic, if you held a workshop, I might actually be afraid to attend because of the chance of JTO showing up (to be a buttfaced heckling douche, because actually examining his privilege would cause him to shrivel up like the Wicked Witch of the West). Dude gives me the megacreeps.

11 years ago


Well, that depends, have your parakeets renounced prostitution in all it’s forms?

Thanks for the link, Cloudiah.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

This was so cool, Argenti. Thanks!