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Matt Forney, still trying hard to offend, publishes post suggesting that whenever women drink they cheat on their boyfriends [CORRECTED]

Women preparing to cheat.
Women preparing to cheat.

Matt Forrney, the asshole behind the now-defunct In Mala Fide blog, is apparently as desperate for attention as ever. So today I’m going to indulge him by posting this deliberately obnoxious comment of his about women and drinking. [CORRECTION: The post was actually written by someone calling himself “The Captain Power,” who is evidently a whole other different person than Matt Forney, who merely published this post on his blog called Matt Forney.]

If your girlfriend goes out and drinks alcohol, you are most likely getting cheated on.

Women by nature are predetermined in their D.N.A to get pregnant and reproduce, and until they reach menopause they need a constant supply of penis to provide fertility. Your girlfriend might prefer your penis, but once the alcohol kicks in and she is inebriated, your penis is useless.  Out of site, out of mind (but full of semen).

In my entire life I have never met a women who was out drinking and didn’t cheat on her boyfriend. …

The few drinking exceptions for women include weddings, work parties, birthday parties with male friends, and suicide attempts.

The reference to suicide attempts at the end is a nice touch.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

@Kittehserf, the image was of several grey kittens In a martini glass, but WordPress ate it. Alas. Twas really cute.

@Katz, that’s really cool about Dr. Bronner’s son. I did not know that!

@SittieKitty, I’m a single mom by choice and it was the best decision I ever made. I have two beautiful twin boys, 1 1/2. (I guess I’m an MRA ‘s worst spermjacking nightmare – I picked an alpha male donor from a sperm bank. Except, he wasn’t an asshole. And I’m raising my boys to love and appreciate women. Mwuahhahahaha!)

Anyway, pregnancy wasn’t too bad. I had a scheduled C-section. When I went in to the hospital and the nurse hooked me up to the monitor, she was like “um…did you know you’re having contractions every three minutes?” and I was like, “Is *that* what those are?” I felt like one of those teenage girls on a reality show who don’t even know they’re pregnant until suddenly they give birth.

The drugs were such that, about five minutes in, I heard a crying baby and thought, “Why is there a baby in here….oh wait, it’s mine!!!!”

11 years ago

Okay, just checked Cassandra’s Teddybabe-links… I must say, they’re not quite as creepy as common Real Dolls IMO. The Teddybabes just looked weird and ridiculous, whereas I find Real Dolls super creepy.

11 years ago

@buttercup, seconding the drug thing. I fell asleep during labour with my first, woke up and gave birth within the hour.

Second labour was drug free (not through choice) and that was…intense.

Radical Parrot
11 years ago

Aww, why are the douchebags trying to give booze a bad name? Booze is fun. Leave booze alone!

Cats are never off-topic, so look at this fluffy kitten. I can’t comprehend the fluffiness.

11 years ago

Buttercup is like a one person manifestation of everything MRAs hate, and for this I salute her.

One day I hope to compete with her for their ire by not being married, spending my free time doing things I enjoy (including occassional sexy times), and maybe in my middle age adopting or taking foster children if I can afford it and feel up to it. Non-procreative sex and selfish bon bon scarfing, ftw!

Not being married alone seems to really rustle their jimmies so I’m already well on my way…

11 years ago

Off topic somewhat but looks like Canada’s infestation of MRAs have actually done something again – as in posted some rape apolgist parodies of the “don’t be that guy’ photos.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

The callout in the newspaper started by scare-quoting ‘rape apologist’, which I didn’t like, but then they did a pretty good callout of how stuff like those posters feeds right back into rape culture.

I’m glad to see the MRAs getting thoroughly trounced when they stick their head up.

11 years ago

@BigMomma- I had the same situation- my first birth was highly medicated/induced and I basically slept via epidural until it was time to push with relatively little pain and the second birth was meds free because I got to the hospital too late. While I didn’t like the pain part of the second birth, the screaming was mostly just me dealing with the pain and not an actual reflection on how painful it was (snapping my arm in half hurt worse). But when you’re stuck there with thundering earthquakes of muscle contractions ripping through your body and there’s nothing else you can do to cope, screaming really helps.

I’m kinda happy I didn’t have a boy because there’s the whole circumcision thing (which I find barbaric, but there are multiple people in my and my husband’s family who would try and force/push the issue, which goes to show you how interested in a child’s genital configuration society is for some horrible reason), but also because I can reuse all the clothes from my first daughter without being considered some kind of gender-aberrant nightmare parent who people make fun of in magazines (not that it’s ok to do this, but I don’t know if I would be able to deal with this without going Hulk Momma on their asses).

Ugh. People who think that women get pregnant left and right because they have silly womanbrains seem to forget that A) the US is breeding under replacement rates right now (the average family is like 2.25 kids?), and B) most women are really picky about when and with whom they have babies because children are expensive, if things go bad she’s probably going to be the only one supporting/raising the kid, and co-parenting with a shithead loser douchebag abuser is a nightmare.

11 years ago

@titianblue, Yeah, they’re very proud of that over on Reddit.

11 years ago

Howard: I think the scare-quotes might be intended, not to imply that it isn’t a real thing, but simply to indicate a term that the reader might not be familiar with.

11 years ago

OUCH that were horrible posters.

Seriously, WHY OH WHY would regretting a consensual one-night-stand lead one to file a false rape report with the police? What on EARTH would one gain from it? People who think women regularly do this must live in some parallel universe where
a) women are usually believed when they claim someone raped them, and
b) everyone admires and celebrates rape victims, rather than pity them.

11 years ago

So here is a rape culture post I found and reblogged. It fits closeish here and I thought y’all might appreciate it.

11 years ago

I guess it’s just really upsetting to me that someone would look at a series of posters asking that men not rape women* and was so incensed by it that they had to respond in this way.

*Inb4 some troll says “but that’s like saying all men are rapists!” Does a “please do not leave your child unattended” sign mean all parents and caretakers will abandon their children in play areas? No? Then fuck off.

11 years ago

I can’t believe I read the whole thing! Pell is like a mix between 4chan and Milton Friedman.

“whines and pouts like a 3 year old who was just told he can’t have any more ice cream”?

I thought that was spelled MGTOW.

I have a three year old that has tantrums about ice cream, and he will outgrow that behavior, unlike the MGTOW. And a toddler pouting about the ice cream truck is cute, but MGTOW are not cute. Otherwise, yes, it’s a good description.

Re teddy babes: If you put a teddy babe in the washing machine, use the gentle cycle with no fabric softener. Do not put it in the dryer. Either lay it flat to dry or hang it out on a clothesline. I have washed many stuffed animals, and the heat of a dryer damages them.

I never want to be pregnant again. Like, literally. I have two kids, I’m happy with it, and I don’t want to go through pregnancy or childbirth again.

That’s exactly how I feel. I hated being pregnant and I hated childbirth. I love having kids, but it’s hard going through nine months of nausea, heart burn, pain, and all that. Some uterus havers describe a “glow” of pregnancy, but I didn’t feel any glow, unless glow means to be tired and irritable.

11 years ago

Seriously, WHY OH WHY would regretting a consensual one-night-stand lead one to file a false rape report with the police? What on EARTH would one gain from it?

The best I can figure is, the people who believe this idea seem to be working from a premise that the sex is obvious to everybody and the woman needs to justify it? I guess?

It certainly presumes that the woman is presenting a defense of her actions.

Also re: the teddy babes — someone asked about static shocks, and then it occurred to me: Anyone here ever have rugburn? Yeah.

11 years ago

Okay, delurking just to ask if all or most baby boys in the US are circumcised? I’ve seen this come up a a few times lately with an implied assumption that it is a routine thing in all western countries, which it most definitely isn’t. JUst curious, because if it’s the norm there I had no idea

11 years ago

Also re: the teddy babes — someone asked about static shocks, and then it occurred to me: Anyone here ever have rugburn? Yeah.

That’s a good point. To prevent that, the owner could rub the teddy babe with dryer sheets before use. It would get rid of the static and add a nice laundry smell. It also works for fly away, static prone hair.

Seriously, WHY OH WHY would regretting a consensual one-night-stand lead one to file a false rape report with the police? What on EARTH would one gain from it? People who think women regularly do this must live in some parallel universe

That is so true. If someone regrets a one night stand, they would want everyone else to move on to other subjects and laugh it off. But making a false rape accusation would ensure that everyone talks about the night for a long time. It just doesn’t make any sense.

11 years ago

And sorry to double post, but I forgot to say how happily surprised I am to see that the comment section of the Vancouver Sun post wasn’t full of rape apologists and MRA’s. I don’t know if it’s because the Sun censors the comments or because people have to use their Facebook profiles to comment, so it’s not anonymous.

11 years ago

One commenter on the Sun article said:

I do not believe the intent of these posters was to absolve the male but to point out once legitimate consent is given, it cannot be withdrawn

Which… yes it can. That’s actually a totally separate thing from claiming consensual sex is non-consensual after the fact.

11 years ago

Um, what? Nope, dude, sorry, consent can be withdrawn at any time during the act.

11 years ago

Please note – I am not actually sorry about pointing this out. In fact I take a certain gleeful pleasure in puncturing that particular illusion.

11 years ago

That’s a good point. To prevent that, the owner could rub the teddy babe with dryer sheets before use. It would get rid of the static and add a nice laundry smell. It also works for fly away, static prone hair.

But if that becomes a standard part of his foreplay, it might be awkward if he ever hooks up with a real woman.

11 years ago

But if that becomes a standard part of his foreplay, it might be awkward if he ever hooks up with a real woman.

More Bounce to the ounce.

I’ll get my coat.

Bob Goblin
Bob Goblin
11 years ago

500+ comments already! I don’t even know where to start….

11 years ago

Whew, got to the end. Thanks for the welcome package(s)!

It was also good to see that the Vancouver Sun post didn’t seem, as media sometimes do, with presenting the ‘other side of the story’ no matter how obnoxious it is. No rush to quote Professors of Manology on how consent is such an esoteric, ephemeral concept.

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