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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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11 years ago

t7g – Mr K’s my only lover, so it’s all new outside imagination for me, lol. I don’t know how many partners he’s had – well, his wife and Cinq-Mars on this side, and at least two across the veil, but I’d be surprised if there weren’t more in all that time. I was, I dunno, moderately surprised to enjoy cunnilingus very much, because masturbation really doesn’t do anything for me. Literally, I mean. I suspect it’s another case of who, not what. 🙂

11 years ago

Haha, a kitty in it would be awesome, but I’m not that good at photoshop. 😀 Who is it makes a big difference! The fact I enjoy it at all is down to the fact that I trust my other half as much as I trust anyone.

I’ve never had a guy not try it though, which is nice because IMO you should be down with it – unless you’re happy not receiving +/- find some other way to make sure any peeps that are more into clit stimulation get their jollies.

11 years ago

Want me to do a kitty face for your avatar? 🙂

11 years ago

Go ahead! 😀 😀

11 years ago

Cool, I’ll make a screencap and see what I can come up with! 🙂

D’you want the whole face and ears inside the circle, or to make the circle the head and have the ears between the two top arrows?

11 years ago

Kittehserf —
For the longest time, masturbation felt pretty good, but I didn’t ever seem to orgasm. That worked itself out, I had a two years of pleasantness, and then my hands crapped out on me. I told my doctor I wasn’t giving up cigarettes until I could masturbate without it hurting. Now I don’t get the “You should quit smoking, you know…” talk anymore. I win, I guess.

11 years ago

theseventhguest | July 9, 2013 at 11:50 pm
Kittehserf –
For the longest time, masturbation felt pretty good, but I didn’t ever seem to orgasm. That worked itself out, I had a two years of pleasantness, and then my hands crapped out on me. I told my doctor I wasn’t giving up cigarettes until I could masturbate without it hurting. Now I don’t get the “You should quit smoking, you know…” talk anymore. I win, I guess.

OMG, that is hilarious. Still smoking, still cramping, then?

Kittehserf | July 9, 2013 at 11:50 pm
Cool, I’ll make a screencap and see what I can come up with!

D’you want the whole face and ears inside the circle, or to make the circle the head and have the ears between the two top arrows?

I think make a circle its head, but whatever you think looks better. =^.^=

11 years ago

LOL that’s a new one to throw at a doctor!

Friend of mine uses cigarettes as a painkiller. Zie has MS but it’s more about really busted-up knees. One reason we could never, never share a house, if the option came up. Zie can’t not smoke and I can’t endure it at all.

Orgasm for me is much more a mental thing, whether it’s Mr K paying a visit on this side, or remembering what we did when we’re on the samep physical plane, ie. across the veil. Now those memories go due south from the brain! 😉

And on that note, I must scarper, I have to buy YARN!! before my hike home. Later!

11 years ago

Brains ftw. Have a good night!

11 years ago

It’s still mostly too painful unless it’s during sexytimes. I’ve done it less than 10 times in the last 8 years. ::sadface:: But, I’m up to two packs a day.

All this has led to the running joke that if I cheat by giving someone a hand job, it’s because zie is super special to me.

11 years ago

Hrovtir, I guess I’m lucky then? >.< And yea, I don't know, I think it feels weird and awkward more than enjoyable.

T7G, I have an electronic cigarette – easier, not against the law to do indoors, and doesn't smell. And you can get loads of different strengths/flavours, so I really enjoy it.

11 years ago

I think my habit is too frequent, because they end up making my throat feel burned. ‘Course, that could be because I got a cheap one.

Ally S
11 years ago

“So sex for me is funtimes, and love for me is snuggling, and the two do not connect.”

As a virgin, I currently feel that way about sex as well. I’m sure my feelings will change somewhat if I ever get into a sexual relationship with someone, though; I’m a clingy, soft person, so it just seems reasonable to assume that I’ll eventually see a stronger connection. Perhaps my view is clouded by some weird kind of bias, but that’s how I see things now.

11 years ago

SittieKitty | July 10, 2013 at 1:30 am
Hrovtir, I guess I’m lucky then? >.< And yea, I don't know, I think it feels weird and awkward more than enjoyable.

Huh. Damn! That’s interesting, because that’s basically how I feel about the orgasms I can have – I never could, but could feel very good just with my mind or with penetration only. I can now orgasm via clitoral stimulation but it kind of feels like I have to “force” it, and it’s not as nice overall as if I don’t orgasm. Annoying!

T7G, I have an electronic cigarette – easier, not against the law to do indoors, and doesn’t smell. And you can get loads of different strengths/flavours, so I really enjoy it.

I want those to become common so badly! I don’t really care about any drugs in and of themselves, but I do not appreciate becoming asthmatic from breathing other people’s smoke. I’d love to see the goverment buy them in in bulk, sell for minimal markup, and make smoking otherwise illegal outside private property. 😛

theseventhguest | July 10, 2013 at 12:05 am
It’s still mostly too painful unless it’s during sexytimes. I’ve done it less than 10 times in the last 8 years. ::sadface:: But, I’m up to two packs a day.

All this has led to the running joke that if I cheat by giving someone a hand job, it’s because zie is super special to me.

lol That is no fun! And two packs a day… ouch. On the wallet and your body. 🙁

11 years ago

Ally S | July 10, 2013 at 2:07 am
“So sex for me is funtimes, and love for me is snuggling, and the two do not connect.”

As a virgin, I currently feel that way about sex as well. I’m sure my feelings will change somewhat if I ever get into a sexual relationship with someone, though; I’m a clingy, soft person, so it just seems reasonable to assume that I’ll eventually see a stronger connection. Perhaps my view is clouded by some weird kind of bias, but that’s how I see things now.

Hmm, will be interesting to see if that changes. Despite how it my appear to anyone who’s not in a relationship with me, I’m rather like that too (soft and clingy). It’s hard to describe, because it’s not like I never feel romantic then end up having sex, they’re just separate feelings to me. *shrug*

11 years ago

@hrovitnir –

it kind of feels like I have to “force” it, and it’s not as nice overall as if I don’t orgasm

Which is an important point in itself: orgasm is not the be-all and end-all of sex, nor is it necessarily the greatest pleasure. Typical, innit – in trying to get away from the idea that women can’t/don’t/shouldn’t orgasm, we’ve ended up with another black-and-white, mechanical sort of notion that we should do X, Y and Z and have such-and-such feelings about them.

I do not appreciate becoming asthmatic from breathing other people’s smoke. I’d love to see the goverment buy them in in bulk, sell for minimal markup, and make smoking otherwise illegal outside private property


Fawkner Park now has no smoking signs painted on the paths and by the seats. It’ll take a while, but WIN!

11 years ago

Hrovitnir, you still about? I’ve done the kitty face for you!

11 years ago

T7G, could be that you have a) bad juice, b) juice that’s too strong, or c) a bad atomizer… A) would be solved by purchasing a new brand – if you’re in the US I’d recommend Halo Vapor, or MTVaporbaker to start with – Halo has some good “traditional tobacco” and menthol/mint flavours, MT does good fruity/desert. B) would be solved by toning down the nic value – generally people who smoke a lot can do 18mg, but I’d recommend everyone start with 12 and then raise/lower (I chain vape and have no problem with 18, and I went through a pack-ish a week). C) Would be equipment – I really like Innokin for cartomizer/clearomizer, they do a good job and have a tank which means less time wasted filling up (I’m lazy). You do need to wait 10-15 minutes after adding juice the first time for any cartomizer to avoid a burnt taste.

Hrovitnir, generally, people with vaginas/clitorises have different types of orgasms available to them. There’s at least 3 different types, with only one being the typical “male” orgasm that’s prevalent in pop culture. It wouldn’t surprise me if you find one of the others to be more pleasant for you, many find that to be the case. I know that penetration is a totally different orgasm from masturbation for me, so it depends on what type of mood I’m in whether I put in the effort to orgasm or not – I also have to “think” my way into them, but I guess I’m fortunate that I’ve never been truly anorgasmic. I can think my way into and out of them, which I also think I’m fortunate about.

11 years ago

SittieKitty, that’s intriguing, about being able to think into and out of orgasms. It’s also comforting, because in my situation it’s way too easy to think “Who’re you kidding, you’re just imagining/fantasising/it’s not a REALLY REAL sexual thing when it’s mostly in the brain!” (This despite the brain being the sex organ, of course. Cognitive dissonance, thy name is popular culture.)

11 years ago

Kittehserf | July 10, 2013 at 3:35 am
Hrovitnir, you still about? I’ve done the kitty face for you!

I am now! Not sure how to get it off you. You are awesome. 😀

Kittehserf | July 10, 2013 at 3:09 am
Which is an important point in itself: orgasm is not the be-all and end-all of sex, nor is it necessarily the greatest pleasure. Typical, innit – in trying to get away from the idea that women can’t/don’t/shouldn’t orgasm, we’ve ended up with another black-and-white, mechanical sort of notion that we should do X, Y and Z and have such-and-such feelings about them.

In the human evolution and sexuality class they were showing us graphs of how orgasms work: right from the period of getting aroused your heart rate/blood pressure increases, etc etc. Increases massively at orgasm. There graph for women showed multiple orgasms – and also multiple peaks at the “plateau”. I’m like me, me! 😛

SittieKitty | July 10, 2013 at 4:09 am
Hrovitnir, generally, people with vaginas/clitorises have different types of orgasms available to them. There’s at least 3 different types, with only one being the typical “male” orgasm that’s prevalent in pop culture. It wouldn’t surprise me if you find one of the others to be more pleasant for you, many find that to be the case. I know that penetration is a totally different orgasm from masturbation for me, so it depends on what type of mood I’m in whether I put in the effort to orgasm or not – I also have to “think” my way into them, but I guess I’m fortunate that I’ve never been truly anorgasmic. I can think my way into and out of them, which I also think I’m fortunate about.

Nice. I’ve always felt I would be able to orgasm using just my brain if I could relax a little more. Because fantasising can be incredible, and I’ve never enjoyed masturbating… my discomfort with my vulva probably is part of the issue though.

11 years ago

Something that helps me with orgasm (if I’m having trouble receiving pleasure sensations over my knees or hands hurting or something), is to start panting. Short quick breaths.

11 years ago

Yeah, fantasies are the most important thing for me. I know I’m relatively unusual in that I can think myself there if I want to, but that requires time and aloneness. Generally, some stimulation is necessary, but not always, and I’m pretty grateful I can think myself out of it when I want to, which means no “Oh, but you’re enjoying it!” bullshit. I feel like that’s the more important part, as I imagine it would be shitty as fuck to orgasm when you don’t want to…

11 years ago

I got the idea after beloved said that he takes deep breaths to delay orgasm. This should have been on my last comment. Sorry!

11 years ago

RE: SIttieKitty

Enh, I’m apparently one of the only men on earth who doesn’t much enjoy receiving blow jobs, so you’re in good company. (Shame, really, since hubby would love to give more.)

RE: Kittehserf

in my situation it’s way too easy to think “Who’re you kidding, you’re just imagining/fantasising/it’s not a REALLY REAL sexual thing when it’s mostly in the brain!” (This despite the brain being the sex organ, of course. Cognitive dissonance, thy name is popular culture.)

Hey, don’t knock it. I’m more than happy with my current arrangement. And when I’m not on testosterone, there’s almost always a disagreement between my brain and body over what’s happening. (Without hormones, my body just doesn’t seem to give a shit what’s happening until the last five minutes.) It’s… INTENSELY frustrating, and one of the reasons I’m really missing being off hormones.

And since this has become the TMI thread, does anyone else have the weirdness of not being able to orgasm in dreams? Normally, this would not be an issue, except without testosterone, lucid dreaming is about the only time my brain and body can agree on shit. So when I’m awake, I can orgasm but have to fight my body’s inertia most of the way, and when I’m lucid dreaming with hubby, I can get turned on very fast, very intensely… and never, ever finish. To make it worse, I wake up intensely sexually frustrated and STONE FUCKING COLD physically, because my body is CRUEL AND UNUSUAL.

I really, really miss being on hormones right now. It made things so easy.

11 years ago

I don’t orgasm in dreams. I think it’s happened once in my life.

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