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The No-Friend Zone

Ladies! Here, fresh from the MensRants subreddit is A Man With Whom You Do Not Want To Be Friends. Or acquaintances. Or anything, really. To be honest, you probably don’t even want this guy to spot you at a distance from the window of a speeding train. Much T.M.I. in this quote:

Why can't I be 'just friends' with a woman? (self.MensRants)  submitted 2 days ago by vestra4  I don't know, my ratio of social awkwardness - to - hormonal horniness seems so exquisitely fine-tuned, that it is hard for me to be near a woman, or talk to her, without roaring waves of sex lust filling my thoughts, and it's all I can do to keep these thoughts hidden until I am out of range of the woman, any woman, in question. Later I will undoubtably fantasize about her, just based on having been near her.  So the concept of being 'just friends' with a woman seems to me to be the most alien, self-deceiving torture I could possibly put myself through. Like eternally being in a candy store in which I cannot buy or taste the candy, like being in a library where I am not allowed to read the books.  A child who grew up going to church will say "Why yes, I believe in God" but what is it that they believe? Are they lying to themselves? Are they just saying what they have been trained to say? I never went to church and if I am asked "Do you believe in God", for me to say "Why, yes, I believe in God" would be me telling a lie, knowingly, willingly. And in a similar vein, a woman asking me "Can we be just friends?" must be met with an answer of No, for there will not be a moment of Time in which I am not pornographically violently thinking of filling her up with my seed, touching her skin, smelling her hair, sucking her breasts.  Perhaps I have too much libido, too much testosterone. How do other men do it? My mad and furious master would never allow it, and I am not sure I want to escape him, for that would mean a kind of death.

Dude, I would seriously suggest you start masturbating. A lot. Preferably not in public.

And try not to bother any actual women for a while, at least until you can start conceptualizing of them as something more than objects (like candy or books) that have been set out for you to use as you please.

Also, your “mad and furious master?” “Mad and furious master?” Did you really just write that? I think you mean your boner. If you want to get fancy, your libido. What are you, Heartiste? Can none of you idiots write about sex without getting all purple prosey on us?

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11 years ago

I’m late but my least favorite feminist? That person who did those Firefly reviews.

What, are we naming least favourite feminists now? I must have missed that… I can’t really relate to that Firefly review since I haven’t watched the show, beyond the fact that the writer obviously thinks sex work can never ever be consensual or a free choice, since she’s very explicit on that point.

But yeah, there are lots of bad feminists in the world. Off the top of my head, there’s a Swedish feminist blogger calling herself “No Boy Toy” who hates PIV with a passion. If it was just her writing about how she doesn’t like PIV, and how it ought to be perfectly fine not to like PIV, I’d be all for it. But she generalizes from her case to literally every woman, arguing that science has proven that no woman ever can orgasm from PIV (which isn’t true), and this implies that no woman actually likes PIV (which doesn’t even follow from the supposed scientific fact), meaning all women who say they like PIV are completely bought by the patriarchy and are lying about their sexuality in order to be more popular with the opposite sex.

Ally S
11 years ago

“have I ever mentioned how much I haaaaaaattttee the overprotective father of a teenage daughter thing? b/c i hate it.”

Same here. It’s nice to see parents being loving and protective, but when it’s blatantly sexist, possessive, and controlling, I just feel disgusted.

11 years ago

I can’t really relate to that Firefly review since I haven’t watched the show, beyond the fact that the writer obviously thinks sex work can never ever be consensual or a free choice, since she’s very explicit on that point.

I actually clicked the link wondering if it would be written from a sex worker’s perspective, since I’ve seen a few sex workers who criticized nara’s characterization for being whorephobic. Instead it was written by someone who calls sex workers “prostituted women.” So, yeah, definitely not concerned about whorephobia.

11 years ago

I was going to be like “What?? TAA’s the best you’ve seen??” but then I was like, yeah, it’s just a sliding scale of terrible.

I think I’d pick Fidelbogen, if forced to choose. He’s more bloviating and dull than horrible, most of the time.

11 years ago

Inara*, not nara. The reviewer also refers to Inara’s clients as rapists.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You know, he doesn’t really qualify as a feminist, but since he considers himself one…Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer.

auggziliary — you’re thinking of Cathy Brennan, and it’s a close match between those two.

Least horrible MRA? A former MRA 🙂

11 years ago

Okay, Auggziliary! Yeah, outing trans women (I guess without knowing the person you’re talking about that she thinks she’s bravely whistle blowing on imposters infiltrating the group of True Womenz, since that seems to be how women usually justify outing trans women) beats angry outbursts at all women who claim to like PIV. Although I did browse through No Boy Toy’s blog a bit again (haven’t visited it for a year or so) and she seems transphobic as fuck as well.
I guess transphobia often goes together with wanting to police others sex life? Neither is super uncommon among feminists, sadly.

11 years ago

I just read that Firefly review. Ugh. And the thing is, there is a serious feminist critique to be made of Firefly, which has several issues that frequently come up when a self-declared ally tries to write woman-friendly fiction without women’s direct input. I’ve read GOOD feminist critiques of Firefly that manage to evaluate the show on its own terms, show where it does well and where it falters. (One of the key issues simply being that Joss apparently couldn’t imagine a genuinely less-sexist future; several episodes make it very clear that the patriarchy is still large and in charge, in a variety of forms from the grotesque to the subtle. It works if you’re using your storyline as a retro-critique of today’s world, but would it hurt to make the future a little bit more hopeful?)

Hell, there’s a key element of Joss’ work that suggests that he’s genuinely got issues with women being sexually aggressive. It’s a fair critique, and one I think he actually listened to a bit when he did Cabin in the Woods (which at least acknowledged the inane trope-roles that women are forced into in genre fiction).

But that rant? Yeah, that’s from one of the branches of feminism that insists that sex work is not only problematic because of the culture that surrounds it, but also because it’s somehow inherently wrong and evil. And she won no points when she decided that Walsh had to be a rapist because she’s never personally seen a white man in a healthy relationship with a black woman. (The blogger was also painfully clueless about how Zoe and Mal’s relationship had been written. Zoe’s perpetual “Sir” towards him was very obviously meant to be a case of her being given the exact same dialogue she would’ve had if the character had been male–the second-in-command who continues to fall back on the old command structure long after they’ve both been mustered out.)

11 years ago

Despite the frequent mainstream/MRA characterization of feminists as women who hate men, the worst feminists usually don’t have ‘seething hatred of men’ as their main character flaw. Normally it’s their attitudes towards other historically oppressed classes of people that’s repugnant (white towards PoCs, cis towards trans, able towards disabled, rich towards poor, hetero towards everything else, etc.). They still believe more people belong to the category of ‘deserving consideration as human beings’ than most MRAs.

11 years ago

Ally Fogg might count as an MRA, but he’s a feminist that focuses on men’s issues within the patriarchal framework, i.e. a “Mangina” according to the doofs we usually cover.

Don’t know about worst feminists, but I think my high school drama teacher counts. The sort of new-agey gender essentialist type.

Case in point: We were doing one of these emo teenage ensemble piece productions, and one of the actresses was dealing with rape. The actor involved simulates a clothed sexual struggle, mimes spitting on her, then walks away laughing. The teacher loved the scene, except, and I quote:

“Don’t spit, it’s degrading”.

What was the rape then? Empowering? The mocking laughter was just as degrading, but it was left in! *dumbfounded*.

11 years ago

Wow, man. This shit in the OP is twisted. I’ve actually heard a lot of men (over the age of 18, self-identified liberals mostly of the artsy variety, not explicitly MRAs) express the same concept, but never … quite as floridly or disturbingly.

I personally refer to my uterus as “The Dark God” because of its attitude during my period (“you had plans today? HAHAHA, no. also I demand chocolate as tribute”), but I do so dryly and for comedic effect. My gynecologist thinks it’s hilarious. Also, there is nothing about thinking of others as/potentially forcing them to be my own personal sex-fantasy vending machines, so … yeah.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>“if you’re a man and call yourself a feminist I hope you choke to death on vegan pizza while crying to a Lady Gaga song”

Wait… is that supposed to be bad? I mean, there’s *better* ways to go (I prefer a vegan burrito while angrily listening to Dropdead) but there’s clearly worse ways (choking on a Big Mac while laughing to Nickelback).

11 years ago

I fully intend to choke on home-grown tomatoes while headbanging to the Dropkick Murphys.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Vegan pizza? I tried gluten-free pizza, and it was delicious. Never had a vegan pizza.

Also never cried to a Lady Gaga song. It’s TRIUMPHANT music, son!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And we all know I’ll choke on my coffee while listening to Emilie Autumn! (Probably because all my brain cells got sucked up into her bowing and I forgot how to swallow)

11 years ago

Pecunium will, of course, ironically choke on a mango.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LOL! I’m amazed he even has a kryptonite, yet alone it being as mundane as mangos!

11 years ago

They used to have an amazing vegan pizza at a place near me, but they took it off the menu. [cloudiah shakes fist at the sky.] So I will likely choke on spanokopita while listening to Hüsker Dü or singing along with Woody Guthrie.

Ally S
11 years ago

I will most likely choke on Andes Mints while listening to King Crimson.

11 years ago

but there’s clearly worse ways (choking on a Big Mac while laughing to Nickelback).

The stuff of nightmares.

11 years ago

It could be worse. You could be singing along to Nickleback.

11 years ago

Good thing I didn’t tell you guys about the things which make me gibber, instead of toss them across the room.

11 years ago

baileyrenee: I don’t think being, “gentle” with him is a good idea. There are already people doing that. Society does it.

I, as a dude, think he’s full of shit, and there is no reason for me to sugar coat it, in the hope that my being nice to him will persuade him. This moron thinks that having, “a furious master” is a good thing.

He’s going to take the least bit of encouragement as support, and ignore all the rest. So I would deny him the least scrap of cover.

11 years ago

Oh my goodness, those Firefly reviews.

I mean, Firefly isn’t perfect, but this line, seriously?

And here we have Zoe blaming women for their own oppression and hating women, presumably for not being as liberated herself. Does that even make any kind of sense?

Has the writer ever even met another woman outside of her very specific feminist circle? Has she ever been on the internet? The world is FULL of women blaming other women for their own oppression. It’s one of the most insidious ways patriarchy perpetuates itself.

11 years ago

I will choke on a polyedral die picked up by mistake while reaching for the popcorn bowl, while listening to the lastest “theme mix” one of my players has put together for the game.