open thread racism victim blaming

Open Thread: Zimmerman Verdict

Reacting to the verdict.
Reacting to the verdict.

In a disgusting if not surprising development, George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin. For coverage, see here.

Discuss, post links, etc below.

EDIT: This is a troll-free thread. If you’re coming here to gloat over the verdict, to use the verdict as an excuse to trash women or feminism, or post racist garbage, don’t. If you want to argue that the verdict was just and/or we live in a post-racial society, go somewhere else. None of us are in the mood for that bullshit.

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11 years ago

Gee, I have no idea why a guy who refuses to take the clue that people don’t like him, and won’t want him around, is so disliked.

You know, aside from setting off every “I’m a potential sex offender” flag everywhere.

Fuck off, Joe. Fuck off forever.

11 years ago

So what I gather from Joe’s latest round of brain droppings is that he considers it unreasonable to dislike people you’ve never met.

Odd how much he dislikes feminists/Muslims/whoever else is triggering his conspiracy theory filter, then.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Hmm, yes. Groups even. Not individual people who’ve pissed him off. By that logic I should hate all cis men (that could get awkward, considering my mother is the only woman in the shop…and why would I hate guys who attempt to show me how a lawn mower engine works?!)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ally — if you really want to know, it starts here and then gets Marxist.

11 years ago

Honestly I think the main reason Joe keeps coming here is that much as he loves being a belligerent asshole he’s just barely intelligent enough to realize that acting the way he does here in a bar would probably get him tossed out on his ass.

11 years ago

Joe, you dipshit: read it again. I said your declaration of the inevitability (which it wasn’t, or their would have been no trial) was in fact supporting it, no matter what you happen to think might be the merit of the verdict.

Got it: by saying it was inevitable you provide cover for those who say it was fitting and proper. Just as you do for a host of other evil things.

That’s why I link you to Uncle Joe Stalin, because you use words which purport one thing, while meaning another.

11 years ago

pecunium, come play on the Fox News thread. We’ve got a live one.

11 years ago

Argenti: (And pecunium is, of course, able to correct me here, but I’m fairly sure he hates you more than I do and I REALLY FUCKING HATE YOU)

Hate is the wrong word. I find Joe unpleasant in ways most of the assholes aren’t. There is a malignant intent to the views he holds, and an awareness (no matter how suppressed) that what he does preaches is evil, and causes harm.

Most of the asshats who stroll through don’t have that.

So joe is like a rancid mango, steeped in gin; added to the seasonal fruit cup, then presented as it if were fresh, and dressed in mint water.

It’s kind of mind boggling that you can bring yourself to HATE someone that you’ve never met, don’t know, and who has never done you and yours any harm, nor wished you any ill.

Not that I’m surprised. It’s just kinda …. what the? for me.

That’s why you think stalin and Mao aren’t worth hating. They never did anything to your immediate family.

Which is to say that line of argument is bullshit. Hate (honest to goodness hate, of the visceral sort) doesn’t need personal interaction. It can be based on being certain (from remote evidence, as so many are with Casey Anthony) that one evil deed was done.

But you know that, and we know you know it, which is why so many here loathe you, and a few hate you.

Ally S
11 years ago


Just read that god-awful thread. Now my opinion of Joe is worse than ever before. I had no idea that was possible. >_>

11 years ago

I know this is a stupid question, and possibly not the right place for it, but why was the jury only six people? I thought juries were supposed to be made of twelve people.

On a separate note, it doesn’t seem logical to me to assume that a lone person, without a car at around 7pm/8pm night is likely to be a burglar. He had no real way to store anything that he potential stole (other than jewellery, phones and cash). If the people he was trying to steal from are in, he has a reasonable likelihood of facing an armed protector. If the people he wants to steal from are out, most of the items he wants to steal are no long in the house, the neighbours would be awake so would hear the noise, and any attempts to steal items like jewellery would leave him in the house longer than ideal when the occupants might turn up any minute. Zimmerman almost certainly profiled Martin on prejudice not on the facts.

I get the impression Zimmerman is one of these people who knows the law very well, he knows what he is and isn’t allowed to do. He is like a former friend of mine, who wanted to goad some guys into a fight so she could “defend” herself without getting into trouble. These people are scary. I can’t imagine what Martin felt, he was put into a situation where nothing he could possibly do would have been right.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

I know this is a stupid question, and possibly not the right place for it, but why was the jury only six people? I thought juries were supposed to be made of twelve people.

Reasons. Arcane law reasons.

Wiki sez:

“The size of the jury is to provide a “cross-section” of the public. In Williams v. Florida, 399 U.S. 78 (1970), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that a Florida state jury of six was sufficient, that “the 12-man panel is not a necessary ingredient of “trial by jury,” and that respondent’s refusal to impanel more than the six members provided for by Florida law “did not violate petitioner’s Sixth Amendment rights as applied to the States through the Fourteenth.”[14]

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So this ACLU petition just passed by my inbox —

The End Racial Profiling Act, currently in Congress, would help make clear that people should be judged by what they do, not the color of their skin.

11 years ago

Hope that petition does some good, because more racist bullshit in Florida:

Allen Daniel Hicks Sr., 51, was found stopped in his car on the side of Interstate 275 by a sheriff’s deputy and a Florida Highway Patrol trooper the morning of May 11, 2012. Passers-by had called 911 after they saw Hicks’ Chevy Cavalier swerving west into a guardrail, records of the incident show.

Speaking incoherently and unable to move his left arm, Hicks was arrested on a charge of obstructing a law enforcement officer when he did not respond to commands to exit his car. Just after noon, he was booked into the Orient Road Jail.

Hicks did not receive a medical screening, but was put in a cell where he lay facedown on the floor or tried to crawl using the one working side of his body. On the night of May 12, soaked in his own urine, his brain choked of blood, he was at last taken to Tampa General Hospital and diagnosed with an ischemic stroke. He slipped into a coma and died within three months.


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Dear gods, I got as far as “unable to move his left arm” and went “Stroke! Hospital! Now!”

11 years ago

Yeah, me too. Can’t move arm? STROKE STROKE STROKE TIME LOST IS BRAIN LOST knee jerk etc.

Let me guess. Allen Daniel Hicks, Sr., 51, was shall we say … melanin enhanced?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Falconer — read the URL. And then can we have brain bleach in duplicate? 🙂

11 years ago

The jury had nothing but Zimmermon’s testimony and story line to go on. According to him, he didn’t initiate the physical confrontation on the dog walk. There was nothing else to refute that, no witnesses or videos. So it became a matter of fearing for his life and so he shot Trayvon. It was a legal decision to decide *not guilty*.

Now all the black racist rioters going out and beating up white people are making things worse. First there was the LA Riots and now this. Now of this helps increase the trust of the community. If they complaint that the police profile them than maybe it’s because of the violent idiocy of these rioters.

11 years ago

No, what happened in the Zimmerman case is not the result of “black racist rioters” breaking windows and shit like that. It’s the result of attitudes like the ones you’re displaying right here in this thread.

11 years ago


It…honestly saddens me how many trolls we’re getting in this thread.

11 years ago

Also, you know what would probably help increase black people’s trust in the community? If the people who murdered their children actually got convicted.

11 years ago

Sandinafem, bugger off. This thread is not for debating the verdict or being a racist twit. Spew elsewhere. Please. I hear there are some wonderful Facebook threads full of people who agree with you. Go find ’em. Have a blast. Don’t let all the legos get under your feet on the way out.

11 years ago

So we have Sandinafem calling a woman wh0re and b1tch on one thread, and talking racist shit on this one. Anyone smell a sock?

11 years ago

Smells like normal troll to me. Maybe just terminally clueless, can’t quite tell yet.

11 years ago

The pong’s fairly similar in either case, really. These one-size-fits-all trolls, I dunno.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — which other thread? I just deposited a novella length complaint about my psych in pecunium’s inbox and got behind over here.

I definitely smell sock though.

Katz — I’m almost heartened by the trolls. Because they’re so obvious. Because their racism is in such stark contrast to the community norms.

That is, because their racism is so obvious to us all, and their trolling so fucking obvious, it makes me have some hope for humanity because the rest of us are “oh hell no” about it. I’d be more upset if people where defending them, if they weren’t getting the shit they deserve.

It’s proof that our little corner of the internet really doesn’t tolerate overt racism. I mean, yeah, I wish we didn’t get them, and I wish no one thought like them, but at present? Not tolerating that shit feels like a huge thing.

auggziliary — I think now should be none.