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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ditto pecunium. And I can lucid dream…though I generally use it for things like, um, ensuring the vegetables make it on the escaping pirate ship (yes, my dreams are epically weird…)

11 years ago

And since this has become the TMI thread, does anyone else have the weirdness of not being able to orgasm in dreams?

Oh jeez… my brain and I are absolutely not in synch with erotic dreams. Most of them are “Hey, feel free to enjoy your antisocial immoral fantasy IN PUBLIC WITH CONSEQUENCES!!”

The last time I had an ostensibly normal erotic dream, beautiful woman on my bed, I spent the rest of the dream frantically trying to clean up my bedroom to get it half-way presentable, and woke up before I could so much as touch her.

11 years ago

Oh good, it’s not just me.

And oddly, I lucid dream only in two occassions–nightmares (if I’m lucky, and usually I’m not), or when hubby gets dragged into it. I have to say, if I could only lucid dream some of the time, I would choose those occassions, so no complaints.

Ally S
11 years ago

I pretty much never have erotic dreams. I’ve tried to induce lucid dreaming in order to have them, but usually I end up dreaming about weird shit coming out to a Robin Hood villain look-alike as transgender. (Yes, that was an actual dream.) Oh well.

11 years ago

I’m sorry, I know it’s mean, but the idea of someone frantically tidying up in the middle of their sex dream gave me the giggles.

11 years ago

Ditto pecunium. And I can lucid dream…though I generally use it for things like, um, ensuring the vegetables make it on the escaping pirate ship (yes, my dreams are epically weird…)

I do moderately lucid dreaming, and weird ain’t the half of it. I would not wish my dreams on anyone.

11 years ago

I lucid dream pretty often, and have done so since I was a kid. I used to think everyone had lucid dreams, but then I found out that lots of people didn’t know what I was talking about when I tried to explain to them what I meant. They thought I meant some state where you’re sort of half-awake.
Much later I’ve seen on the internet that some people who aren’t lucid dreamers to start with actively train themselves to acquire lucid dreams. I have no idea how you’d do that? Mine just come.

11 years ago

@Pecunium – “I don’t orgasm in dreams. I think it’s happened once in my life.”

Ditto. In fact the only time I’m quite sure I had a physical orgasm was in a dream I had when I was about 18. I don’t have erotic dreams, at least that I remember, and the dreams I have now are just weird.

@leftwingfox – confession, I laughed at your dream too. Moral of story: always keep your bedroom tidy, you never know what dream visitors you might get.

@LBT – I guess it’s different for me, being a singlet (I can not use that term without thinking of underwear) and not in the same plane and physical reality as Louis when I’m earthly-conscious. I’ve never tried lucid dreaming, it doesn’t seem appropriate when I’m trying to remember actual Spirit experiences, not to allow fantasy to play. I’m concerned anyway that a memory will get muddled up with something my mind’s just invented.

Speaking of memories and contact and TMI and stuff, good things lately!

We put up a gazebo in the back garden. Now we just have to put in extra chairs ‘cos Hadji has already decided that one of them’s his. If all the kitties join in we’re gonna end up with a dozen chairs in there.

I was able to hear Louis in a cafe yesterday. Given how difficult I find it to tune in even in a nice peaceful park, being able to have a conversation in a cafe with the usual background noise, and while I was knitting (which is so not an autopilot thing for me) was a big step.

And in the TMI department, he’s given sexy knitwear a whole new level of meaning. I was having a bit of an “mmm, knitwear” moment looking in the wardrobe over There (where it’s summer, so we’re not wearing it) and he came in to see what I was up to. Shortly thereafter his collection of sweaters was on the bed and so were we. 🙂

11 years ago

I lucid dream, nightmares and erotic and random epicness. And… sometimes all three. It’s weird.

11 years ago

theseventhguest | July 10, 2013 at 6:54 am
Something that helps me with orgasm (if I’m having trouble receiving pleasure sensations over my knees or hands hurting or something), is to start panting. Short quick breaths.

That makes sense, actually. Kind of related, I’m a very aural person and for that reason porn can really irritate me because in a lot of straight porn the guys seem to actively not make noise (I dunno, maybe they’re busy concentrating on not cumming) and I think just having realistic noises would improve a lot of porn.

LBT | July 10, 2013 at 3:00 pm
RE: SIttieKitty
Enh, I’m apparently one of the only men on earth who doesn’t much enjoy receiving blow jobs, so you’re in good company. (Shame, really, since hubby would love to give more.)

And since this has become the TMI thread, does anyone else have the weirdness of not being able to orgasm in dreams? Normally, this would not be an issue, except without testosterone, lucid dreaming is about the only time my brain and body can agree on shit.

Oh man, giving blowjobs rules, I would be sad too. 😛 Total hypocrite, but y’know…

I think it’s normal not to be able to orgasm in dreams but I so feel you. I can have the most amazing dreams, and you just never… quite… get there. Oh, the frustration.

SittieKitty | July 10, 2013 at 6:44 pm
I lucid dream, nightmares and erotic and random epicness. And… sometimes all three. It’s weird.

Hey, me too. For the longest time the only dreams I ever had were nightmares. TW: Mention of rape/description of my horrible dreams.

Almost every night, the only dreams I had, about rape and torture and being hunted down and killed. That started to change, and funnily enough I either had nightmares, erotic dreams, or nothing. Lucid dreaming with nightmares, or nightmares that turn into erotic dreams that are massively creepy is not fun. Now my dreams are mostly creepy rather than horrific, but I have dreamed about my partner torturing me (once), raping me (twice) and once he was hunting me down to kill me but first he was going to kill all our pets and basically it was an incredibly long dream of terror and hysteria. What features most prominently in those dreams are him looking at me coldly and enjoying my pain/fear in what he’s doing.

I also tend to have fantastical sci fi-ness in my dreams – like the one where my partner and I were travelling in this place where all the other “people” were robots that eat humans, and somehow we had our smell covered so they thought we were them, but then we had to eat these pies with human meat in it, and in the end we managed to get to a space ship to get away but they realised what we were and were shooting at us. That was the general gist, though it never makes quite that much sense.

This is why I think hallucinogens would be a terrible idea for me.

11 years ago

@hrovitnir – “Oh man, giving blowjobs rules, I would be sad too. 😛 Total hypocrite, but y’know… ”

If it was one or the other, I’d choose fellatio over cunnilingus. I like ’em both but I like pleasuring Himself just that bit better. 🙂

11 years ago

PS have a look at the Matt Forney thread, I put the link to your avatar-if-you-like-it there.

11 years ago

This is why I think hallucinogens would be a terrible idea for me.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I’ve only had two lucid dreams in my life. For the most part, I can’t tell dreams from reality while I’m in the dream, despite often having major sci-fi and fantasy elements baked in, or lots of wackiness happening. (Hey, wearing a frog costume and hopping on all fours is as fast as driving a car! This is TOTALLY BELIEVABLE!)

I also catch myself doing little Aspergers-ish things, like making subtle moves or vocalizations based on the scenes I’m dreaming in my head while I’m walking in public. Good signs that the walls between my fantasy world and reality should not be tampered with using psychotropic drugs.

P.S. No hard feelings about laughing at my neurotic erotica. I’m fully aware how silly it was. 🙂

11 years ago

Haha, I totally full on talk to myself in public: I don’t really care any more. If I really think about it, I think I’m a little bit lucid in most of my dreams – ie: I am completely immersed in what’s happening and it seems real, but part of me is kind of aware, separately? Not full on lucid dreaming but a sort of almost consciousness.

11 years ago

I tried the thing of wearing phone earbuds so I could talk aloud to Louis and not get stares, but I felt more selfconscious using them. Go figure! In the unlikely event anyone said anything, I could always say 1) mind yer beeswax or 2) how do you know all the people with earplugs in are actually talking to anyone quote real unquote?


11 years ago

Yeah, I think I’d be more self conscious if I was trying to pretend something too, by wearing earplugs or whatever. Makes you more aware of how you’re presenting, I guess.

11 years ago

Exactly! Plus talking aloud is sort of a drawback; even without the earplugs, it focuses on what I’m saying. That’s easy to do, it’s hearing Himself that’s the hard part!

11 years ago

I occasionally have dreams where I’m about to have sex, but my stupid brain keeps wandering off and I get frustrated because there’s a naked, willing woman around here somewhere and now I’m dreaming about wandering my college campus trying to get paperwork straightened out, or something.

I have developed the bad habit of arguing with people while I’m alone in the car. I need to get my radio fixed 🙁 Or at least make the radio stations play something I want to hear. I was SO disappointed when my local Jack FM station turned into OH SHE LEFT ME MY TRUCK DON’T WORK AND MY DOG DIED just before Thanksgiving a couple years ago, without notice.

11 years ago

I am always aware I am dreaming. I can sort of affect the trajectory. I can’t set the scene, or change the players.

As I get older more people I know show up in my dreams (used to happen very rarely). The dead ones, those are the best/worst: waking up from those is disorienting/melancholy.

11 years ago

I’ve never dreamed about someone I knew who’s dead. You’d think I’d dream about my grandmother, who passed away in 2009 just before Obama was sworn in, or any of my (numerous) dead pets, but I don’t.

11 years ago

Enh, it’s only in the past five years that we actually dream as OURSELVES. (Either usual multi, as our own self-image, or some mix of the two.) Before that, we were just random people. We still don’t dream about people we know much.

Being able to lucid dream in nightmares is handy, but of limited use. Usually we can just force ourselves to wake up. One time, though, we were getting chased by monsters and managed to conjure up weaponry to fight back. Now THAT was BADASS.

11 years ago

I can/do lucid dream occasionally. Surprisingly, the most clear ones occur when I’ve been drinking and go to bed semi-sober to way-more-than-tipsy. It can be quite disorienting, but seems a pretty natural continuation of that strange mindspace I end up when drunk anyway.

I remember being out to celebrate someone’s graduation from something, and then there was the requisite shots (It’s a cultural thing), and then later on I found myself walking down an ocean side plaza in what I know was Istanbul.

It was strange, because while bits of the scenery where obviously something I recalled from my trip there, it had all been reconfigured. And there were these glowing lights in the sky that weren’t quite stars or suns, and the water stretched on endlessly – and I knew it did, despite not being able to see it all. Time is subjective, but it was a good couple of hours/seconds/minutes staring at the bright night sky and the waves.

I can still see it when I close my eyes, which I don’t know what means, but feels pretty neat.

However, when I wrote “The most clear ones”, I also generally experience snippets of being aware that I’m dreaming before… I guess forgetting again. This makes waking up later on fun. I got to that stage by reading a small segment of The Four Hour Body, on Lucid Dreaming, Timothy Ferriss, and perusing random guides on the internet.

So mine is an example of practice to reach a point where I can walk around sober in a non-existent faux Istanbul while still waking up with a hangover.

Sidenote. It’s taken me this long to get back to my apartment. I scheduled my journey accidentally into a rather touchy meeting between rail service staff and their managers. You don’t need this information, but I though you should know.

11 years ago

I also lucid-dream, in which my mind transports me to various different places with various different people — some of whom I know, some of whom I don’t, and some of whom are people I know represented in dreamscape by people I don’t recognize.

The places undergo similar transformations: sometimes they look much like their real-life counterparts, other times they look totally different. Sometimes they look different in much the way Fibi describes, other times they’re a little stranger.
For example, last night my dream took me to “Alabama”, which was represented by a composite of industrial areas from Birmingham, Brooklyn, and Newark, and which interestingly featured the Los Angeles River. There was a Northern Californian-style beachfront as well, though I didn’t go swimming because the sky was overcast. The only way I knew we were in Alabama is that there was a large neon sign proclaiming “ALABAMA”, and Robert Downey Jr (portraying someone I knew, but under a different name) showed up to verbally confirm.

Experiences such as this are kind of how I understand kittehserf’s spiritual escapades, just that mine make less historical sense and probably feature more Robert Downey Jr. (Last night was the first time he’s made an appearance, but once is still more times than none.) This could be way off base, though.

Tl;dr — Dreams are a funny thing and I’ve always chalked mine up to brain damage and/or too many drugs.

11 years ago

I can lucid dream pretty easily. What’s funny is when you wake up for some reason and were quite enjoying the dream. In that case I can usually make it pick up where it left off if I want to.

11 years ago

Relating that comment back to penis size convo via personal anecdote (my specialty): penises kinda scare me for various reasons, though I had some consensual experiences with them before I decided to stop for my own mental health. I can echo the earlier sentiment that bigger is not necessarily better, especially if the big-dicked dude is lazy due to the fact that he has a big dick and therefore doesn’t know how to use it. Let’s just say there is a fair potential for injury there and a high likelihood of the receiving party having something less than a good time. Go figure, Red Pillers!!

Regarding cunnilingus concerns: I never fully enjoyed it when a dude was doing it, but am more comfortable with women. I always felt like men had more unrealistic expectations due to airbrushed pictures in lad mags and the sheer amount of dudes whose primary sexual education consisted solely of porn — whereas women mostly didn’t come with the same baggage, That’s probably changing now that there is more porn for women, and many lesbian personal ads now ask for specific labia configurations and pubic hair maintenance etc., so it might just be my experiences.

I’ve assumed my aversions were an orientation thing (like, “100% gay”), but I have recently found myself attracted to a Canadian-Frenchman I know who looks vaguely like a scrawnier RDJ with less rehab history. Although MRA types can’t conceive of not acting on one’s attractions, I can and have done so — but who knows what will happen in the future. He and I are both single now and it’s seeming like a more and more interesting idea.
All I know is, if I *were* to ever go for it: contrary to MRA nonlogic, it would depend not on the size of his dick, the “quality of his genes”, or the BADASS TOTES ALPHAness of his ouevre — but on him being a decent human being and also knowing what to do with whatever it is he’s got. We’ll see.

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