alpha males beta males disgusting women gender policing heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sex vaginas

Heartiste: Cunnilingus is for betas because vaginas are icky

Man horrified by glimpse of vagina.
Man horrified by glimpse of vagina.

Oh, Heartiste, sometimes I can’t help but wonder if you’ve been trolling us all along. I mean, what kind of master pickup guru is this squicked out by vaginas?

Eating a girl out anytime during the first few weeks of dating is beta. When you eat a girl out, you telegraph your incredible horniness for her. Men normally do not want to go down on women and bury their mouths in that fetid, humid mess unless they find her so overwhelmingly hot that they can’t help themselves.

“Fetid, humid mess?” Seriously, dude, if you hate vaginas so much, why do you devote your entire life to trying to gain access to as many of them as possible?

Women instinctively know this, so they correctly gauge that a man who goes down on them on the first date must feel he’s with one of the best he’s ever had. This, in turn, will sour a woman’s attraction for a man, since no woman in the history of the universe has ever felt raging lust for a man she believed lower than herself in value.

And you know this how? Somehow I doubt that Heartiste and his followers are getting a lot of return engagements from their unfortunate dates.

Cunnilingus later in the relationship is absolved from this rule, because you have already demonstrated your manly ability to use her strictly for the piledriving hole she is.

But isn’t her, er, piledriving hole just as icky as ever? Wouldn’t this still be a beta thing? Does any of this make any kind of sense, even if you buy into Heartiste’s Alpha-Beta claptrap?

If I didn’t already know that Heartiste was a dude in his 40s, I would have assumed he was actually a 15-year-old naif with a chip on his shoulder and a vivid imagination.

Thanks to Wrecksomething on r/againstmensrights for pointing out this Heartiste classic.

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11 years ago

@ auggziliary:

Okay, maybe I should have used another word (as this is something for which there are many synonyms). So next time I guess I will use one of those instead. But, I still don’t think anything I said came across as ambiguous (or as all that important or germane to the question, to be honest: it was meant to be a side note) or that any of it needs clarification. Bit of tidying up, maybe, but then I already do too much of that.

11 years ago

does any one else think it’s completely bizarre that’s he’s framing showing obvious desire for your partner as a BAD thing? “When you eat a girl out, you telegraph your incredible horniness for her.” like how is that not a thing all women want, to be desired? to be so hot they make their partner crazy?

11 years ago

This made me LOL. Captain Power asks if he can sue Manboobz for writing about him. These PUA/MRA can dish it out but they can never take it.

11 years ago

Wow. The G0ys. Really takes me back. Curious thing is, my husband and I fit most of their template, but I think they’re ridiculous. Haven’t asked him.

11 years ago

I would never say that most of these asshats are gay. I WILL say that they all show signs of a severely fucked-up notion of human sexuality, and a needs-counseling level of bad understanding of their own sexuality.

I recall a long-ago discussion about this male culture thing. It was late 60s/early 70s — when many people still advocated Freudian or semi-Freudian sexual interpretations of anything and everything. A lot of men still behaved in pubs the same way they did during the six o’clock swill days.'clock_swill

A friend of mine suggested that this liking for spending all your spare time with blokes at the pub was a signal of repressed homosexuality. My argument was that it wasn’t sexual at all, it was non-sexual or even anti-sexual. It was all about avoiding intimacy. Staying away from partners or family and preferring casual, if frequent, contact with acquaintances.

11 years ago

does any one else think it’s completely bizarre that’s he’s framing showing obvious desire for your partner as a BAD thing?

Anything that can be read as the man showing weakness is bad as far as these imbeciles are concerned. Desire for her, if it means doing things that please her, = putting yourself in her power instead of having her desperate for your approval. Fartiste wants women to live in fear: afraid of *cough* boyfriend *cough* leaving, and afraid of what he’ll do if he stays. Showing pleasure in her company, let alone desire for her that doesn’t mean “piledriving” sex, is soooo beta as far as he’s concerned.

On the g0y anal sex/false witness thing – does anyone reckon they’ve heard the phrase “talking out of your arse” and taken it way too literally? 😛

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

I don’t understand how they figure their whole “alpha/beta” thing. Like so much else in MRA/PUA culture, it just seems contrived to make guys with shaky and/or narcissistically overblown egos feel better about themselves. Surely (if one were the sort of asshole who was obsessed with status) an “alpha” man would be one with lots of money and influence, not some dude who needs PUA advice?

I can’t help but think of these dudes as omega men.

11 years ago

@Alice that thread is hilarious. SO MUCH INSECURITY.

From Samseau: “I really hate this fat fuck. He’s written a number of attack articles on my RoK posts. If I met the dude I’d eviscerate his ego.”

LOL, sure you would, buddy.

11 years ago


I love that their criticism of David Futrelle only revolves around him being fat and not being able to get laid. They simply cannot fathom that a man would be decent to women for any other reason than getting sex. They are so clueless.

11 years ago

If I met the dude I’d eviscerate his ego

What possible method of ego destruction relies on meeting someone? *wanders off confused*

11 years ago

How would those clowns know about David’s private life? As far as I know from reading this blog he’s never made any of that information public. They are speculating about how frequently he has sex based on… what, exactly?

11 years ago

testing testing, having trouble posting here

11 years ago

Typical MRA mindsets. I suppose I should feel the same about blowjobs?

11 years ago

These guys sound like they consume a lot of porn, and porn often treats women squirting as the ultimate kind of orgasm

I think, actually, it’s supposed to be the hardest sort of orgasm for a women to have, so it shows how good/into it, she is.

Thus validating the motifs in porn.

11 years ago

I asked this question jokingly in another thread, but am now genuinely wondering, and it fits better in the context here. If a man loves cats a lot, like A LOT a lot — like has hand-raised several kittens and posts many cat pictures/videos (of his own kittens and of others’ cats) to his social media account every single day …
but he often labels these pictures “pussy”, as in “see how much I love pussy” …

is he way alpha, or totes a beta mangina?

Does it have something to do with cunnilingus (“beta”) or with “piledriving” (totes alpha)? Also why are these MRA dudes so freaking gross?

On a related note, it’s so funny to me whenever any type of dudes (just mistyped ‘duds’, appropriately) are like “no, I love women, I love fucking them” or “I totally respect women, when they let me fuck them.” And by “it’s so funny” I mean, I wanna cry so much I have to laugh, then get the desire to drink alcohol until I fall asleep.

11 years ago

RE: Freemage

*applauds* Thank you.

RE: Robert

Wow. The G0ys. Really takes me back. Curious thing is, my husband and I fit most of their template, but I think they’re ridiculous. Haven’t asked him.

You and me both. I mean, you’d think they would be satisfied with, “the sexual acts I enjoy aren’t reflected back at me by the culture around me, and I feel bad about that,” but no, they have to leap off the cliff of, “BUTTSEX KILLED THE ROMANS! PEDERASTY WAS TOTALLY OKAY!”

11 years ago

leftwingfox: What possible method of ego destruction relies on meeting someone? *wanders off confused*

It was a veiled statement that he’d physically attack Dave; by beating him he would show that Dave is weak, and a worm, and therefore worthless.


I like that he was all complainy that he got linked, and there was no traffic bump.

11 years ago

Yo, misogynistic dudes: if vaginas are so fetid, humid and messy, then just leave them the hell alone and go find another hobby. I’m sure you’ll feel much better for it.

I’m not one for debating what you should or shouldn’t do ‘on the first date’ because, well, I am not 15, but I can imagine I’d be more turned off by a guy acting all icky about my vagina than I would by him going down on me.

10 years ago

Women like to havê their pussies eaten but despise men who do that. Cunnilingus is a matter for dykes and beta looser males. Besides, lesbians lick a pussy better than all men.

10 years ago

How could a three sentence post be so full of wrong?

10 years ago

… very enlightening. Good job, necrotroll. If my future significant other ever experiences muscle cramps, I will be sure to inform him that if he attempts to eat my cat, it will make him looser.

And a Beta.

And if his name is Max, we’ll just have to replace him with VHS afterwards.

10 years ago

Those betas should really try not to be so loose. Maybe meditation would help?

10 years ago

It seems to be a pretty common thread amongst these PUA assholes. They spend literally all their energy on trying to sleep with as many women as possible while also obsessing over how disgusting women are and how much they hate them. They clearly don’t even like sex that much. There was a piece by one guy about how his semen was “liquid gold” or some bollocks and he literally said “I don’t give a shit about sex”. Dude that’s your whole shtick! Sex! Not to mention the incredibly narrow range of women they are willing to sleep with otherwise it’s “beta” – young (age range of about five years), thin, long-haired, submissive, totally unwilling to call him out on his shit. I’m not saying they’re lying about sleeping with such women but there’s no way they can find that many of them! (note: they’r probably lying). I’m guessing it has fuck all to do with sex and everything to do with ego (like rape!), they don’t want to have sex with beautiful women because having sex with beautiful women is pleasant, they do it to prove they CAN do it. For such “brooding alpha males” and “manly leaders” they seem to be entirely focussed on the perception of others.Which seems, gosh I dunno pretty “beta”? But hey that’s none of my business.

10 years ago

A real man doesn´t eat pussy.

10 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

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