a voice for men antifeminism FemRAs imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression irony alert ladies against women misogyny MRA on the tv oppressed white men racism

Fox News lends a hand to the White Men’s Rights Movement

Suzanne Venker: White Men's Rights Activist
Suzanne Venker: White Men’s Rights Activist

In a case of spectacularly bad timing, Fox News happened to choose the day before the Zimmerman verdict was handed down to publish an op-ed proclaiming “the White American Male” to be the most oppressed creature on Planet Earth. In a piece entitled “Men — The New Second Class Citizens,” professional antifeminist Suzanne Venker declared that

From boyhood through adulthood, the White American Male must fight his way through a litany of taunts, assumptions and grievances about his very existence. His oppression is unlike anything American women have faced.

What is revealing about this quote, besides its complete disconnection from reality, is that Venker makes no other references to race in the rest of her piece, which runs through a number of tiresome and oh-so-familiar MRA talking points about the alleged oppression of men.

Venker complains about schools being biased towards girls, from grade schools that force students to sit still to colleges with their infernal Title IX. She whines about “sit coms and commercials that portray dad as an idiot.”

Quoting antifeminist psychologist Helen Smith, a friend of and sometime contributor to A Voice for Men, she suggests that women can get their boyfriends or husbands locked up on a whim just by claiming abuse.

I’m surprised she didn’t talk about the evils of “friend zoning.”

But when Venker refers to “men” in all of these complaints, she is evidently thinking only of white men — why else would she switch so seamlessly from talking about the alleged oppression of “men” to proclaiming “the White American Male” the ultimate victim?

There’s really no other word for this than, well, racist.

The day after Fox published Venker’s nonsense, we were of course reminded (as if any of us really needed to be reminded) of the very real oppression faced by “the Black American Male.”

Trayvon Martin didn’t die because he happened to see a show featuring a bumbling sitcom dad. He died because George Zimmerman saw a young black man in a hoodie walking home from the store and assumed, apparently because Martin was young and black and wearing a hoodie, that he was up to something sinister.

Trayvon Martin didn’t die because he was male; he died because he was a black male. His killer walked free not because his victim was male, but because his victim was a black male.

Suzanne Venker did us all a favor by revealing the unconscious racism underlying so many Men’s Rights complaints. The Men’s Rights movement is not only a movement that is overwhelmingly made up of white men; it’s a movement that’s almost exclusively about white men, and their largely imaginary oppressions, as well. We might as well call it the White Men’s Rights Movement.

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11 years ago

I remember when NWOslave posted a link to a Title IX document, and how it turned out that it was gender neutral throughout, with the exception of a bit at the beginning talking about how women and men could be victims of sexual assault.

11 years ago

Are schools really doing away with recess? If so, that is a crime against children. All kids need time to just play, for Dworkin’s sake!

11 years ago

@augzillery, but anything that some men don’t like is oppression, whereas when the wommenz don’t like something it’s because they are feminist bitches – sorted?

11 years ago

auggziliary, NWOslave is a troll who used to comment a LOT here.

Read this to get his worldview:

11 years ago

Sorry let me correct that, anything some WHITE men don’t like is the worsest oppression Eva.

11 years ago

Cloudiah, I love the icon! I haven’t been around much for a bit, let me know who it represents. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Not what I was looking for, but it works —

Epically short summary? Girls are catching up with boys at math, while the reading gap remains. Combine the two scores, and yes, girls are outperforming boys. Considering everything I find keeps asking how to close the reading gap, I’m not sure how this means feminism is making boys stupider, but rather efforts in teaching math are making girls better at it.

For the non-math inclined, think of it this way — if the boy average in math is 50, and the girl average 25; and the boy average in reading 25, and the girl average 50, then both genders have an average score of 75 (this is not in percents btw). When you close the math gap — putting both scores at 50~ — without closing the reading gap, you have boys having an average score of 75 still, but now girls have an average score of 100.

So yes, improving girl’s math skills has put them, on average, ahead of the boys. And yes, the reading gap does need to be addressed. How any of this makes the remaining gap (which is, in a sense, growing as long as girls’ math skills increase) the fault if feminism…I got nothing.

And Petey? Check out the table on math scores by gender, in percentiles. Note how the ratio is only barely favoring men, and pretty stable, until the 99% percentile.

11 years ago

Yoyo, I have no idea who my avatar is; I found her in some old French fashion magazine that had been digitized and thought she looked snooty and entitled enough to piss off MRAs. 😀

11 years ago

Lets do this.


“The most obvious proof is male bashing in the media. It is rampant and irrefutable. From sit-coms and commercials that portray dad as an idiot to biased news reports about the state of American men, males are pounced on left and right. “

Of course, there is no female bashing in media. NONONONONO. Only men. Poor things shown as bumbling fathers……By the way where is this “journalists” sources?

The Women’s Media Center has an interesting study recently…….Which shows that women are underrepresented in media. Which would mean that if women are underrepresented then men must be……overrepresented. Hmm….interesting.

Media and Gender Monitor reports only 24% of news stories are about women. Which means 76% must be about men…..Interesting. These poor men. Poor poor men. So, discriminated against.

Women are also younger on average than their male counterparts. Ah, its always nice to be reminded that if you are a woman you damn well better be young.

In the top 100 grossing films of 2007,2008 and 2009 women had speaking roles 1/3 of the time. Meaning men must have had speaking roles 2/3 of the time. Poor misrepresented men.

Well, I suppose that Suzzanne must have sources which prove men being shown as a a bumbling idiot occasionally is on the same all these other things. After all, what about the men?

“Plus, many schools have eliminated recess. Such an environment is unhealthy for boys, for they are active by nature and need to run around. “

Interesting. I guess only boys enjoy running around. Us women just like to sit still and look pretty.

“Title IX is also abused when it comes to sex. In 1977, a group of women at Yale used Title IX to claim sexual harassment and violence constitute discrimination against women. “

I have to ask how much research she did into this case. I’m guessing by her dismissal and anger about it that she didn’t do that much digging. You know where the professor where groping the female students. And male classmates where belittling their female peers in class. Fraternities going to the freshmen dorms and screaming “fucking sluts” and “no means yes yes means anal” at them. And the school not responding to allegations. But of course suing the schools lack of action was unfair of those women because the poor men.

End of part 1

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

From boyhood through adulthood, the White American Male must fight his way through a litany of taunts, assumptions and grievances about his very existence. His oppression is unlike anything American women have faced.

Well, that last sentence is inadvertently true. It’s completely unlike anything American women have faced, in the same way that doorknobs are unlike trombones. But then, these are the same people who routinely compare universal health care to ZOMG NAZI DEATH CAMPS. Historical awareness is not their forte.

Also, “Fox and Friends”? Is that lady friendzoning us?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Another satisfied block quote customer!

11 years ago

“Fox & Friends” could’ve been such a cute children’s TV show, too.

11 years ago

Yes, of course white men are the most oppressed people ever. And the scores and scores and scores of Black and brown women whose deaths occur without any fanfare every year and whose killers are rarely identified much less brought to trial are all just coincidences. Possibly suicides, even, because reasons. Nothing to see here, let’s go back to boo-hooing over those poor Aryan boys being made to sit politely in class.

11 years ago

Cloudiah it’s very cool, if I were at all technically capable I might use a frida khalo just because her eyebrows would send them insane, or patty smiths armpit photo from horses. Fun thought! 😉

11 years ago

“If a woman gets angry for any reason, she can simply accuse a man and men are just assumed guilty in our society,” notes Dr. Helen Smith, author of the new book, “Men on Strike.” This is particularly heinous since, as Smith adds, violence in domestic relations “is almost 50% from men and 50% from women.”
Lets see. Where is her source for that number? I went to the Bureau of Justice Statistics to see what they claimed. Shockingly, I found that they claim females are more likely than males to victimized by family violence (which included romantic partners as well as spouses and children). Women are 84.3% of spouse abuse victims and 85.9% of the victims in violence between bf and gf. Not really lining up with what Dr. Helen claims. But I suppose she would know better than the folks that collect the data. Men, however, are more likely to be victims of violence by strangers: 68.3%. Oddly enough men were also more likely to be the offender in violence against strangers as well 86%. And not all violence is equal. Wives are 81% of those killed by spouses and girlfriends are 71%. Men accounted for 79.2% of murders within the family………So, stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

(break to watch kitty videos)

Part 2

11 years ago

Guffaw ferrets, there is a dreadful photo, I think from Time, which shows a woman with two twins on her lap, one is a skeletal girl and one is a fat much bigger boy baby. The long story is an except from a study about all the missing women in the world, left to starve denied healthcare or just aborted for gender reasons. So yes we should all worry about white Menzies problems like hard chairs. Facepalm.

11 years ago

Gah! You ruined it for me. Are you telling me you DON’T wear fancy hats all the time?

11 years ago

“America needs to wake up. We have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction—from a man’s world to a woman’s world.”

Ah, yes thats right. Its a womans world. Which is why women hold a majority of senate seats….wait you mean they don’t? Well, then women must be the majority of CEOS? No?

Are you telling me women are silenced in the senate when they want to talk about womens issues? Are you telling me that womens reproductive health is being legislated?

That doesn’t seem like it is a womens world……That doesn’t seem right….

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“This is the second woman Indiana has charged with Feticide. The previous was a woman who ate rat poison in an effort to commit suicide.

On that note, the petition to free her is 2.3k~ signatures short of the current goal. I got 1,640 survey responses. You know what to do.

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

Argh, I hate the “the bumbling male -stereotype in media is misandry because it teaches men that they’re stoopid” argument so much. Anyone with their head out of their ass can see that the moral of this trope is actually “patient wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter/grandmother/friend/dog/goldfish/whatever repeatedly forgives and loves the bumbling man anyway, no matter how selfish, obnoxious, irresponsible and/or dangerous the things he does are”. And “if the female supporting character fails to forgive him/calls him out on it/does something even remotely stupid herself, she is a/an [insert favored gendered slur here].”

11 years ago

Radical Parrot: yeah that trope pretty much says “do whatever, some woman will play mommy and bail you out in the end, it’s what women are for.”

11 years ago

That 50%/50% thing, is that the one where it’s based on her asking her teacher friend to keep track in school? I think David reported on that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“But I suppose she would know better than the folks that collect the data. ”

Oh no, that’s real data alright, from a collection method that will send me on an hour long rant.

11 years ago

Along the lines of my previous comment: –> and that just pertains to the North Americas, specifically the US. Definite evidence that white men are oppressed and all one has to do to put a man in jail with or without due process is exclaim “he did it!”

Petition: Signed. Lemme know when there is one for the second woman as well.

11 years ago

Btw: in case brain bleach is needed early on this one, I found this video of some narsty narsty feminists receiving their divine comeuppances.