I‘ve been traveling, so I’m a bit late getting to the whole “Don’t Be That Girl” poster controversy in Edmonton. For those of you who don’t already know all about it: A group called Men’s Rights Edmonton, closely associated with our favorite Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, has been putting up some pretty obnoxious posters parodying an anti-rape poster campaign called “Don’t Be That Guy,” turning the anti-date rape message into one that targets alleged false accusers of rape.
Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams has a pretty good dissection of the whole thing here. As she notes, one of the biggest problems with the “Don’t Be That Girl” posters is
the idiotic defensive assumption that [the original “Don’t Be That Guy”] campaign expressly created to educate men and women about consent merits a hateful, finger-pointing response. And it makes the classic presumption that getting drunk, hooking up and then crying rape is a standard chick operating procedure — an idea that is based, by the way, on no solid statistical evidence.
That’s as good as far as it goes, but I would go a bit further:
I don’t think that MRAs are really concerned about false accusations. If they were, they would be working with groups like the Innocence Project that actually help men (and women) who have been wrongly convicted for crimes they didn’t commit.
No, it seems to me that what they’re really worried about is true accusations.
MRAs, with these posters, and with their endless whinging about the alleged complexities of sexual consent, are trying to push back against the date rape awareness campaigns of the last several decades. MRAs and PUAs like to pretend that consent is a complicated and weirdly arbitrary thing — something that women decide to bestow or not to bestow on a whim, and that women sometimes like to retract after the fact.
Feminists say that whenever there is a question about whether or not you have consent, you need to stop and ask. MRAs and PUAs pretend that this somehow means the death of spontaneous sex if not all sex altogether.
Ironically, for all their complaining about the allegedly blurry line between consent and non-consent, many MRAs and PUAs want to keep that line as blurry as possible. But unlike feminists, who want the blurriness to be resolved before anything happens, most MRAs and PUAs seem to want “blurry” to count as “yes.” That is, unless a woman is shouting no, guys are good to go, and if a woman later says she was raped, it’s because she’s “That Girl” and she’s arbitrarily decided to revoke her consent after the fact.
That’s what’s so insidious about the “That Girl” poster campaign.
And that’s why those responding to it should point out the history of the people sponsoring the campaign. Men’s Rights Edmonton and its spokesperson, Karen Straughan (Girl Writes What) are both closely connected with A Voice for Men, which is actively helping coordinate MRA activism around the issue.
So it’s worth pointing out what A Voice for Men has previously posted about rape — and perhaps putting some of these things on posters.
AVFM founder and publisher Paul Elam blames date rape on its victims, writing in one notorious post — which regular readers here will no doubt remember — that women who are raped after drinking and going home with a man are “begging” to be raped:
I have ideas about women who spend evenings in bars hustling men for drinks … paying their bar tab with the pussy pass. And the women who drink and make out, doing everything short of sex with men all evening, and then go to his apartment at 2:00 a.m.. Sometimes both of these women end up being the “victims” of rape.
But are these women asking to get raped?
In the most severe and emphatic terms possible the answer is NO, THEY ARE NOT ASKING TO GET RAPED.
They are freaking begging for it.
Damn near demanding it.
And all the outraged PC demands to get huffy and point out how nothing justifies or excuses rape won’t change the fact that there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.
Elam has also said that if he is ever on a jury in a rape case he will vote to acquit even if there is clear evidence that the accused is guilty, and he has urged other men to similarly “nullify.” Here is his exact quote:
Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.
The post of his in which this quote appeared is now missing from the AVFM site, but he has confirmed he’s said this elsewhere on the site. [EDIT: I’ve been informed that the original post is also available via the Wayback Machine here.]
Meanwhile, AVFM Editor in Chief John Hembling takes a certain pride in his callousness towards rape victims, and has gone so far as to make several videos in which he’s announced that he doesn’t care about rape, and that if he ever sees anyone being raped, he will simply walk on by. (You can find excerpts of both vidoes here.)
There are many other examples of the site’s utter contempt for rape victims, but perhaps the most telling is the site’s use of the term “rapetard” to describe people who take the issue of rape seriously.
The people behind the Don’t Be That Girl posters claim that they’re merely trying to protect innocent men from false accusers. Their real agenda is much more insidious than that.
If someone’s already mentioned this, I’ve missed it, so apologies, but I seem to recall that “false accusations” lumps in cases where the police didn’t take it to prosecution from lack of physical evidence (or, gosh, because they were misogynists who didn’t believe the woman just because), or cases where it got to court and the rapist got off. It conflates a whole lot of things where someone really was raped but there was no justice, and pretends it’s about women lying to be cruel to teh poor menz.
Ah yes, and rape is standard dude procedure.
Thanks for clarifying.
Don A: That high-pitched whooshing sound your hearing? That’s the point sailing over your head at high speed.
@Don A
Translation: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah why are women pointing out the prevalence of male violence waaaaaaaaaaaah
Given the frequency with which rape threats are used to keep women in line and out of power, I’d say that if it isn’t a standard procedure, it might as fucking well be. But try telling that to someone who didn’t have to face them on a near-daily basis on the school bus, as I did.
What a shitstorm this has started To even suggest that women take responsibility for their own behaviour is “sexist,”, and another example of thow the “patriarchy” “oppresses” women and contributes to the “rape culture” that “victimizes” women with excessive “male priveledge”. After all women should be able to go down any dark alley in any sewer, rathole, or portal to Hell in the world entirely alone without any protection whatsoever. She should enjoy whatever mind altering substance she desires regardless of effect on cognitive ability or supression of inhibition and she should do so without considering any proactive measure of self protection or with any regard for personal safety that any reasonable and person would at least consider. She may refuse all responsibility for her own safety with impunity should suffer no consequence.
Feminists will tell you they want equality but this is not about equality. Equality is the big lie of The feminist lobby and is used to gain public sympathy and support. Like the pastor of the megachurch who tells his flock they only have to believe God will bless them with riches and it will happen. The flock eagerly empty their pockets in the collection basket while it is the pastor who reaps riches. The feminist lobby is the protector of female chastity, the purveyor of sexual morality, and the archangels of sisterhood. They distract the public with rants about equality but in reality what they seek is revenge and they feast on the blood of men.
Yes. This is correct. Feminists are literal vampires. Like, the garlic, sleep in a coffin, turn into bats, feasting on the blood of men, the whole nine yards.
Hahahahah…what? I’m sorry, the irony of a NECROtroll calling us vampires is just too funny.
Srsly, dude, you can take responsibility for your own behavior right here, right now, and fuck off. Because no one is listening to you bloviate.
I continue to look forward to the riches reaping. I have been in the business of feminisming for well over fifty years and I think the riches reaping is long overdue.
”After all women should be able to go down any dark alley in any sewer, rathole, or portal to Hell in the world entirely alone without any protection whatsoever.”
Yes, women should be able to do that. You’re right.
I would go into a portal to Hell alone right now if I could figure out how that work. As long as you won’t be there.
I thought feminists were like locusts? Now we’re like mosquitoes too?
How can she be “without any protection whatsoever” ??? She has her self. What do you mean by protection and what would she need to be protected from? Men, right? Men to protect her from men. Bizarre.
If men have to protect women, who will guard the guards? Or should men be able to go down any dark alley in any sewer, rathole, or portal to Hell in the world entirely alone, with no protection whatsoever?
Is a male body enough, or does that male body need to be strong? Does it need a weapon? If so, why can’t a female body also carry a weapon?
This is all very complicated, just to go down the rathole alley and pick up some things at a 7/11.
Mosquocusts, the animal hybrid deemed to terrifying to show to children in the Avatar cartoon series.
I hope the vengeful bloodfeast wasn’t scheduled for tonight. I’ve already had dinner.
RE: Graeme Evans
*sigh* Dude, READ THE FUCKING THREAD. If you’re going to necro a post, at least have the common decency to check and see if we’ve discussed your stupid point to death already.
Nobody is saying that raping women is dude SOP except you. Nobody is saying that. I am a man, so I damn well know men can fucking restrain themselves from raping. The thing is, a lot of them don’t, and it’s OUR JOB to fucking call them out on their reprehensible behavior.
If that makes you mad, well, start helping create a world where we don’t NEED these posters anymore.
I care more about rape victims than your feelings.
This is exhausting.
Why do we have to repeat ourselves over and over and over and over and over again but the bros don’t even have to read?
Asking rapists to stop being rapey is MISANDRY!
Oh, the horror! The inhumanity! The unmitigated gall! Someone fetch me my fainting couch! I think I feel a poem coming on!
One fainting couch and pearls to clutch coming right up!
Graeme, love, do piss off.
Side note – linking to your Facebook account when posting whiny misogynistic crap? Perhaps not the best idea.
Graeme, do we have to find your mother and/or girlfriend and tell them what you’re doing?
Ah, thank you hellkell. *clutches pearls in one fist, swoons into couch with an ethereal moan*
Not smart, and from the looks of things, he’s up way past his bedtime.
Oh FFS, this thread too? Graeme also necro’d the good ol’ CDC thread too.
Graeme apparently doesn’t actually want to take on live threads, because reasons.