
The Man Boobz Survey Results are in!


So the Man Boobz survey results are in, and Argenti Aertheri, who ran the survey, has taken the time and effort to make an impressive set of interactive charts to display the data in all of its gory details. You can find that chart below — thanks again, Argenti! — but I thought I’d highlight a few of the results first.

Let’s start with the white elephant in the room. I know I’ve made some somewhat rude remarks in the past about the high percentage of white people in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Well, it turns out that the Man Boobz readership is even whiter than that. Yep. Using the same somewhat limited set of choices used by the dude who did the Men’s Rights subreddit survey, the MB survey found that the readership of this blog is nearly 92% white, and less than 2% each Asian, Hispanic and Black, with the remainder answering “Other.”

There is also a more complicated breakdown of ethnicities, based on a more nuanced set of questions, that I’m not even going to try to summarize; you can look through the charts yourself.

But, basically, yeah, this blog’s readership, like me, is pretty darn white. I  take these results as an indication that I need to do a better job dealing with issues of race and racism. While this blog is primarily about misogyny, there is plenty of racism in the manosphere — from the white-supremacism-lite of Heartiste to the fetishization of Asian women as submissive — and it’s worth pointing this out on a more regular basis, as well as addressing some of the more subtle ways misogyny intersects with other forms of oppression. As well as the ways in which the standard (non) issues of the Men’s Rights movement can actually serve to obscure the very real issues faced by men of color. (See yesterday’s post for a perfect example of that.)

So what are some of the other notable results?

You’re all younger than me. Well, not literally ALL of you. In fact, there are a whole 4% of you older than me.

But the fact is that if you’re reading this, the chances are really, really, really good that you’re in your twenties or early thirties. Still, I feel fairly confident in saying that eventually you will be as old as I am now.

Also, it’s pretty likely that you’re a lady. Most of the readers of the blog — 59% — are cis women, with 30% cis men. The remaining 11 percent are made up of trans* women (2.2%), trans* men (0.9%), intersex (o.2%), “non-binary” (5.2%) and “other” (2.5%).

See the interactive charts below for a much more detailed breakdown of the data on gender and sexuality.

We’re a bunch of pinkos. More Man Boobzers identified themselves with Democratic Socialism than with any other political label. The second and third place winners in this category? “Other US Liberalism” and “Social Democratism.”

The sun never sets on the Man Boobz empire. Predictably, most Man Boobz readers — roughly 58% —  live in the United States. And there are lots of Man Boobzers in other English-speaking countries around the world, particularly the UK, Canada, and Australia.

But Man Boobz attracts readers in a lot of places where English speakers are in a minority. I was a little surprised to find that there are twice as many Boobzers in Germany, for example, than in New Zealand, and that there are nearly as many in Iceland as in Ireland. There are readers in countries ranging from Argentina to El Salvador, from Jordan to Japan.

There are all sorts of other intriguing factoids to be found in the survey results, from a rather complicated slicing-and-dicing of religious beliefs to answers to the critical question: how many of you are actually me?

If you don’t have Flash, go here to see the charts in all their glory.  See here for the footnotes and survey questions and raw data.

If you’re not a regular commenter here, this will help you to make sense of some of the silly in-jokes at the end of the survey.

One last note: The survey doesn’t tell us what percentage of Man Boobz readers consider themselves feminists or, ick, Men’s Rightsers. I’m going to do a quick followup survey on that in an upcoming post.

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11 years ago

I think the Swedish peculiarity when it comes to other languages isn’t so much some particular quirk of pronunciation as a compulsion to brag about our supposed mad language skills. It’s like 90 % of all Swedes can’t speak English with a native speaker without mentioning that we use subtitles rather than dubbing English and American movies and therefore we’re all so good at English. When Swedes who really aren’t that good at English goes on about this it gets pretty… cringeworthy.

11 years ago

“But Man Boobz attracts readers in a lot of places where English speakers are in a minority. I was a little surprised to find that there are twice as many Boobzers in Germany, for example, than in New Zealand, and that there are nearly as many in Iceland as in Ireland. There are readers in countries ranging from Argentina to El Salvador, from Jordan to Japan.”

I’m not surprised that there are twice as many Boobzers in Germany than in New Zealand – NZ has a population of only about 4.5 million! 🙂

11 years ago

I’m also one of the germans. Not sure if my fellow germans keep lurking for the same reason, but personally I’m just afraid I mess up and say weird things, because I’m not a native English speaker. Despite that I’ve been reading this Blog for about two years now. ^^
All young germans have to take english classes at school though, only the elder do not speak a word of it at all. I think? I’m not completely sure about it, as I mostly went to school in the Netherlands before moving back to Germany and there we have to deal with even more languages. Which makes sense when you’re a tiny country depending on trading with your neighbours (mostly services by now, but still). No one is going to learn your language to communicate with you.

The only topic I absolutely could not resist so far was rats.

Anyway, great survey Argenti. ^^

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Thanks guys!

But um, “Special thanks for listing all responses you got instead of leaving out the ones with only a small amount of answers.”

I did put the religious combinations and ethnicities with tiny numbers of people in the footnotes. But that was because the labels got too long to display.

11 years ago

And I did mess up already. 🙁

Of course I did not mean that there aren’t eldery folks that speak english, just that the “everyone has to take english classes” was not in place when they were young, so some people (like my grandparents and to a lesser extend my parents too, though there were a bit more english media around then, I guess) were not exposed to english much when they were young and just never really got the chance to learn it. And maybe never saw the necessity.

I think the internet plays a major role in why english is nowadays not only important to international bussinesspeople and linguists here in germany, but for ‘ordinary’ people too (as in people who don’t need english for their jobs). A big part of the internet and all the information out there is in english.

Back at college in the netherlands for example we almost only used the english wikipedia, because (again) the dutch speaking population in the world is just so small, that the articles on the dutch wiki are on average much shorter and less informative.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

katzentier — I understood what you meant about older people being less likely to know English. My grandmother was a first generation American, her older brother was born in Italy, their mother never learned English. I imagine most of us understood what you meant, in part because you’re probably right about the internet making all of us more aware of the spread of English — non-native speakers being stuck learning it, and native speakers learning to be patient with non-native speakers.

And seriously, I doubt anyone could rival NWO for the title of “least understandable sentence”, and, afaik, he’s a native speaker. You see the Big Book of Learnin’ yet? It’s in the welcome package if not (last link in the post)

11 years ago

Yes, and I was already lurking in the comments when NWO spouted his particular versions of wisdom. So I’ve seen it in the making. 😀

But I don’t know, It’s not so much that I’m afraid the commentariat here will get mad at me, I mean, I have read the commentsection for ages, I think I know pretty well what kind of thing pisses the people here off and I don’t intend to troll or be willfull obtuse (though I doubt I have succesfully combated all my biases already (and ever will), but Manboobz has been a great help in that regard, and I’m trying), and I know people here are quick to forgive If one is sorry and understands what was done wrong.

I just don’t think I can express the things I want to say exactly so that they come out the way I mean them. Not in the same way I can articulate myself in german (or dutch, even though my dutch is getting rusty). And then I tend to think, maybe I should just not say anything at all, because other people here can say the same things so much better.

But yes, I guess there have been (seemingly) native speakers here, that do much, much worse than me, not just NWO. xD

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

He was a real “interesting” one huh? And so what if you say a similar thing to someone else? The comment threads here are populated by ninjas it seems. Everybody either has someone say the same thing while they’re toying, or does it to someone else. Did you see my utter failure to get my point across last night? (Hm, might’ve been this morning for you)

It happens, and I, for one, am always pleased by different perspectives on the same concept. You learn more that way 🙂

11 years ago

Then I’ll try to add my perspective a little bit more. 🙂

But now I have to get through this family party with the more bigoted part of the family. So far they didn’t really say offensive stuff, except for my granddad insulting unfeminine women, but politics did not come up yet. I hope for the best…

Thanks again for your encouragement, and for the survey. ^^

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Not a problem, new people tends to mean more cool people 🙂

Good luck with the family party!

11 years ago

Can I vent a little? Because of course certain topics had to come up sooner or later. Feel free to skip this. ^^”

So after granddad insulting some nurses as “Mannsweiber” (I can’t find a translation for this? Butch women sounds too harmless/not insulting enough for what he meant), another relative felt the need to repeatedly tell me that it’s a shame I scrutinize my “intelectual and refined” appearance with the possession of a pierced tongue, then the uncle who hates Russians (because they’re communists and communists hate christianity and therefore they are evil) went on a libertarian rant (but at least left out the “atheism is pure evil” bit this time), then there was the recurring topic of “boys are totally inherently interested in cars, always, and girls ALWAYS in changing their dress three times a day and are spending an hour in the bathroom, and that’s biology”, after that there was a long discussion on why social services are bad, and that everyone just should make their own money already and not depend on living off our taxes (leeches! lazy bitches!), and also people on welfare are mostly evil foreigners. And the government is bad too, because they are incompetent, and the private sector would do better.

There was some nice conversation too and it has been worse in the past, but I just wish they would stop spouting bigoted crap already. :/
They are sexist, racist and so on, and we’re a seriously privileged family, no worries, white and mostly upper-middleclass, everyone owns at least one house, has a secure job or even owns a stable business, so what the hell, STOP HATING ON POOR PEOPLE, you do NOT know what it is like, and shame on you.

Ugh. >_<

My 97 year old grandgrandmother gave out unsolicited romantic advice to me again, but that was at least sort of cute. (she did this already when I was 14, advising me and a friend to always remind boys that they "had to leave the church before the singing begins".)

11 years ago
11 years ago

Thank you. Kitties are nice too! Though I’ve become more of a rodentperson by now (that’s partly because I currently can’t have kitties, and partly because rats are lovely and awesome).

I think I’ll just watch the videos of my ratties now, that’ll cheer me up. I’d rather play with them, but to bring them when I visit my Dad wouldn’t be fair to them, so the boyfriend is ratsitting, and I have neither rats nor boyfriend to cuddle. 🙁

And I’ll leave the link to my youtubechannel here, in case someone else wants too look at cute rats.

11 years ago

“boys are totally inherently interested in cars, always, and girls ALWAYS in changing their dress three times a day and are spending an hour in the bathroom, and that’s biology”

Biology’s an amazing thing, isn’t it? Wonder what boys were inherently interested in before cars were invented?

I don’t envy you your family, and I’ve just spent six days trying to screen out all the racist stuff my sister and BiL spout. I love ’em dearly, but ugh!

11 years ago

Wonder what boys were inherently interested in before cars were invented?

Hear tell Peter III of Russia was so into lead soldiers he made Catherine the Great play with them in bed. Possibly propaganda.

Nevertheless, Paul I came along somehow.

11 years ago

[blockquote] Biology’s an amazing thing, isn’t it? Wonder what boys were inherently interested in before cars were invented? [/blockquote]

I wonder about that too. Probably they were inventing other stuff or taming animals, for example to make horses do what they want (this is sort of technology too?) and build carriages or something.

I saw a (german) article lately complaining that horse riding has become a girl sport and all about caring for the cutie animals instead (because teenage girls need to channel their romantic feelings and care-instinct into something, also they will quickly lose interest in horses after their teens) of being competitive and about using the horse to get achievements, and therefore boys are not interested in it anymore and we need to change the cuddly additude towards horses to include boys again (read: turn it back into a male space).

I think there was something in it about upper-class women having too much time on their hands in the past and therefor being able to hijack horse breeding and stuff. Thus it became feminine and thus men do want nothing to do with it anymore. Because girl-cooties.

11 years ago

Ok, seems like I can’t do blockquotes. 🙁

11 years ago

use instead of [ ]. Also, the blockquotes monster demands many sacrifices. Pictures of the rats should do.

11 years ago

ack! these. damn blockquote monster must be in a mood tonight

11 years ago


11 years ago

sigh. I mean pointy brackets

11 years ago

Blockquotes are the pointy arrows instead of the square ones; but when you do get ’em, the blockquote monster will be waiting. 😉

That thing about making horseriding all about TEH COMPETITION was awful in so many ways. Gender essentialism plus other bullshit mixed together. I won’t bother detailing the gender crap because duh, we all know it, but the “animals are just machines to use for competition and there’s something wrong about caring for them” subtext fills me with rage.

On the technology biology – heh, Louis was always mad keen on machines and clockwork and stuff back in the day. I thought he’d be keen on cars and the like and used to imagine he’d spend his days tinkering with the things if he lived earthside now, but nope! He doesn’t care for ’em at all and I’ve never seen a motor vehicle in our part of Spirit. Bicycles and tricycles are as high-tech as travel gets. 🙂

11 years ago

I think I figured it out

Yay for googling!

And uhm…

Will this do?

It’s my rattie Mint enjoying a cool down in her little bathtub.

11 years ago

so cute. i’m sure the monster likes the picture.

11 years ago


I took a look at your youtube channel before – the vid of Mint (?) playing with the cat toy. I forgot how big rats are!