open thread racism victim blaming

Open Thread: Zimmerman Verdict

Reacting to the verdict.
Reacting to the verdict.

In a disgusting if not surprising development, George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin. For coverage, see here.

Discuss, post links, etc below.

EDIT: This is a troll-free thread. If you’re coming here to gloat over the verdict, to use the verdict as an excuse to trash women or feminism, or post racist garbage, don’t. If you want to argue that the verdict was just and/or we live in a post-racial society, go somewhere else. None of us are in the mood for that bullshit.

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11 years ago

Let’s look at some perspective:

Zimmerman says that if he didn’t have the gun he might be dead.

I say if he didn’t have the gun he’d have stayed in the car.

It’s not that I’m against guns. I like ’em. I’m good with ’em. I think however that the law in the US does a shitty job (in 21 states, or so) of dealing with the extra responsibility one needs to have if one is carrying a gun.

Even if we assume, for the sake of argument, that Trayvon Martin was skilled enough with his hands/using a plastic bottle of iced tea as a weapon to put Zimmerman in mortal peril, Zimmerman acted with a reckless disregard for his own safety.

Why? Because he knew he could try to shoot his way out of trouble. That’s manslaughter.

He got away with murder.

11 years ago

Pell… you sad little man. This is not the hill to die on.

11 years ago

Self-defense is a problematic defense. It plays on the idea of the jurors as to what’s acceptable. Add race, and their fears of what they think they might need to do put a lot of the actual aspects of law out the window.

I had to spend time at work on Sat. telling one of my fellows that her fear of being stabbed on the subway wasn’t a good idea to carry a knife (says the guy who carries at least one all the time). Because pulling it out changes the equation (quite apart from almost never getting the chance to pull it out. I’m not even going into the mental/physical prep required to make pulling it out when someone attacks you an automatic thing. Weapons are complicated).

But when the “perp” one is “defending” oneself from is “black”, things change.

When you have a major slice of the public awareness being shaped by racist images and arguments… well there’s a reason whites killing blacks are acquitted at rates 250 percent higher than blacks killing blacks, and whites killing whites.

In Stand Your Ground Cases it goes up to 350 percent.

John Roberts can kiss my ass when he says “racism ended”.

Racism hasn’t ended. Slavery is barely in it’s grave. My grandparent’s knew people who fought in the Civil War. People who were alive when I was born had been slaves. That’s how fucking close we are to slavery. It may be dead (in the US) but the corpse ain’t cold.

11 years ago

Manboobz group hug!!! You guys always manage to reaffirm my faith in humanity whenever it starts to ebb

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“quite apart from almost never getting the chance to pull it out”

You see my question about that? Is it even possible he didn’t already have his gun out when (if) he was attacked?

So much yes to the rest. What’s it about when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail? When you have a gun everything looks like a situation you can shoot your way out of?

And seriously, I can work a gun, I can even shoot fairly accurately, but I also know damned well that getting a carry permit and using it will just mean lugging more weight around, at best.

In semi-related things, I should add my second xacto to my bag, but that’s just because the scissors at my mothers office SUCK and the techs’ knives are, well, shop knives, not really “open the fucking box” knives…and that sort of reason is why one should carry a knife. Not to go stabby stabby but to cut packaging and the like.

In any case, the being prepared to use it part is A Very Big Deal. I almost certainly could’ve tossed rapist ex #2 off me, but I had nowhere to run to, was almost certainly going to injure him beyond a level I was comfortable with, and knew I’d get hurt worse when he caught up (and was sure he would’ve). And hey MRAs? When your partner is calculating this out will you “pile drive” away, it’s fucking rape, stop “pile driving” immediately.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I had a point there >.<

Zimmerman was prepared to kill, mentally as well as physically. Carrying a gun doesn't result in a dead kid unless you're mentally ready, and able, to kill someone.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

And I see pecunium’s blog post says exactly what I suspected — Zimmerman had his gun out when he approached, assuming he was attacked at all. Because it just plain isn’t possible to draw under the conditions he was supposedly under.

11 years ago

Joins group hug!!!

11 years ago

From the things said at the trial, I don’t (in my expert opinion) have any doubt about his having the gun in his hand; or placed in a place easy to extract (say his waistband, in front) when he approached Trayvon Martin.

Did he intend to shoot him? I don’t know. I’d like to think not. I’d like to think he meant to wave it around and scare him. That would make it manslaughter, or second degree murder.

It’s not self defense.

11 years ago

Group hug time. Thank goodness for all of you.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah I’ll buy it was in his waistband, but am under the impression that’d only really have made it possible to draw, under the supposed conditions, if the safety was off. And carrying a loaded gun, in your waistband, with the safety off? Hello Darwin Award candidate!

And yeah, I also want to think he meant to use it as a threat, but either way, he was prepared to kill, and did. Which is fucking murder (or homicide, or whatever crime that may be; morally, it’s murder)

11 years ago

I’ve finally worked out how I feel. Originally, I wanted to say raaaaage — but it felt distant and disconnected, like remembered rage from long ago.

It’s that same unsurprised but deeply shocked feeling when an elderly, frail relative dies. You knew it was going to happen, but the day when it inevitably comes is still profoundly shocking and distressing.

It’s the inevitability that’s the key. Because, if it hadn’t been Trayvon killed by Zimmerman, it would have been some other ordinary kid killed by some other far-too-ordinary asshole and getting away with it. Again.

And, being Australian, I feel sad and guilty about being glad I’m not in the US because a few hundred million people are in the US. And they seem powerless to stop the carnage.

11 years ago

mildlymagnificent: That’s exactly how I feel, too (except for the Australia bit).

11 years ago I hate to seem like I’m pimping this woman out, so to speak (my second comment here) – but I’m a new discoverer of her and it’s like watching a car accident happen before you. You can’t look away.
Is bashing the jury of women really all that they’re taking away from this? And when have feminists ever promoted the idea that women are more ethical?


11 years ago

But the core if a self-defense claim is admitting you did the thing in question, in this case, Zimmerman saying that yep, he shot Martin. And then you aren’t innocent until proven guilty anymore, you just admitted to being guilty. Now it’s on you to prove beyond that reasonable doubt that you acted in self-defense.

In normal places, yes. Sadly, because Florida has fucked up laws, there the prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it wasn’t self defense.
Strangely, this doesn’t seem to have worked for Marissa Alexander.

11 years ago

mildlymagnificent: You have summed up my feelings exactly (substituting UK for Australia).

For me, there is an element of mourning to this but also of guilt that, because of my distance and white privilege, it is for others to truly grieve and I must not make this in any way about me.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Okay, I saw yesterday where lensman stepped in (and stepped in it) and I haven’t been able to finish reading the thread because RAGE, but there was one thing he said in there I wanted to make sure got addressed.

“These laws got passed because of bad rulings where people were convicted defending themselves…”


(not to say Lensman is lying–much more likely he has been on the receiving end of propaganda without realizing)

Go read Digby’s take-down. This was ALEC legislation. The case in Florida that sparked this? NOBODY WENT TO JAIL UNDER THE LAW AS IT STOOD BEFORE STAND YOUR GROUND.

It was an excuse. This was an ALEC piece of legislation. ALEC, of course, is a conservative think tank.

(and apologies if this was already covered at length)

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Here’s a graphic representation of those numbers we’ve been slinging around, about the way SYG laws disproportionately increase the number of white-on-black killings deemed justifiable.

Sociological Images

Notice that there’s not really the same bump in any of the other racial divide categories. In fact, it appears to have a negative effect on some of those categories.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

More relevant background on George Zimmerman.

That the judge ruled was not relevant at the trial, and could not be shown to the jury.

11 years ago

I spent a whole weekend not talking about the verdict. I never thought that it would go any other way…

Really think about what you have to assume about young black men in order for a teenager walking around talking to his girlfriend on the phone to seem like a threat. Consider how unlikely it is that a person afraid for his life would track the person he’s supposedly so afraid of rather than stepping back and letting the professionals handle things.

The same way this country has thought about and treated young black men since its inception. Great strides have been made but in so many fundamental ways, we’re the same as we ever were. Look at this:

Did Zimmermann perhaps incite the whole thing leading Martin to believe that some mugger was shadowing him? Perhaps. Perhaps he was a 17yo who thought he’d punch the guy for following him while a more rational adult would just try to run away. But the problem is that when he hit Zimmermann he was the aggressor, while following someone is not a crime and Zimmermann made no attempt to stop or interfere with him.

Zimmerman’s word taken for fact. As absolute truth. How? Why? George Zimmerman is a proven liar.

This x infinity. How on earth people can argue that Martin wasn’t acting out of self defense is beyond me. I would be terrified if some strange person was stalking me on my way home.

And this is the crux. And it’s a deeply depressing thought and one I haven’t been able to get away from since the case became national news because I grew up with it and live with every day: Young black men cannot be afraid they can only cause fear.

That’s it.

I’m terrified for the young men that I love. But I always have been. I search the face of my beloved when he doesn’t notice; hoping to find grays in his hair or some permanent crinkles around his eyes. Anything that will make him look older. I want to hug my scouts all the time.

I think that I never want to have a son.

11 years ago

So I’m on my phone and can’t post a link, but it’s happened again: a white Florida man shot a black man in a gas station parking lot after arguing with him about his loud music… going to invoke Stand Your Ground…

11 years ago

I finally had to post something on Facebook just because I couldn’t stand the wishy-washy “Let’s not make this an issue/it’s not about race!” posts I was seeing. Yeah, sure, people, you keep telling yourselves you’re not racist, that if Zimmerman had shot a white kid or if he himself had been black, you’d be saying the exact same things. Whatever it takes to convince yourself you’re a special snowflake who hasn’t absorbed society’s toxic messages about black people, that you’re not part of systemic racism as a whole, even if it means blatantly disregarding OBVIOUS INJUSTICE IS OBVIOUS cases where race *might* play a part. /sarcasm

No, that’s not what I said on Facebook. I actually did “leave race out of it” and said I didn’t want a legal system that lets someone off the hook for stalking and shooting a minor. But maybe I should’ve said it just to thin out my friendslist. I’m too lazy and too infrequent a user to do it myself.

11 years ago

its not *just* about race now either though- they basically ruled you can stalk someone in a threatening manner until they fight back and then shoot them for doing so. think about the implications this has for women trying to escape a domestic abuser or virtually anyone who has been stalked. I have no idea why the prosecution didn’t hammer on that point, considering that the jury was full of women. It wasn’t until I read some bell hooks that I found out that people of color have the same kinds of fears of violence that a lot of white women do- its violence from institutions such as the police in addition to individuals. I had no idea and I suspect most white people don’t. We have been so indoctrinated into the idea that white people are the scared victims of crime that its hard for people to see the perspective of people like trayvon martin. Its such a shame that this opportunity for empathy has been completely wasted in the mainstream media.

11 years ago

Just wanted to step in and share Ta-Nehisi Coates’s wisdom on this.

Zimmerman was a killer, but the real culprit is Florida Law.

11 years ago

@meadhreid, I can’t look at JudgyBitch’s post. It’s actually being blocked by my company’s pornography blocker. Can you (or someone) give me a summary of what she’s saying in it about the all-women jury?

Of course, I’m sure she’d say they were wrong no matter what they decided.

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