a voice for men antifeminism consent is hard creepy evil sexy ladies evil women false accusations FemRAs GirlWritesWhat hate johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam playing the victim rape rape culture rape jokes the poster revolution has begun

The “Don’t Be That Girl” Poster Controversy in Edmonton, and A Voice for Men’s History of Rape Apologia

Two of the Don't Be that Girl posters
Two of the Don’t Be that Girl posters

I‘ve been traveling, so I’m a bit late getting to the whole “Don’t Be That Girl” poster controversy in Edmonton. For those of you who don’t already know all about it: A group called Men’s Rights Edmonton, closely associated with our favorite Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, has been putting up some pretty obnoxious posters parodying an anti-rape poster campaign called “Don’t Be That Guy,” turning the anti-date rape message into one that targets alleged false accusers of rape.

Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams has a pretty good dissection of the whole thing here. As she notes, one of the biggest problems with the “Don’t Be That Girl” posters is

the idiotic defensive assumption that [the original “Don’t Be That Guy”] campaign expressly created to educate men and women about consent merits a hateful, finger-pointing response. And it makes the classic presumption that getting drunk, hooking up and then crying rape is a standard chick operating procedure — an idea that is based, by the way, on no solid statistical evidence.

That’s as good as far as it goes, but I would go a bit further:

I don’t think that MRAs are really concerned about false accusations. If they were, they would be working with groups like the Innocence Project that actually help men (and women) who have been wrongly convicted for crimes they didn’t commit.

No, it seems to me that what they’re really worried about is true accusations.

MRAs, with these posters, and with their endless whinging about the alleged complexities of sexual consent, are trying to push back against the date rape awareness campaigns of the last several decades. MRAs and PUAs like to pretend that consent is a complicated and weirdly arbitrary thing — something that women decide to bestow or not to bestow on a whim, and that women sometimes like to retract after the fact.

Feminists say that whenever there is a question about whether or not you have consent, you need to stop and ask. MRAs and PUAs pretend that this somehow means the death of spontaneous sex if not all sex altogether.

Ironically, for all their complaining about the allegedly blurry line between consent and non-consent, many MRAs and PUAs want to keep that line as blurry as possible. But unlike feminists, who want the blurriness to be resolved before anything happens, most MRAs and PUAs seem to want “blurry” to count as “yes.” That is, unless a woman is shouting no, guys are good to go, and if a woman later says she was raped, it’s because she’s “That Girl” and she’s arbitrarily decided to revoke her consent after the fact.

That’s what’s so insidious about the “That Girl” poster campaign.

And that’s why those responding to it should point out the history of the people sponsoring the campaign. Men’s Rights Edmonton and its spokesperson, Karen Straughan (Girl Writes What) are both closely connected with A Voice for Men, which is actively helping coordinate MRA activism around the issue.

So it’s worth pointing out what A Voice for Men has previously posted about rape — and perhaps putting some of these things on posters.

AVFM founder and publisher Paul Elam blames date rape on its victims, writing in one notorious post — which regular readers here will no doubt remember — that women who are raped after drinking and going home with a man are “begging” to be raped:

I have ideas about women who spend evenings in bars hustling men for drinks …  paying their bar tab with the pussy pass. And the women who drink and make out, doing everything short of sex with men all evening, and then go to his apartment at 2:00 a.m..  Sometimes both of these women end up being the “victims” of rape.

But are these women asking to get raped?

In the most severe and emphatic terms possible the answer is NO, THEY ARE NOT ASKING TO GET RAPED.

They are freaking begging for it.

Damn near demanding it.

And all the outraged PC demands to get huffy and point out how nothing justifies or excuses rape won’t change the fact that there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.

Elam has also said that if he is ever on a jury in a rape case he will vote to acquit even if there is clear evidence that the accused is guilty, and he has urged other men to similarly “nullify.” Here is his exact quote:

Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.

The post of his in which this quote appeared is now missing from the AVFM site, but he has confirmed he’s said this elsewhere on the site. [EDIT: I’ve been informed that the original post is also available via the Wayback Machine here.]

Meanwhile, AVFM Editor in Chief John Hembling takes a certain pride in his callousness towards rape victims, and has gone so far as to make several videos in which he’s announced that he doesn’t care about rape, and that if he ever sees anyone being raped, he will simply walk on by. (You can find excerpts of both vidoes here.)

There are many other examples of the site’s utter contempt for rape victims, but perhaps the most telling is the site’s use of the term “rapetard” to describe people who take the issue of rape seriously.

The people behind the Don’t Be That Girl posters claim that they’re merely trying to protect innocent men from false accusers. Their real agenda is much more insidious than that.

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11 years ago

Argenti, that’s awesome! I could never get mine to do that, but she didn’t live very long (1-2 yrs), I think my corys bullied her 🙁 I had a couple panda corys that lasted FOREVER, even when I was away and my tank wasn’t very well cared for. Corys, loaches, bristle-noses, they are dear to my heart ^.^ I like that as far as plecs go, they don’t get very big – my ex had one in his tank that was old and impressive and wow-bristles and he never got over 5 inches, despite being in a huge tank.

11 years ago

Dustydeste: Yeah, you could be on to something with the “grass is greener” analysis. 🙂 It’s nice to get a rest from your normal personality and try on another one now and then.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Bristle noses don’t get very big! Common plecs, and similar, easily reach a foot. The hand fed one was still a fry really when I got him (I got to watch his stomach skin turn opaque, he was that young)…from his growth, it’d put this one at 4~6 months, it’ll be twice this size by Christmas. And bigger than full grown bristle noses probably before summer is out. If little one grows at the same rate, it’s about an inch a month for the first 6~8 months, then it slows a bit so they hit like, 10″? for their first birthday, and another inch or two for their second year, and then Very Very Slowly continue to grow for, um, ever?

You need to see this beast of a plec, one sec!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

60+ year old plec, yes, 60.

11 years ago

Hey, SittieKitty, you’re famous! By famous, I mean that the several people who read my blog, who probably already knew who you were, now know who you are — and that you helpfully collected all those definitions we came up with for the “isms.”

11 years ago

^.^ omg cloudiah! I love the gif too. hehehehe I’m totally okay with getting my 15 mins by being mentioned on your blog.

Argenti, wow! That’s a big fish! Beautiful though.

11 years ago

Notice how they don’t seem to give a shit about false rape accusations until they see a feminist talk about rape, then it’s all of a sudden interrupted by, “but but but false rape happens, let’s talk about false rape. False rape! It’s such a big fucking deal, y’all”

11 years ago

OT, and sorry if already posted, but this helps restore a little faith.

Bad news is the creep is still at large, but the kid is safe.

11 years ago

Off-topic, but have you all heard about Erick Erickson’s awful coat hanger tweet after the passsage of the anti-abortion bill in Texas last night? I’m just so upset that someone can get famous and successful for that degree of horribleness in the USA>.

11 years ago

Didn’t hear about any of that grumpycat, what happened?

11 years ago

Erick Erickson can go step on all the Legos, that douchecanoe.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

May he be a county fair judge tasked with judging cactī by how sharp their spines are. (Why yes, it is county fair season, how’d you guess?)

Ally S
11 years ago

Erick Erickson is an awful human being. In other news, fire is hot.

11 years ago

Erick Erickson is a raging shithead.

11 years ago

That’s disgusting.

Ally S
11 years ago

I used to play Pokemon all the time – just FireRed, Emerald, and Diamond, though.

11 years ago

David, the infamous deleted post is archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

(I haven’t read the thread yet, apologies if someone else has already ninjaed me on the link)

11 years ago

Re MRAs and “not all men are rapists!!!!” I’m not prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt. Uncomfortable that they probably know a rapist? Worried that what they did might be rape? No. As far as I’m concerned they want the definition of rape to be narrowed almost out of existence so they can rape with impunity; they want it effectively off the books.

11 years ago

Hi tigtog! 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  Kittehserf

g’day, Kitteh!

11 years ago

Kittehserf, I think you are absolutely right. They have every intention of redefining rape to the Bill Napoli definition: To brutalize and rape, sodomize as bad as you can possibly make it, a young, religious virgin woman who was saving herself for marriage.

11 years ago

Of course this would happen in my city. 🙁 I’m pretty naive and despite living here for my entire life I never thought this sort of thing was so rampant here. Good to know. Naivete shattered one day at a time.

11 years ago

A young, religious virgin white woman.

11 years ago

I don’t recall for sure but in the original quote I think he specified girl and the “white” went without saying considering where he is from.

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