In a disgusting if not surprising development, George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin. For coverage, see here.
Discuss, post links, etc below.
EDIT: This is a troll-free thread. If you’re coming here to gloat over the verdict, to use the verdict as an excuse to trash women or feminism, or post racist garbage, don’t. If you want to argue that the verdict was just and/or we live in a post-racial society, go somewhere else. None of us are in the mood for that bullshit.
The Jay Smooth quote is apt:
I’m not surprised, but it doesn’t make this verdict any less wrong or fucked up.
I really, really wish I was shocked.
I have nothing to say that isn’t a string of expletives, so I offer whiskey instead.
While I’m not surprised, that doesn’t make this verdict any less wrong or fucked up.
If anyone has a link to video of the prosecution press conference, please post it. I missed it and apparently it was appalling.
Nope, too angry to talk about this.
Trayvon deserved better than this.
His family and friends deserve better.
I so wish I could be surprised.
I just finished breastfeeding a few weeks ago. I’ll take that whiskey.
Pretty much this.
“A [b]six-woman[/b] jury found neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, in a racially-charged trial that has transfixed the United States.”
(bold added)
Huh, I wonder what the MRM will make of that. Does this prove that all women are horrible racist murderer lovers, or will their racism make them defend Zimmerman and assume these were the only six not horrible women in the world?
Here’s a petition asking the DOJ to open a civil rights case:
Skybison, earlier the MRM argued that Zimmerman wasn’t getting a jury of his peers because the jury was all women. Women are not the peers of men, don’tchaknow.
But yeah, I’m sure they’ll try to (a) pretend they give a shit about black men, as long as (b) they can use it as a club against women.
Compare today’s Zimmerman verdict with this one from last year (also in Florida, also invoking the “Stand Your Ground” legislation):
Probably the correct verdict from a legal perspective, unfortunately. We can all see that it’s blatantly immoral and tragic to follow a teenager around, ignore police instructions to leave him alone, and then either confront him or freak him out so much that he confronts you, then shoot him when things escalate. Unfortunately, it’s not quite illegal. I’d suggest modifying our self-defense laws so that this defense cannot be used in situations where the person claiming self-defense obviously and directly ignored police instructions and put themselves in danger, and broadening duty to retreat to also include a duty not to be blatantly threatening and provocative but such a law wasn’t in place when Zimmerman shot Trayvon.
The worst part of all of this is going to be watching Fox news and everyone else on the right doing a little victory dance and acting like the fact that the law doesn’t allow convictions for racist jackassery resulting in the death of an innocent somehow does away with the blatant immorality of Zimmerman’s behavior.
I’m slightly unsure what you’re trying to say, cloudiah? The fact that a racist jury might have convicted a black kid in the same situation doesn’t really seem to influence the legal correctness of the verdict.
Darth, blatantly false. Ignoring police instructions, following a teenager around, those are choices. Those are premeditated actions. They aren’t spur of the moment. Saying “they always get away with…” shows a mindset. Confronting/stalking a teenaged kid when you have a gun, in a racially charged location such as the southern States, is an aggressive move. Zimmerman knew all about cop procedure, he’s taught classes. He has no excuse and should have been found guilty. He murdered that kid, and he didn’t do it by surprise or in self-defence. (If his testimony is to be believed) he created the situation where Trayvon defended himself against an older, white man following him around in his own neighbourhood, and then murdered him because of it.
Wouldn’t that be awesome? I remember the days when governments in the US made laws for the public good. It hasn’t happened in over a decade, but it’s a nice fantasy.
And I think Cloudiah’s point is that adhering to the “legal correctness” seems to vary greatly depending on the race/gender of the victim and killer.
How is following a kid around with a gun self-defense? What kind of ass-backwards logic is that?
Well now we know that hate crimes are ok in Florida as long as the witness is black and doesn’t read cursive.
I bet Paul Elam was in the jury (sorry)
“Legal correctness” that changes based on the race of the accused is neither legal nor correct.
Protests in DC: