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The No-Friend Zone

Ladies! Here, fresh from the MensRants subreddit is A Man With Whom You Do Not Want To Be Friends. Or acquaintances. Or anything, really. To be honest, you probably don’t even want this guy to spot you at a distance from the window of a speeding train. Much T.M.I. in this quote:

Why can't I be 'just friends' with a woman? (self.MensRants)  submitted 2 days ago by vestra4  I don't know, my ratio of social awkwardness - to - hormonal horniness seems so exquisitely fine-tuned, that it is hard for me to be near a woman, or talk to her, without roaring waves of sex lust filling my thoughts, and it's all I can do to keep these thoughts hidden until I am out of range of the woman, any woman, in question. Later I will undoubtably fantasize about her, just based on having been near her.  So the concept of being 'just friends' with a woman seems to me to be the most alien, self-deceiving torture I could possibly put myself through. Like eternally being in a candy store in which I cannot buy or taste the candy, like being in a library where I am not allowed to read the books.  A child who grew up going to church will say "Why yes, I believe in God" but what is it that they believe? Are they lying to themselves? Are they just saying what they have been trained to say? I never went to church and if I am asked "Do you believe in God", for me to say "Why, yes, I believe in God" would be me telling a lie, knowingly, willingly. And in a similar vein, a woman asking me "Can we be just friends?" must be met with an answer of No, for there will not be a moment of Time in which I am not pornographically violently thinking of filling her up with my seed, touching her skin, smelling her hair, sucking her breasts.  Perhaps I have too much libido, too much testosterone. How do other men do it? My mad and furious master would never allow it, and I am not sure I want to escape him, for that would mean a kind of death.

Dude, I would seriously suggest you start masturbating. A lot. Preferably not in public.

And try not to bother any actual women for a while, at least until you can start conceptualizing of them as something more than objects (like candy or books) that have been set out for you to use as you please.

Also, your “mad and furious master?” “Mad and furious master?” Did you really just write that? I think you mean your boner. If you want to get fancy, your libido. What are you, Heartiste? Can none of you idiots write about sex without getting all purple prosey on us?

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11 years ago

Oof, I should not ramble while on break from work. I apologize for leaving a incompletely thought out and poorly communicated message which ended up being a mess that someone else cleaned up.

I definitely find that feminism is far more friendly to men as they are vs the manosphere being friendly to men as they pretend to be. I especially remember people calling out someone for equating mental or psychological issues with assholishness in a discussion of Dean Esmay. Plus “Boys will be boys” is not very complimentary to boys.

When talking about shaming, I intended to use it in the cultural sense, but I did not explain well. Crappy communication causes conflict.

11 years ago

Speaking of Dean Esmay (cloudiah says to pretend this comment is not completely off topic), AVfM had a story up about Mary Kellett, the prosecutor they’ve been trying to have disbarred. Apparenty this effort has failed, and Dean Esmay said it ruined his birthday. Here is the meowbified link to the story (beware of man dozens of GIFs!)

“JinnBottle” left this comment ont the thread:

Asha – You’re right, men cooperating did everything from bringing down 9ft cave bears to building the NYC skyline. But I do see what Allan means by a negative calcifying of once-healthy competition setting in.

The “men sticking together” meme seems to have been largely an Old World legacy that survived in the New World in the avatars of the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Pythias, Polish-American Clubs, etc, etc, etc.

Until about 1970. Enter 2nd Wave Feminism. The labor force doubles (i.e. jobs for men, women for men, start getting scarce), males start being brought up from birth under feminism/single mothers, women start invading Men’s Space – which the MSM pussies start demonizing – homosocial relationships amongst men are outlawed – and many other factors new in History.

Result: The always delicate balance amongst men between Competition and Affinity tips completely down on Cooperation, and that male-cooperation which has been, with positive competition, that which has guided us to climbing skyscrapers instead of trees, is poisoned.

Men retrieving Male Space, homosociality, positive competition are going to be key in saving civilization itself.

My favorite is the “The labor force doubles (i.e. jobs for men, women for men, start getting scarce)” part, but really the whole thing is an amazing example of MRM-think.

11 years ago

The awesome Tom Tomorrow just published “The GOP Pickup Artist’s Guide to Seducing Female Voters” It is the awesome. Enjoy!

11 years ago

Until about 1970. Enter 2nd Wave Feminism. The labor force doubles (i.e. jobs for men, women for men, start getting scarce)

This is such a perfect illustration of what these assholes are really upset about. If women have jobs then it might be harder for a man to secure one as his unpaid sex worker, maid, nurse, and babysitter! So women shouldn’t be allowed to have jobs.

11 years ago

Also, there are no women who he’s not attracted to and who he therefore could be around without the whole MUST MAKE PORN NOW feeling? None?

Damn, dude, have some standards.

Makes you wonder how he sees any of his female relatives, doesn’t it?

Also Hi from sunny Queensland!

11 years ago

Hi Kittehs! Hope you’re having a nice time! [waves]

11 years ago

I’m pretty sure he just wrote fanfic…about himself.

11 years ago

@CassandraSays: “This is such a perfect illustration of what these assholes are really upset about. If women have jobs then it might be harder for a man to secure one as his unpaid sex worker, maid, nurse, and babysitter! So women shouldn’t be allowed to have jobs.”

Bingo! The viewpoint of the misogynist male is precisely that of the antebellum slaveholder, ie, that a class of people exists to provide him with whatever service he happens to want at any given moment, regardless of cost (up to & including the lives) of the people providing the service.

11 years ago

Hi cloudiah! ::waves back::

So far so good! It’s just beautiful at my sister’s place, in a sort of cup in the hills. Hardly any traffic sound and lots of native birds about.

Native spiders too, alas …*

I’ve taken a few snaps already but I’ll have to wait to get home to upload them. It’s much warmer than the forecast, today – already 25C. Figures, I didn’t bring hot-weather clothes.

Also airport security are idiots. The selfsame nail scissors I took to the US, home of security paranoia, got stolen confiscated because nail scissor terrorism is obviously such a thing on domestic flights here. ::rolls eyes::

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago

Off-topic, but the head honcho of The Spearhead might be on TV.

Be prepared for the shitstorm, folks.

11 years ago

Shitstorm? More like tempest in the toilet.

Let ’em go on TV, so everyone can see them for what they are.

11 years ago

Off-topic, but the head honcho of The Spearhead might be on TV.

Be prepared for the shitstorm, folks.

Adding to the off-topic, we are all also still waiting for GWW to be on Joe Rogan`s show. They have been talking about that for ages now. I have seen a bit of his stuff, but I have no idea how he feels about the MRM. Really hope that actually happens.either way.

11 years ago

That creep probably already masturbates about twice as much as a normal guy does; I’ve a hunch he probably prefers masturbation to sex with a real woman.

11 years ago

Just to be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with masturbating a lot, or preferring masturbation to sex with another person. It’s the violent misogyny that is a problem here.

11 years ago

I think you’d need to ask him rather than base your judgment of him on a few paragraphs on a website.

IKR? How dare you judge people based on the things they say in public!

11 years ago

(Sic) Male. Get it? Get it??

The quality of our trolls is clearly on the rise.

11 years ago

… like being in a library where I’m not allowed to read the books.

Clearly, he got his hopes up too high after hearing Romney had binders full of women.

11 years ago

He’s transphobic, misogynistic, homophobic and a 9/11 truther. Something tells me he will find his own special little niche in the MRM Community. He has all the necessary requirements.

11 years ago

IKR? How dare you judge people based on the things they say in public!

Of course not. You should just ASK someone if they are racist, or sexist, or whatever. What they do or say has no relevance to what THEY see themselves as. Duh.

11 years ago

(envious of 25C Queensland, while here in 8C NSW)

11 years ago

He’s transphobic, misogynistic, homophobic and a 9/11 truther. Something tells me he will find his own special little niche in the MRM Community. He has all the necessary requirements.

Oooooohhh… this is… bad. I knew he was all into Alex Jones crap but I had no idea it was like this

BTW I hate kids. Fuck you, Joe.

11 years ago

Good h god rarely do I burst out laughing reading Manboobz but this post did it. Whatever problems that guy has with his dick I hope they are as unintentionally hilarious as he makes them out to be.

11 years ago
11 years ago

“Somewhat off topic, but what is the worse feminist you can think of? Like the most straw feministy feminist ever.”

Julie freaking Bindle.

And I think this guy may want to see a doctor, if this post is at all true, and if he’s over age 18. He could have an actual medical disorder. There’s one where women have three or four orgasms per hour just sitting around, “hyperorgasmia” I think it’s called… Can sometimes be a side-effect of certain medications, e.g. stimulants and other ADD meds.

11 years ago

*Bindel, sorry

And Podkayne is right, this is essentially a humble brag about how much of a sexual beast this guy imagines he is.

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