a voice for men antifeminism FemRAs imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression irony alert ladies against women misogyny MRA on the tv oppressed white men racism

Fox News lends a hand to the White Men’s Rights Movement

Suzanne Venker: White Men's Rights Activist
Suzanne Venker: White Men’s Rights Activist

In a case of spectacularly bad timing, Fox News happened to choose the day before the Zimmerman verdict was handed down to publish an op-ed proclaiming “the White American Male” to be the most oppressed creature on Planet Earth. In a piece entitled “Men — The New Second Class Citizens,” professional antifeminist Suzanne Venker declared that

From boyhood through adulthood, the White American Male must fight his way through a litany of taunts, assumptions and grievances about his very existence. His oppression is unlike anything American women have faced.

What is revealing about this quote, besides its complete disconnection from reality, is that Venker makes no other references to race in the rest of her piece, which runs through a number of tiresome and oh-so-familiar MRA talking points about the alleged oppression of men.

Venker complains about schools being biased towards girls, from grade schools that force students to sit still to colleges with their infernal Title IX. She whines about “sit coms and commercials that portray dad as an idiot.”

Quoting antifeminist psychologist Helen Smith, a friend of and sometime contributor to A Voice for Men, she suggests that women can get their boyfriends or husbands locked up on a whim just by claiming abuse.

I’m surprised she didn’t talk about the evils of “friend zoning.”

But when Venker refers to “men” in all of these complaints, she is evidently thinking only of white men — why else would she switch so seamlessly from talking about the alleged oppression of “men” to proclaiming “the White American Male” the ultimate victim?

There’s really no other word for this than, well, racist.

The day after Fox published Venker’s nonsense, we were of course reminded (as if any of us really needed to be reminded) of the very real oppression faced by “the Black American Male.”

Trayvon Martin didn’t die because he happened to see a show featuring a bumbling sitcom dad. He died because George Zimmerman saw a young black man in a hoodie walking home from the store and assumed, apparently because Martin was young and black and wearing a hoodie, that he was up to something sinister.

Trayvon Martin didn’t die because he was male; he died because he was a black male. His killer walked free not because his victim was male, but because his victim was a black male.

Suzanne Venker did us all a favor by revealing the unconscious racism underlying so many Men’s Rights complaints. The Men’s Rights movement is not only a movement that is overwhelmingly made up of white men; it’s a movement that’s almost exclusively about white men, and their largely imaginary oppressions, as well. We might as well call it the White Men’s Rights Movement.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wow, he sounds like a real piece of work!

“Also Mac says he doesn’t share.”

How many times Mac, how many times?! I don’t want to know, I just don’t want to know! *waves a stylus at him* just behave would’ya?

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Mac blows you a kiss and says he likes you.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, ok, that I can deal with. Mostly because flirty gay men don’t really bother me, I tend not to be their type after all.

I’d prefer some of that legendary mac and cheese though (that is not a euphemism!)

11 years ago

Hat collections!

My knitted berets:

purple, blue and fawn
purple, red, and brown
rose pink cable stitch
mixed brown horizontal rib

Cloth/felt berets:
rose pink angora (prolly faux angora)
dark brown
forest green with brim
forest green, plain

Butcher-boy caps:
brown velvety stuff
fawn tweed
forest green Harris tweed

plus sundry sunhats, more or less successful, and my uber-big “it’s very red” marriage day hat

Louis’s collection:

mid-brown fedora
dark brown fedora, much like Sgt Milner’s in Foyle’s War
straw panama
red Harris tweed butcher boy cap
dark brown, ditto
forest green, ditto (yes, mine, he borrows it)
purple cable-knit beanie
burgundy-pinkish, ditto

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Mac indignantly corrects that he is in fact bi, thank you. (And honestly, comes down WAY more on the women side of things. The exceptions to that rule still rank in the single-digits.)

11 years ago

Kitteh, do you have a picture with the straw Panama?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah I remembered that as soon as I said it but decided not to give him cause to continue!

Typically, most of my ex’s have been bi (hey, not surprising when you consider my general refusal to fit gender norms!)

The “you’re a married man!” clause still applies though 🙂

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

My husband flirts with anything. It’s like his most notable characteristic. Well, that and his mac and cheese recipe. (Which he says one day he will make for you on a pile of rose petals, whatever that means.)

11 years ago

…Should you guys get a room?

11 years ago

(JK, of course. You’re cracking me up.)

11 years ago

RE: katz

He’s just warming up. You should see him in full cheesy swing. He WAS the cock carousel, back in the day, or so he claims.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Mac and cheese on rose petals only works if it’s a euphuism and I already said it wasn’t!

*waves stylus at Mac, again* you’re being a fresh one today aren’t you? Heat got your brain?

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

He says, “Yes! Heat… FOR YOU!”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, now you aren’t even trying!

(To everyone else, we’ve got a RealFeel of 97 here, and it looks like LBT does too. It’s too hot to logic)

11 years ago

katz, yes, though I’m not sure I’ve one online. I’m just checking now. 🙂

We’ll be off very shortly. There’s a huge market at the Big Pineapple (yes, real name … this is Queensland after all) and then to the airport.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

He tells you thanks a lot, he is now going his own way FOREVAR. Which is sorta a no shit, seeing as he’s married to me. He’s breaking into theatrical tears on my card table now, thanks a lot.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I can’t tell if he’s trying to be funny or a drama queen (king?)…in any case, it’s a step up from HORRIBLE PUNS! (Seriously, that level of pun, with a different context, is what I’d expect from one of the kids…sorry Mac, there’s an age limit on that being funny!)

And get off the card table, how is anyone supposed to play with you there? Hm, my turn for terrible puns I suppose, but anyone up for a round of poker?

11 years ago

Mac wouldn’t happen to be a Time Agent, would he?

I’d rather play a round or two of Ninja Burger, actually. My usual Friday night group isn’t meeting because one of them lost his grandfather last weekend.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

He replies, STRIP POKARRRRRR!!!!! (complete with caps and a billion bangs.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Like either of us is wearing much clothing in the first place. I lose once and I’m in my underwear!

Which is the point isn’t it?

11 years ago

Would y’all keep it down? You’ll wake my babies.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Looks like it’s too late to worry about that anyways!

Permission to throw a bucket of cold water on Mac? Not in the “down boy!” sense, but in the “it’s so hot I just stuck my head in the sink” sense.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

It won’t help. The heat here isn’t actually THAT bad. What’s hurting us is the HUMIDITY. Nothing evaporates. Seriously, throwing a bucket of cold water would only work for a few seconds. Then it’d just become warm water, and then hot water.

11 years ago

I suppose a cool shower would only put more water in the air.

11 years ago

Aaaaahhhhh baaaayyyybiiiiieeeeeeesssss <3 <3 <3

Dammit Falconer your offspring are too cute!

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